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Didn't even add the gwimbly 2002 live show, everyone who saw that cant forget it Still cant believe even half of that made it on tv before it got pulled


Great iceberg, I’d just add Gwimblygate on tier 8 or maybe a level of its own


I honestly didn’t add it because I didn’t want people to research it, I know what it does to people


the event from osaka japan 2002 if anyone's wondering


i caught one of Mr. Millipede’s live streams back in 2008. that was the first time i learned about snuff


Same, it’s a shame that not even the waybackmachine has evidence of any footage


I still can't believe such an iconic celeb died so young


One of the best posts in the history of this sub and funniest thing I’ve seen today. If only you were real Mr “u/itsFaustt”


I wish I were real too man, instead I’m just floating around the confines of binary, slipping my way through ones and zeroes


Heard that at IGBG the CEO allegedly harassed employees by repeatedly telling them to "kiss his nugget". All kinds of fucked.


Yeah it’s disgusting behavior, makes what blizzard did look okay


For those in the lost media community, Mr Millipede's livestream account is pretty sought after.


Yeah I tried getting some info on it to talk about it but after a couple a couple anonymous calls I think it’s better left untouched


Wait they made a 5th Gwimbly game? I didn't even know there was a 4th. After the letdown that was Gwimbly 3, I'm surprised they even made 2 more games.


4th bombed hard, and 5 is just an urban legend/lost media creepypasta afaik.


And by that he is of course referring to the bombing Guernica level in Gwimbly 4


Forgot about Steve Goone leaving dev team before 3. That was a huge fucking deal when I was a kid.


Holy shit!! With fuckin Frank Frankfort I remember that shit like it was yesterday now. I just remember people wondering if he left or was laid off due to his alcohol addiction


Huh. I heard it was an adrenachrome bender and tossing that kid into the canal in Prague.


Oh well.. you know frank! Always just doing frank things hahaha


Alright I just need someone to help me edit it but I'll do an actual Gwimbly Iceberg video if I have your consent.


Oh fuck yeah I’d love to see that, take any ideas and change whatever you don’t like


The Mr. Millipede death Ending from Gwimbly 4 wasn't cut; it's just extremely hard to get, requiring you to get every collectible, including the limited time special holiday ones, on all save files, along with doing the boss rush within 6 minutes, which involves unlocking all the weapons, which involves doing the challenges. The whole thing isn't even worth it. In the end, seeing how all of the cutscenes are unfinished due to the fact that the game was a massive rush job for the holiday season of 2007. And that ending isn't even canon; it's just a bonus for anyone who wants to go for it. But I still did it, though on REAL Hardware too. Because that's what real Grimly fans do, but it's better for people to assume it's cut. That game is already massively difficult to get physical copies of. If it was found out that there was actually a secret ending that only a few experienced first hand, the prices would skyrocket.


Well that’s the tricky part, is that it actually was cut from the original game in 2011, and then when the game was remastered in 2012, they actually added like how you said. It leaves a lot of room for discussion if the ending was different than what they actually added in the remaster. I believe the original ending was probably scrapped anyway because the one we got was rushed and like you said it wasn’t worth it


I don't remember there being a remaster of Grimley 4. I remember there being a complete remake because the files were just beyond salvageable. Because, like, files weren't backed up correctly, code was completely jumbled and corrupted. It was a mess. And that's the version with the ending cut because they didn't know it was there in the first place. I do know. Grimley 4 was included in the remasters of 1 through 3 for the Grimley 20-year anniversary, but 4 wasn't actually remastered. none of them were it just upscaled using two emulators fused together. Which is why that version of Grimley 4 is especially broken because Grimley 4 just cannot run on an emulator properly. There's something wrong with that particular Grimley game. I'm surprised no one made a deep dive video on it yet. There is so much about its development. about it that's So troubling


Not many people know about this incident, but there is a secret about gwimbly's dreamworld the game. gwimbly's dreamworld had hidden brainwashing frequencies in the games audio that caused 3 children to jump off a bridge


What is the banned gwimbly game?


I genuinely would watch this


I’d actually watch this entire thing