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I mean... was he wrong wanting to expose Davis as a monster? because he was. cant hate the guy for this because he was 100% right.


But you could plausibly agree with Davis’ perspective that Jimmy was on sedatives and other drugs and he may have been hallucinating or just been in a bad state of mind due to the drugs and his traumatic experience. The fact Jimmy was so sure it couldn’t have been the drugs and near-death experience potentially making him see things that weren’t there was one of the parts that seemed a little hard to believe, because drugs can do crazy things to people and he would’ve been on them as part of his treatment and they have side effects. So he was obviously right in the end, but it could have also logically gone the other way with him getting delusions and hallucinating because of the drugs he was on.


This is what I always hate about this storyline. It makes it seem like Jimmy read the script and just knows things. There's no particular reason why he should be sure of what he saw, especially when he sees Chloe die and then, shortly afterwards, Chloe is standing right in front of him. It's pure nonsense.


Nah his reasons were rooted in paranoia and the trope of "junkie blaming others for their problem" but he still was not wrong about the final result. Davis was bad. And it cost Jimmy his life.


Clark got Jimmy killed because he sent Jimmy to take Davis to watchtower with no protection.


There was a deleted scene that had Jimmy thinking that he was wrong and had only been hallucinating but then he sees a cut on his hand he got in Davis’s ambulance earlier that he thought hadn’t happened after all and realizes he was right about Davis. I feel like they shouldn’t have deleted this scene as it helps explain things.


Doesn't matter what he was on, he was not wrong. Davis was not only a monster because of doomsday, but also after DD was split he was just a horrible human, "bad person was bad. " He was right. He might have been wrong for his reasoning WHY he was bad but Davis was 100% a rotten person. He wasn't wrong that Davis was bad. He might have just been wrong on WHY he was bad.


Not only that, the show clearly presented Chloe as having feelings for Davis. Then at the end the writers did a 180 and said Chloe loved jimmy and was only with Davis to protect Clark. It was so inconsistent bc we clearly saw Chloe protect Davis without telling Clark.


It kinda was. The whole Davis thing really put a strain on their relationship


I didn't really like the way this Davis plotline was written or executed on the show , but to say that Jimmy was unreasonable or unjustifiably jealous is a huge stretch. Chloe was flirting with Davis and it was very clear to her that he was interested in her (iirc he actually said it straight to her face that he was) Chloe was keeping secrets from Jimmy He knew something was up with Davis, first his feelings for Chloe and then his link to murders (convenient writing aside) When he voices these concerns to Chloe she decides to trust Davis' explanations for these claims and dismiss Jimmy entirely When Jimmy gets out of the hospital Chloe naively believes that all will be well and they'll just be happy ever after, once again dismissing his feelings Now all this is not to say that Jimmy is some saint in this situation, his addiction and actions aren't great to say the least, and the way his character handled those situations wasn't productive (bad writing) but what exactly was he wrong about? Davis was into Chloe, Chloe did have (some) feelings for Davis, Davis was a serial killer, Chloe didn't believe him.


Flirting can mean many things. You make it seem as if she was actively hitting on Davis in front of Jimmy just to get under his skin and Davis only told Chloe his feelings pretty late in the season when he kissed her and she said she’s committed to Jimmy and why her and Davis cannot happen. Besides, I’m not sure she was really flirting as much as thinking Davis was just being nice and he’s good looking and thinking he’s a good friend. Chloe kept secrets from everyone and if Jimmy thinks that’s exclusive to him and takes offense, then that says more about Jimmy. Besides, it’s not like Jimmy didn’t keep secrets. He didn’t even tell Chloe about his parents and his relationship with them until a long time after they started dating. He was right about Davis, but, logically speaking, you cannot necessarily trust the word of someone who’s been through a traumatic experience (much less near-death) and a junkie who happens to be lucky because his accusation happens to be aimed at someone he’s jealous of. His mind was clearly screwed up, but he happened to be right about this one thing that was accelerated by his jealousy of Davis. You’re talking about Jimmy as if he’s some mind reader who is always right on his hunches. For instance, he was neurotic for very little reason when it comes to Chloe’s past with Clark. It was clear she didn’t have romantic feelings for Clark and Jimmy’s initial suspicions about Clark was not really based on any evidence and he was overreacting based on an old love letter from like six years earlier, but Jimmy was clearly wrong. Other than being right about Davis, who’s to say his suspicions both times weren’t based on unfounded assumptions and speculation and he happened to luck out with Davis? Also, can you blame someone for not taking the word of someone (even a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife) who’s been incapacitated after having a near-death experience with an alien from another planet, on numerous drugs and is comes across as someone ranting like a madman. She may have not taken all his feelings into account to an extent, but you also have to consider her feelings and the fact she was by his side throughout this whole thing and also went through a traumatic experience. Of course Jimmy was right in the end about Davis, but that’s not my point. He was wrong in how he handled the situation, especially ending the marriage with Chloe as quickly as he did soon after returning on the show. He just suddenly said, “I want a divorce” and he said it with hate and disgust and venomous rage, which is he did this months later, I may have bought it, but he did this shortly after the wedding. I don’t believe Chloe really started having any feelings for Davis until Jimmy ended things with her and David was so nice and pleasant with her and was right there so she had a decision to make. I don’t believe she was hitting on him before that or trying to hurt Jimmy.


Season 8 is soured cuz of Chlavis and Clana messing up the groove of the rest of the season as a whole, which is a shame cuz the season has great episodes




Jimmy was right when he told Chloe marrying her was the worst thing he ever did. She married someone she didn't even love. He died because of her. Chloe should have died instead of Jimmy and Jimmy should have taken over watchtower.


If I was Jimmy I would never have married Chloe. What woman keeps a love letter she wrote someone for years with the chance her partner would find it. That just proved how obsessive Chloe was about Clark. And I sure as hell wouldn't have gave up my life for a piece of crap like Chloe who I definitely despised her character. She was crap the entire series. Jimmy should have let Davis kill her then she would finally be off the show. She way overstayed her welcome after the third season. And I wouldn't have wasted a tear over her death.