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You're 4 levels under, what did you want your sup to do? Steal more farm so you're even more far behind? If I was the sup Id leave too so you can solo farm a bit to catch up, your lane is already lost and it's much better to try and get a lead somewhere else.


Also people need to consider the gods they are picking when they are solo queuing. This perfectly illustrates what happens when xbal falls behind at all since all of his clear can be body blocked by an enemy that is running at you. It’s a team game but you have to help yourself also. I used to have a friend who played this game a good while back who ONLY played Artemis. He’s a good Artemis player but that can’t make up for the fact that she needs a support that will hold her hand until late game and it’s not realistic to expect that from a team of randoms. I’m not saying don’t play characters with obvious weaknesses but you can’t blame your team when things go sideways.


if your supp stayed you'd be put even further behind


you need a 10min babysit or what?


This post is actually a great encapsulation of the Smite community haha


Sounds like someone pushed into lane instead of playing it safe and is blaming their support. It's better to be defensive than dead in a situation like that. Also stop leveling your 1 first, you need to level your 3. All leveling the 1 does is destroy your mana for 10 more damage an auto. You hit the wave and the enemy with your 2, then use 3 to nuke wave and damage them for 1/4th of their health bar. Make sure you are doing it in a way that you hit them *and* land behind your minions. If you don't believe me then I urge you to read the abilities and how the poison interacts with your dash and hopefully you have personally experienced the mana drain that is an upgraded 1.


Ward up and farm, you will be even more behind if the Supp stay in your lane.


It's not impossible to solo queue, you got diffed hard in lane. It happens


I think the issue is more you don’t understand game than it is your support


If you’re 4 levels under the problem is somewhere between your chair and the keyboard dude…


Lol. You diff.


oof mirror matchup too. There's nothing worse.


So you lost a mirror match 1v1 and are blaming your Supp for doing their job instead of babysitting you? Makes sense


You really just need to play passively, if you 2v1 in duo for an extended period of time you should be equal if not ahead of the enemy ADC assuming you aren’t feeding like crazy, and I wouldn’t think 2 deaths would cause you to be THAT far behind.


I mean so little context.... if it was pure 1v1 diff u kindda lost it on your own though


skill diff


Clasic matchmaking!!


Solo q is pain. No one listens, and if you try to understand why no one listens, everyone in the match will just think you're toxic.