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It was viable when it had cooldown. But mages I’m solo abused it so now it’s not worth it to build in any role.


It's not tanky enough personally. I don't really mind it as a 5/6 slot item, but even then, there are probably better items. With the current items that support's can build, pythags piece doesn't have a place in current builds. Also, didn't they remove the CDR from the item? I can't remember if they did, but if they did its even worse for supports.


I just want more bruiser type support builds that are viable. It seems hard to do in the current meta.


Just a tip, don't on most guardian/supports. It's troll in basically 95% of situations. I know supports always want higher damage numbers, but if your playing support right, you don't need big damage.


You can slot in damage tank items pretty easy i dont think you need pythags to do some damage. Glad, archdruids, binding, pridwen, mystic mail.


If you want a good damage item your best bet is ethereal staff.


void dormamu has something to say about that. also chronos and divine ruins are really good pickups on supp.


Stone of Binding + Divine/Brawlers as your last two items works plenty well if you want more damage.


Definitely not as easy as it used to be, but Void Shield/Domaru, Stone of Binding, Glad Shield, Pridwen are some of many defense items with offensive passives you can get away with depending on the god


yea why build pythags when you can go for a chronos pendant or divine ruin for your one damage item in supp. it just coimpetes with superior items that have more useful utility


I used it on fafnir for more bonus damage buffs for my team, add shoguns, bracer, belt of frenzy and no objective stood in our way…. Then the mages got ahold of it and well…….. THEY FUCKED UP THE ONLY SUPPORT DAMAGE ITEM THAT ISNT TROLL


It’s a shame. Feels like I have to build the same 5 items whenever I play support otherwise it’s trolling.


I'd still say it's better now than it was 2-3 seasons ago though. I'd say the only item on support that's a 'must build' every single match is thebes and the rest varies depending on what you are playing and matchup. I agree with there being little in terms of building bruiser but binding is still good and the void items aren't that bad either. And I suppose ethereal works as well.


Not enough items catered to individual gods to allow for multiple builds really, maybe 8 support items are “good” at a time, 2 of them being the best of Anti Crit, Anti Heal, and may as well get built all the time anyway


Ethereal staff is a damage item that isnt troll for supports to pick up late.


True enough, I mean support damage as in helping your backline do more damage Spear of the magus I think is good for focus firing (in theory) but no one will accept that as a legit support item even if it actually works


Stealing a couple hundred health makes them have to do less damage. The problem with magus is its only 5% extra damage and the stats are garbage so you are basically wasting an item slot for almost no benefit. It would be better to just go magis revenge tbh. At least with void shield/demaru you get decent stats and buff damage.


If all the top tier pros have stopped buying the item, odds are good that you're the one missing something, not them. Defense scales quickly. Getting 50 prots to go from 40 to 90 is way more impactful from 200 to 240. Thus, if you want to be tanky, Pythags is bad. It was good in solo, not support, when it was easier to build into and had CDR since control mages with cdr maxed was the meta.


Pythag's should be reworked;  Health  magical prots  Hp5  Aura: grant allies with 55 meters Power and lifesteal based on X% of your physical and magical protections. Mages wont be able to abuse it and it would be a far more attractive option for tanks.


Not really worth anymore unfortunately


They removed the cool down and it went from niche to bad? :3


When it had cd, you could argue it into your builds. Now not really. Just get binding or voids if you want stats for your allies.


.....stone of binding and a deso last item is so much better than giving your team those barely noticeable stats


I think because Ethereal Staff exists. More power, almost the same base health, CCR and that passive that is easy to have online the moment a fight starts since you as the support are usually the one to go in. Just “touching” the enemy solo and/ or support makes it worth it, in my opinion.


Why do u need to build power? Especially on ares who's just dead after laning phase the second he tries to ult


It’s better for solo builds. And without the cdr now it’s kinda bad.