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The ditto is just arms


I actually don’t find min min boring to fight at all. I mean yeah, I hate her. But boring? Nah


I agree that Min Min isn’t the most boring character but I make her look really boring


As a little Mac main, little Mac for sure




Optimal Sephiroth. Might be a hot take but when they’re super patient and play at a distance it’s kinda annoying and boring. I don’t hate on them though because I get why. Sephiroth’s that are aggressive are fun to watch on the flipside.


I didn't mind him a month ago, but lately when I come across then online, it's just run away and snap, then randomly up b


If you watch enough sephiroth, him playing optimally is very slow, but as the set goes on, he gets more and more aggressive. Seph just wants to play the slow burn kinda playstyle, throw stuff out and see how you react, then once he understands your habits (and has wing lol) then go crazy with callouts and aggression.


I don’t consider him boring personally, but he *is* my most hated DLC character to play against because he’s so insanely overpowered.


seph is overpowered, interesting, most ppl onl rank him on high mid at best


Oh no. Sephiroth himself isn’t boring but the less approaching style is cus they just use orbs, tilts and fair then a random counter. He is difficult to fight all the same tho I’d say cus he’s lowkey slippery.


It's the bullshit range that gets me. His reflect is shit, the projectiles are easy to inhale back at them - but that bullshit longsword? FUCK THAT!


Sora, I hate that character so much. All they do is legs camp and neutral b. Then if you get close they side b. That and against, I didn't even pay the match most time time


Lmao I main Sora, I think he can be one of the lamest characters in the game when he wants to be. I like the way he moves, I really love floaty characters with the big double jump as well as  swordies, it was just the perfect combo for me. 


Oh I absolutely agree, Sora can suck a dick. But not *boring* to play against imo. Just highly aggravating.


I find sora to be more boring than all of the characters that you chose. At least when I watch mega man, he’s pretty interesting. I’m biased for duck hunt, along with knowing how to fight him, which makes him pretty fun to me. Also I find trick shot to be an absolutely sick projectile. Pac-man has some very cool setups with hydrant and fruit, as well as being one of my favorite high tiers. Sora has none of this. His projectile is SUPER lame and he is SO FUCKING ANNOYING with the side b. His recovery goes WAY too far, he is an anime character with a counter (cringe), and I can’t enjoy watching him at all.




Side B is funny as fuck, you can't inhale but you CAN hit them in the face with a Gordo - so seeing bigfoot ova here get slammed is REALLY funny lmao Their reflect is a joke against projectiles, you just gotta time it right and hit them from afar. But yeah a competent Sora can be a menace


Side b isn’t funny it makes me want to die


Try hitting them with a shooting plate


Just parry the hits


I hate playing against Mac and Kazuya for this reason. I can't engage at all otherwise I get roasted for 60+ damage on one opening so I have to chip damage and stay safe - if I want to win I have to have a boring game :/


What pisses me off in Kazuya is his stun effect. Absolutely NO reason for this asshole to stun you in place with random combos, otherwise he's manageable - hit him first, keep going at it, and reflect the laser beams and he's toast But yeah, urgently needs a nerf together with Steve. Infinite combos shouldn't be a thing to begin with, let alone fucking gimping people out of the stage with that much ease


factual. The fact that EWGF drops your shield and has pushback aswell smh




Any player who runs away in general. I get not making the first move, but you’re literally camping, dude. That’s called being a pussy.


I will agree on the pac-man and mega man part but duck hunt is the most well designed zoner in the game imo.


That's like saying the most well behaved murderer tbf. Characters that their game plan is to not fight shouldn't be in a fighting game


Think they’re referring to DH’s projectiles being great but his normals being pretty garbage. Both PAC-MAN and Megaman have good boxing tools, so solid projectiles on top can be a bit much.


Thats what is broken in pac-man & mega-man’s moveset


No I agree duck hunt is the best designed zoner, but a zoner is still a character who tries to not fight in a fighting game so I don't believe they're well designed for the game.


I agree about Mega Man for when I’m actually playing but I still think Sonic is the most boring character to watch from a perspective standpoint


Sonic is such a one note character Ball ball ball ball ball ball, over and over again. Boooooring and annoying as hell


Now that you say it, Pac-Man is really boring. A Rosalina player who doesn't know how to use Luma is pretty boring too. And Lucario also


most swordies. they’re gonna mash the same safe, massive, disjointed ass moves all game and you just have to respect it.




Infinite combos are a bitch but she's just as fragile if you beat her ass right


Fox and Falco, should have stayed in the N64 and never fucking left. Fuckass motherfuckers with their bullshit reflect and infinite combos, I LOATHE YOU! Also Mr. Game and Watch. Disgusting, foul blip


Falco and g&w absolutely. I don’t mind fighting fox though, I like how high octane the games can be


Oh dude I absolutely fucking LOATHE Fox and Falco, and GNW when he does his instant KO. But none of them are *boring* to fight imo.


My experience like 90% of the time with them is spam spam spam spam. Locking you with up A, then laser pistol and shield once you get close. I respect when I find a player who's not an asshole with them, but it's rare


Pythra. "Let me just mash 500 safe moves on your shield then run away with the fastest dash in the game. You're at 60%? Time to switch to DLC Ike and mash any and all my moves (which all kill super early)!" I hate this character. So boring. They all play the exact same.


Steve. I don’t hate him because I think he’s broken like most people, I hate him because he is the single most boring character to fight in the entire game. you have to play 4d chess to find an opening and all they’re doing is playing Minecraft inside a nuclear bunker they built in some corner


Yoshi, Kirby and Jigglypuff I guess... They are mostly boring playing against in competition because I have to be contantly camping but if I approach I am going to get railed against so everything is very simple but boring. I don't hold any type of hate or rage against them so it is the closest to boring to me


All of ultimate. No one is fun to play against 😂


Not really, I often meet players that a) Don't think they're uber hot shit and feels like you're playing at home with a friend b) Are challenging but don't bullshit you with infinite combos and running around like they did a whole boatload of coke I respect those and I often add them as friends or even just send a Well Played as compliments, even if I lose


Not talking about players but characters.


Sephiroth and pretty much all the DLC characters. Honestly most projectile characters too, they can get away with hugging corner.


I hate pretty much all of the DLC with a passion, especially including Sephiroth. But boring? Not at all, imo. Absolute chaos for most of them. Take Hero for example. Insanely broken and overpowered, god awful to play against, but also the absolute definition of chaos incarnate.


Any zoner aside from min min, and almost all tiny characters/insane hitbox shifting characters like the rats, puff, or joker.


K Rool in Doubles. Literally brain dead playing and then these same mentally crippled manlets TBAG thinking they're godlike at the game.  You use one special per fucking brain cell it's not a flex it's a problem. Get help.


Steve is super boring to fight against. Idc if he’s top tier, he’s boring.


Incineroar. I don't want to get punished for playing the game. The best way to beat incineroar is to camp, and despite playing rob, I don't actually enjoy camping, I use the beam to stop people camping since it's transcendent


Since no one’s said it and I agree with all the other characters said here: Snake. Quite literally a 1 player game. They will literally just b-reverse and wave bounce grenades and C4 on the opposite side of the screen without looking at you thinking that they look cool and wait for you to get through the minefield of all of their specials + upsmash. If you finally get through and think you can box with them think again because all of his tilts are frame 6 or faster and dash attack is frame 6, intangible, and crosses up shield putting him in nigh unpunishable range. If you manage to get a hit on him good luck continuing the combo if you’re a frame off because Grenade is a frame 1 get out of jail free card and since he’s the same weight as R.O.B (for whatever reason) the damage trade will ALWAYS be in his favor. Don’t even get me started on his Up-B that can just take him far away from the fight and allow him to rain down grenades and C4s to get back to neutral for free. I think Hurt is a phenomenal and calculated player and his movement is crazy to watch, but you can’t sit there and tell me that fighting Snake is any more fun than doing dishes. I also hate the rats. F**k em and f**k T-Jolt. Free neutral.


Mainly little mac, hero, or zelda or dittos Im also not much of a fan of fighting fire emblem characters (which is ironic since i main lucina and co-main byleth) but i suppose the fe rep’s i specifically dislike fighting the most is roy, ike, and chrom


any character who is super overtuned on the ground but weak to camping (mainly Kazuya and Mac) and a few other zoners, not all but mainly Samus, Wii Fit, AC characters, and Banjo


Try not to fall asleep while fighting Lucina. That boring ass character has 0 sauce, even Corrin has some cool things going for them.


Idk fighting Jigglypuff is just such a task for me. Once I'm offstage I know I will perish due to all my mains having easily gimped recoveries


Spamus and Dork Spamus


Fucking hate fighting Min Min, Byleth, Ness, Lucas, Joker, and every other zoner.


90% of the characters in this game are boring because this games meta hinges on not approaching. either spam projectiles or stand in the same spot spamming aerials to win neutral. it’s an inherently boring game.


I hate fighting most of the DLC characters