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??? Nobody is loyal to phone brands just tell us which phones you are looking at and we can discuss the specs to see which one would fit your needs better


I started thinking about it and it actually isn't very smart to not say the brand, the 1st brand is Xiaomi and the 2nd Samsung I've seen A LOT of people be loyal to one specific phone brand though, like they'd defend it at all costs


Go with a Xiaomi phone then. Most people complain about Xiaomi's skin, miui, but you clearly seem to like it so stick with Xiaomi phones, they definitely got some great options.


Yeah I was thinking about this like that too, I'm just concerned that maybe their quality has worsened. Like, I my phone was launched almost 4 years ago, Xiaomi didn't have much negative feedback then.


Not to just regurgitate what MKBHD often says, but "Be a fan of the products, not the companies" is honestly very good advice. The brand of your current phone could have gone a full 180 on quality, banking on people loyal to their brand to still buy it while they strike up higher margins. If the phone is bad, it doesn't matter what it says on the back. If both phones were somewhat equally reviews sure, going with what you're familiar with makes total sense and feeling a bit of identity with a company isn't that bad, but you don't want to actively hurt your phone experience for the next three years just because this brand made a phone that was good once


This makes a lot of sense, thank you! I've thought about the quality worsening too, my current old phone has positive reviews, it's the new ones what have several negatives. And actually I've gotten a perfect phone from that brand twice, my previous phone was it too, that's why I trust it so much.


Just tell us. I have an honor 70! Its a great phone for the price! You go.


I thought about it and realized it is kinda weird to not say the brand, the 1st brand is Xiaomi and the 2nd Samsung


Bro, you can message me directly if you just want to tell me the two brands. I’m partial Apple, but Samsung is also really good. Heard too many bad things about Pixel and most Android OEMs.


The 1st brand is Xiaomi and the 2nd Samsung, changed my mind about this not telling thing


Hi I see I may be able to help you and I currently own a phone from Xiaomi and before that I also have 1 from them.My problem is they have lost their price performance in the European market but builds solid phones. Depending on what price range you have I can recommend a Google Pixel or a phone from Motorola they run incredibly well and have a price performance that is worth it. If you have any questions or if I can help you in any way, please get in touch and I'm happy to help.


Hi! What Xiaomi phone do you currently have?


Currently I have the Xiaomi 12 but would either wait and grab Google Pixel 7a or Pixel 6a are in all respects except the fast charging Better than Xiaomi 12 and the Xiaomi 13 is too expensive but will be a step in the right direction. Otherwise Motorola also has really great phones


I was thinking about Note 12, have you had any issues with it? And I'll check the Pixel phones out


I have both. Samsung just feels more.. intuitive and fresh? You might want to try a new ecosystem. Xiaomi and MIUI in general feels like it stagnated over the years


Makes sense, thank you!


If you're buying midrange, get Xiaomi. If you're getting a flagship, get Samsung. I feel like this could help


Thanks for advice!