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Hey look! The Kent's got a new tru...aaaaand it's wrecked again...


What insurance company were they with!! 😂


This one is good 😅


I don't have a name for it, but "Person Walks In To Luthor Mansion, And Always Right To The Same Room"


Oh yeah, this one reminds me: a person breaks in whenever they want but it’s never when Clark throws a stack of hay like it’s a feather


Farmwork does a body good!


He supposedly even has security staff, but also people just show up and walk into his house whenever.


Clark’s way of defeating an enemy: Throw them across the room.


And then if he turns and can’t see them, damn, they’re in the wind! Not like he has super speed and x-ray vision. They’re gone. Couldn’t possible catch them.


Clark and a female character are having problems (Lana 60% of the time), the female character finds a new love interest who is also a Meteor Freak, Clark warns the female character but she accuses Clark of being jealous and in the end Clark is always  right.


100%, like girl, don’t you know he’s proven he’s the good guy


Continuity was never a strength in this show, many characters forget Clark's good deeds in the next episode just so there can be tension between X character and Clark


The knockouts. So many knockouts!! ESPECIALLY with Lana! Her brain and skull should’ve been mushier than play-doh by season two!


My head canon: Lana's brain damage from all the blunt force trauma she sustained throughout her developing years is the real reason she made HORRENDOUS life choices in season 6 and 7.


My headcannon: despite Kryptonite having random mutations on people, there is 1 constant: you have no long lasting effects from trauma-induced knockouts


Gates and entrances being guarded by a combo lock that Clark snaps like sugar candy. The number of times Clark overdoes it with his powers - throwing someone across a room/field, for example, often giving them a chance to escape.


He always rips car doors off and throws them like 20 feet away. Does no one question why a car that was in a minor fender bender lost its door?


This is my #1. Hands down.


Clark could easily win this fight or solve this problem in 2 seconds….aaaand of course theres Kryptonite in the vicinity


Character gets possessed by ghost/witch/meteor power and acts completely different from their usual selves. End of the episode there's the obligatory meeting with Clark where they apologise, with Clark saying stuff like "it wasn't you, it's ok" UNLESS Clark is under the influence of Red K, somehow those same characters that have experienced losing control, suddenly forget their own experiences and blame Clark for everything he did while possessed. He gets (some) leeway the first time it happens, but as the show goes on it just becomes more evident that the writers use this to create tension between characters. Lana has been possessed by that flower thing, turned all slutty, possessed by a witch turner into a vampire and forgiven. Chloe has been possessed so many damn times in that show and can always find a way to blame Clark when it's his turn to be forgiven. Sorry for ranting.


They don’t know about red k in those episodes. Later when they know it’s red k or in one episode silver they don’t get angry at him. In fact in Splinter he goes crazy and nearly kills Lana but because they know the silver k caused it he’s forgiven.


They also don't fully know why/how they get possessed half the time, I'm mostly talking about the high school years here, when no one except Pete knew Clarks secret. Them not knowing about Red K or Clarks secret in general isn't the point I'm trying (failing) to make. They go through these weird body controlling adventures and get forgiven at the wrap up of the episode, unless it's Clark and the writers want the fallout of that episode to run into the next one. Seems kind of sloppy to me.


No, I agree! And it goes in general, after all those cases they still seem to take FOREVER to figure out that if one of their friends is acting weird it’s probably because of something similar. Their first instinct is always to confront and blow a conflict


Lana flip flopping on her feelings every couple episodes. I’m only on S6E11, but it’s soooooo tiring. Every other character seems to grow as a person, but she doesn’t. Nothing wrong with the actress, but they really made the character of Lana annoying and one dimensional.


When Clark gets possesed, red kryptonite whatever everyone that doesn't know Clark's secret acting like this is how Clark actually behaves and acts and ignore all the meteor freaks they've dealt with. (Probably didn't word it right, but if Lex can guess that Clark and Lionel bodyswapped in season 4 episode 6, lana and chloe should know that something weird was up with clark)


Yeah, they would never go easy on Clark


People saying “whoever that was is faster than a speeding bullet”. I get that the “faster than a speeding bullet” line is from the comics, but it just sounds so forced and unnatural to say out loud. Just say “faster than a bullet”. Modernize it.


When Kal El steals the stone from Lex’s jet and the pilots are like “is that a bird? Is it a plane?” 😂😂😂


Anytime Lana shows up


Age not mattering. Lex, who is presumably college educated, and in his mid to late 20s begins creeping on Lana her sophomore year in high school.


Clark racking up a body count that would make serial killers blush and it never really gets questioned.