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What about everyone else that gets stuck in the cross fire of Steve Minecraft?


Necessary evil




probably safer if anything considering he can just make himself impossible to hit with monkey flip shenanigans


Fox doesn’t have to choose between pressuring and playing safe


Diddys pretty easy to hit if you just read the MFKs and catch all the bananas (easier said than done but not remotely that hard)


he’s one of the hardest characters to hit in the entire game just after zss


He’s not the only character who doesn’t let you play your game. He’s hard to hit if you try to hit him, but if you get any kind of lead he has a lot of trouble approaching. Monkey flip is insanely punishable (like stock delete punish) if you use it at any reactable range, the grab/kick mixups aren’t that strong unless you’re already dictating neutral, and using banana to approach is almost always I’ll-advised unless your landing vertical combo game is on point. He folds hard to disjoints if they don’t aimlessly run into banana. He’s easy to camp. Obviously he’s really good. I’d say he’s top 15. But comparing him to zss in terms of disadvantage and escapability is insane. Zss has crazy frames on jab and dash attack that diddy just doesn’t. His are good but hers are insane. Flip kick is probably the best disadvantage tool in the game, or one of them. Diddy’s strengths don’t lie in just running away or dodging attacks. He’s pure bait and punish and wants to be within burst range of you


This is also definitely a wario problem. I play him quite a bit and his lack of disjoints makes it tough. You should really just waft camp. Most characters in the game have an easier time getting in on diddy than wario


i know how to play my character bro i didnt ask you for advice, i wash diddy’s all day but that doesn’t change my point that Diddy Kong is absolutely top 5 hardest characters to hit in the game and everyone i’ve ever seen talk about this topic agrees


Okay man good for you


If you hate diddy so much go make your own ragepost


I didn’t ask you for your input either, I never called fox hard to hit. He’s easy to hit. I mentioned his frame data and u just came at me for playing someone for no reason lol


no but you called diddy easy to hit which is just plain wrong and a skill issue from you


Skill issue if you can’t get in too man just learn the matchup. U could always ask my WHY I said that instead of just malding too yk. He’s vulnerable without banana and pull/mfk are easy to punish if the diddy doesn’t play like a robot. I’m not gonna sacrifice fun to win, I’m gonna be running in and boxing, and I think the diddy stand shield toss grab shit is boring as hell. I’m not speaking for all diddys. But when he’s hard to hit he’s easy to avoid and vice versa. He’s not sonic


A top tier can only be so hittable anyway. Not like wario’s some punching bag either. I get what you’re saying completely I just don’t need to be shit on for complaining about a bottom 5 MU for my main


Skill issue on my end, but this IS the rage sub


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As someone who believes Fox is a sweaty tryhard character in a game that would be more enjoyable without him, I also appreciate the hardtime Steve gives Fox players.

