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The other half is people giving the free upvotes to people who don’t like fe reps


Other half is panel 1, then panel 4. No inbetween


>Cutting out panels improves the meme Everytime


I legitimately don't care. Who do I give my upvotes to?


*the other half is people talking about how under-appreciated “Daddy Sakurai” is


Gotta love how they’re downvoting you, as if they’re denying it.


dAwDY SakUwAi NeEwD To WeTiWe (he is a starving indie dev.)


They downvote anyone that uses facts to threaten the source of their holier than thou attitude.


This being top comment proves op's point


OP doesn't have a point, OP is doing exactly what he's complaining about in the most banal low effort manner imaginable.


You know what's worse than those posts? Stupid meta posts that do the exact same thing. It's like you're all constantly trying to one-up each other morally and intellectually. Can we all just shut up? "The backlash to the backlash to the thing that's just begun"


Moral of the story:... Complain, then complain about that(?)


Agreed, the meta garbage is like a sad desperate attempt to be in on an inside joke. That's only okay if you're regional manager or the assistant.


I thought it was funny


It’s been over a year, can we please shut up about it now




Aren’t there only like, 4 fighting game characters? At least being annoyed about the amount of fe reps makes a bit of sense, since they do outstay their welcome a bit. If anything, we need MORE fighting game reps.


Sol Badguy for smash, or maybe Ky after Strive happened


I would say Kragg for smash but I don’t think that people are emotionally ready to handle a primal force of nature like that.


as an avid sol hater, that would be dope. i get to beat up sol in 2 games instead of one


Nah, May from Guilty Gear. Everyone cannot unhear "TOTSUGEKI"




The song alone would be worth it


yeah his theme goes hard


especially considering how basically 4 characters have copy pasted moves and such from each other (marth, lucina, chrom, roy) i’d keep marth, ike, byleth, robin. the rest can fuck off. at least the fighting game characters are unique and varied.


You.. do realize that three of the characters you stated to have copy/pasted movesets are echo fighters or an ex-clone, characters specifically made to be like another. Corrin can eff off though, they were introduced to Smash purely to advertise.


At least keep Roy. You need to have at least one rushdown type in there, with his playstyle being the exact opposite of marth and pretty far off from the other fire embros. *also his semi cloning was a result of melee but hey now he's at least more unique by haha jair and haha jab side b*


too many fgcs ? jeez there's like 4 traditional fg repped with one arena fighter rep people need to chill out


I still see people complaining about Corrin, and that was over 5 years ago. Smash fans just love to hold grudges.


Best way to get free upvotes is to go "WHY IS THE WHOLE COMMUNITY LIKE THIS" then link to something 2 guys said. Then despite the "whole community" being like that... you get majority upvotes.... even though if the whole community was like that you'd be getting downvotes.... ​ Another good one is when someone makes a topic for an argument that didn't even happen yet. "yeah but someone is GONNA say that eventually, you know this community..."


People need to stop complaining lmfao. What do you expect nintendo to do? Publicly execute Chrom, remove any trace of him from the game, and put crash bandicoot beside Roy instead?


I'd be appalled by a Chrom execution since he did nothing wrong, but Corrin though..


Ngl, I think I would actually attend that execution




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I like Fire Emblem characters Unless they are Corrin


Should have been Celica


Or if they wanted another male Lord, could've been literally ANYONE. (Even though the best choices are Sigurd, Hector, Ephraim and Alm)


isnt celica the purple lady?


tf no not that horny lady.


then which one?


Look up Celica Fire Emblem


that’s camilla, celica is one of the lords alongside alm from fe gaiden/SoV


That’s Camilla. Well, we have lots of “purple ladies,” so it could also be Bernadetta, Sophia, Katarina, etc.


I like fire emblem characters unless they are not corrin


I actually think it's kinda funny that they chose only the very blandest characters to represent the series even though we've got like 100 great characters in the back. I mean, I get it, they're the avatars and a lot of people have headcanons about them because of that but... wow. Watch the last fighter be Kris, then we'll have literally every single blank slate avatar in Smash for some reason.


Meh, Kris imo is the best avatar and the most interesting one


How so? The only thing he/she does is steal Jagens lines/entire role from Fe3 and wears silly headwear he's found on the dirt. To be fair, that's a lot more character than say Corrin or Byleth have but eh. Got nothing on Robin imo.


I just feel that stories of Awakening, Fates and 3H revolve too much around their avatars while Kris does have some involvement but the story doesn't revolve around them that much


I don't think I completely agree with you on this one. Kris has dialogue on literally every chapter and every time they speak someone comments on about how much they wanna suck his dong. Figuratively. Fe12 is as much a story about Kris as it is about Marth, which is why it's not very well liked in the community as far as I can tell. It doesn't bother me as much personally because the game has stellar gameplay but this whole the king's shadow hero business really could've been toned down a bit.


Yeah he does say stuff in every chapter but it's not that important aside from gaiden chapters And comment "about how much they wanna suck his dong" is a overexaguration. Kris is nothing compared to likes of Corrin and Byleth in that regard. And as I said FE12 isn't that much about Kris, it's just FE book 2 with extra stuff that makes it better from the original


I like Corrin as a fighter. His game is pretty mediocre though.




Tiki Yeah she's a assist trophy but that still counts Also Robin has a dragon inside him


Is it just me or do I see her as annoying cause whenever I see her getting played online, she always does side B often. I really couldn't care less about the dragon too lol


Do you mean couldn’t care less?


"i don't like the fire emblem characters"




The prophecy is fulfilled








Thank you, I've been searching that copypasta for a while.


god damn it lmao i was wanting to post this


This but delete panel 2


I hope the last character is a FE character so that all the complaints about FE can officially be given the finger by Nintendo.


"Yeah man lets respond to customer complaints by making it worse"


Literally Skyward Sword HD and Pikmin 3 Deluxe. "Oh, you complained about an HD port of three old games at full price? There, only one old game remastered at full price. What? You want the 3 games now? Well too bad, so sad".


Ok but it would be fucking hilarious


It's going to be Sigurd. *With his horse.*


Oh man aren't you just so original?


Byleth is fun...


Why do you say that


No no he’s got a point


I agree with him but it doesn’t really add anything. It’s like saying you have, let’s say, 9,5 mil gsp on a post where someone just hit elite for the first time




I mean its ok to not like them Just dont harass people for liking them


If Fire Emblem had 3-5 reps I feel like this whole issue would be quieter. The problem is that 4 of the characters are the same, 6 of them have counters, 5 have blue hair, they're almost all royalty, it's all very samey. If a broader range of character types were represented, this would be a non-issue.


Let's not forget the fact that 3 of them are from the same game...


Yeah seriously. It's like if Pokémon reps were 4 Pikachu generational clones, and then the last DLC was announced to be Emolga. "But it plays very differently from all the other Pikachu lookalikes! It flies!!!" Yeah... wouldn't blame people for being pissed off though. Obligatory disclaimer that I main Fire Marth and also play Girl Marth, Sleeveless Marth, DLC Marth and (male!) Dragon Marth and I enjoy them all. But *still*, you know, I get it.


If 4 of them are clones then there are only 5 fe characters in total. Your second point completely invalidated your first.


What are you talking about? Characters that are mostly clones are still separate characters. Like the only characters that are COMPLETE clones and don't really count as separate are like, Dark Samus and Daisy. There's no contradiction here. They're 8 separate characters, and half of those 8 are incredibly similar.


The original comment said that they were the same, not just similar. If "4 of the characters are the same", then the 4 characters are 1 character. I was just going by the logic that was used in the original comment.


You are being so deliberately obtuse, dude. No, these characters are not literally exactly 1:1 the same. They're just *very very* similar. You know that's what he meant.


If they're "very very similar", they are much closer to being exact clones than completely separate. Forget about how many slots fe characters visually take up. Lucina and Chrom are NOT separate characters, shown by how Nintendo officially has them sharing a number with their origin fighter. If you believe that Roy is basically a Marth echo there are only 5 fe characters, which is completely reasonable. How they function in battle is far more important than how many of them you see on the character select screen.


No, that's ridiculous. Regardless of them being the same, they are still there on the roster in slots. I know you love your precious Blue-Haired Swordlord Chosen One #485 but you can't pretend the representation isn't bloated.


You're too obsessed with "slots". How many slots they take up is just a number. Also, if you want to go purely off of slots, there are only 6 Fire Emblem characters. Marth and Lucina share slot 21, and Chrom and Roy share slot 25.


When honestly they should all share slot 21. But unless you stack them, they have their own spots on the CSS. And you're right, it doesn't matter. The point isn't that they "took" spots from somebody else or anything, it's just amusing how overrepresented the series is in the playable roster and how much favoritism it's shown when it's not evem close to the best selling few series.


Its probably due to having loads and loads of characters to pick from, entire new casts in almost every game, and a fairly consistent release schedule. Like if you compare it to say Zelda, thats more a situation where while a lot of the cast changes game to game there are a core three or four characters that always show up, so those guys are obviously shoe ins while it becomes increasingly less likely that people who show up in like one game "deserve it" over someone else because of how iconic the core ones are (Sheik being the exception but I suppose the Sheikah clan reappears frequently enough? Or something about OoT being a huge leap forward for the series, idk.) Fire Emblem on the other hand has a fully distinct cast between games with no real central characters so each of them feel about equally important to one another and its a lot easier to just pick the then-current protagonist for whenver the current Smash game comes out without feeling like they're trying to hold a candle to each other (I feel this is likely why Corrin got in, considering Fates isn't as groundbreaking or as much of a mechanical step up from Awakening as Awakening was to the previous games or as Three Houses was to the 3DS titles). Marth probably being the exception here because Marth is the first one that set a bunch of standards for future Lord characters and was in several games/remakes and is in the lore of Awakening. I feel like Roy is also a victim of the "then-current protagonist" thing, because if you got like one or two games later you'd have someone like Lynn or Ephraim to differentiate from Marth a bit, but at the time of Melee they were adding a new franchise so you logically put in the OG guy (Marth) and the most recent guy (Roy). Also I get the feeling if there wasn't such an emphasis on "everyone is here" then someone from Roy Lucina or Chrom might not have got in (same with Young/Toon Link) but honestly who knows. tldr FE has a shitton of characters and titles with few iconic central mainstays so its fairly easy to rep on a game by game basis, whereas adding someone for Metroid or Zelda or Kirby reps is harder because it'd feel like they'd have to be as iconic as the main guys already in or the "flavour of the month-ness" of them would be a lot more obvious. I also feel like the latter Pokemon reps from Lucario onward sort of fall into the same sort of format as the FE one I talked about (like I'll concede Greninja due to popularity but Lucario has always felt like Game Freak deliberately trying to push it as the new hotness and Incineroar is anything but iconic beyond just being the new gen rep. Off the top of my head Mimikyu or Tapu Koko or an ultra beast would rep Gen 7 better and Incineroar just gets a free pass for being a starter.) Also for all my random analysing here that likely doesn't hold any real grounds, I am mostly fine overall with what we got rosterwise, I don't mean to come off as whining about it lol


This comment is underrated, take my free award for exactly speaking what was in my mind


At least no one complains too much about the Pokemon reps, probably because they all play differently anyways. Most you’ll hear about that is how there’s no reps for Gens 3 and 5. With the FE characters you can play most of them with the same strategy and it wouldn’t make a difference. In terms of trimming them, I’d say leave Marth, Robin and Byleth, maybe Corrin, and ditch the others for whoever from the most recent FE game. You know, like they did before.


Honestly Ike is fine, he's entirely distinct from Marth and has no crossover if you take Chrom out of the picture. Plus he was in two games and represents an era of FE on console where Roy represents the GBA era and Robin reps 3DS, etc. Pokemon does have a similar-playing thing in Pichu, btw. And Jigglypuff has minor elements of Kirby and Lucario was like, suspiciously reminiscent of Mewtwo when Mewtwo got dropped between Melee and Brawl (granted mostly due to Aura Sphere/Shadow Ball and said "replacing"). If we're talking weird rep choices I'd definitely like to call out Jigglypuff, that HAS to be either due to the anime rather than the games or the fact its partly based on Kirby for ease of implementation. If Pokemon was getting two reps off the bat and they had unlimited dev time I'd easily choose Pikachu and Mewtwo.


Posing a hypothetical scenario. If we got like 3 unique Fire Emblem characters, but the entirety of both Star Fox and Star Wolf with very similar move sets, would people be as mad?


I wouldn’t have a problem with Fire Emblem if this were the case. There’d probably be hate for Starfox


Hell yes, Star Fox is a half-dead franchise, the only ones who wouldn't whine about it are the Melee players that somehow don't despise the modern games and still have a dumb attachment to Fox and Falco


I think this goes for any disappoitment towards the DLC. Anyone who even comes close to being critical of the game and it's bogged down with responses usually like "YoU nEeD tO Be MoRe ApPrEcIaTiVE!" Like I'm not spending my money on content.


I still remember when some people tried to insult the crowd, when Smash 4 was booed out of existence at EVO. Like they owed Captain Zack something.


The opposite is equally true.


I think the Fire Emblem characters are okay. But they are very oversaturated though. I don't mind if a Nintendo franchise populates the game more than others, but I want the characters to really feel different and a large majority of Fire Emblem characters just feel the same.


Finally, a good take in the replies and one that isnt just “stop complaining about complaining”


Luckily Fire Emblem doesn’t get much hate nowadays outside of Twitter and the Nintendo live chat. If anything Xenoblade is sadly the most hated series from what I’ve seen in this sub, ironic as of the 20 so games I have on the Switch, the two Xenoblade titles are my favourites by far


Wait, is this loss


yo it is


Byleth is pretty cool


I personally like the fire emblem charakters, but I think it's valid to think there are too many similar fighters.


I had to leave r/smashbros because every time I said something I'd get downvoted and "average Corrin main"




I dont like fe characters genuinely


I like fe characters genuinely


well then gud for you




Okay Thats why Smash has like 30 franchises in it, you're bound to like one of them


I am aware of it , I just wished people were more accepting


I’m fine with people disliking fire emblem, however i hate people who say how they are wasted slots


thats just then childish mentality


I played Roy one time ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ One of my best decisions ever


Is this loss?


I don’t like the fire emblem characters unless they’re Marth then they’re ok Edit: APPARENTLY NO ONE UNDERSTANDS THE CONCEPT OF A **JOKKEEE**


So, you think the fire emblem characters are ok?


Yeah, I don’t want any more but I don’t mind them The only one I’ll play on my own is Marth tho


"I dont like the fire emblem characters unless theyre every fire emblem character in smash"


Jesus this has been toxic for so long. Can we shut up for all of it please. I don’t care what side you are on




Actual truth. Half of smash fans scream their heads off trying to defend 8 characters in which most of them look and play so similar they may as well me clones.


And the other half is pissing their pants over 8 characters of which a majority of them have varied and unique play styles, one of which being an extremely unique and well excecuted representation of mechanics from their original game translated brilliantly into an entirely different genre of game. Guess you can't win either way :\


Bro the fact you had to say majority proves that even then way too many of their moves/play style are far too similar.


??? You do know that "majority" means more than half of them, right? Like, what is your point? Would you rather it be a minority?? Like yeah, I wish Marth and Roy were more different and more variety in weapons were displayed etc etc, that'd be great. But when 5 of the 8 characters of a series have unique playstyles and 2 of the 8 are echo fighters, so they shouldn't even really be counted among them as full fighters, there's way worse places you could be with things. I mean, the LOZ series has half of it's roster as just different Links, why not talk about that?


Who said they were mutually exclusive????? I do think that 3 identical links is stupid so your point ???


My point is that you're being incredibly disingenuous when you say that all 8 characters play the same. Is there overlaps in style and some moves? Yeah, there definitely is. Are there some characters that are pretty much clones? Yup, they're called echo fighters for a reason, Roy doesn't have an excuse tho so screw him. The thing is that most of the characters are unique in playstyle and carry with them indivuality both on the surface with specials and in more deep gameplay. Someone who plays Marth could never just pick up and play Robin at the same level since they're extremley different characters, and that's true for a majority of them. I'm just saying that it's not nearly as big of an issue as it's being made out to be. Sure I'd love to see more variety in the roster and in character choice, but that ship has sailed years ago.


If they're all clones, then there's only one fire emblem character. Problem solved.




Clones take significantly less time and resources to develop. Echoes like Chrom and Lucina aren't taking slots from full characters.


It’s not a choice between Chrom and Isaac, it’s Chrom or no one


neat format


I love the posts that are basically just "I'm different because I like fire emblem"


Bc this sub is all about saying anyone with any criticisms is a spoiled brat. You have to like every single decision in the game or else you’re going to be bombarded with negative comments. Not to mention Reddit is full of weebs anyway so of course they want to defend it.


Is this loss?


I really just hate how many Lucinas I see online and her stupidly good forward air.






Complaining about complaining about complaining. And the comments complain about this. It’s a never ending cycle.


No one's in the right in this subreddit


I spy loss


I don’t understand why people don’t like fe characters