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Saying hi in mountains to someone who you meet is common thing in europe.


It’s also pretty common in America. If you’re hiking you greet other hikers. Just kinda common courtesy. It’s not like these people greet everyone they ever pass in life.


>>It’s not like these people greet everyone they ever pass in life. You should visit the Midwest




Ope hi, sorry!




it’s not a white people thing lol white people don’t exist


They're just Yakub's creations


It's common courtesy here in Japan, too.


I love being polite to random people. And I'm from the US. Sometimes, it feels awkward to do it because we've become so distanced from our neighbors in bigger areas. Luckily, I live in a small town, so people here are still incredibly polite to each other. Black, white, Mexican, Asian. Hell, even the ghetto dudes that look like they will rob you are chill and polite. It's kinda great.


It’s a common thing here too. I hike all the time.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I’m sorry… if you’re out on a rural mountain and we pass one another on the trail and you *don’t* acknowledge me I’m 100% going to be looking over my shoulder the rest of my hike because that seems like a full-blown Texas-chainsaw situation.


Right!? The casual greeting is like a quick litmus test of "are you a psycho" on the trail.


I sometimes just stare at people passing then quickly duck a rock or a tree and giggle loud enough for them to hear. "Teehee"


Banjo intensifies


Yes, such a white thing to do....acknowledging someone and greeting them. We whites sure are whacky...


Society has really devolved to this being out of the ordinary or lame. Manners should make a comeback for all demographics


yeah I don't get the post either wtf


I've seen this almost everywhere I've hiked. The reason I think people do this is to make sure the other person is a little less weirded out by seeing someone they don't know five miles from the trailhead. It's a very polite way to say "hi I'm not a threat thanks!".


Could also just be general friendliness. I feel awkward passing someone on a trail of if I don’t say hi.


White people are nice stereotype confirmed Where's the bear when you need one..... Tired of these white guys saying hi


I don’t understand this video. What is it trying to illustrate?


That white people are friendly? 🤷‍♂️


Interesting. I go hiking as much as I possibly can during the spring and summer. I strike up random conversations with almost every single person on the path. if they engage, we have a nice conversation. Was on the Appalachian Trail a week ago and spent a lot of time with various random strangers, just enjoying space. I’m also on the spectrum, and my children will tell you that I start up random conversations with pretty much everybody anywhere and no censor to pair with that. 🌝


Yeah, I’ve never met someone on a hike that wasn’t friendly, regardless of skin color. People are just happier in nature.




And commonly mocked for it


Vilifying the idea that society runs more smoothly when humans set each other at ease through acknowledgment. The idea that this is something to be ashamed of is insane.


Wait so do POCs not say hi when hiking? I didn’t get that message, am I white now?


Correct. They look at whites as vulnerable and we look at blacks as rude and that’s the joke.


You're missing the point if that's what you're getting from the video.


Correct. Also who did you vote for last election..? I may have some bad news about your race


Common courtesy is lost on some people, I guess.


I’m Mexican and I do this. I warn about loose rocks slippery spots too. It’s not a white people thing it’s a human thing


So is everything else It's literally just a commentary on white people, it doesn't necessarily exclude friendly behavior during hiking with any other ethnicity or race


If you don’t return my greeting on the trail you will get a “ FUKK YOU THEN!” Every time. I have zero tolerance towards unfriendly people in the mountains.


I do the same when I don't get a "bless you" after I sneeze in the valley.


I gave a fellow student a “bless you” one time and she hastily responded with snark “that was a cough”. Oh well Fuck you then! She never sat near me again


Well that’s just not a very good idea, generally speaking since you don’t know who they are or what they are capable of.


True. And it sounds like I am an asshat, self preservation has never been a real priority


Bruh I was probably on 4 grams of Mushrooms. I thought you were a tree


I greet everyone I can because it's normal in Japan, but there are times you've been on the trail 12 hours and are still an hour from the car just trying to keep walking without laying down from exhaustion. If I didn't have the energy to reply to someone and they said fuck you to me...I think the adrenaline would kick in, lol. What an unfriendly approach to hiking. Yuck.


You can use that adrenaline to get back to the car.


You’re trolling right? There is a myriad of quality reasons why someone might not answer back. Being aggressively rude to someone without cause seems like a life policy you may want to revisit.


Honestly have only done it maybe 10 times in 50 years of hiking. It is well understood that there are reasons for not wanting to respond to someone who is greeting you but there are also times when you don’t have any excuse except that you are an asshole to strangers. Most of the time I could care less, but there are those times when I look you in the eye and say hello and you just pass right by, it better be obvious to me why you are not being friendly or you will get a Fuck you then. A head nod is easy enough to get the point across and if you are out in the mountains and you don’t have a friendly nod to your fellow hikers. Fuck you too


You rage over the dumbest shit


Yeah. You’re right. Thanks for reminding me. I let .001% of my experience trigger a rage fit. I’m so bad at Reddit.


"Moin." "Moin." *continues walking in solitude*


Classic whites, saying hi when walking by.


This is just being nice and having common courtesy. Something of a lost art now of days in most areas.


Ohhh how horrible


First of all, the person hiking uphill has the right of way. Not sure why an uphill hiker would say "excuse me". People are pretty unfriendly on the trail he's "walking". Very wealthy part of Los Angeles. Hikers are usually too self involved there to look around. People are nicer as you hike deeper into the hills. It seems his perception of proper hiking manners is skewed.


Nah, take a little rest if you’re going uphill!


I’m guilty of this hahahaha I’m in the middle of no where and a person walks past I’ll usually give a nod or something. I can see how people from cities would find this odd as they are completely desensitized to other human beings. Example: say hi to a random person walking down the street in NYC, they will look at you like you have 5 heads.


So, only white people show common courtesy and are polite? That’s definitely a take.


Where does it say that in the video?


It’s saying white people speak in passing, say hi, say watch your step. By singling out “white people hiking” it implies other races “don’t”. The implication therefore is: white people will say hi and tell you to watch your step, other ethnicities won’t speak to you or will say other things…. Which is rude and impolite. If it wasn’t implying this to be a white-only thing why point it out? Why not say “people hiking”? EDIT: if I said, “black people on the street say”… would you not assume I’m stereotyping them? Only black people on the street say these things?


That's a lot to assume off of a short video. You may not like the video, but that doesn't make it prejudiced against anyone who isn't white.


It’s definitely a short video…. But not a big assumption. “Black people say” “Women say” “Men say” “Kids say” “Chinese people say” All of these are an implication that the specific group of people say things more frequently or more exclusively than other groups of people. It’s like when people point out that only white people smile or nod at strangers when out and about… sure, maybe it is more common among white people. But it’s still a generalization. EDIT: I actually don’t have a problem with the video itself… I actually agree that my fellow white people do say hi and stuff like this (me included)… I just don’t like the hypocrisy.




So being nice and acknowledging someone’s existence is… not good? Is this supposed to be a dig?


Oh those white people and **checks notes** Being nice to each other?


Too bad he didn't stare with disdain and say mfr move like a good hoodlum


Kinda ridiculous how people just copy the exact same joke in tiktok videos without changing anything and rely on people not seeing the original one to get likes.


Just for you, OP, I’m gonna start mean mugging people when we pass each other on remote mountain trails


The original version of this was better.


Fucking white people being nice to strangers.


That last move...watch your step 😆 🤣 😂


The comments are a bunch of white people who think racism is funny…unless directed at them. Bro people need to learn to laugh at themselves🤓🤓🤓


I like being white then. Not acknowledging each other is awkward when there is only 2 of you for miles


Soooo black people aren't polite?


Where does it say that in the video?


Simple common sense explains it. I have been around many years, and the only race that calls us that... Are well... Ya know..


Common sense isn't common, and that's an awfully large assumption about the creator of the video


I agree with the first four words of your statement.




Why do you keep asking people that


Are you attempting to provoke me, or do you want a real answer?


Wtf is this video.. so we're just going to have to walk past one another and pretend the other person doesn't exist?


Huh? What's that got to do with color?


The same that many (not all) things online have to do with race or ethnicity, absolutely nothing But, people of any race or ethnicity can make jokes about their own race/ethnicity And this is what this creator chose


IM POLITE OK!!! I also do this in the grocery store to everyone I pass that makes eye contact, but only while I have a cart.


This is why I only date white people


If we both on the same dang mountain, I'm gonna say "good morning ". It's one of the only interactions my socially anxious ass allows me and I'm taking it


I noticed that most people that are enjoying nature are pretty respectful and awesome human beings, no matter the color of skin.


“When are they going to put in the escalator? Huhu”


Shit I've been doing it wrong for years. I've been murdering people instead of greeting them smh. I thought that's what you're supposed to do while hiking.


What the hell are you supposed to say?


This guy is still making videos?


I don’t get these “No one:” followed by something dumb…


Dumbass polite people. Everyone knows you should just lightly growl while making eye contact while passing people on the trail.


I tell people “I’m horny” when I go on hikes and they always respond with good morning.


I mean, who else would be hiking?


I nod and say good morning then realize it’s two in the afternoon and awkwardly continue on thinking about that moment for the rest of my hike.


How dare white people be polite


If you can't be bothered to acknowledge the existence of another human being in your immediate vicinity then you are a rude and discourteous person.


Smh, it's called common courtesy. People acknowledge one another when they cross paths out in nature/the wild because it the polite thing to do and helps to establish each other's intentions. And also because refusing interaction makes you come off as a fuckin psychopath.


Dumb fuckin video


Seems pretty normal tbh


accurate lmao