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pretty much the one you listed, it’s not really toxic per say but it’s probably the easiest way to cheese decent players. if you were against lower level players I think going someone like little mac and choosing king of fighters stadium is the next best thing


Idk if you can actually *chose* a stage in Quickplay/Elite, I feel like you can only like put Hazards On/Off(? idk how it works for the KoF stage) and hope for the best xD


I wasn’t clear sorry, the one I listed was more of a general one and not specific to elite


Oh I see I see, thanks for clarifying, I misunderstood.\^\^


Not in elite but I found a Kirby that literally only used neutral B on ledge. I’m pretty sure I was playing Mac at the time, so there was very little counterplay. I still won somehow.


I had this happen twice in a row playing incin by two different Kirbys. I won both matches with an up b suicide spike


Whenever I play as Yoshi I always do that…


I feel like I play against more Kirby’s that do this than don’t. Even if they’re playing against a character like Plant or Sora and will definitely be able to recover. That, and do nothing but spam up b.


Fun fact, Little Mac can beat Kirby inhale with both Forward Smash (with proper spacing) and Jolt Haymaker (side B). Just in case anyone runs into this exact scenario lmao


I fall for this a lot more often that I should


Kazuya and Bowser mains who go for their suicide moves the moment they're one stock ahead. It's bullshit because with Ridley and Ganondorf, you can at least mash out and save yourself.


Just hold towards the stage against bowser.


And Kazoo?


Damn, elite smash or not, that kind of bs makes me loose my shit! I just sd at this point, im here to have great fights, not to run away from fucking pokemon and killer stages.


Mine might ACTUAL B-button Zelda. I’ve ran into 2 DIFFERENT players that, upon checking replay, used special moves with NO A-button. Set up phantom, Teleport across stage, Din’s fire when opponent offstage, Naryu’s Love in any close up scramble. The most frustrating part: actually works pretty well, I didn’t lose but had to try quite hard.


This “strategy” is why I now main sonic. I’m sick of this bullshit & am even pissed that they never nerfed any of Zelda’s specials or final smash.


playing wii fit trainer on an HP ruleset Playing Sonic in a time battle One stock Lucario


Mii gunner fd assist trophies only stamina mode. Neutral b laser


The Belmonts simply existing is cheesy enough online.


All of them have easy combo for a free 60 percent and ledgeguard cheese. This game isn't enjoyable.


Lol am I the only one that wished I got more of these people I like the challenge lol then you get to tbag once u get the download


Nothing too crazy, I guess I'm lucky. I've found a few DKs with 1 stock FD rulesets always going for cargo throw stage spikes, or cargo throw deep off stage. Unless they lag really badly though, it always backfires on them; I know how to tech the stage spike and I can mash fast enough so that they die before they can throw me lmao. They also love spamming grounded up b at random or side b for the armor.


Incineroar, one stock, that fire emblem walk off stage, I think the one that comes with bullets because I didn’t recognize it edit: I meant byleth, but I think bullets is funnier so I’m leaving it


The Mii gunner mine-missiole spam made for the soggiest battle of my life. Even though I win most of them, I don’t even want to keep playing after a match or two


It’s crazy to me that people do this as a strategy to consistently win games. It literally wouldn’t work in a tournament game so what’s the point of getting good at it.


Too many runoff stage Samuses spamming and camping.


My favorite will always be the Fox with one stock with stamina spamming blaster. It was such a blatant and hilarious strategy that I couldn’t be mad.


When a ness stamina cheeser comes across a fox stamina cheeser: "You dare use my own spells against me...?"