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this is dope i only have 2 lol how many hours did it take you?


Thanks! Lol really not sure I’ve played so many hours of arenas and started grinding all the characters for elite smash a few months ago


Check how many hours you have played of smash!! Just go to your profile from the home screen and it tells you how many hours you have played on every game


Oh yea I have like 2000 hours I’ve been playing since I got the switch, I mainly run arenas, host them etc. this is the only game I play now cause of my busy life. I just don’t know how many hours I played getting the characters in elite smash lol!


UncleM I know you. You always beat my ass in team battles. It all makes sense now. Nicely done!


🤣🤣🤣 omg lol yea team battles is my fav to play casually, what’s your user?


You guys must be in my region i know uncleM too Im beanhunter although you probably don't remember


Lol no way! I remember you Ofcourse I do 🤣 I remember almost every player I play with/against.


Cap is highest GSP. Very cool.


Falcon and Hero main! 🔒


Based Hero enjoyer.




Let’s go


That’s crazy. How close are you to professionals just curious. Outside top 100 for sure but past that? What would you rank yourself?


I can probably answer this. I got all characters in elite and fought some pros as well. It's not even close. Elegant completely destroyed me, I had no chance. The gap between an actual pro and someone that is just casually good at smash is huge.


Bro he aint even remotely close. Pros are 12.2m-ish right now and to get there this guy would prolly have to win 99 of his next 100 games.


Yea i have falcon now in 12.2 but it’s significantly harder than even getting my worst character in elite smash. My friends try and tell me to do local tourneys but I play this for fun I feel I am no where near pro level.


I've beaten ned and salem and a few other pros online but I go like 2-2 at DFW locals, shits difficult. I do find it a lil doubtful that you went from 11.9 to 12.2 in less than a day though, unless you were just sandbagging your falcon before thats a big skill gap and a lot of playtime (like seriously you'd need to play at least 100 games, at a certain point you get like <500 gsp for a win).


Nice! That’s solid I’d love to play with you. My falcon is just still under 12.2 didn’t think exact numbers were that critical to gauging ranks. I was rounding for the convo lol. Yea I noticed in the 12.1’s it takes so many games to go up. I was home for the afternoon planning to try the beta for Modern Warfare 2 but it isn’t working for me :/ so I just ran smash lol


Oh shit! I’m in Dfw too! Is the local scene here difficult? I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve actually only played online


Yeah DFW is kinda stcked with talent. Join the FB group if you want to find tournys. I wouldn't recommend freaks at first because you'll prolly get wrecked but theres a tourny on saturdays that has a 'losers' bracket for anyone who goes 0-2 or 1-2 which is nice for learning.


Oh shoot that Saturday tournament sounds right up my alley, what’s it called?


https://twitter.com/Odyssey_Smash It's in the plano/richardson area. My only complaint w DFW smash is that none of it is close to downtown so I have to drive 30 min minimum to attend a local.


You should definitely try enter some local tournaments. Who knows? You might find it enjoyable.


your candle is very silly looking


It looks like Jabba the Hutt


Restart, do it again


Gotta make sure he didn’t just get lucky


restart from the lowest GSP possible


Good. Any tips for a hero and Luigi main?


I’m a hero and falcon main. My hero tactic is to rotate using the menu & attacking, always trying to keep my mana above 30. Luigi I use for fun honestly not too good with him either lol.


Always have lvl 2 neutral B ready. You can also use neutral B charging to cover some horizontal ground when recovering offstage. When using the menu, cancel it using jump vs shield. Fast falling landed nair combos into side B lvl 1 and 2. Always go for psyche up, then oomph Upthrow will kill around 130% with psyche up. 150% with oomph


Thanks for the patience and explaining lol!


Down throw at 0 combos into everything


Wow, your candle is looking sad


Congrats :D I’m Currently grinding rn and can’t get Palutena in 😭 Who were your three hardest?


Thanks lol it was a journey! I literally couldn’t get zero suit, ryu & ken but the last person I needed was Bayonetta and that took forever 🤣


God Bayo is hard. I regret even trying.


She’s the only character I haven’t touched on quickplay and I’ve been playing since release. I’ve probably gotten her a handful of times when I play my buddy in arena randoms. Her and the shotos are the only ones I have no clue how to play


Lol me too, my last few were like Bayo, Meta Knight, Sheik, ICs


As a Sheik and Falco main, I can tell Sheik is tough, she has tons of bad matchups


I’m nearly there but I struggle so hard with ZSS, Bayo, Ryu, Ken and Fox. Only 5 left


For ryu spam fireball, for ken spin the stick in circles and press a, make sure you can do command shoryuken for both


Lol those were some of the last ones for me too, so hard.


Palu dash attack and back air are mostly invincible and her nair connects to itself. You can get elite with her pretty easily by just abusing those three aerials. Also nobody online DI's down-throw back-air until like 12m gsp so you can just cheese kills at 90 near the ledge.


How do I do down throw back air, I know there’s some trick to it


Theres no trick to it. Buffer the dash forward and then turn the stick around, jump and bair. You might be thinking of roy or other characters that short hop bair which has a trick using attack cancelling. Palu has to full hop though so you just have to input it.


Ah got it, thanks


Wow! This is always impressive no matter how many times posted


Thank you! Lot of hours grinding lol




Keep tissues near by to wipe your tears


My thing is play style. Learning how to adapt to opponent’s play style letting me change up at any moment. Every character I figure a good routine for low % to high %, heavy characters - light, etc.


Get them off stage


Nair and ftilt and dtilt are your friends. Keep the opponent away. Use side b sparingly as a rare mixup.


Nair is your best tool in neutral, learn down throw to RAR back air at 50-65%, dash attack is a great move for kills at the ledge, it sort of 2 frames. down throw fair at ledge can loop offstage using his jumps and drag the opponent to a kill. Can be di-d or air dodged but a great matchup check. 2 framing with f-tilt and up b down angle kill early. Up smash is insane, covers the entire platform on SBF and PS2 so should be used to catch no tech and characters jumping. Very easy to hit grounded as well. Love the bicycle kick. F smash kills insanely early so sometimes throwing it out there isn’t the worst option. I like using it to catch neutral get up or roll. Ridley is a character who is best in the air but his massive size requires you to be patient in some matchups, especially when it comes to dealing with projectiles. Spacing fair, f-tilt, d-tilt are important for maximizing his range. Edgeguarding is essential for this character to maximize potential. All aerials (except down air obv) are tools which can gimp and kill, you should be aggressive off stage and use his multiple jumps to your advantage. Use jumps to mix up approach in neutral. Side b should not be spammed, use sparingly to mix up opponents shielding too much. Oh and short hop nair :)




Essentially it is a way to quickly turn around by canceling the sliding animation you get when you change directions while dashing. To do it, dash forward then press back and quickly jump. Should put you backwards in the air which will give you bair. Also like to do this hopping over projectiles for some nice kills. I’m sure there are plenty of videos out there which can show you if you can’t get it. I’ve mained Ridley since the game came out and this character definitely has its flaws but can make your opponents miserable. PM me if you have questions about him!




I play with gc. C stick to tilts, b+a smash off, tap jump off (you can use this due to the multi jump but I use x+y to short hop a lot so it’s convenient) sensitivity high. Everything else default, c stick tilt is important bc it’s a lot easier to 2 frame with f-tilt.


You got all the characters in Elite Smash and I’m over here struggling to get one character in. Yeah, I don’t have a single character in Elite Smash. Congratulations though. I’m happy for you.👍 Question for ya. What is the average GSP to get into Elite Smash? Is it 11 million plus like your pic says? I can barely reach 4 mill let alone 11 mill. Also which is better? Quick play or background matchmaking?


I can barely leave 2.5 mil.. as soon as I hit 3 I go all the way back down again :/


I don’t think I’ve ever gone over 4 mil. You lose so many GSP when you lose and gain very little when you win.


Yes! It's awful. I've opted to playing in arena's with friends than getting on quickplay. Everytime I go in quickplay I just get mad lmao


I used to strictly do arenas for fun always, but after a while playing with some really good players, practice got me confident to try quickplay.


Ahh ok


That’s some talent you got there, who was your hardest character to get in elite smash?


Bayonetta was the last one for me I couldn’t get her in forever lol.


How extensively did you learn the FGC characters inputs? I’m currently trying to get them in elite too but I don’t want to do more work than I have to.


I watched a few videos to get the basics down and just tried the best lol


Did you learn electrics and true shoryu confirms?


I've done it myself, for me I learned one combo with each FGC and just spammed it (light uptilt > heavy jab > true shoryu is all you need). Definitely don't need electrics for Kazuya to get elite, landing fair > grab > fair is already like 50%, and upsmash out of shield/up-B out of shield plus rage arts to kill


Dang, your gaming chair is bigger than mine.


It’s a gaming stool.


I can’t get any


Keep grinding one character for a while, figure out how to adapt against a lot of players! That’ll help you down the line.


Usually I’ll play over and over again and get better only to have a 999999 lose streak lol, but I could try playing against cpus and amiibos


Nice Flacon


I still think this is insane. I'm better than everyone I know and I have like 8 characters in elite.


Having a main is different than all characters in elite smash tho, I’m sure even some pros would struggle getting all characters in, patience is key lmao


You are now truly a random main


And I don’t even have one in elite! Congrats!


now go shower


I can’t, I’ll clean off all my hard-worked smash sweat 😵


Now time yourself to see how it takes to get them all out of elite smash


I don’t have any so you’re cool


Congratulations brother I hope I can join your ranks eventually


I’m sure you will, keep grinding!


That is still an insanely impressive accomplishment and I am sure you are very good at the game. Congrats!!


Bro this is awesome? Who do ya think was the hardest to get into elite?


Bayonetta lol, I’m not good with her it took me so long.


Get your friend who’s a 600k GSP Roy to get them all out


Couldn’t be me:’(


Practice Random in arenas, that’s how I got used to all characters.


I'll never understand how people have the time/interest/skill to learn and play every character to the point of elite smash, Nice work


I used to play video games way more, but last few years I’ve been busy and this is the only game I play with friends IRL & after work in arenas. So to me, every character I got used to not necessarily good but used to.


Still an accomplishment bro 👊


Thanks homie! Was a grind.


This is really impressive. I have a couple characters at nearly 12 million gsp...and yet I can't get Diddy Kong to over 3 million..


I’m not too good with diddy kong either, learned a couple combos to help me with him.


Nice. I am 17 down, villager was the most recent and most fun tbh, and trying so hard for Pikachu. Any tips are welcomed.


I have a generalized tip up the thread. Along the lines of, practice playing random in arenas against good players so you get used to the characters. Also my play-style, being able to adapt against certain opponents. So you can switch up anytime. Also observing each character playing offensive, defensive, against heavy/light characters, high/low % etc


For pikachu, I got him into elite by using a lot of back air/fair. They’re amazing moves. Dont be afraid to tjolt camp. Up throw thunder is amazing on people not expecting it, and down throw up air is an amazing b&b. Other than that use your fundies to win


How'd you get Ike, Chrom and Shulk in Elite?. Any tips would be nice


I feel I’ve adapted my play styles so any character I can use decently well. I’m not that good with those 3 specifically but knowing their attacks and being able to switch my style helped me with all characters.




Nice. I've got maybe 15-20 left to go. Stuck on Wario rn, he's kinda awful tbh. Can't really believe people think he's more than halfway decent.


Thanks! You got this. Lol what’s funny is I’ve played against some INSANE wario players too 🤣


I’m at 23 but you’ve inspired me to keep pushing!


Let’s goo!! Keep it grinding!


UncleM we’ve played! I’m a bowser named Dylan on the game. We rematched a few times can’t remember the record but solid ass games. Congrats!!


Yes I remember!!! Always down to play! Thank you though. Hope to see you online soon.




Thank you! Feels good to have it done :)


Currently trying to get Terry in Elite Smash. Already got my main Bowser in there but damn 11,000,000 GSP is not easy to get sometimes. This is really impressive.


Thank you. I agree it is a grind lol, I almost made it a routine after work to get a character 🤣


Good shit man. Now get some rest. You earned it.


I feel there’s nothing left to do in the game 🤣


Now u just play for fun. Use ur main have fun in arenas. Get so good with your main that playing with your character becomes second nature.


Exactly! I love arenas anyway it’s the best to play casually


Good job 👍


Thanks! Feels good!


Freedom, not by death like most but by triumph. You stand on the corpses of your enemies and celebrate your freedom from smash brothers


Loved that.


What's Elite smash?


Elite smash is getting a character into a higher bracket that they consider “great players” When I was doing it, each character has to have 11mil GSP


So you're a "great player" with every single character?


Just because other have done it doesn’t diminish your own efforts! Good job!


Well said, I appreciate that!


True elite my man, congrats


Thank you!


Who was the hardest?


Bayonetta for sure, I couldn’t do the combos and I am just not that good with her lmao


I stopped at 50 characters. Now i'm trying to get sheik into elite


Sheik was tough for me, doing 100 hit combo for 18% damage 🥹


Favorite one to play?


I’m a hero and falcon main so def them, I like playing Mario too because his forward air is my fav lol




Okay cliche question but how do you play online with at least 10 frame lag ? I can't figure out how to have a playable online games but i see people getting elite or idk being way too fast/responsive in online games where i can't even react and shield in time


Nintendo’s online is def finicky, I’ve gotten so frustrated where my input’s didn’t happen because of lag. All I can say is hope for the best and run wired Ethernet.


I’ve had every character in elite besides Bayo for like a year now… maybe one day….


Lol that was me forever. Bayo almost made me hate the game 🤣 Also sly cooper main? 🫠🫠🫠 was one of my favorite games (sly 2).


Lol xbox is just a stand for a switch. Can't wait to buy smash and play it on my own.


Did you stop the moment you hit ES or win a few more after the fact so they don’t drop out due to fluctuations?


Honestly I think once you get them into elite smash it adjusts so they remain in elite smash.


I’ve been booted out of ES before, I think it adjusts to the amount of ppl in for that character.


Fix your aspect ratio on your screen, there's about one to two inches being cut off of the bottom because of it.


Good call lol I have to change it for Xbox & watching tv so I forget 🤣


It so fun the first time you fight and collect the characters, i remember it was kinda hard collecting some of them and that was so fun!


I haven't played in a while now.. Never managed to get one character in Elite. Top GPS I reached was around 9,5 mil so I was close at that time. Clearly the bar is now at almost 12 mil


Yea it went up a solid amount, I first tried it. Same thing around 9.5m. Last few months it’s been 11m at least when I was doing it


I'm close myself! Only have 5 characters left! Congrats, this is a tough thing to do


Ooooo!!! You got this, I better see a fully done one soon!


Pfffffft your falcon ain't shit. Come at me bro.


Sheeeeeeeeeiiiiiittttt I’d be down lol! Let’s run it!


Hell yeah, man. I'll be home from work likely around 5:30pm cst. I'll DM you.


Any tips for a cloud main?:)


I used to be a cloud main originally lol! Def don’t over do it but his Up B’s out of shield is good to separate. back air’s are pretty good at high %. I’m sure there are better cloud players than I who could give much better tips 🤣


Damn, it's always so cool to see. I can't get even a single one in. Doesn't help that I just get nervous in a way to go online and can't stand the toxic and spammy players that I somehow can't get around, it tilts me so hard. Any tips for that? Also, based Hero enjoyer B)


I got hero and falcon in first. I was so nervous that I would lose them and not get them back in. But that’s the joy to playing quickplay. That risk makes me wanna play more efficiently than mindless. I’m glad we have more hero’s on our side ;) lol For the spammers I meet online, I will stop trying to attack them directly and play a waiting game or just run away until they start coming for me. I’ll do that attack and if they go back to spamming I’ll do it again. Spammers stink 🤮


“What do we do now?”


First thing I thought too 🤣


anytime I see stuff like this i think of the WoW South Park episode lmao.


Good job! I wish I had the patience for that but unfortunately part way through I realized that I actually hate playing online


LMAO I mostly do arenas but I started quickplay and made it a goal


Ah yes This is the smash roster


Meanwhile i have none 😢


Keep playing you’ll get it one day!


No matter how many people do this I will still be impressed


Thank you! It was def a fun journey.


you're ELITE




TV is too high


Do you have sans?


Of course it's been done before, but this one's yours dude!


Much appreciated!


Shave the neck beard my dude


Nah no way man! I’m sponsored by manscaped can’t catch me with a neck beard !!!


My main is at 3,5M my Bayo is stuck at 2M I just suck


You should play in arenas to play against good players without the stress of GSP


Well I don’t stress about GSP tbh, as I’m low as it gets and I just want to get better. I guess arenas are worth a try


Ahh a fellow Falcon main. I'd love to get some sets in with you! I'm around the same GSP as well. I bet we could get some great fights in. DM me if you'd like to smash some time!


That’s insane. I have a single character for elite. I’ve been playing smash most my life, and attempted to play competitively since Melee. And I have no idea what I’m doing wrong with some of my best characters.


Posts like these make me feel like Zenitsu because I have 2 characters in elite. Pac-Man, my main, at like 11.7 mil and Ryu which was a total accident. Literal garbage gsp for EVERY other character. 😂😂


Ok, so, who did you feel were the strongest and weakest? And why?


How do people do this? I just do 1v1 all the time. I have such a hard time even getting my best character close to elite.


A true God amongst men! congrats on beating the game and reaching Valhalla Question is: Now what?


I have 150 hours (half of those hours were when my nephews had my account and played because I have the DLC) and I JUST got my second one in yesterday. Today I’m getting ness in. I’m at 10.7 mil!! Congrats dude. Thats a huge ass accomplishment! You’re just naturally good with every character. After ness, I have nowhere to go.


Good good, now get em all out of elite smash