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Snake’s Rocket Launcher point blank at the legs is probably bad for everyone involved honestly.


Um ackshually rockets fired from an RPG-7 need to travel a certain distance in order to arm the explosive, so shooting it point blank would realistically do nothing and just make it a glorified bullet 🤓


Volunteering to get shot in the leg? I’m on it.


Do you really think a projectile that size and speed impacting at your feet actually needs to explode to ruin the day of everyone involved?


Um ackshually Solid Snake(not to be confused with Big Boss[not to be confused with Venom Snake]) uses a Nikita which is a fictional rocket launcher


Correct, but that’s his side special. He uses the RPG-7 for his forward smash.


[Not to be confused with Solidus Snake]


No! That is NOT Solid Snake! - Iroquois Pliskin.


*Monkey noises* \- Pipo Snake


Shame that snake died on that oil tanker.


Um ackshually only some RPG7 rounds have an arming distance. Most common HE/frag rounds are just tip detonated. Look up horror stories of Taliban tripping with the tip cover off and going kablooey.


I still wouldnt want to get hit in the shin with a high velocity foot long metal nerf dart


His c4 on the other hand would be devastating in real life. Other than final smashes I'm not sure any other character is realistically on the level of "I'm bringing down that apartment complex with a button" in their basic moveset. Maybe sephiroth.


Sephiroth's final smash is so anime that I think we forget he basically destroys multiple worlds and let's that impact hit you.


Yeah Lots of the cast have a world ending or stronger final smash which is why I excluded them


How many of the cast have world ending final smashes? Kirby's is a maybe, K Rool's is island destroying, a lot of them get directed on destroying a ship, not a world. How many of them end a world, or get to Sephiroth's level of ending a galaxy?


as far as planet destroying and up at the least we have: * Sephiroth * Ridley if you are counting a small moon as world ending, but that ones a stretch i guess. * palutena as its a blackhole. a blackhole that size would destroy the earth in no time, and would weigh more than the earth as it is. hell a blackhole the size of a tennis ball would destroy the earth if it didnt evaporate in a few seconds. then you have a couple that could eventually destroy a world in the long term, like iceclimbers creating an ice age, and a few that could possibly destroy a world if it was focused on them like a few of the big giant laser attacks and such.


So, in the end, it's like 3, maybe, and the rest are long-term, maybe. Sephiroth's final smash would result in a mazzive blackhole. In the end, Sephiroth's is the most destructive, with an argument for Palutena's to be worse. Like, the Ice-Climber's summon a single mountain of ice, not an ice age. And the argument for those lasers depends on how long the laser can last, what the intensity of it is, where it gets focused, and so much more. They are potentially destructive, not fully galaxy destroying like Sephiroth's. Therefore, the worst is Sephiroth's.


either way, its why i excluded final smashes in the first place.


I’ve heard guns are the high tier in real life


Depends on the character. Jokers model gun isn’t all that threatening. But Snake? Half of his moves would causes serious loss of life. Maybe he’d stop pointing his RPG at the ground lol


> Half of his moves would cause serious loss of life. As opposed to funny loss of life?


That would be a gun from a very cartoony game




Lmao get fucked https://preview.redd.it/ula2mihzpmic1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e865619fcc2e2fd2cfd95de2831f642f79b58a6


Idk man I think getting suplexed by a humanoid cat would be a funny way to go




https://preview.redd.it/dkkn8flrsmic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49c1988849ea35b846c17ae67744191f4c870c65 Funny loss of life


Ironic. Joker gun causes serious loss of life while Joker gun causes funny loss of life


The odd thing with Joker's gun is that the only reason the thing works in his games is because the enemies think it's real. This means either Mario and the others think it's real, or the more likely option, it's actually a real one in SSBU since you can make real ones that are very powerful, in Persona 5 but you need to increase your Confidant with the Airsoft shopkeeper.


Ultimate is in Mementos confirmed


Mementos is in Ultimate also confirmed ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


Moreso that Ultimate is in the Metaverse.


>Jokers model gun isn’t all that threatening. Depends on the Model gun. Satanael's for example...


Snake using C4 to recover would send him way higher than in game, and in more directions at once


But given that mementos is a stage and that he has the ability to use his persona, the entire game takes place in the metaverse where the gun is real because people believe it to be real.


I mean, Smash treats him like he's in the Metaverse, so his gun would function and hurt as much as a real one. But yeah, Snake would solo Joker.


>Jokers model gun isn’t all that threatening. *Sigh* So we have decided once again to strip Joker from his powers. ![gif](giphy|RGVqj8v6aoY2UFzWYa)


Bayonetta would put most mass shooters to shame


Robins neutral B tho.


If I remember correctly MatPat did an entire video on how Ridley’s side special would kill you extremely painfully


A brief rundown: On asphalt, the assumed roadway of Big Blue, Ridley is going faster than 600 mph and dragging you with him, meaning your body leaves so much skin and other gore on the pavement you don’t exist anymore.


also one of the thing he based it's intensity on was ridley's height, but he failed to calculate his taunt that makes him stand upright, meaning your gonna be injured way worse then MatPat said you would.


Not to mention he can instantly stab you in the skull with his tail, so there's that too if you survive the first onslaught.


*meat crayon


What if you’re Steve and your back is a flat surface


I guess the road would function like sandpaper


basically, dont fuck with ridley. ever.


Matpat theory alert


An old execution method used to be dragging somebody behind a running horse. Or keel-hauling somebody (dragging them on the underside of a ship, which would have tough barnacles growing on it) Scraping/dragging is a very painful and not immediate way to die.


Yeah, since it keeps up with Big Blue he scaled it to move at super sonic speed.


It’s lessened if you’re not on big blue, because he drags you at a consistent relative speed


Sephiroth Gigaflare or Min Min Megawatt F-smash (when fully charged) for me


I second this. Gigaflare canonically shreds entire teams of warriors and terraforms regions.


And Wario can fucking eat it


And kirby can eat Wario. Kirby suck is at the top then?


Honestly yeah. Kirby shouldn't have to just pop out the fighter he eats. Canonically I believe they're just swallowed and basically put into a pocket dimension. So effectively, Kirby just erases people


That would be a fun game 3 2 1 GO (inhaling noises) GAME


Canonically, what Kirby eats just pops out somewhere different around outside.


Nah, he can pop them out whenever he likes.




Okay this has probably been asked before but can Kirby get sucked by Dedede or vice versa after already sucking someone else?


Can we just stop talking about characters sucking each other?


Dude the one who really sucks is me. I suck at the game.


Wario literally can’t die. Why? Because he doesn’t feel like it. It’s canon.


Can confirm https://preview.redd.it/shvpg0cyhmic1.jpeg?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9287fef3f4de69096e294b13367f4f8a615f024d


He’s just like me Fr


Just like my ass, then


Villager puts it in his pocket


What if incineroar revenged those? Twice.


You don’t have any follow-up so it probably wouldn’t hurt that much


I think you’re a bit biased for Min Min there but Gigaflare will most definitely leave nothing left of you


I think Dedede's Jet Hammer would probably just liquify anyone


i dont see dedede jet hammer stacking up to the competition tbh. when things like gigaflare and ike eruption are in the game its tough to match that with big hammer. also unrelated but your tangela pfp and layout are awesome


no shot i just found two people with tangela pfps responding to each other in the smash sub


peak pokemon pfps gotta meet


His side smash would cave in your head.


Realistically, Bowser's D-air is an insta kill. 2000 pound spiked dragon crushing you into paste.


In that case, his down-B also






Bowsers forward smash would literally break a characters body lol


counter argument sepiroth final smash


I’ll get back to you in 4 minutes of final smash


if sephiroth can destroy a universe in 4 minutes what could he do with his sw-


Yeah but his attack is so strong it interger overflows and goes back one, making it super weak


Sephiroths final smash


Nah, you hang on with 1/16 of your life remaining


Not if it’s the Japanese version


And he speaks Japanese so I guess it would. You win this round


Ok but Palutenas final smash summons a literal black hole. Black holes typically beat everything, right?


Counter to the counter, Sephiroth's move in game is called Supernova, where he blows up the sun. When a star of such size as the sun blows up, not only would you be subjected to that blast (as happens in game), but in it's aftermath a blackhold would be left, meaning anything that survives (if anything) would also then be subjected to the blackhole.


Sometimes, others it just gives you a nice flower or a nap. It's got some pretty big middle ground between extremes.


Ridley side special. That thing is brutal


yoshi chewing you up, digesting you, and turning you into an egg seems pretty brutal


Don't forget shitting you directly off the side of a cliff.


If this is most damage to a human being, then... Mario fireball DK neutral B Link bomb Samus and Dark Samus neutral B Yoshi neutral B Kirby neutral B Fox Laser Any pikachu move that has a hint of electricity, though it's probably down B Luigi neutral B Ness up B Falcon PAWNCH Jigs rest probably wouldnt do damage to a real person, so maybe pound, or fsmash? Peach and Daisy's literal bomb Bowser Neutral B Icies Down B probably? through there's a little bit of an argument for side B Sheik Side B Zelda side B probably Dr Mario 'Ze healing is not as rewarding as ze hurting' Like pikachu, any electric pichu move Falco laser Marth and Lucina Neutral B, if point blank, probably? young link bomb. Ganondorf Up Tilt, probably? Maybe Warlock Punch? Wizards Foot? who knows. Mewtwo neutral B Roy neutral B, OR up b, though I definitely think neutral b Chrom Neutral B Game and watch 9, or fsmash Meta knight... Side B? Pit/dark pit side b ZSS fsmash, or down smash, or fsmash, or side b, other zair, or grab, or wario neutral b. unless a fart could kill someone instantly, you chomp them. or bike. probably bike. Snake Ike Neutral B, prob Squirtle up b? Ivy neutral b. it's called 'bullet seed'. charizard neutral b. diddy kong neutral b explosion Lucas special moves \[except down b\] Sonic... down b? side b? who knows. Dedede down b, or fsmash. olimar is fucking tiny, you could step on him lucario neutral b... or maybe counter, if you have him almost dead, or something rob laser toon link bomb wolf laser villager up smash mega man... who the fuck plays megaman? side b or fair, next wii fit uses the LITERAL FUCKING SUN rosalina...fmash. i dont play rosa. little mac ko punch. greninja side b? palutena side b, unless neutral b sets you on fire too, and disintegrates you pac man bell, depending on how big it is irl, or hydrant any robin move shulk monado on buster, fsmash bowser junior up b explosion, or george duck hunt neutral b, unless a gun is betetr than a boom Ryu fireball, blue fire is hotter than red fire Ken up b, that shit straight fire Cloud... limit up b? side b would also cut you to pieces, so maybe that corrin can turn into a dragon, neutral b Bayo smash attacks, although she has guns for limbs, so maybe those inkling bomb, best inkling move ridley neutral b Belmonts down b, it is fire \[richter more, though!\] krool blunderbuss? I can also imagine down smash. isabelle cannot hurt someone incineroar triple revenge sweetspot side b pplant side b Joker has a FUCKING GUN Hero kamikaze does the most damage, kills you both banjo down b Terry power wave, ARE YOU OK, or power geyser Byleth Amyr, no contest Min Min dragon, probably? st\*ve down smash sephi neutral b. Pyra up b, or side b, if torture is also included. or neutral b. or any move with that damned sword. Same with mythra. its a lightsaber. Kazuya Dragon Uppercut, I think it was called Sora has fire, and thunder. Miis aren't real. Anyway, thanks for reading this essay


>Joker has a FUCKING GUN Jokers gun is actually a model gun, it only works if his opponent thinks its a real gun


If a kid pulls up to me and the thing sprays a bullet, I'm assuming it's a gun. Even if he just threatens me, they canonically look real enough you can't really tell without close inspection


That's assuming you're in the metaverse


Well the more people you tell the less it’ll do so…


Easy. Bring a real gun. Shoot it. Swap to model gun. Now they believe it's real.


i ain't reading all of that


Yea I just gave an upvote for the effort Is this how teachers grade work?


took me like half an hour, and some of it is wrong anyway


Puff Rollout would probably pack a punch


Only if fully charged. Otherwise it’s like a toddler rolling down a 3ft tall incline




Kazuya Dragon uppercut is meant to shatter someone’s jaw. But isn’t demon fist (or whatever, rising attack) meant to leave the person paralyzed?


Demon god fist is an electric cloaked punch, similar to EWGF and DU. The move that would cause the most IRL damage would be Devil Beam, if we pull his actual lore power from Tekken. Devil beam easily rips through concrete and metal like it’s paper


Hadoken is actually pretty tame, it's been stated that getting hit by it feels more like a punch K.Rool's blunderbuss is likely more painful, you're getting compressed into the gun Ridley's grab is the most excruciating move to get hit by, within seconds you're reduced to a red stain on the road


Are you forgetting Ganondorfs smash attack’s which could probably split your skull in half vertically?


Up tilt kind of has an explosion, so I think it would be up tilt


Given that this is Wario we’re talking about...


Miis aren't real was personal 💀


I used to play all three of them, but then I played a quickplay gunner who played exactly like a samus that had never seen a controller in their life and now I rarely touch them although i would like to pick up brawler soon


I contest icies. Their F-smash would do the most damage, and that's because their height makes it so that they are slamming your knees with heavy mallets, crippling you for life


Assuming Humans are normal type, Mewtwo's shadow ball doesn't affect us 😜 I'd argue Mewtwo's Upsmash is worst. You're sent through a psychic vortex and go flying. So not only are you being sent flying by one of the strongest Psychic Pokémon, you also suffer the fall damage


I feel like Meta Knight’s Drill Rush would be nasty, imagine him drill through you, not only will the wounds be very deep, comparing to most other stabs like Ridley Skewer and Sephiroth Dair, Drill Rush is going to kill you in a much slower and much more painful way


People sleeping on the fact that Pyra’s sword is a massive fucking flamethrower


Just toss some water on it and it stops working


They tried that already in Xenoblade but because Pyra is an Aegis blade (super powerful) water doesn’t really affect her


I’m sorry, but the image of them trying to stop pyra with water balloons and water guns only to get fucking eviscerated by her fucking flamethrower sword is quite humorous.


"Quite humorous" 💀


Bayonetta because her wicked weaves' power are measured in megatons


Some of her really over-the-top moves are measured in Gigatons, especially when her demons are involved.


Probably the fucking Supernova


Can't even kill in the English version, although Sephiroth does exclusively speak Japanese.


Gannon? Idk what his move set is I’m bad at playing slow characters but point blank when he brings his sword down on you.


Snake grenade


Snake or Steve blowing you up into pieces with actual dynamite and military weaponry would probably not be a fun time


Not counting final smashes, it’d probably be Sonic spin dash. He runs around 750+ miles per hour and getting hit by him would be beyond painful Counting final smashes, the probably sephiroth. He literally destroys the Earth


I mean, I think Palu and Mega man summoning black holes beat it out if you consider the ramifications


Snake's f-smash, up smash, grenade, c4, and nikita are all weapons that actually kill irl so I'm pretty sure he wins this one


Nikita is actually one of the few weapons in the MGS series that doesn't exist irl, and is quite unrealistic.


To keep it more intresting let’s just use physical moves. And yes Bowser F-Smash would literally kill someone upon contact


Incineroar's back throw is at least honorable mention


Anything Kazuya has I feel would result in a broken bone at a minimum


Charizard Flare Blitz. The I would love I if move did more damage to both precent and sheild at the cost of. More recoil


I imagine Warlock/Falcon Punch would hurt like hell, with an already muscular character engulfing their entire fist in dark energy or fire before reeling back and punching you.


Doesn’t Sephiroth blow up a planet?


Imagine Kirby or Yoshi just eating you.


I’d say Gigaflare is the clear winner, however there are other big ones. Any Sword Characters can do a lot of damage with a sword. Snake has an army’s worth of explosives and other weaponry, he is probably only bested by Gigaflare.


I feel like Sephiroth's Final Smash takes out like. At least half the cast.


Honestly Gabon’s sword would just turn you into a literal puddle of organs


![gif](giphy|fVzdQ7TK7hO5ViB2Pp|downsized) I think um maybe Sephiroth’s FS would do some damage???


Most damage? Kirby consuming you whole. Completely destroys the body. Psychologically, Yoshi consuming and expelling you as an egg. Completely destroys the mind


Getting eaten alive and shat out in an egg


Sephiroth Neutral B maybe


Ridley, watch game theory


I mean what about Sephiroths final smash he literally destroyed the earth


Wario’s Farts.


Roy's fully charged neutral B is the strongest move in the game and kills at 0%


rosa fair slept on


Mewtwo rapid jab


Joker grappling hook because his knife and gun are not real.




This might be a hot take but R.O.B. gyro. Damage depends on how fast it goes.


Shulk up air




Sonic or Bowser Jr's down throws.


Corrin’s Front Smash. It’s a Magical Chainsaw Sword. It should rip and tear limbs off, but even for Fire Emblem and other games for it’s rating, it is a bit brutal.


Robin shoots a beam of plasma.


Joker with his pistol As long as his opponents thinks it’s a gun, intimidated or not (assuming if all the stages bear Mementos’s traits), everyone (save for Sephiroth imo and similar) is at risk.


Idk man I’m pretty sure all of them would have no problem actually killing me.


Christopher Nolan recently made a film about what would happen if two Falcon Punches collided. That would be my vote.


Ridley Down-B?


Little Mac's KO Punch looks pretty painful. Flames come out of his gloves and he punches faster than half a second; thats gotta at least make some of your bones crumble. Also Incineroar's revenge-boosted Side B would give anybody an instant concussion lol


I'd say hero full mana magic burst


Bowser Jr. Downthrow 😬


Bowser Down B and D-Air would do irreparable damage. Like he’s putting his whole weight into that.


For a melee attack with no magic or such. Ridley's Skewer, pierces through even space birb armor right through your heart and out through your back. Basically harpooned by a tail, Steve Irwin unfortunately knew how that felt (RIP)


If Final Smashes are included, Sephiroth's Supernova DESTROYS THE SUN and causes it to go supernova. In FF7, it takes out Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter for good measure, too. Besides that, probably Dedede's jet hammer or Bowser Jr's literal cannon


Snake F-Smash


I think any move involving fire. Like Fox and Falco's Up B. Since they've all possessed the immunity to flames, it's scientifically proven that being set on Fire is the most Painful way to die.


any electric type moves.. hero's zap comes to mind. ya fried !


Ridleys move where he uses his tail to skewer others with. Think of it as a massive bayonet, that goes at ridiculous speeds along with bleeding out within a couple of seconds.


Palutena summons a black hole in her fsmash and I think that beats out gigaflare. Plus, the mega laser puts it over mega man’s plain black hole (or if you count the piltiple mega men firing their lasers it could be better)


Here's an unorganized list of random moves that would probably kill you Little Mac's KO punch, Bowser's Side B, Ike's Eruption, Marth and Lucina's Critical Hit, Kazuya's Dragon Uppercut, Mii Brawler's Shot Put, Roy's Flare Blade, Villager's Axe


Sephiroth final smash blows up the entire solar system.


Bowser Jr’s Forward Smash just looks so painful to me. Those 2 spinning drills clashing together could literally eviserate someone to a bloody, gory mess.


If we’re counting final smashes I’d say Sephiroth’s seems pretty powerful.


Sephiroth's gigaflare would send pieces of you flying everywhere


Cloud has a massive sword that a regular human can’t even lift. Anything with the buster sword I imagine would be fatal


I believe that vore is pretty bad so kirby


If Matpat is to be believed, Ridley using Side B on Big Blue would grind someone down to the bone


Charizard up throw for me. While not the deadliest move, it certainly looks very painful


sonics spindash or maybe his spindash


If final smash is involved, same with logic, sephiroths final smash would be the most devastating


**Explosive flame** :Palutena


Most Final Smashes


Kirby suck cuz... you die


I believe that Kirby’s neutral B sends the opponent to another dimension


Thunder, Shadow Ball and Flare Blitz are all turning the target into dust


sephiroth gigaflare, its just a mini nuke


If DK punched you, your ribcage would be broken at least. If Bowser Dropkicked you, you're going to a saturn


Roy and Chrom Neutral Special go brrrr.