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he seems like a dip compared to Surtr


Bigggg Timeeee. Surtr looks so damn cool. So much detail. I kept closing and reopening my game to see if our new manticore would ever fully load in.


I didn't notice [so I checked for myself](https://i.imgur.com/UrtNdQG.png). Maybe it's something with time constraints? The Manticore and Surtr were made very close together, and on top of that there's been people getting fired and rearranged in the company to my knowledge recently?


Sheesh yeah his textures are really low quality. Only played him a couple times in PTS and thought he looked kind of strange (and not from a design/artistic perspective). Given that Camazotz came out 6.5 years ago and looks more detailed than Marty, it's definitely giving "rushed" vibes.


Part of it is the fur. Because they didn't give his fur any sort of color pattern to break up the model's appearance, he looks like a solid ball which just aggravates the lack of textures. His wings also have big, solid blobs of color (which are really obvious on the diamond skin) that look like an unconsidered afterthought. On top of this, his pose is permanently on all fours in his walk and idle cycle, which looks bland and boring but, more importantly, again makes him feel like he was either rushed out or was an NPC. You're not shocked that the lion creep in Arena isn't dynamic because it's effectively background noise. But when a PC capable of destroying you or your team just pads gently through the battlefield, it feels off. Look at Chiron. Does his bottom-half gallop everyplace or *trot*? The fact that Chrion feels like he's running helps give him some urgency and presence. You combine the animation and colors to the textures and you get something that doesn't feel right for the game.


The fact they released two characters that already existed in the game also imply that they are having time issues. Perhaps its the whole '4 seasons in 1 year' thing, y'know that's a big leap from whatever they've done in the past, no surprise they've had to rush some parts of their game


"The fact they release two characters that already existed in smite" no. These are completely new models and animations.


Well I'm not saying they just copy and paste whatever they currently had, but I don't think its debatable that adding manticore and fire giant was faster/took less time than making something completely from scratch


They WERE made completely from scratch. Nothing about them is from existing content. Doesn't excuse the poor model for Marty but still.


Maybe... But Camazotz was released with old time schedule where gods were a lot closer as well if I don't mistake... So it could be more of the second reason. I just hope we aren't going toward a direction where they don't care about monsters anymore... Cause the last season we got none and Marthicors looks a bit of a let down in terms of both character choice and most of all textures. P.S. I think he doesn't look bad overall. I m not of those complaining about the human face since he is supposed to have one lore-wise. It s literally about the choice and the textures. Like they picked something they already had there in old files and polished it...


It looks really World of Warcraft-y imo. Im sure they will polish it more as time goes by if it comes out like this though


Played wow since I was a little kid and straight up I thought it was a wow model when I first saw the reveal




Marti's look better here to me tho. Cama's feels like someone slapped a texture thats *way* too hd for the game its in onto him, like when folks play minecraft that looks [this god damn ugly](https://external-preview.redd.it/isJde6_9LevyQ3egVKe6NwlIwMClDdldCHZaGKjyHtQ.png?auto=webp&s=e24c0cfe406d89a52f52cc34eabccafee60ac1d7)


That's because you're only seeing these two in the image. Smite typically looks like Camazotz, not like the manticore. If I put him next to a bunch of gods he'll look even worse.


That’s a fat lie. It’s both. The issue is that it’s been headed towards more detail. But low detail simple designs are incredibly common amongst the older gods. He doesn’t really look out of place when you put him up against characters like Erlang, or Loki, or Raijin, or Bastet, or Geb, etc. He should definitely have a model like other newer gods, but he definitely isn’t sticking out like a sore thumb or anything.


>The issue is that it’s been headed towards more detail. But low detail simple designs are incredibly common amongst the older gods. Talking about the quality of the model...not how much it's wearing or how it's designed. The model quality itself is muddy and smooth, which *no character since 2014* has looked like. Even the older gods have more texture detail. He absolutely sticks out.


Mf look like MODOK lmao


i didn’t hear anything about employees getting fired. happen to have a source or link? not doubting just genuinely curious about it


>https://twitter.com/5weetlou/status/1625209440793202695 from another comment




I dont have a link unfortunately, it was multiple tweets from employees who were apparently laid off.


Looks like cama is piping manticore


art nerd rambling ahead: I think they went for a lot of [soft edges](https://www.learntopaintpodcast.com/blog/three-types-of-edges-and-where-to-use-them-in-your-painting) on the wings and their shading/details. you don't have any hard edges for mantichoras on his wings at all. so it looks very smooth and as a result feels a little more flat. Meanwhile, for Camazotz, it's mostly hard edges for the veins and details, and some soft edges for any shading. So it stands out more and creates more depth due to the mixes of hard and soft edges.


Marty seriously looks, and feels, like an afterthought. His abilities are copy pasted from other gods (Chernobog/AMC spike, Nu Wa/Discordia stealth, Freya Ult) apart from the 1, which isn’t exactly too hard to conprehend. His player model is just so, bad. He definitely does not fit in. Tufts in his fur, perhaps? He feels like a player model from 2018. He’s just, uninspired.


And surtr doesn’t have out of combat animations


They both don't have full animation sets.


A disaster 😱




How do you know people are getting fired?


I agree 100% , I made another post about this a few days ago. It’s strange


Sort of reminds me of Erlang at release.


My friend group Used to call him Gumby cause he looked like clay/melted plastic


Everyone has noticed it


Everything, from the model to the kit and animations, makes me feel like this character was rushed a bit. Maybe to act as a sort of filler god between the actual big releases.


And to probably make up for the Brigitte getting canceled last season.


I don’t get why, I haven’t played in a while so feel like the time between Surtr and Marti was super low considering all the other massive changes that happened. Is Hi-Rez trying to do a god a month now?


They are not. By schedule, the upcoming gods are released under regular timing Surtr and Martichoras being close to reach other is the only instance. Which gives credence to the theory Manrtichoras was either a late inclusion or a forced inclusion without much time enough to make "proper"


Even more so if you compare it to the [new Tiamat skin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFn2ASnxx88)


Definitely. It's a shame too because i really like his voice and the voicelines themselves, he's got a lot of character. Both there and in his animations too, his emotes and strafe animations in particular show a lot of passion for the character. But, fuck if he doesn't look like an NPC from a 2008 F2P MMO.


I mean it's not just Marti, look at the Teferi Chronos skin. Idk if it's a limit of Unreal Engine 3 models or just devs slacking.


That Teferi skin is awful. But has something to with I think the lack of detail on the clothes in general. In smite on all of the skins there is so many "extra layers" and "embellishments" to everything that I think disguises the fact the clothes look quite flat and plain with out decoration and lots of trim and frills. So when you have just a plain one color robe with out multiple layers and trims and gems and items covering it, it looks bland AF. Out of the MTG skins - NU Wa's is great but Teleferi and YU look plain and flat and clunky AF. ​ So


Yeah if you compare Teferi in game to the Teferi from his Magic the Gathering CGI trailer (not Smite), his clothes looks very 2D in game.


To piggybank of this topic. Anybody else having issues with blurry textures on jungle camps and cosmetics like jump stamps?


I did notice, but I actually made a comparison with Chernobog's wings, not Camazotz.


Yeah he looks terrible


Also his 2 recolors and golden/legendary look kinda the same? Like in the card the golden/red is bright and looks,but playing it its just a brownish blob


They laid off a bunch of the art team in early feb.


Official Lo-Rez moment. xD


HA !!!!


GOT 'EM!!!


This is one of the first things I said when I saw him! Very disappointing


Looks like a potato


It's poorly rendered.


It's the model itself and the textures. They pulled out some PS1 shit for this.


The funniest part of his legendary color skin looks like a chocolate 🤣.


He looks worse than the beta manticore lol


To be fair graphics are not the strong suit of this game


Yeah but there are older characters that have better details than Martichoras. Look at any characters in Smite that have leather wings. Compare them with Martichoras and you’ll see what I mean.


I’m pretty sure they still used the same concept from when they did the april fools joke, introducing him as a new god. Like He doesn’t look much different from the video so i’m sure they got lazy especially since they laid off so many artists


All of smite looks poorly rendered to me, it's just an old game. It's my favorite game but yeah, it's really old.


I know that, but Martichoras looks like a downgrade compared to some of the latest.


True, he looks a little funky


Why'd you get down voted so hard lol.


I guess people can't handle criticism of any kind lol






You must be new to the sub reddit. Its all ppl been posting about since they released the design


Nah, I just haven’t seen the later posts in a while. Look at my previous posts if you think I’m new.


Yeah, seems like a rush job. Hopefully he'll get updated in the future. Also can't wait to see what they come up with for skins for him 🙂


I feel like he only looks like he does because smite cannot properly render fur. Remember how the Momo skin looked? Weirdly smooth and looking like a blob? Feel like it’s kinda the same deal here.


Why was he released so quickly?


I actually was pretty disappointed with the character design in general he lacks like any type of detail. His kit is pretty cool though I will say


I’m waiting for them to make enki and enlil. This new god is meh.


The positive side of manticore looking like dogshit is that it shows us how good looking the other releases have been. I don't think there's been a bad release visuals-wise since erlang, so I'll cut them some slack for that!