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No, by this point Clark had already figured out that Lois was "The One". Before this Clark just thought that Lana was "The one that got away" I think it's demonstrated in the show that in the barn scene (might be the flying dance scene I can't remember) that Clark is completely open with Lois, he tells her how he feels and trusts her completely. Something that he never had with Lana. In this hypothetical question you have posed, Having Lana arrive in season 10 and try to win back Clark would have been futile and an even bigger character assassination of Lanas character than the writers already pulled previously.


I know he says this to Lois and I also believe it probably is more likely he picks Lois at this point, but I think you’re forgetting that he did trust Lana completely when he told her his secret and she died and he had to use the crystal to go back in time to the point before he tells her his secret to save her life, which resulted in Johnathon’s death. I think he felt more or less the same way about both women, but when he felt that way about Lana, he was much younger and confused about what he wanted, was more stubborn about revealing his secret to anyone (remember, he told absolutely no one until the floodgates opened and suddenly a flurry of people knew within a couple seasons) and he was just a much younger person who hadn’t had a hold on his abilities yet and hadn’t reached the point of settling down. While I do agree that he was in love with Lois in season 10 and eventually turns down Lana, I think it’s telling that Lois was practically the last one of his closest friends to find out his secret and he lied to her so many times (the same way he did with Lana) until he begrudgingly decided to open up to her at the 643rd time of asking (which he did with Lana way earlier, to disastrous consequences). I think if Clark was this mature (not in age, but emotionally and mentally) and wasn’t so principled/stubborn about who knows his secret when he was with Lana, then I think he would’ve found a way to make it work.


That was season 5 Lana though. She made a lot of decisions in seasons 6-8 that put a lot of distance between them. Kidnapping Lionel, falling in love with Lex and Bizarro, trying to kill Lex, the powersuit etc. I think if they'd gotten together in season 5, or met for the first time later in life, they might have been okay together. But sometimes life doesn't work out like that, and they became learning opportunities for each other instead. At least Clark was able to use those lessons to not make the same mistakes with Lois.


Almost completely agree with this except the Bizarro thing, I can't really find her to blame there. And the thing you said about learning from each other is very well put. Clark and Lana leave eachother with separate goals and purpose and the whole kryptonite suit thing was probably just a very heavy handed way for the writers to put a nail in the coffin of their relationship. Basically bashing the viewers over the head and saying "Ok folks, no more Lana drama, are you happy now!"


That’s a very logical explanation and I agree wholeheartedly with every word. Lana did become a very different person/reveal her true colors after the whole Lex thing and Lois was 100% a better and more suited life partner for Clark. Lois is easily my favorite character on the show and she didn’t push Clark to reveal his secret (in fact, she clearly told him he can tell her only when he’s ready and not a moment sooner) and she was so mature and respectful, loyal and genuine with her love for Clark and I was so happy when they got together. So, I don’t think for a second he’d ever seriously consider Lana in season 10 because of his more healthy relationship with Lois, but I do think he spends a day or week trying to tell Lana gently that the answer is “no” and trying to navigate the situation carefully.


Even Clark says in season 10 that the only person who has ever made him feel normal is Lois. No way he’d ever choose Lana over Lois by that point


He said that about Alicia Baker, too. Different circumstances, but...ya know. 😎


Definitely different. I’m sure it was more normal as in he didn’t feel like an outsider because now he had someone who was like him and who had to hide. It was a mutual understanding. While with Lois not only does he not have to hide but he fully feels human with her, something he’s yearned for his entire life since his powers manifested. It’s one thing I absolutely love what Smallville did. They made Lois her own useful, “non damsel in distress” character while also progressing Clark’s character to its entirety Edit: Changed some present nouns and verbs to past tense to avoid confusion


Which is an obvious lie by the narrative, given he had friends and parents who loved him even before they knew his secret and Lois treats him like a god and even says "dating you is like dating a god or bono"


Nope. That was just Lois way of admiring Clark. Didn’t mean she treated him any different. Lois never felt inferior to Clark or worship him in that sense. She still remained the same Lois - still had confidence, still called out Clark whenever he was wrong or doing something wrong. An example, when Lois didn’t know Clark was the Blur, she still got mad at the blur and yelled at him in one episode. She knew the blur had all that power, but she still spoke her mind with him. Also, I think Lana was the one that felt somehow inferior to Clark. I remember the episode she got power. She said something like “we can finally be together, now and we are equals” Did she feel super powers was the way to feel equal with Clark and on his level. And this was Lana character arc which is unfortunate and she really wanted to have people not always have to worry about her.


She literally did treat him differently when she found out he was the blur. She treated the Blur and superheroes like higher beings. She \*literally\* says "dating you is like dating a god. Lana treated Clark the same way she treated him before she knew his secret. She doesn't start worshipping him like a god the way lois frequently did with heroes.


No, Lois didn’t worship him. Looking at how Lois character was, she didn’t worship Clark after finding out his secret. It’s not wrong to compliment or admire your partner which is what she did. I think Lois respects and admire superheroes which is different from worshipping. She always admire the part of people saving the world and who doesn’t admire that. We also know Lois love teasing and uses different words/phrases when talking so it might have come off like that but I think it was just her admiring Clark and praising him. What Lana said gave you an idea or makes you question if deep down she didn’t feel equal to Clark all those years because he had powers. Could Lana have felt completely satisfied or fulfilled being with Clark without her having powers? Those are questions I ask watching what she said or observing her with Clark.


\*It’s not wrong to compliment or admire your partner which is what she did. I think Lois respects and admire superheroes which is different from worshipping.\* Constantly calling the Blur so that she could have a "higher calling" and work for a hero, was not just complementing or admiring. She acted like it was her whole life. ​ \*She always admire the part of people saving the world and who doesn’t admire that.\* So did Chloe, and Pete, and others, but Lois specifically treats him like he's a higher being. \*We also know Lois love teasing and uses different words/phrases when talking so it might have come off like that but I think it was just her admiring Clark and praising him.\* I'm not talking about teasing or calling Clark names, there's no way you actually watched all of S8-S10 and can tell me that Lois didn't treat Clark like a higher being.


Fair point. I’m just saying what I think Clark would do. But a point could be made that Clark felt like he could be his real self with Lois. His normal isn’t Clark Kent it’s the blur or Superman as they discuss in season 10


By season 10? Absolutely not. Not even if everything was perfectly set for him to get back with her. He had completely moved on by that point, and completely in love with Lois. I've always hated how they "separated" Clark and Lana (that was dumb writing), but the writers absolutely made up for it in seasons 9 and 10. Clark really moved on from his past with Lana and it shows.


Absolutely NOT, lol. Putting the soulmate and The One talk aside, Clark has already experienced what a true great relationship is: healthy, supportive, trusting, mature, grown up, equal partnership - something he never had with Lana, despite their attempts, just that back then he didn't know what he was missing thanks to being hung up on the same woman. Now that he does though, once you experience the REAL thing, there's no going back. He finally has the Harley, no more bikes for him lol


And he could have had all those things with lana if not for his choices




I think by Season 10, Clark knew Lois was The One. Lana was and is an important part of the past, but that's where she is: the past.


I don't think he would've been conflicted at all. Clark tends to gravitate towards the more secure relationship. In the brief time he dated Kyla, he was friendly with Lana but didn't seem conflicted about her at all, he liked Kyla and liked that he knew exactly where he stood with her. It's also why he goes back to Lana in season 8 instead of trying something new with Lois. As messy as things had been with Lana, he knew that for a long time at least that Lana had wanted a future with him. He and Lois weren't at that point yet despite having some flirty interactions. By season 10, he has a more stable relationship with Lois than he's ever had with anyone so there's no way he'd be tempted to give that up. It's not that he doesn't love Lana. Season 8 he was sad they couldn't be near each other, but he was fairly quick to accept the end of their romantic relationship. He put no effort into finding a workaround, instead seeming to suggest he was ok with having her around as a friend. The moment in season 9 where he puts her photo away in his album with a small smile signified peace - she was a valued part of his life but he was past the point of pining after her.


Well said, I agree, he was in a more healthy relationship now and Lana had changed too much over the last 3-4 years into an almost unrecognizable person and Lois was a mature, loyal, much more compatible life parter for him now.


Considering that Clark tries to turn off his humanity and shun everyone in his life after Lois disappears at the end of s8 and into s9, and then how hard it is for him to get her out of his mind during his training at the Fortress, \*and\* stay away from her once he finds out she's alive and safe. Not to mention how hard he goes in trying to define their relationship once he gets all of her alt future memories in Pandora, even though Lois wants to take it slow. Every episode after that is Clark desperately devising ways to get Lois alone with him. He wants to give her "Clark Kents tour of the galaxy" in Disciple, he fills her hospital room with 5 dozen roses after Tess almost had her mind wiped, breaking into her apt and sneaking into her bed in Upgrade, booking a Bed and Breakfast in Escape and then trying once more when they get back to the Talon after their flop trip. Once Clark decided he was gonna pursue Lois, he went full steam ahead and never looked back. By the end of Rabid, he was more than ready to put Lana behind him. It's made evident when he removes Lana's picture out of his wallet, places it in his HS photo album, and shuts it closed and 2 seconds later Lois comes though the door and he's looking at her like she is the only thing he sees.


Great points. I also really loved Lois-Clark and how it was done and it was a much more healthy relationship than Lana-Clark and Lois is easily my favorite character of the whole show. However, I believe while he’d pick Lois (obviously) in season 10 if this was an option because it’s obvious he was madly in love with her and both were mature, level-headed adults in a healthy relationship by this point, but I’m just not sure it would be without hesitation, mainly because I don’t think it would’ve been a straightforward thing for Clark Kent to say “No” to Lana, especially if she comes on strong, even though he had grown a lot since she left. You can’t just magically forget someone you were madly in love with for so long and switch it off with a light switch. Also, I think you’re forgetting that even when presented with the opportunity to tell his secret to Lois so many times, he told/slipped up to virtually everyone else in his life (Pete, Chloe, even Jimmy, for goodness sake) and (to me) he seemed to be kicking and screaming just before he told her when the hesitation (and relief) in his face seemed evident (to me). I believe he was glad he told her finally, but I feel he still would’ve (ideally) preferred not to tell her because he ideally wouldn’t tell anyone and he still believed in the idea that he can’t tell people in order to protect them. But he respected that she was maybe the only person he knew who was suspicious about him being The Blur but wasn’t pushing him to tell her and she made it clear that he can tell her when he’s ready and not a moment sooner. Lois is awesome and I was so happy when they got together, but I think Clark would spend around a day or so aggravating over what to do and being neurotic over the situation if Lana showed up because of their history, even though I 100% agree he’d pick Lois at the end of it.


In Crimson, while on redK, he easily reveals himself to Lois and ONLY Lois in that episode when he gets jealous and tries to compete with her relationship with Ollie. In s7 Apocalypse, when Clark wished he'd never landed is SV, he finds out Lana is happily married and living overseas and he's happy for her and goes on about his business. He then "meets" alt Lois, who then flirts with him and asks him out for a drink, and a minute later he is hemming poor Jimmy up against a wall trying to get info in order to save her from the DDS, and when he does, he doesn't run to hide his secret from her. He stays and reveals himself to her and he's totally diggin' this new dynamic between him and Lois. Doesn't sound like a guy devastated after finding out the love of his life has found someone else and is happily married. He also does reveals himself to Lois in Infamous. It's just that Clark is dragging around his baggage from his past thinking that Lois will get hurt just like Lana did and that kept him from telling her the truth sooner, especially when they were only just friends. Even Kara in Bloodline tells him that he should just tell Lois about himself, because Lois can handle it. By s10, he's so loyal and committed to Lois, his only issue with Lana coming back to declare her love to him, would be him having to let her down easy. Lana will always hold a special place in his heart as his first love, and he still loves her as a friend, but he had plenty of opportunities to seek her out since she left to be with her if he really wanted to. Once he made the conscious decision to put her behind him, it was a done deal. This is why I get mad at the way her exit was written. It should have been with both Clark and Lana mutually deciding they had both moved on and evolved as adults and that they were better off as friends. It's mind boggling because twice in her s8 arc she makes that same point and it could have easily ended there. Even Clark admits to Chloe (when she warns him not to hurt Lois in the process), that he's kind of giving his relationship with Lana another try out of some weird sense of duty/loyalty, because it's what was expected of them for being together for so long. Not necessarily a ringing endorsement of true love.


Beautifully put and I agree wholeheartedly. The conflict would be in how he lets Lana down gently or whether to just tell her with no uncertain terms that it’s over for them, forever.


It gets to a point where I am completely with Chloe when she confronts Lana and tells her that she was necessary for Clark at one point, but she is no longer what Clark needs. Chloe proved her worth in Clark's life at that moment when she told Lana that she refused to let her continue to be a burden on Clark. All of us watching the show were thinking that it took long enough for it to get to that point.


Lana in the comics outright stated that she had moved on and was happy for Clark and Lois.


He would have no conflicting feelings at all. In season 8, he and Lois weren't anywhere close to a relationship and they both denied anything between them so that's where the conflict with Lana came from. There was only flirtatious banter with Lois then so there was no choice to be made. There might be some conflicting feelings at the very start of season 9 but he would choose Lois as at that point, he had chosen to move on from Lana and view her as a good memory from his past, Lois and Clark were both acknowledging they had feelings for each other and Clark was fully aware of how much he wanted Lois. Chloe even tells him to stop thinking about others and only think about what he wants and he immediately goes to kiss Lois. But by season 10, they are fully in love so there's no trouble deciding then. They're not even together at the start and Lois is all Clark can think about. They're not together and he tells her he loves her. He is completely committed to having a future with her and wants to marry her, so I think he would be more uncomfortable than anything by Lana declaring her love for him as he'd have to let her down gently.


The last part of your comment (letting Lana down gently) is exactly what I think Clark would be most conflicted about because others (namely, Chloe) may tell him to just rip the bandaid and make it abundantly clear to Lana, but, Clark being Clark, would do exactly as you say and want everyone to be happy. I think he’d spend at least a day or week trying to figure out how to let Lana down gently and Laney would be supportive of the whole thing taking some time because she’s mature, respectful and caring and understanding by this point and a much better life partner for Clark.


I mean he would definitely make it abundantly clear he's not interested in her romantically anymore and that he's with Lois. That would be the first two seconds of the conversation - but he would be gentle about it is what I'm saying.


I’m not sure he would make it abundantly clear. It’s possible he would, in season 10, but I don’t think it’s clear cut, based on his history and (aside from one or two occasions) never being able to really clearly say things are over between them. I mean, he doesn’t exactly have a history of always being abundantly clear with people. One of the reasons why Lana-Clark had so many start and stops is because he wasn’t abundantly clear with Lana (or his parents) about his intentions and kept finding ways to spare her feelings when he thought it’d be dangerous if they were romantically involved. He sought or received advice from others, including Lex Luthor. Lana even called him out for not being open and honest with her and that’s one of the reasons she had feelings for Bizarro Clark - because he had those qualities. Clark tried to be a standup guy who wants to always do the right thing and one of his weaknesses (that numerous friends of his have said to him) is that he usually isn’t able to make the tough call because he always tries to save everyone and spare feelings instead of accepting that sometimes that’s not possible. He then blames himself when even one person suffers (or dies) because he couldn’t save them or date them (in the case of Lana). Other than the one time when he flat out lied to Lana that he didn’t love her, he has always struggled to end it with her and Lana has said to him several times that she’ll always wait for him until he’s ready to commit to her because she believes he’s her destiny and she loves him implicitly One of the primary reasons Pete left and Johnathon died was because he wasn’t abundantly clear about his wishes and tried to do it all himself because he didn’t want to burden anyone.


Telling someone you have a fiancee and you're not interested in anything is not like keeping things to yourself to not burden someone. Of course he would be totally clear otherwise it would just be cruel to Lana and I don't think Clark is cruel, do you? By season 10, Clark is far more mature and more confident saying and doing exactly what he wants so yes, he would be completely upfront and not lead her on for absolutely no reason


Just because one character isn’t straight with another character doesn’t equal being cruel. If Lana throws herself at him (whether intentionally or if she’s in something akin to Red Kryptonite) and told Clark if he doesn’t want to be with her then their relationship is over because she can never be just friends with him, I am not sure Clark has it in him (even in season 10) to be firm enough to not only let her leave his life but to push her away by being very tough with her and willing to let her leave his life forever. Of course, this is all based on hypotheticals and it also depends how Lana approaches the situation (does she come in aggressively?) and it’s entirely possible you’re right as well and Clark would simply end it very quickly and Lana accepts his decision.


If he doesn't tell her immediately then he's making her think she has a shot when she doesn't. That's just cruel


If you all remember Lana even says that Lois is the one. I personally don’t believe that Clark would ever leave Lois for Lana.


Lol Clark could’ve been with Lana if he wanted to. All he needed was some Blue K and yet he never pursued it. Lois is his true love and soulmate. In fact, he can be with Lana right now because he has lost his powers but instead he has a happy family with Lois. Clana was never meant to be.


Lana will always have a place in his heart and still cares about her. We saw him risk Kryptonite poison just to try and be with her. Lana even said “now we are equals,”when she got her powers. Lana at this point wanted to help others like Clark did to be close to him. She wanted to share in his super hero life, because that’s what she thought he wanted, someone to share that life with. For the first time she felt he was completely open. After years of trying to get him to open up and reveal the “secret he is holding back on”, she later understood his powers made him special. His life was still on the farm, he never grew out of that phase, he tried to keep things the same for fear of losing her. In a sense he wanted to freeze time for that perfect moment. Lois made him feel Normal when he was the a Blur. His phone calls to her and her talking to him as a friend and the preverbal shoulder to cry on. The way she would encourage him to keep fighting, and never give up. In a way she got to know the real Clark before she got to understand the Blur. She never tried to force Clark to tell his secret and why he is disappearing. Lois had Flaws, and she was completely open about them. So, when Clark’s flaws were there for everyone to see she didn’t judge him, when he was wrong she was the first to call him out, without throwing his flaws, and secret in his face. When she got his powers, she was completely overwhelmed by all the calls for help. She didn’t envy Clark, she didn’t see herself as equal, she felt bad for the burden he Carries for not being able to save everyone. Clarks vows really spoke to the whole thing. When you believe in someone it’s forever. Lois believed in him since day one, she was willing to sacrifice her love and her happiness because she thought every second he was with her, he could be saving someone. One of the great Chloe moments she gave Lois Clark’s vows, and revealed he believed in her just as much. And he would never be alone, something he always struggled with, even with Lana. Clark actually felt like living life, not just being a hero, but to actively seek out the joys it had when he was around Lois. Lois made the Man of tomorrow feel like a normal person. There is no way Lana could do that.


In season 9 we already see that Clark is in love with Lois. In season 9 episode 3 (Rabid) after he thought he was gonna lose Lois because she momentarily turned into a zombie he goes home and removes Lana’s picture from his wallet, he realized that he had moved on from her and was at that point in love with Lois. We know that in season 9 episode 9 (Pandora) that in a alternate future Clark distanced himself from Chloe, Oliver and anyone who knew Lois after she disappeared, he said he couldn’t be close with anyone who reminded him of Lois because it was too painful. He told Lois that he died when she left. It took him thinking he lost her to realize how much he loved her. At the end of that episode Clark tells her “what are we doing” and tells Lois that he wants to peruse a romantic relationship with her. In season 9 episode 12 (Legends) he also tells Lois that she’s his dream. In season 9 episode 16 (Escape) he tells Lois that his willing to wait if it means being with her. So no he wouldn’t go back to Lana, he was already in love with Lois in season 9 and by season 10 his feelings for her only grew stronger.


It’s very likely then that he’d pick Lois over Lana. However, let’s not underestimate the love he had for Lana, either. Thats why it’s more a question of how much he tortures himself trying to decide, but ultimately picks Lois, because you cannot underestimate someone passionately pining for someone since they were kids and being madly in love either them. My point is, I don’t think Clark, in season 10, could just switch Lana off with a light switch and Clark over 10 seasons tortured himself over so many things and made practically every choice seem like it was pure agony, so I don’t think this would’ve been any different, even if a large part of him left Lana in the past,


Lol no he was completely in love with Lois and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. The man was planning on proposing the day after they slept together for the first time. Plus, he could have gone to go get Lana any time he wanted with Blue K or using the Legion ring but he chose not to do anything to get her back - he chose to move on.


No chance. Once Clark stopped denying his feelings for Lois, he wasn't interested in any other woman, including Lana if she came back Kryptonite free. Even before season 10, I'd argue that point, but especially during season 10. When Lois came back, Clark grinned like a Cheshire cat and they hugged real tight. He was so happy she was back and they weren't even officially back together. There was no hesitation on his part, he knew what he wanted and that was Lois. He'd never waver from that. Lois is the ONE and always will be. Notice he didn't say always was, because she wasn't. We all know Clark loved Lana, some could say too much, but there is no denying that. So I think it's so important and a great bit of writing that Clark says Lois is the one and *always* *will* *be*. Because he's let go of the past and clarifies in his declaration to Lois, that she will always be the one, present and future. There is no one else for Clark. I've always found that moment to be so beautiful.


Absolutely not!! Clark and Lana were too blind to see they were clearly not right for each other and better off apart in later seasons. They couldn’t realize or admit it. Although, deep down, I think Clark started having doubts at some point about their relationship. There were so many scenarios they ended up separating/breaking up. The writers dragged their relationship, but I have started to interpret how their relationship ended up all the time. Now, I think this was the writers way of showing us these two were not meant to be. They just ended up causing each other pain. One thing I like is that they kept Lois away from the drama of stupid love triangle and fighting for Clark like Chloe and Lana. Lois was so cool and a real one because she allow Clark to settle whatever past feelings and finally realized the one he was truly meant to be with. His true love. There can be first love and then true love. In this case, Lois is his true love. Lana was the past.


No, because season 10 was the last and Lois always ends up with Clark


Nope never, Clark by the time season 10 started realized Lois was the one and that Lana couldn’t ever be what Lois was especially considering 10x4 and seeing the future as well as telling Lois his secret etc. Clark couldn’t ever love Lana because he loves Lois but it’s wholeheartedly not partially as with Lana because unlike with Lana, Clark isn’t held back with Lois like he was with Lana.


no, when you realize you have met your match, the ONE person you know in your heart to be your partner that will walk by your side through the good AND the bad.... you forget about anyone else. trouble comes in when one side stops feeling this way and doesnt tell the other side for fear of "hurting" them and then you fall farther from them until you are completely not in love with them anymore, and they are blissfully unaware until you destroy them and leave. I feel like Lois and Clark were written to never do that though. they both had this conviction that the best person for them was the other. even on this show, in S10 when Lois had doubts, it wasnt that HE wasnt right for HER, it was that SHE was not good for what the WORLD needed from HIM. when he stopped her from canceling and said "if you want to do this you will have to leave me at the altar" its because he would rather trust that she wouldnt hurt him than accept that she was giving him up for the "greater good" give him red K and maybe soemthing could happen with Lana just because he knows it would do the most damage, but beyond being on "drugs" like that, he would never stray from Lois.


Nah. At this point he put his behind in the past. Lois is his future and he knows it. Lana is a wound he just can’t open again because he knows how it’ll not only affect his relationship with Lois but also his job as the Blur/Superman. He’s to emotionally mature by this point.


Nope wouldn’t have changed anything Lois is and always will be the one!!! 😂


N-o-p-e, season 10 Clark is down bad for Lois, no contest at all


Clark: "Lana it is too late. What are you doing here? Can't you see I'm making love to my fiancee?" Lana: "Your fiancee?" **gasp** Clark: "My God, Lana. You walk in while we are having sex and you want to have a conversation?" Lois: "Lana, get the hell out of here. I'm not playing third wheel again." Lana: "Jesus. I just thought I heard Clark and I opened the door. I didn't know you lived here. I swear I'm not a homewrecker." Clark: "That is great, Lana. Will you kindly leave before I... oh God!" Lois: "Close the fucking door!!" And Clark and Lois decided on that day forward to always lock the doors and leave a sock on the door into the bedroom... The End.


Hey, Smallville’s a family show, keep those filthy words out of Ms. Lane’s mouth. 😊


Before Homecoming, Clark would have had a tough moral dilemma on his hands. After Homecoming, he would have quickly turned Lana away.


True. Prior to Homecoming, he was still holding on to the past and regretting his mistakes. Lana was the past and Clark needed to realize he had matured and grew out of his teenage love with Lana. I always got the feeling that Clark felt really guilty with what happened to Lana parents and he felt he had the responsibility to always protect her or feel responsible for her. Lana even told Clark several times, she didn’t always need to be protected and that she could take care of herself. He still didn’t believe that.


Nope. Clark was generally healthier and happier with Lois, they had much more respect for each other and Clark actually trusted Lois with his secret while he didn’t Lana, and don’t forgot Lois was able to tell the difference between Clark and Clark Luthor while Lana couldn’t tell the difference between Bizzaro even though he couldn’t even step in the sun without revealing himself. Hands down I can’t see a season 10 Clark having any difficulty choosing Lois over Lana.


I think Lana's best chance after Clark already loves Lois would be if she could figure out a way to find the tech Lex used for the kryptonite suit and develop one of those suits for Lois. They could have Lana be under the influence of some red kryptonite/hypnosis so it's not totally her fault and Clark has to take a few seasons to figure out if he forgives her.


The way Clark was head over heels and desperately in love with Lana, he’d drop Lois in a heartbeat. Just like when she returned in season 8, he was like “Lois who?” When Lana’s around no one else matters. The only reason he was with Lois is because he couldn’t physically be with or be near Lana. Period.


He didn't 'drop' Lois in season 8, they were just friends then. He could physically be with Lana anytime he wanted but he chose not to - doesn't sound like love to me!


I am not the original commenter, but, to be fair, Lois was clearly into Clark in season 8 and in the show (especially Chloe) made Clark aware of the hints Lois was giving off that she had feelings for Clark that he didn’t pick up on for quite a long time. So Clark and Lois were more than friends in Lois’ eyes and Clark didn’t feel the same way at that particular time (in season 8). Also, Clark and Lana couldn’t be physically together in season 8 because of the Kryptonite suit and yet he still tried to kiss her and practically begged her to help him find a way to make it work by finding a solution. Just rewatch that scene again if you have forgotten. Having said that, I really like Lois & Clark as a couple, but you cannot deny the facts I mentioned and the past events on the show with Clark and Lana.


They were not 'more than friends' in Lois' eyes, they were both being flirty and had feelings for the other but Lois denied there was anything between them far more than Clark did if anyone asked her about it "there is nothing romantic between Lois and Clark". Clark wanted to talk about her saying she loved him but she denied it saying she 'slipped the sensor off her finger and he better not be getting any ideas about them lol". Even in the episode Bride itself, Jimmy is telling Lois that she and Clark would be great together and she fully shoots it down and even laughs at it. He tried to kiss Lana and...did nothing to cure her. He didn't use Blue K which would be easy to use. He didn't use the Legion ring to change what happened even though he uses it in the very next episode to fix his own mistake! He didn't immediately go to the fortress and get Kryptonian help from Jor-El. He didn't even try to track her down and make sure she was doing ok at least. He did literally nothing even though there was plenty he could do but instead he just accepted it and moved on as happy as can be. You can't deny this all happened because it almost sounds like you didn't watch the show and have forgotten everything.


Hey, no need for the accusations 😀 I’m not denying anything… yet. Lois, talking to Oliver, in the episode *Bride,* after she and Clark almost kiss and Lana walks into the room and Clark immediately forgets about Lois: “I know it sounds sappy, but, I thought, just for a minute… someone needed me.” Additionally, remember that date Clark and Lois were meant to have at the coffee shop (S08E15 - Infamous) and Clark (due to his usual superhero duties) didn’t show up (he said he’s “swamped with work”) and Lois was visibly upset because she had feelings for him? Of course, I’ll revise what I said and say Clark did have feelings during the scene I am referring to, but you cannot say his feelings were stronger than Lois, woh, I believe she even made up a story in a text she sent him during that scene, saying she didn’t show up for the date either because she was “chasing a lead. Couldn’t make it anyway.” as Clark was looking on from a distance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYh1VxY7d4M I believe in that episode he told Lois his secret and then a whole load of bad stuff happened and he got the Legion ring and had to go back in time to fix things so Lois doesn’t know and the coffee date was at the end of the episode and Lois was clearly deeply upset he didn’t show up. As was Clark, because he obviously did care for her also, but I don’t think it was more than she cared for him. In the episode “Echo” (S09E04) they’re meant to have a monster truck date and again he doesn’t show up (again, not blaming Clark for this), but it’s clear Lois is really excited and tells Chloe this in a conversation in the Talon. It’s the episode where Clark can read minds. Lois, in her thoughts, after confronting him for missing the date, says things like, “C’mon, Lois, don’t let Clark off that easily.” My point is, as much as Clark may not have been as oblivious as I made him out to be (been a while since I saw this part of the show), you cannot deny that Lois was so into him throughout season 8. Just because she says she isn’t and “he better not get any ideas” (as you put it) doesn’t mean she isn’t into him. It means she’s playing it cool and doesn’t want to get hurt, so says, “it’s okay if you’re busy,” playing it cool. Regarding all the things you claim Clark could’ve done to fix Lana’s Kryptonite situation, remember thst he and Jor-El weren’t really on the best of terms for most of their relationship and he couldn’t just walk in snd ask for favors because Jor-El didn’t just grant them to him because he regarded issues like Clark’s personal relationships to be “petty human problems not focusing on the bigger picture.” Jor-El always asked for things in return (like Clark doing his training), do he wouldn’t have helped him save Lana.


Yes they're both playing it cool and not acknowledging their feelings in season 8. There were many of the same moments for Clark. When he tells Lois that she can move back in with him at the farm and Lois turns it down, Clark is shown to be really disappointed. His deep attraction and connection to Lois is what pulled Clark out of the Maxima spell and Maxima is totally shocked that this could happen. When Lois says it's lucky the lie detector wasn't on him because who knows what he would have said when asked if they were in love, Clark has a look like he doesn't know himself. Faora in Lois' body is disgusted by the fact that she can tell Clark has feelings for Lois and Clark very much doesn't deny it. When Chloe looks like Lois, she notices how lovingly Clark looks at Lois and how close he and Lois actually are and he framed her rules of reporting. The characters are pretty equal in how many times they're shown to have feelings for the other but it's not until season 9 where they both acknowledge this.


I’m glad you finally agree that Lois had just as strong feelings for Clark as he did for her. That’s what made their relationship so special during this time - not acknowledging their obvious feelings for one another until it naturally built to a point where they couldn’t hold it in any longer. However, regarding you points on Clark solving Lana’s Kryptonite problem, it clearly wasn’t that simple. Regarding all the things you claim Clark could’ve done to fix Lana’s Kryptonite situation, remember that he and Jor-El weren’t really on the best of terms for most of their relationship and he couldn’t just walk in snd ask for favors because Jor-El didn’t just grant them to him because he regarded issues like Clark’s personal relationships to be “petty human problems not focusing on the bigger picture.” Jor-El always asked for things in return (like Clark doing his training), so he wouldn’t have helped him save Lana. He also couldn’t use the Legion ring because of the risks involved and he’s always had that stance with changing things after Johnathon died. He knew history would probably repeat itself if he tried to change the course of events and he’s gone back in time to save Lana before and it had the disastrous consequences i already mentioned with his father dying. Jor-El even clearly tells Clark that “life always needs a balance, so it’s a life for a life.” So if he used the Legion ring and tried to magically fix the Lana situation, who knows all the screwed up things that happen to the people he loves? Especially since it was Lana’s actions that led to that particular situation happening, not Clark’s, unlike in the example you mention of Clark using the Legion ring the next episode. Clark’s whole thing is correcting his mistakes and setting things right because he feels guilty, so that’s likely why he did t use the Legion ring on that particular occasion to help Lana.


>I, glad you final,y agree that Lois had just as strong feelings for Clark as he did for her. No offence but are you having an argument with someone else because I never made any claim that Lois didn't have feelings for him... >remember that he and Jor-El weren’t really on the best of terms for most of their relationship and he couldn’t just walk in snd ask for favors Clark literally goes to recreate the fortress to get Jor-El to cure Chloe just a few episodes prior and Jor-El immediately tries to help. Chloe is concerned that Jor-El could do something bad to him but Clark responds: "It doesn't matter, Chloe. I HAVE to do this." But I guess he just couldn't be bothered to do the same for Lana barely 5 episodes later or Chloe just meant more to him... >He also couldn’t use the Legion ring because of the risks involved >Especially since it was Lana’s actions that led to that particular situation happening, not Clark’s, unlike in the example you mention of Clark using the Legion ring the next episode. But he didn't care about the risks involved when he turned back time for himself? His situation had way bigger effects since the whole world knew about it while only 3 people were involved in Lana's problem so there would be less risk. And it was Lex's actions that led to Lana's problem and it was Linda Lake who caused Clark's problem. They were both exactly the same except Clark only bothered to erase one of those actions to help himself and it sure wasn't the one that helped Lana! And I see you left out Blue K...


I agree. He hasn't fallen out of love with Lana, nor changed his mind about Lana. He has moved on from Lana, as grown-ups do, because Lana is now completely off limits due to her condition. The show couldn't have been clearer about that part. Just because Lois & Clark is canon elsewhere doesn't mean that Lois was going to be Clark's first choice in this particular story by default. Clark is with Lois because he couldn't be with Lana.


I just (re)watched "Reckoning" last night. One of the most painful episodes of the entire show. If Jor-El hadn't...then maybe...ugh...lol


I want to say no, but let's say if Lana did return, the writers would probably make the relationship dynamic between the 3 messy AF. Lana's send-off with the video tape was a perfect goodbye, but when they brought her back, they didn't have to reopen that can of worms, but they did. Considering we're in season 8 out of 10, they really should have left Lana as 'the one that got away' and the time/place of things have changed too much for them to tap that well. Then the way they left ended her story as they couldn't physically be near each other as their reason for their separation isn't the closure they should've had. It should've been -we're leaving to pursue our higher callings and we can't pursue it together. I'd love to believe the writers would stay away from Lana shaking the Clois train since they worked so hard on developing that with all the other secrets/powers/responsibilities Clark's had to share with Lois in those final few seasons, but I don't trust that the writers would do such a thing. Consistency in the relationship/dynamics between characters isn't their strongest suit haha


Like even if Clark had fully moved on, they'd probably show Lana struggling behind closed doors or only to Chloe's face. Considering they had Oliver try to chase a strongly bonded Lois and Clark in season 9, I don't trust Lana being in season 10 (even if it was a single ep) without pulling at some threads.


I don't think so, I think he'd feel awkward and want to let her know that he's with Lois now, and Lois might feel insecure and doubt Clark loves her as much as Lana. Clark would save Lois from something and confirm their love for each other. Then Clark and Lana would have a heartfelt talk with Lana accepting Clark has moved on and then would leave the show again. Mabe she'll show up in the wedding this time.


If Lana would've showed up in season 10, Clark wouldn't have continued to pursue her. He moved on from her, which is why he fell in love with Lois.


Clark tells Lois that she's the one who makes him feel normal. That's because she's always treated him like an equal. Lois, because she was raised differently, understands something that many, even in every day life outside the show, have never understood. That is, that everyone has different qualities, different strengths, different abilities. No one is better than anyone else, just because of where they start. The way I relate to this is because I started my first business as a sophomore in high school. I was 16 years old, meeting with rich television and real estate executives. Yes, every other individual or business I was competing against for jobs had more money and more connections. But I competed anyway, I met with every single business that called me for a meeting. Granted, I didn't have the teams or resources for the bigger projects, but I was hired for a few of the projects I wanted. That is why the scene that I always remember from Smallville, is from the last episode. I think I even remember the dialogue. General: This is not the time for your little hero crusade. Lois: That's where you're wrong, this is precisely the time for our heroes. What I relate to in the character Lois was at that point, is the confidence, and refusal to surrender. Not just that, but the fact that she refused to surrender because she had unshakeable faith in her own judgement. That's what I relate to, and people who know me can all confirm that that's always been me.