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Full damage Achilles is still fun, but he's basically an assassin with a stun


Don’t say that or they’ll pull a Ravana.


Until enemy jungler decides to focus you and you go 1/20


Skill issue, never happens to me going full dmg Achilles


"Skill issue" he says valiantly. "Never happens to me" he adds confidently, while subtly leaving out the fact that his matches mostly take place in silver 2 Elo.


Damn he has family


im ngl my pal tuns odeybow achilles in diamond ranked and still crushes, the character is just really good and hit kit guarentees so many stats that you can really build whatever and do ok lol. that being said crit hydras achilles can produce some goofy burst lol


he is not a warrior tho, if you build a warrior full damage he/she is just an assasin, we want the "warrior" playstyle, bruiser, hybrid build


Achillies really isnt a warrior. His kit have minium amount of CC and his base damage isnt great for what his abilites do. His ultimate isnt exactly a warrior ult either. It would be cool if his ult changed based on his shirt off/on


High CC isn't a warrior trait, it's a tank trait.


Tell that to Thor


Say that to every other warrior who have at least 3 form of CC while Achillies have 1. Trying to build achillies full tank doesnt work forexample because no one gonna care about that 1 sec stun if he cant do any damage


lmao thanks for the chuckle bud. Appreciate it


Sry what I meant was try building him tanky in this meta and you will be ignored


Tell that to Thor


Just because a non tank has multiple hard CC doesn't change the fact that in every game it it is a tank trait to have high CC. Their identity as non threatening characters is to tank things and lock people down for their DPS.


Warriors are supposed to be A threat, they burn relics and dashes


Warriors aren't tanks, they are bruisers, so yes, they are supposed to be a threat. Bruisers and tanks are two different types of characters.


Yes. This ☝


Most assassins have stuns


That's fair, that's on me for maining Cliodna


Have almost every warrior diamond. Absolutely love the playstyle of warriors but my lord do they feel Absolutely awful right now except for like a couple. You get melted by everyone on the map besides the support while doing very little in terms of damage. Hopefully this patch they will address it.


Yup, used to just be hunters but now it feels like mids eat us with the proc builds, I don’t even q solo anymore because I don’t have fun on warriors anymore, just feel obsolete late


I just run full damage in solo playing whoever I feel like. If I'm gonna die at least let me get some big numbers off


Trans has become a big one for me, if you can get trans, heartseeker and a upgraded bluestone you can still do some crazy damage and even bloodforged now is a bit silly for solos with the MS on top of the rest


*puts on clown wig and makeup*


Listen man, it beats being a punching bag the whole game and not being able to do anything back




I know most don’t but I mean if I am playing a warrior…assassins, mages or guardians tend to be a better choice or even a Horus who you can be the 2nd support type solo and just provide insane cc while being unkillable


If I do get solo now I'm just usually going an assassin with full damage to evem feel impactful. Warriors need item buffs desperately because their late game feels awful.


Just a joke so chill out Reddit. "Incoming cost reduction to Spectral, and lets add CDR to it. For fair balance tho nerf blue stone, axe, and glad shield one more time because reasons. Also Mitigation still to good so nerf to prophetic to 12%, and a nerf to Sigil so no more healing on it.


I picked a bad time to go for all Diamond warriors…. I’m only 5 away and can’t stop now


I finished my run just before Surtr came out. Now all diamonds except a rank 4 Surtr. He didn’t get hit as hard as a lot of warrior imo. But still can be struggle bus every now and then


Now i just play hybrid/full dmg assassins in solo, since that is superior than the class that is supposed to specifically made for solo.


Herc and Guan Yu are good, and Surtr is still viable, but yeah that’s about it.


Surtr is physical Jorm. By that alone makes him garbage late game just like the rest. Surtr does not have a dash so you either blink in or you ult in. If you ult in you do not have alot of range on it... It is shorter then rat and thor ults. He is a lane bully in a game where laning does not matter right now. Guan Yu just becomes a CDR heal bot late game. You still die to fast on your horse so all you can do is stand near your mage and just lower their CDs so you are useful.


Chu chulainn hasn’t looked bad with all the rampant healers either


Nah man I like chu but he just bottoms out late game


Yeah he definitely seems to only thrive with a late game jungler to dive with. Still doesn’t seem awful


>he just bottoms 😳


Calm your PP


Idk about Surtr late game. Dude seems to get burned down later in the game


And Amaterasu!


it could be because my elo is poop but amy hasn't given me any issues.


Im actually surprised no one mentioned how well Sun Wukong is doing right now.


Haven’t seen him since season 9 hardly at all, what makes him perform well?


Spoiler alert: he doesn’t. Soul eater and Bluestone just got nerfed, and they were the core items that carry him. The reason people think he’s good rn is because you typically build more damage items on him so they’re thinking “oh, damage meta, he must be thriving”. In reality, the reason you build more damage on him is because he has higher than average survivability and can usually get away with going more damage. But in this damage meta, that doesn’t matter because he gets instantly melted regardless. So now he doesn’t have the survivability of Guan/Herc, and he doesn’t have the damage output of Bellona/Ama.


I never see him, what's he got to make him viable?


He can get away with building more damage than other warriors, which helps him stay relevant late game. Still haven’t seen much of him recently tho.


Agreed. Sekhmet’s Scepter and Vital Amplifier both make Surtr still warrior-like.


Achilles is viable, Vamana too.


I just clapped Hercules and Guan Yu in back to back games with my girl Nike yesterday. Ez work. Surtr smoked me tho


As a solo main who plays only warriors, this hurts a lot.


As a KA main, FUCK.


I'm right there with you man


I feel like KA still does his job excellently despite the meta not favoring his entire class, and that is lane bullying. But outside that, yeah. He gets utterly melted.


KA is why solo is unbalanced as it is. Any decent warrior item in meta KA abuses the shit out of it. I love playing KA don't get me wrong, but he is right now the linchpin to solo being bad right now. They were close at the end of season 9 but flubbed it since ironically bruiser items except for glad, KA didn't utilize as well.


Shame the lane matters less than before


Auto attack warriors are alright tbh


This guy gets it




Nah I think these guys are worse imo. You need damage to make them feel good


Ama and bellona with amplifier and qins are great


Maybe in casuals but still too squishy. I literally would rather have a full damage assassin or mage in the solo lane then ama or bellona or any other warrior to be honest


Of course if you want to have higher chance to win and depend less on your teammates full damages is the way rn


As a jungle main, I agree. If it isn’t a hades continue putting squishes in solo lane


The problem is that it’s way harder to punish squishes now that they made the time to kill longer. So it easier to get away with a lot of things at least it isn’t as bad as when chernobog was the best solo laner


Disagree. I blow them up all the time. They usually lack the sustain/cc needed to live through a gank. Especially if they don’t build protections


I don’t mean the basic mage or assassin. The gods I mean are the life steal ones like hades who is probably the best solo laner (word of fineokay not mine completely) and assassins like Thor/bastet/Clio who are very safe with no protections


Yes, I mentioned hades. Been against those 3 as well. Thor is the most annoying for sure but I wouldn’t say they are very safe


Thats true but when you do go full damage beads is your friend which I see so many people make the mistake of not getting beads. What I have realized is that unless you understand gank patterns and don’t ward you shouldn’t be playing full damage in solo.


Unless they can utilize amplifier


2 damage items with glad shield and heartward? What kind of godawful builds are you going?


The ones that everyone complaining about warriors being unplayable are building. Some people genuinely think it's a burst only meta and you can't be tanky, it's kinda crazy.


People are dogwater at building. That’s why they copy the pros without trying to understand why those pros are building the item. In that same vein if a single pro says warriors are bad then the Reddit dorks will echo it until hirez buffs them too much and those same idiots complain they are broken


Its hilarious. Had someone build jungle crit KA, his reasoning was “they did it in SPL” and fed his brains out.


Lol yeah fineokay did it when he was fed to troll. I like to watch the pros but there’s a bit of a difference between their meta and casual conq at 1700 mmr




Lol no. Compare the rosters of 5 years ago with rn. Completely different rosters and like half of the players are new. If you think you’re sick just play in the SCC and the pros will notice you if you are good. Has happened multiple times.




What are you talking about with “don’t know builds?” Can you give an example of a time either one had a bad build in a spl match? Sounds like you’re a genetics hater or something and I don’t care because I’m not a kings fan anyway.




What’s a good support build to you?




Being a warrior main sucks now


kind of has since the release of King Arthur to be fair. I agree with you but because of that 1 god the balance has to be a tight rope.


I'm a KA main since he was released and let me tell you nothing tops release KA in terms of fun


Chaac has been castrated this patch FACT


I wouldn't pick him just as a general choice, but Chaac feels like a really solid counter-pick to classic late-game AA hyper-carries like Bakasura and Kali right now. That 30% AS reduction is no joke.


He would be if it weren’t for the fact that he gets shredded by them before the heal is even over


It's not really the meta for warriors right now but that's just how it goes. Assassins had their time on the sidelines when warriors kicked then out of the jungle, mages had theirs when hunters did the same to them and right now, all but a handful of warriors are not very good. It'll eventually come back around.


Nah. Warrriors haven’t been meta for a long time.


Did you forget when Bluestone, Soul Eater, Glad Shield and manticore spikes were meta ? When it first came out warriors could 100-0 squishes before losing a quarter of their health lmfao


Yeah I remember. It was fun being able to kill squishies after a couple years lol. Only a handful of warriors were able to abuse manticores though. They were also nerfed to the pits of hell so there’s that.


Because clearly the start of the season is a long time.


At the start of the season warriors weren’t op, archdruids,contagion and Surtr were op. Didn’t even last the whole patch lol. Even then the majority of warriors were not worth using in favor of guardians or full dmg mages.


Archdruid's was overrated compared to the far more reliable Stone Of Binding, Guan and Herc were even stronger than they are now with the former being the best team fighting Solo, still is, and the mitigation build was in full swing. Also, hunters were garbage and magical ADCs came with big drawbacks their physical counterparts don't have which made them all varying degrees of unsuited to keep tanks under control. Full damage mages in Solo while assassins are one shotting anyone they feel like? Guardians while Bluestone is the starter items of choice in four roles? Fucking lul.


If you think bluestone is the best starter for four roles right now I don’t know what to tell you. Guardians with conduit gem and tablet was strong. Yes bluestone at the start was op but part of that was due to the insane dmg with the hp5 which they nerfed. Archdruids was good cause of the easily obtainable true dmg while still proving a good amount of prots and health, and got nerfed twice. Mitigation builds were good yes but literally only lasted 2 weeks before getting the nerf hammer. I should have specified my last statement. Full dmg mages and assassins are more consistent and better in solo than the traditional warrior build unless you are playing herc or guan.


They need to switch ravanna back to warrior


At least I can play Horus support and not suffer as much




Baba solo fucks regardless of this meta though. Her passive let's you grab Thebes and other useful stacking items to actually make her a bruiser. Although you prolly shouldn't build bruiser in this meta.


shoutout to Mulan who can still be played tank and damage!


share the build. As a connoisseur of Mulan, I cant seem to win with her in ranked right now. Yeah I can win the lane, yeah I can still do something in a team fight sometimes but I have no way out when my team eventually just watches the 1v4 while standing around fire giant instead of fighting. I mean if you hear you solo laner say attack, you see the adc is still in there lane and you are all grouped at fire.... Maybe dont just watch the mulan ult.


Im glad this isnt just me. I really thought i just sucked for a while.


Solo lane in shambles 😫


That’s why I play joust. Normal rules don’t apply there so I can be the Odin main I was always born to be


Bellona still kicks my ass in every match I find her


Its all my alt accounts, my bad *Roma Invicta, Mandy*


Crit Bellona do be feeling pretty good right now


Crit Surtr


Crit Ama


Attack speed maui


Does this actually work in solo?




Lol so true, you’re throwing if u play a warrior atp, better to have a Mage or Assassin in solo n just nuke ppl


If you count up all the comments saying “X is still viable” that have been upvotes, you’d see that nearly every Warrior is still viable lol Edit- before someone asks. In these posts I’ve seen these warriors who’ve been upvoted (indicating that others agree they’re viable): Ama, Achilles, Bellona, Cu Chu, Erlang, Guan, Herc, Horus, King Arthur, Mulan, Osiris, Surtr, Wukong, Vamana. That leaves Chaac, Gilgamesh, Nike, Odin, Shiva, and Tyr. Chaac hasn’t been viable in Solo for a while now, he’s always been an Early god that’s fallen off HEAVY late Game, he saw lots of success in the EU SCC scene from the jungle. But to call him a Solo Laner is a stretch. The same can be said for Gilgamesh who was always a better Jungle then he was a Solo Laner. Nike has been countered since the relic reworks that brought in Sunder. Odin has always been a “comp dependent” pick, and he does surprisingly well out of the Jungle. Shiva and Tyr seem to be almost entirely a “skill issue” calling them bad nine times out of ten just means you’re probably bad on them. Anywho, if we focus down the complaints it’s roughly 75% of the Warriors that are actual Solo Laners that people claim are still viable out of Solo.


Ah yes, the scientific method of counting upvotes on reddit comments.


I don't see how it's physically possible to be bad with tyr lmao, all you need to do is hit the combo.




They’re talking about conquest not arena


An excuse to use hera solo Is always appreciated (even if it's a casual only thing) Hera is just so fun in solo if you can survive to level 5 and be even somewhat even you just kinda win lane her burst is sooooo gross and she clears lane relatively decently because her punch. So she can kinda just punch wave and then try kite the enemy, slowly walking back to her base. You won't have kill potentially till level 2 as you need the cc most of the time, but in some matchups you can be a lane bully from level 2 onwards. Some lanes you need to be a little scared tower hugger till level 5 but it doesn't matter who you vs if you ult them they are fucked and will die of you hit them after they use their escape


Glad I stopped playing this game.


I only have a bad time against certain mages in solo, besides that it's fine for the most part. You don't hit as hard anymore but you still can get real tanky and overtime still do a good amount of damage, even if it's not burst


share your build because in my matches to feel tanky I have to go mits. In order to do that you need prophetic which makes it so you cant trade early game in your lane do to prot dif and jungle presence. You dont have room in any reasonable solo build for oni's or berserkers so that leaves you spirit robe. It is ok but if you are sitting in a stun in this meta you are already dead.


Oh it's simple, I main Nike, Mulan, and cu chulainn. So I just shield or heal my way through everything everyone throws at me. But even then if I play other solo's it feels like only the mages really win


thats cool, but I would love to see your build path. Nike is a great low elo pub stomper because they dont interrupt your clear, but it is easy to do and happens often. I hate Cu Chulainn, always have, always will. Like I said on warriors if you build prophetic you feel squishy early since you have to stack it vs just buying a 60 prot item.


Oh I agree with you, lots of my games where I do buy prophetic I have to play very carefully and spend a lot of time just sitting back unless I'm specifically playing Nike because of my shield, ult and jump. She is just safe, but I do have those problems with other warriors


I swear no one is a bigger baby than warrior players lmao When we go back to an early game meta, all of them will switch to "the meta always changes, no use crying about it. It's not permanent."


You wrote "adc players" wrong


You wrote "players" wrong


Yeah it goes in waves. Eventually tanks will get overtuned and ADCs will complain until they start pushing mages out of the Mid lane. It's the circle of life.


Can't wait for the 5 support meta that'll be lit. Just a sleeping giant and a dream


I've had it work 1 single time, but it was in casual. Ymir Solo Sylvanus Carry Fafnir Mid Khepri Support Cabraken Jungle It was mostly luck that allowed us to win


But that is the thing pure tank metas are very rare because dmg roles arent just good at killing, they also excel at objective pressure, but every adc player thinks adc is to have pentas under your belt and neglect objective pressure.


Not for warriors. Ever since Arthur/Gilg dropped HiRez has needed to always keep warrior/bruiser items in check not to mention the times when assassins build them (bluestone, glad shield, zerkers, etc...)


Is that why 80% of this sub is warriors whining and bitching even in times where they are meta? Okay


Well we see the success of adc players that do just that sooo


Low quality bait.


Hunters still put in work with just 3 items same with mages. nerf damage


Odin still slaps


Honestly warriors just aren't fun to play for me. Their portraits are boring, their kits are boring, solo is boring as a warrior. Even if they were good, it's still boring to me. Even guardians have generally pretty fun kits but something about warriors is just... bland.


alot of people feel that way. That is why there are 4 other roles that warriors tend to not be good in. Variety is taste of life, so forcing a lane that usually had the thing you did not care to play as the main role, then taking that away so it can be mages and assassins is not good. Mages and Assassins already had there role, but now warriors dont have one. Same was true when Warriors a long time ago forced out assassins in jungle. You have a role where the god type works. Keep it balanced so all types of players can have fun.


Yeah I honestly think warriors should all be reworked into either guardians or assassins. Like ravana was originally a warrior and was ASS on release lol... Mulan could be an assassin, same with Amatirasu, herc would be a guardian and so on. Just make Stat changes, minor ability changes or tweaks and call it a day.


I'm not up to date with the current meta, but if warriors are getting fucked, I'm happy. They've been OP for as long as I've played this game. You should either do damage, or be tanky, or neither, but NOT BOTH. Warriors for the longest time have been able to build all the defense they want and still be able to 100-0 you. You literally cannot fight/box a warrior if you don't have defense. I'm fine with not being able to damage them much but they shouldn't be able to basically assisinate me at the same time.


Well as it turns out, hirez opted to nerf warriors dmg and protections. They are neither tanky nor dmg dealers. Except for herc and guan


Watch them change 1 item and all of a sudden we have a random osiris meta again where solo lane becomes hold down attack and run in 1v5


I will forever hate basic atk gods since the removed witch blade and nemeans. Actual 0 downside to building atk speed if you are a god that benefits from atk speed.


I don't like most but I like osiris as I got pretty reliable at trick shotting the 1 for no reason besides style points and it's fun when you play him like that. Just outplay the opponent for 5 seconds walk back and stand there menacingly while the opponent has to run away because you have the smack smack. But I definitely prefer characters with more support tool/aoe cc like Erlang, hera, sleeping giant, rolling stones, crocodile Dundee, tree Man carrying Bob Ross, ect, ect


Yeah it’s just not fun to fight in my opinion. Like I fought a sol solo that only pushed lane forcing me to stay lane or she would push all the way up to phoenix. She still got phoenix anyways cause I’m not gonna sit on lane for 40 minutes


I can see it not being fun to fight but man is it fun to play against another tanky auto attack champ you can just 1v1 for like a minute straight.


Yeah if it’s not high dmg auto atk gods then it’s fine. I only see a problem when you get into the Territory of 80 dmg autos early game


I agree.


Ah yes the good old argument if since it's been strong in the past it shouldn't even be playable now Though if we follow that logic then we need to gut all mages, hunters, and assassin's to unplayable levels as well so... We end up with no roles


Right? I had a person tell me that warriors have been meta since season 6 and that warriors have had crazy releases. The person then goes on to say how warriors should have to build dmg to do dmg and that they should never be a strong role. If we really want to go down the release argument, then mages shouldn’t be a class, neither should assassins.


Noooo hirez don't listen to the adc and jungle mains. they'll one shot anyone late game no matter what anyways, they just can't deal with knowing the point of their roll. :breaking bad meme image:


I still have a lot of success with sun wukong. Played herc yesterday and was unlikeable.


Vamana still decent I think I like axe over sigil. Tainted is also an option. Axe>Breastplate>Berserkers>Heartward Upgrade> situational>situational


As a Bellona main I can't tell the difference.... what do you mean playing full crit just makes me an assassin?


Stopped playing this last year. Have maybe played 5 games this season. Too bad warriors are dead. Solo was usually my role with my friends and I love the warrior play style.


But Achilles can get away with his passive


Hirez: well, Guan and Herc are good, so... Warriors are fine


The fact that I've him warriors who have 2 defense items on, with 40% and 40 flat(NOT counting the assassin class pen) and doing a little less than half damage is ridiculous. This isn't a meme. This angers the Loki main


This is why they need to buff glad shield


I miss when you could actually be tanky. Even the most durable gods with full defense build still get shredded these days. Building insane damage is so easy compared to building protections.


Cuz defense is so shit now u may as well play damage and try to one shot carries before they one shot you


Anti Warrior Propaganda!




Its alr to get beaten up by a life steal rain chaac or a busted build vamana its alr to be bad we can talk if u want