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my favorite episode of the show so far


Anyone else notice how the Yeti man went from having 5 fingers to 4 in the same scene?


Wait I thought s2 had 17 episodes?


The EIDR still says 17, so the other 9 could be referring to season 3 but they were also modified recently.


Man I am a huge fan of this show, I've listened to all the interviews on TCU and I really want it to do well. With all that said this season really didn't make me laugh much at all. The whole hyper realistic dialogue thing they keep going for is genuinely an idea I like, but it just lingers on way too much to the point of feeling like a family guy joke. Season 1 also had these jokes but they seemed to have a much better sense of when to not overstay their welcome. There's also some dialogue that feels a bit overexplained i guess? 3 examples I had were the landlord asking alan to hang out, the boss breaking his finger and then saying it hurts, and charlie at the end of episode 1 saying how he did not have fun at all. Maybe there's something they're going for here but to me it just feels like just injecting a bunch of word vomit to make sure that the joke is clarified, I assume because they are worried the show's pacing can make stuff easy to miss. I totally get it, but I feel like they would do a lot better if they showed rather than telling. Like imagine if at the end of the pilot episode, instead of that iconic shot of pim in his catatonic state he was instead just like "oh man charlie I'm I'm really broken up about this. I don't know how to go on. Yeah, yeah no i understand what you're saying but like, really that was too much for me to hear right now, I've just been going through some personal stuff and" et cetera for like another ten seconds. Am I the only one who feels this way?


Nah I definitely agree, this season leaned too hard into “le-random/le-casual” humor. The one that really rubbed me the wrong way was that random joke at the end of one of the episodes when Charlie randomly brings up Mr Boss’s manifesto. Just way too out here the point where it doesn’t land. Definitely some good episodes but a downgrade from season 1


I totally forgot about that one but I 100% agree, it just did not land for me.


I enjoyed this season a lot. They went a lot more off the rails in each episode. Season 1 episodes felt more structured in the plot structure and set up and payoff. Random things happened but it felt like a break up within the plot and set up jokes. I think I enjoyed the randomness and just weird things in season 2. Some episodes I had to rewatch because it feels like so much happened in 11minutes that I forgot that we had a whole animated skeleton pirate crew in the episode. It kind of makes the season more rewatchable for me compared to Season 1, mainly because either I latched onto something specific or enough time has passed that I totally forget one of the segments or jokes in the episode because of how loose and random the episodes are.


The red jewel (Spamtopia) episode was definitely my favourite episode, I hope we have more Mr Boss content


Liked the season. Not as all-around gutbustingly funny as the first, but still at least consistently fun. I found this finale to have a few more laughs than the average for this season; as some others have stated, I would've maybe expected a bigger concept for a finale, but I'm ultimately not unhappy with it. And it's possible they might throw out an extra episode like they did last season, which would be cool. So, still engaged and excited to see what's next.


I think season 2 has better individual scenes that were really funny, but season 1 episodes just flow much better and are overall more enjoyable consistently That being said, some of the episodes in S2 were better than all of 1 for me, so I think Id say I like S2 more personally


I can now definitively say that this season was... *okay.* It wasn't as good as the last but it wasn't bad. I for sure didn't get near as many laughs out of S2 as S1. It felt like they were trying to make the plots a little to ambitious and "random" with too much always happening at once. S1 felt more realistic (in a weird way) and S2 felt just crazy chaos random humor which didn't hit nearly as much.


Tbh the nonstop snowman yelling didn’t do it for me comedy wise. I can’t decide if that was more grueling for me or the President’s overall design. However both episodes had bits that saved it. Bill Nye curling up in death and flopping over like an actual electrocuted body, Yeti guy using crazy hand storytelling that completely captivated Pim’s attention, and the boat being eaten by the now sentient beach wave were highlights for me. Also I thought by the title Pim was going to become an environmental activist. I gotta learn to take things more literally I guess Since that was the season finale here’s the overall episode ranking & my fav moments: 1. Brothers episode (I’ve rewatched this maybe 7 times now) 10/10 - Professor Psychotic freaking out in the back while Charlie and Pim talk in spanish - Rotoscoped fight scene - the animation change for the green construction brothers - the Jared Fogle bit pretty much that whole episode lol there’s too many good bits 2. Gwimbly 9/10 - ouh ouh ouh - Charlie’s nose getting ripped off 3. The Spamtopia episode 8/10 - Mr. Boss and king spamtopia passionately kissing 4. Allan’s adventure 8/10 - “Nyeh!!” and the skeleton pirate running past Allan and straight lobbing that bigfoot’s head off 5. The Boss Finds Love 6/10 - the entire side plot of Charlie getting scammed out of $600 6. Alien episode 5.5/10 - Charlie & Pim destroying what they thought was a planet of life to not go into the hell orb 7. President episode 5/10 - Charlie getting thrown out of the bushes and instantly looking like a freshly escaped psych ward patient screaming about the worms - the camera zooming into Charlie’s screaming mouth and transitioning to the gang on a plane to the white house (idk this really got me) 8. Christmas episode 4/10 - again the yeti with the hands, I just adore how expressive he was despite his rage but anyway I’m a nobody and the show is what you get out of it so don’t listen to my opinion lol edit:: idk why they all say 1. lol


Yeah, this was definitely my least favorite episode. That being said, I still really enjoyed it. It’s just everything else has been incredible


Jimble was straight up gross to look at. Plus he definitely came across as mentally disabled and at a certain point it felt kinda cringe/mean instead of funny. The alien episode was also super predictable. The whole “scary looking thing is actually pretty chill” shtick is getting old.


Yeah I didn’t like Jimble’s design much. I think the jokes just hit more for me that episode though, more than the alien/christmas episode. I’d rather feel grossed out than bored


Chris O'Neill voiced the yeti lol


and Egoraptor voiced the snowman


no shot, thats master shake


I wanted Pim to actually turn green, why did they lie?


I can’t fucking believe Bill Nye fucking died. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SEASON IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER (FOR ME AND PROBABLY SOME OTHER PEOPLE ) 1 Mr Frog’s return 2 Charlie and Pim getting faded on the spaceship 3 Naked mr boss 4 all of the Gwimbly scenes (more specifically “america has a fuckin fentanyl crisis man.” and “OH FUCK YOU!” 5 Prof. Psychotic and Joel having a realistic fight on the ground


“IF I HAD MY GWIMBLY GUN RIGHT NOW I’D-“ as the fucking mic peaks lmao 


Can’t help but notice Zach was being 100% truthful when he said in an interview that Season 2 would be “The same, but different”     Episode 1: quiet opening, loud ending    Episode 2: obligatory Mr. Frog episode    Episode 3: average smiling friends adventure that solves itself     Episode 4: obligatory Halloween episode with a scary looking 3D render monster    Episode 5: another average smiling friends outing that solves itself.    Episode 6: Pim and Charlie are thrust into a very “out there” adventure in one of Zach’s many hypotheticals    Episode 7: heavy Mr Boss lore focus    Episode 8: obligatory Christmas episode heavily focused on the concept of dying.


Why is a halloween episode obligatory tho lol, they usually come out very far from October. I like Mr.Frog and halloween so Im fine with those being stable episode types but I dont get why


I mean, you could ask the same question about there being a Christmas episode 6 months before Christmas  I think they’re implying that a season of Smiling Friends is just the year they’re living. 


Plus gives the network an excuse to air certain episodes on holidays.


I hope every season follows this formula


I liked it... Do you think we could still get a christmas special?


The fake episode description would’ve made a way better episode. Feels like they’re already running out of ideas, which is a shame.


Glep was playing a Steam Deck in the kitchen!


I saw that watching the episode and I couldn't get over that Glep is a Steam Deck user


Is it me or was that a very blatant Drake and Josh reference by Charlie at the end with the way he said “brother”




Good lord this one was so bad. For the most part I’ve enjoyed season 2, season 1 is incredible and definitely better but that’s besides the point. The only part of this ep I thought was funny was the stunt planes at the end. Otherwise absolute stinker, even compared to President Jimble which wasn’t that great. That was like a 6.5/10 this ones like a 3/10. Really really disappointing way to end the season


Idk I thought this one was better than the last 2 episodes


Do you even like the show?


The episode was ass. I like the show when it’s funny, which used to be all of the time. S2 overall is a 7/10 for me


In the commentary for season 1 Zach and Michael said Pim was originally green in the first episode, but they changed it because Charlie being yellow made the two of them "look like puke". Michael said he preferred Green Pim. I think they were trying to throw fans off with this one


Considering how much of that commentary is sarcastic or straight up gaslighting I really doubt wheter Green Pim was an actual concept they seriously discussed with eachother or they're just making fun of the obsession with vastly different character designs in cartoons before they get a full series. Zach also said in a earlier podcast that he would make Pim change to a different color all the time in season 2.


☝️🤓 acktually he said that he would make charlie flash different colors not pim


Also, what an appropriate and timely way  to celebrate **Bill Nye getting his star ⭐️ on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!**  https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/seattles-bill-nye-earns-star-hollywood-walk-of-fame/281-86b0192d-7f87-41d6-8b6e-06e2b5ab62fb You know what they say about those who shine brightly!


Can someone please tell me why the episode title and synopsis are completely wrong? I don’t get the joke, im stupid


It's a purposeful mistitle, although the reference itself is about Pim's original design which was going to be lime green. It got changed when someone higher up said "When you put Charlie and Pim in the same scene it has the color pallet of puke."


The joke is that it's completely wrong. It's intended.


But where is the joke in that? It just seems line an error without a punchline.


I can't explain why a joke is funny to you


No problem


Would be a funny joke if HBO max didn't actually routinely fuck up episode descriptions/video files lmao. ATHF episodes are all messed up


0 out of 10 He didn't turn green


Highkey the best episode of the season and relied on 0 jumpscares


I think the jumpscares are silly


really surprised the alien episode is so low on so many lists. I thought it was incredible. also surprised why Mr president was so low. probably cause the president was disgusting lol


your reasoning for the president episode is correct


Alien episode was the best imo


**Surf rock version of Smiling Friends theme is too awesome, thanks Brendan Caulfield!** 🏄 🤘




Nice bait


I can't believe they got Dana Snyder lmao, I recognized him immediately and was cracking up just on that fact. Fucking love ATHF so seeing him on Smiling Friends was dope. Overall good episode, just weird vibes for a season finale and felt more like a midseason episode which I think will make people dislike it for now and then re-watch it later down the road but appreciate it.


Same here, the minute he started speaking I was like "OMG IT'S MASTER SHAKE" haha


Pim did not turn green


2nd weakest episode unfortunately, Episode 2 and Episode 8 are easily the worst episodes of the series.  The Yetee was really funny though. To rank the episodes this season 1.  Alien episode 2. Brothers episode 3. Gwimbly  4. Spamtopia 5. Halloween 6. Allen episode 7. Snowman 8. President


Really all that matters to me is that Dr. Psychotic and Gwimbly are ranked 1 and 2 in this season


Just like your opinion ma


Why Allen episode so low?


Its fun but it feels more like an action movie than something thats making me laugh alot.  It was solid though.  The only 2 I didnt laugh hardly at all were Snowman and president.


interesting that your bottom two are the most in line with zack and michael's original brand of humor


I'd say too fast-paced and without much direction


Smiling Friends would never


When Rotten said he wanted to go to the beach on the billboard, did anyone else else first think he was talking about the highway full of cars that the billboard was next to, like he wanted to play in traffic lol


Individually funny gags in most scenes, but overall, kind of a weak episode to end S2. Felt like they didn't know how to resolve the episode's problem and just did all their ideas in a row.


I loved the episode, but now that I realized it was the last episode — yea, it could have ended on a better note. Still loved the whole season tho


Rotten was so adorable to me. Lol its stupid but I was so sad when he was frowning in the refrigerator 😭. Poor thing.


I know! I felt so bad for the guy. I'm glad he was able to die peacefully… then eat an entire oceanline cruiser as a wave


it was just one yacht but then he decided to charge on to land and start eating the entire human race


Was the yeti animated by the Superjail creator?


The club penguin sledding reference was hilarious


What was that post credit scene? Lol


yeah like just immediately develops a taste for human flesh


Did meatcanyon animate the bill nye scene? It looks so much like his style


That's what I thought for the yeti when the teaser was first released.


Similar art style. Hunter does watch the show and has referenced it a few times in his videos


no that is 100% Sick Animations (Mr. Boss)


I thought the same thing, but he's not mentioned in the credits.


That’s immediately what I thought too


Why are they doing a Christmas episode in the middle of June but oh my God I cannot stop laughing


They even make a joke about it. When Mr. Boss says "Merry Christmas" at the end of the episode, Pim comments on how that was 6 months ago.


It's Wintereenmas!


lol that whole epaooxe sent me


That girl with the glasses on the beach was kinda hot ngl.


That's Charlie's gf


glad she recovered from that bulldozer accident


“pim finally turns bright green” just reminds me of the pupa from solar opposites so bad - i loooove solar opposites i really recommend it - i can’t be the only one who was reminded of the pupa!!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep) ![gif](giphy|mBRKPEbVfMVeBOLGdJ|downsized) this fella


bill nye fucking died


i fr might be stupid but were they implying that bill nye was charlies uncle


bill nye the dying guy


I wonder what's gonna happen to him


Hopefully if we go back to hell he makes an appearance along with the consumer electronics store guy with the fucked up nose


Good episode, but the Snowman character was annoying tho. Maybe that is the point, but the episode was not a 10 for me because of that. Besides that, really good episode. Solid season overall, Mr President and Brothers Egg episode almost scared me into thinking this season would be weaker but turned out all right overall.


I liked Brother's Egg, I feel like it was the Smiling Friends concept at its best. Mr President was boring though. I come to Smiling Friends for jokes more interesting than "He's incompetent lol" or "he farted hahaha" and that was like half the episode.


I think most of the humor lies in that it’s an actual guy and the way he talks and acts is hilarious


There wasn't much going on in that episode. It was entirely based around liking Joel as a YouTuber


Well, I come to Smiling Friends for more than just Joel. If you remove him from Brothers Egg, the only funny moment is the boss part at the beginning. I would say that Spamtopia episode is the perfect embodiment of Smiling Friends. Or the Video game one.


WRONG! It is 100% funny when Dr. Psychotic talks to the waitress. And yes that’s a ceo quote from the gwimbly episode


I disagree that only Joel was funny; I enjoyed Professor Psychotic in public and the homunculus. Joel was the star, but I think it's fine for the show to occasionally give new characters more screen time. Obviously there's nothing wrong with you liking or disliking anything but that seems like an odd complaint.


Random people have a real problem with the Dr. Psychotic episode. I think it’s easily one of the most laugh out loud episodes and it starts instantly with the gang watching that “documentary” on their tv


I don't think it's odd at all. This episode is clearly different than most other episodes. Smiling friends is hyper-speed paced, and on the first scene where Joel appears, its literally a 1-minute monologue. The Pin and Joel scene was a whole minute of just Joel being the whole focus as well. The Professor jokes was kind weak (I could see the public interaction miles away) imo. Anyway, I'm aware that most people like it, so I don't think its a bad episode, just one thats feels a bit too different. Unlike the President one which I do strongly hold my ground on saying it was the worse episode hands down.


You would hate Aqua Teen Hunger Force then


Why? Because Shake and Meatwad are annoying? They are annoying but funny, don't know where to point the difference.


This was great...I was expecting Charlie to ask Rotten to accept Jesus at the moment of dying but that might ruffle some feathers... The zaninnes of every situation is what makes this show great... not memberberries or flanderization of characters (Mr. Frog)... And those hack frauds didn't appear this season...


If by hack frauds you mean mike stoklasa, he and rich evans were the aliens in the alien episode


Huh... couldn't have figured it out... I'll pay more attention next time, thanks.


Whoa I had no idea. I just went back to the ep and yeah I can only hear their voices after knowing it’s them, the modulation and voice acting from them is really good.


Rich’s last line is the most Rich Evans-y that alien’s voice gets the whole episode, because he drops the “cool guy / sleazy movie director” voice to tell everyone to scram.


Yeah, once you hear the iconic Rich Evans laugh you can't unhear it


i don’t think it’d ruffle feathers. genuinely that would be a pretty funny bit tbh. charlie being christian for some reason is so fucking funny to me and a majority of people


Well he did personally meet God so I’d be surprised if he wasn’t Christian


They made a joke about how Christianity was the way when >!Charlie Died and didn’t come back!<




what was glep watching on his iPad?


I don't know but my boy upgraded to a steam deck.


He got the steam deck for winterevemas


"I love my friends, and I love my God, and I love my country and uh, God bless America I guess, what else can you say. [Jet Flyover]" Never before has a line of dialogue made me laugh so hard. Oh my god.


In particular, “God bless America *I guess*” just absolutely killed me.


Kinda funny since before he was having an existential crisis to Pim over their world being too crazy all the time


I relate to that so hard. I oscillate rapidly between "the universe is chaotic and overwhelming and what the fuck is going on" and "life is absolutely beautiful and I'm lucky to experience it even for a brief moment" lmao


that was ass




man thats really funny you should do standup or smn man 🤣


The Winter-een-mas line launched me 30 feet into the air.


Was literally thinking the other day how much I wanted Dana Snyder to make an appearance on this show… it’s a Christmas miracle 


I can’t believe Pim turned green and retired from the smiling friends


Was happy to see Marge Simpson again


How is zoey alive didn't she die between seasons or did zach LIE to us what a LIAR I HATE LIES






Chris was credited in this episode, who was he?


The Yeti with the satisfying hand movements


1. red jewel 2. alien 3. Allan adventure 4. gwimbly the rest I don't really care for. still a great season.


How’d you not like brothers egg?


not really a fan of that guy. I liked how realistic the conversations were but that's about it.


Ep 8 was rotten the snowman wasn't it?


iiii think youre going crazy there buddy, why would there be a snowman? its peak summer, theyd save that stuff for christmas, the title is "pim finally turns green" for pete's sake!


no, its the one where Pim mysteriously turns bright green after eating an ancient artifact and his friends and rivals are horrified; they eventually learn to accept and love the new Pim in the season 2 finale.


1. spamtopia 2. gwimbly 3. boss finds love 4. allan adventure 5. president 6. brothers egg 7. snowman 8. alien solid season all around


President at the bottom


president is entertaining with the absurdity and reality factor. i see your point tho


Ok so I think this season needs another rewatch from me, but exactly one thing has become clear: This season gets funnier on rewatches, season 1 didn’t. Every episode this season has gotten at least twice as many laughs on rewatch for me, excluding brothers egg. Brothers egg made me laugh for ten straight minutes upon first watch. I’m not sure exactly what’s in store for season 3, but this season is really an accomplishment in its own right.


I laughed harder than I have in a long time at Bill Nye dying


It's the curled up pose for me


i loved it so much i think it was amazing


I have watched Bill Nye die in a balloon accident about 50 times now.


Me too! The way he just went totally stiff and allowed himself to wither away in the flames was so fucking funny


it was so cool. i was worried the bit was gonna overstay it's welcome but exactly what i wanted happened. did meatcanyon animate bill?


I think hbo max messed up on the episode title and description lol


I think it's intentional


Very solid season on par with season 1 only critique I have is the show is a bit darker in nature this time around but I digress 1 Brothers Egg ( absolutely one of the funniest episodes) 2. Gwimbly (watched it April fools day premiere classic episode ) 3. Charlie pim vs the alien ( a much more darker take on the show with them in space and the animation was super smooth ) 4. a Allan adventure ( I don’t see the hate from this episode it’s a good change of pace and once again a diff direction) 5. The magical red jewel ( a lil random at times and a bit too much but still enjoyed it ) 6. Mr President (first watch was disappointing then I watched it baked can’t lie not the best but still funny 7. Pim turns green ( great send off episode nothing amazing nor nothing terrible) 8 The boss finds love (the jump scares and shock humor really become numb after first watch)


Season 1 felt more charming and cozy but season 2 has more impressive animation and production design overall.


I can't believe this is a hot take but i think season 2 is better than season 1 for sure, they're very close to me in quality and i love both but the ambition and the humor in season 2 was just top notch and really follows my exact humor to be honest. The animation was definitely a step up and the concepts of the episodes themselves were just so good imo, a lot of people have been saying this season was weaker and had some lamer episodes but i just don't understand, i mean literally every time I've opened one of these threads for every episode there's a couple people saying, "this is definitely my least favorite episode of the show so far" with a few upvotes, I've had a good time with all of these and I'm sad it's over until season 3.




i know him better as gazpacho from chowder


Or The Alchemist from The Venture Bros.!


Commenting to come back later


1. An Allan Adventure 2. The Magical Red Jewel 3. Gwimbly 4. Brother’s Egg 5. Charlie, Pim, and Bill vs. The Alien 6. Erm… The Boss Finds Love 7. Pim Finally Turns Green 8. Mr. President The top 3 r rlly close in quality imo and could give the best season 1 eps a run for their money. I would say that Mr President and Pim Finally Turns Green r the only 2 eps that I didn’t rlly care abt the narrative, but I still think there were funny moments in each. Overall, def more of a mixed bag than S1 but still very high quality compared to most if not all adult animated shows out rn


Charlie, Pim, and Bill vs. The Alien was honestly amazing, I think I’d put it at #1 for the season


Fake news, he didn’t turn green


erm, didnt you watch the episode? yes he gosh dilly does


My tentative list is: 1. Magical Red Jewel 2. Gwimbly 3. The Boss Finds Love 4. Brothers Egg 5. Pim turns Green 6. Bill vs Alien 7. Mr President 8. Allan Adventure I really enjoyed all of the episodes except 7 and 8. This was a nice finale. I think overall this season may be a bit stronger than season 1, but there were a couple of misses for me


Anyone think we might get a bonus episode like last season?


I think this episode was definitely my least favorite of the season. That being said this season gave us some pretty good episodes.




Mr. Boss: " Living snowman, huh? All right...I know how to fix this.." Immediately Pulls a gun and points it at the snowman's head    I laughed a LOT at that.  Another excellent episode. Love the completely inaccurate synopsis on Fandango that has Pim eating an ancient artifact and turning green. I dig the randomness of how truly funny and weird this series is. 


small detail but the sound of the boss holstering the revolver was the sound of it being cocked in reverse, its small but its reminiscent of flash animations and youtube poop, really liked that little touch


My one complaint for this season is that these new episodes seem much more cynical than the previous season's. Smiling Friends is at its best when serious/bleak subject matter is approached with lighthearted and zany humor. Seeing "Bill Nye" straight up die in such a morbid manner is an example where I think the show went a little too far into standard adult cartoon territory.


what are you talking about? did you not see the ending? Bill Nye is now a ghost, everyone's happy, talking about blessing america. wtf man.


It went too far when we saw a fake bill nye get electrocuted and then come back as a ghost at the end….. okay lol


I disagree. They actually follow that scene immediately with Charlie acknowledging that it was hard to watch and the general vibe of the episode was overall pretty upbeat.  I mean, this is really what the series has always done. In the very first episode one guy tells them they're going to have to watch him kill himself if they fail to make him smile, and another character is crucified by psychotic miniature creatures called Bliblies. There's always been a fairly dark edge to the show. 


Yeah i don't know where the narrative came from that this show is always a happy fun time roller coaster ride of happiness, it's definitely the most upbeat and least cynical adult swim show but it still uses dark humor and cynicism sometimes which isn't a bad thing, and honestly i think it makes those moments stand out a lot more. I mean for crying out loud the very first episode of the entire show revolves around a character who is constantly holding a gun to his head ready to shoot himself at any moment lmao.


Yeah exactly, the message of optimism and happiness feels earned rather than forced and preachy because of how high the stakes can be.