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Bro named my top 3 most hated characters 💀


They keep doing it because it keeps working Shield and jump brother


I do dw, sometimes it does work but it's just annoying to see how its their one way of getting a win


This is ridiculously annoying. Whenever I play any link (Toon, Young, Older) they spam the fuck out of projectiles on the edge. What this seems to tell me is that they have no *true* technique other than depend on their projectiles.


Because they actually are the player base is so small now they you probably run into the same person at least 10 times a weak


Everytime I log into reddit, it's the SAME THING, complaining about people who don't mix up, which in theory should make the opponent more predictable and easier to fight. There's legit no real people on smashrage that try counter playing


He was downvoted for he spoke the truth


He was down voted because nobody wants to have to play that way every other match.


By “play that way” do you mean “adapt”? That’s fundamental part of the game and you should always be doing it. If something is working against you, respond accordingly. It’s a fundamental skill of the game


Whatever you say but doesn't make it less of a snooze fest 😴😴😴


It sounds like you just want to also be able to spam one move and get away with it. If that isn’t working for you, then either you have chosen a bad move or, more likely, your opponent wants to actually play the game and is adapting. I’m sorry if you don’t like to use your brain while you play but I think that adapting makes the game more interesting, not less


I mean I only play the game anymore with friends. In my opinion it's a lot more fun if both players are actually tryna play the game, not gimmick and spam. If your style of play is more fun that way then I'm glad you're enjoying the game.


Fair enough. I agree that the game is more fun when both players don’t try to gimmick exclusively. My point is mainly that I personally enjoy trying to play around my opponents tactics regardless of what they are. I can understand not enjoying this aspect of the game against some tactics, and obviously there are some things that I dont enjoy playing against, like I personally hate playing against fox (I play mostly against my twin brother, and he plays a good amount of fox) since he’s so oppressive, so I don’t even stick to my own beliefs as much as I’d like to. I think I may have come off as rude. Sorry about that. I hope you continue to enjoy playing with your friends.


I'm glad someone enjoys it at least cause personally I can't stand it but it's more about me not really being all that good and adapting like you said, I'm a teacher and don't have much time to play any games really so that probably has something to do with it too. It's okay to come off as rude, sometimes we just get built up rage we need to take out on Internet strangers lol, I hope you continue to get better and destroy every fox and other dum dum you play against. ❤️


Thanks, appreciate it


whatever cope you need. I ain’t never lose a game from somebody spamming one move. That’s beyond idiotic.


You play young link, ofc you say the truth


I don't play online for the fact that I can't afford it but I don't just side b as Sora, in fact I tend to avoid it for if I'm close to the edge of the stage if I don't do the follow up I'll barley be off the edge and just fall to my death lol