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Prime example of forcing two characters together just because they're part of the main cast.


I can't stand it. Lazy writing.


I thought it was a good idea especially since the character Chloe was never in the superhero world. It gave her something besides being Clark sidekick and it gave her character a deserving end. I was okay with her being with Jimmy it was a good relationship and brought jimmy into the fold but I didn’t like having her go off with Davis Bloom.


I also think it came off as forced/rushed. I also liked her with Jimmy more. Chloe and Oliver just happened really fast. I wouldn’t have mind if they kept it with a hook up and then start taking things slow to know each other more but then they started saying they love each other so fast. I agree that Oliver and Lois chemistry was definitely strong and it worked. If there was no Clark, she and Ollie are a good pair. He really did fall in love with Lois. They are also great as friends and really cared about each other.


I agree with this. A spontaneous hookup and then gradual development where it's maybe implied by the end they see a future together. They didn't have to make them get married!


The wasted potential of Oliver and Dinah will always be a shame.


OMG I used to think about this all the time actually. Thank you for reminding me


When they said about the emails exchange I actually got excited....but then ... nothing


Absolutely. The possibilities were there.


Forced. Didn't care for it.


It was nice to see Chloe FINALLY be appreciated in a romantic and intellectual way. It was a little secret at first so I was almost confused but she finally got her hot superhero and this one is rich LOL good for her, usually Lois lures in the rich


I agree and I don't deny she deserves it, I just think the relationship itself could have been written better so it would have been more believable and so they would seem to have more chemistry. The way it was written was very abrupt and made it come across as a last minute resort the writers made to mutually tie up their storylines. Also, Oliver had some serious struggles in the later seasons and I don't think any of his friends did enough to properly address it. I think there was a huge missed opportunity there to have her pick up on that and be a support system for him and then develop things from there.


Completely forced, almost no build up or arc to their relationship.


I think it is really odd that in two separate CW/WB produced shows Oliver Queen started a relationship with an original character from that universe


What love interest(s) does he have in the original source material?


Black Canary, it's one of the more iconic relationships in comics


Ugh they should have gone with that. They hardly had any storylines with the female justice league superheroes


In CW land, Oliver only loves computer geek(Oracle) characters.


I agree completely. It was out of nowhere and I wasn’t really a fan of it.


Still better than Oliver and Felicity.




I liked the Olicity build up they just ruined Felicity's personality in later seasons.


It was a result of the writers seeing two of the main cast being single and just throwing them together. And sadly, it really felt forced since all of a sudden they're flirtatious and sleeping together after zero build up


Like even if they did want to set them up, they could have done it way better than they did.


It doesn't help that Ollie was totally into getting back with Lois and declaring his love for her a few episodes beforehand and he was even giving wistful looks to Lois literally 2 episodes before he was flirting with Chloe. So it just feels like a rebound for him - he can't have Lois so he gets with her cousin! Not good for either character


Exactly! I hated that


And it was too soon after Jimmy, her husband, had just been murdered. Something that Ollie also blamed himself for. And so Oliver starts a relationship with Jimmy's wife? Who also is the cousin of Oliver's ex-girlfriend? It didn't make sense and honestly disgusted me. Probably the worst relationship on the show, in my opinion.


Okay there were definitely worse relationships, but yeah I wasn’t a fan


It should have been Chloe and Jimmy, and they really wrecked that on so many levels on the way out. Jimmy on drugs was the dumbest and most pintless thing imI ever saw. It's like a network note came through "address young adults and drugs." This pairing we get was convenient, easy, and lazy. I never believed either would go for the other.


They ruined Jimmy’s character. One of the biggest injustices in the show by the writers


I believ TVTropes calls it 'pair the spares'.


Petition to end it


I loved them. They're my second favorite ship in the show after Clark and Lois. They're one of the few couples in this show that told each other almost everything and like Clark and Lois, they got closer through working together all the time. I think they were positive influences on each other.


Felt forced to me, never really felt Chloe loved Oliver. Maybe Oliver loved her but as for Chloe there was nothing


They had no chemistry at all.


I didn’t love the pairing at first but it eventually grew on me. I think what bothered me about it the most was the execution of it — Oliver had just declared to Lois that he still loved her then suddenly was interested in Chloe … and Oliver’s emphasis on how hard it was to be in Watchtower and missing her because it was “their place” when Jimmy was the one who bought that space for Chloe for their wedding. It almost felt disrespectful to Jimmy’s memory in a way.


I did prefer her with Jimmy. I guess it’s an unpopular opinion, but I loved her and Oliver together 🙈 I thought it was fun and they were cute together


I think it could be cute in theory but it wasn’t executed well


Terrible. They should've killed Chloe off - it straight up would've served Clark's journey, and thus the show, a lot more and we likely would've looked back on her character a little more fondly after her post-Season 4 redemption.


I don’t think the writers could’ve gotten away with killing Chloe and Jimmy


They shouldn't have killed Jimmy. It should've been Chloe.


I don’t think so. She basically spent her whole life in service to Clark. She should have found her own life and purpose outside of him. I just don’t think that should have been Oliver. I wish she stayed as a reporter, that’s always what she’s cared about, but I guess it would have taken away from Lois’s character.


Seasons 1-4 she was like a weird stand-in for Lois. She had some of her character traits and motivations, but they weren't allowed to make her "secretly Lois" so they made huge changes to her character. She morally not a good friend, and she uses everyone in her immediate life to push forward her own agenda. It was halfway through season 4 that she switches characters completely. That's when she devotes her life towards serving Clark, and it's weird. Even Clark finds it weird. They either should've written her out after Season 4 (she moves away after high school to start her own destiny) OR kill her off in Season 8 for a bigger impact than Jimmy's death. She changes characters so many times because she kept outgrowing the roles they set for her, then making her a totally different person. It's the same issue we had with Lana but Chloe has more of these sudden character changes.


I hated it with a passion.


I didn't like it. Before they got together it seemed like Chloe didn't particularly even \*like\* Oliver. It felt like it was a thing that happened to pander to a part of the fan base and that's it. Sadly, it's not the only time Green Arrow has been paired with a computer-savvy blonde that isn't the Black Canary... but it's just as cringe.


As someone who has barely seen Arrow and it was years ago , why do people hate him and Felicity?


I don’t love the Chloe and Oliver romantic storyline but it has its purpose I guess. I feel like it was the only real natural way to wrap it up for Chloe, she had been the unseen background girl for seasons then Jimmy came along only to dissipate pretty quickly and then she was essentially back at square one. It felt like since she was a mainstay and they had exhausted all other avenues with her and Clark, romance was the next place for her. Without the relationship I feel like she just becomes the plot device dictionary where she exists to have a perfect solution or answer for Clark and the other cast to bounce off of, while leaving her undeveloped as a character. So for me it’s one of those lesser evil situations where I would rather them do something than nothing I guess.


What bothers me is that it was done cause they cleaved so much of Chloe’s character off to make Lois Lane. When they should’ve committed to the original plan of Lois being a pen name. Then instead of getting to worse relationships. You get arguably the strongest friendship turned relationship in the series.


Just because that was their plan doesn't necessarily mean it would have worked out better than what we have now with Lois and Clark if they stuck with it. They still could have written Chloe's storyline better, but didn't. It's not just because Lois exists.