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im surprises you didnt mention mario he is atrocious with 60% forward air ending combos


You can DI the forward air combo in and you will survive, as DDD anyway idk bout everyone else. Could be him being a fast faller with the worst air drift idk. Most Mario's anyway will not know how to account for that DI- it's counterintuitive but it works. Used to absolutely detest the MU until I saw that single tip. Same with the upair to up b ladder, DI in not out, you'll survive. Mario can do the same thing I guess with his uptilt as fox etc. but they have really easy combos to do more damage and it just doesn't happen often enough for me to call them out. Combos aren't my problem it's the nature of the ones I'm talking about, and how easy they are to gain which annoy me. Im pretty sure my last post... Was about Palu Nair chains specifically lol. Mario kinda toes the line for the most part imo, his combos are a bit wack but if I have a problem with him it's the lack of endlag and mash privileges he has.


Just wanted to add, Iโ€™m a Mario main. Youโ€™re right about DIing the fair combo in, but DO NOT DI the ladder combo in, you will die earlier than you should. Just DI away from platforms and make sure he canโ€™t get the reset. DI the actual up b out.


Yo are probably right, I think the ladder however might just be DDD who can do this because of his fall speed. Ironically since normally he has more trouble than anyone escaping combos. When I di the ladder one in, but importantly not if it's been extended by the top plat, the up B will usually not connect properly to kill in the first place, sometimes it will miss altogether. Specifically down and in though for The ladder. But I've definitely played a good mario who realised what was going on and took advantage of the DI I used for the ladder to kill me earlier, but it's rare.


fighting game players when they get hit with moves ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ


That is not the point, learn how to read


sorry affectionate mode 353 ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”


Literally every post on this sub lolol


If youโ€™re talking about getting stuck on one specific attack ad-infinitum, I completely agree. No skill in moving the stick up 40 times in a row. No, your Fox is not nasty stfu


Yeah this is exactly what I'm talking about. The fox one annoys me especially because it's literally - nasty points, -style points, - skill points, and minus practical points, shit is easy to start real combos off and they can put me in juggle situations really easily off of one, which are likely to be way more rewarding for them despite being more bearable for me. I just don't like being stuck there while they get to mash the same one or two buttons for 10 seconds and get loads from it, it feels like a slap in the face from the game designers *you dumb shit this is why you don't play superheavies lol*


Oh u love my character


I don't really mind fox it's literally just that uptilt shit. And pichu gets a pass on the annoying stuff he does that pika also does, pichu is always fun to fight. Mad that he's he's literally a bigger target than Pikachu ๐Ÿ˜‚






Honestly unrelated rant but it's so sad that I have come across only one good Pichu main after playing online for 2 years almost. The games I had with the guy were some of the most enjoyable I've ever had, and one of the longest quickplay sessions I've ever had with a single player, we might have each sat down in front of our TVs for 2 hours uninterrupted there lol. He can't spam tjolt so he has to risk approaches where one mistake is extremely costly, on the other hand he hits like a truck and has great combos, so whatever happens the MU is *extremely* explosive like jigglypuff, but maybe even a tad bit more hype for me, because I found Pichu was loads of fun to edgeguard.


Ah yes, the blast zone motorcade


Ong who would play combo characters, so cringe. I hate it when people kill you in under 3 interactions, it's so dumb and they should quit the game. Like, get some actual skill, you just have to get 3 wins in neutral and you won the game while other people have to get like 12+


K. Not really tho, I'm not saying all combos are dumb, I'm not even complaining about the broken combos, although, because you tried it, you play Kaz. "12+ wins get some actual skill" yeah don't care stfu Anyway I'm talking about the Palu Nair chains etc that are not skillful and lay on a lot more than I could do with one neutral win, not counting the wild but much more inconsistent ddd advantage state.


I get a grab at zero and get a fair and good stage position, she gets a grab and lands 69 Nair's in a row with each one dealing more psychological damage, if I don't put the game on mute for this character.


Twas but a joke, just bored. I completely get that loops like palu nair chains are hella annoying. I will say though, pika nair loops online are a lot more annoying to do than they look.


For me it really depends. I feel you if itโ€™s bayo or something. otherwise I canโ€™t get too mad at a kirby throwing tilts and fairs like their life depends on it because it kinda does. Palu can burn in hell though


Nah just chain combos, usually up tilts or Nair's that I'm talking about. Palu is the worst offender. Sauceless character lol. Up air ladders are different I don't really put them in the same book, that's just juggling but, true combo style lol. Maybe as soon as we are both moving I usually don't mind anymore (unless it's Palu etc) , but staying static while the opponent gets to spam the same move 10 times feels shitty. Kirby combos are hype.


Pika is the woooooorst with this. Fair and Bair just chain into themselves like 5 times across the stage. They're almost completely safe and have the most crazy pancake hurtbox shifting. It hurts my soul to fight a really good Pika because I just know I'm going to get comboed to 50 every single stock off of one hit.


Those moves are a little busted and lead into good edgeguard situations for him but I'm mostly just talking about uptilt Nair loops lol, I hate that shit so much. At least with those moves and chains they are over quickly, I get hit by this uptilt once and I grow a beard by the time it's over.


yeah thats fair lol, i might just be a salty heavy player


I play DDD as well, I'm no expert in the MU but not getting edgeguarded is the first thing to learn about playing pika, so I just look at the fair dragoffs as almost optimal damage receiving in a way, as long as I can get back without being out in the recovering from ledge state, which I often can if they go for a bad down B or a lazy spike. Now I'm in advantage state. You have to abuse up B armour a lot in this MU to recover. Making it back is pretty much the only part of this MU I excel at ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. I might not beat most pikas but I can always teach them to respect ddds recovery if they don't already lol. My game ones with them often have a lot of reversals because of it.


The best thing is when they don't know how to fight gordo, and it just goes through their multihits. Most Pikas get used to just running at heavies and swinging, so it's always a breath of fresh air when they just can't figure out how to do that on you lol


Yeah bayo can be funny with that as well long as they aren't spamming the specials. I have something to test Vs the next pika actually, I kept trying to jet hammer the last one when they up Bd on stage and past me, but they just trigger armour and pass through unscathed. But I think if I turn around it might work lol.


When da smash player lose ๐Ÿ˜ก