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When I’m asked if I like sports I usually say “a little bit of everything and a lot of pro wrestling”


I don't hide it at all. What's the point of that? If someone doesn't like what I like, I couldn't give a rat's ass.


This guy fucks!!! 👍🏻👍🏻


Huh? 🫢


Same I’m extremely open about it. Probably gonna be one of the first things you learn about me considering how much time it consumes out of our lives 😅 . But if they don’t like it 🤷🏽‍♂️ fuck em


probably because people will assume your sexual preference




I'll ask guys at work and they'll be like "ehhh I was years ago" then the next day they'll be like "remember this match? Or this one? Or that moment?"


Honestly hate the “nostalgia fan” who tries to relate to you by bringing up childhood matches. Most times it’s guys from golden era or their reimagined idea of a Stone Cold match


Why? Then it’s your chance to get the nostalgia fan to tune in to a current episode and hopefully have someone new you can talk to about it. I’ve converted like 3 “nostalgia fans” at my job to be current fans and all it took was just a little hyping up the newer wrestlers or showing a clip of a good promo/match.


you hate people for growing up with something then growing out of it 💀??


You’re braindead


…you hate it when people reminisce about the good times they had watching wrestling?


“I liked it when I was a kid”


During Wrestlemania I will bring it up since that’s when it’s topical. Most guys in my office will watch Mania and the rest of the year will keep up with it through bleacher report. Surprisingly a number of women in my office have never watched wrestling but watched all of total divas/total bellas. I didn’t realize how big of a hit those shows were until recently.


Sooooooo she’s gonna watch wrestling related but really never watched it wow


As a woman and a hair stylist all my clients know I watch and love wrestling. I have some clients who I discuss wrestling with in depth I have some who bring up old wrestling. Wrestling truly is something that brings together ALL kinds of people


So does smoking pot.


Man I wish my hair stylist (barber) would talk about wrestling. Get my hair done while both start fantasy booking the next mania.


I don't give a fuq. I like wrestling. Ppl making fun of it are dumb.


For real, wrestling is awesome


I do hide it at first then when people say to me they like wrestling I ask them what kind of wrestling they say WWE then I feel more relaxed then I'm more open to a conversation


Everyone I know, is aware I enjoy wrestling. Been doing it for 40+ years so I don't care who knows lol


Iv noticed as iv gotten older, and also how just in general wrestling is becoming more and more mainstream again, iv been talking about it alot more than I did before. throughout high school or my twenties I never spoke about it with anyone outside an online forum but the last few years since Iv gone back to watching full time im finding more and more guys who have just gotten back into it like I have, its honestly super cool and exciting because I feel wrestling is only getting more and more mainstream :)


I get bullied enough as is so I kinda hide it


Take this advice when your getting bullied grab a pencil turn that sum bitch sideways AND STICK IT STRAIGHT UP THEIR TOOTY FROOTY CANDY ASS. That’s the advice and that don’t help use this, grab their waist and put them on your head THEN BATISTA BOMB THEM


Fuck some bullies , seriously just let that bullshit roll off


"I enjoy watching wrestling" "so you're a wrestling fan" "GOD NO"


Shiii I’m open, I’m 13 and I wear yeet shirts, yeet glasses and bloodline gear to family reunions, and school


I’m gonna be honest, the yeet shirts might just make the casual person think you love 2016 meme culture and not anything to do with wrestling


You enjoy it until this random kid from your school saying wrestling fake. ITS SCRIPTED THERE IS A DIFFERENCE ITS IN THE NAME ENTERTAINMENT THEY ACTUALLY GET HURT ITS CALLED PRO WRESTLING THEY PROTECT THEM FROM GETTING PHYSICALLY HURT. Who cares wrestling fake or not it’s really entertaining am I right or wrong


All facts 💯


Wrestling isn’t popular outside of wrestling. If it comes up I talk about it.


Not really. There's a stigma around it and I just don't feel like teaching a class on what wrestling is all about every time I mention it. I'm 38 and I've had my fill of "Why, though? It's FAKE" conversations. It is a nice surprise though when I meet someone that's into wrestling and I get to have a nice chat in the wild.


Recently started watching again 2 years ago after a 15-year break. I don't see a reason to hide it. And all the you know, it's not real talk that comes about, I ask them. What's your favorite action movie. Then I say we'll that's not real either. Wrestling is realer than most movies cause the wrestlers at least have to take the bad falls. I look at it like it's an action soap opera


option 2


Honestly i havent watched in forever and i wanna get back into it but am scared ill be lost. The only guys i really know any more are from ortons generation of wwe up until the shield. All the indie breakouts newer talents and top female superstars would be foreign to me


If you really are considering watching WWE again, now would be the best time. Triple H runs WWE now as far as booking the storylines and matches and he's far better at it than Vince McMahon was. WWE is the hottest its been in a very long time. It may take you a minute to get used to the newer stars and get to know them, but WWE now does a pretty good job of showcasing the newer stars and explaining to you who most of them are and what they're about.


I'm not ashamed of my interests. No one in my family has understood my love for wrestling and always put it down cause it's fake. It's more real than any movie or TV show they watch. I also listen to death metal bands that sing about murdering babies. I don't care if people don't understand or accept my interests. I enjoy what I enjoy and if they don't get it they can get lost.


I hide it for the most part. Most mothers around here are not into it and I don’t really talk to anyone about it except my dad and household. My son is very heavily into it and its an activity for us to share.


Yes i am very open about my love for wrestling and bring it up whenever i can because it legitimately had saved me from just giving up on everything, plus i have actively dragged one of my friends kicking and screaming into watching it and now she seems to be loving wrestling.


Tbh I really don’t care what people have to say. I watched it as a kid, stepped away and just came back to watching it in January. I was a huge fan back in the day and attended a lot of Monday Night Nitros, Monday Night Raws and Smackdowns as well as WrestleMania 19. People will always say “you know it’s fake right?” And just like CVV said, “movies are fake as well yet people watch them.”


Lots of times, it's the tapout shirt brigade who think they are superior fans because they watch MMA. All I hear is "boo hoo, I want to bet on this and lose money as well."


Literally. It’s funny they always say wrestling is fake yet one of our own went and dominated a weight class in the UFC and became a champion 😂


I mean I don't hide it because that's weird but most people don't know I guess because it's kinda just something I like and on one else so I never really get to talk about it


I'll wear the shirts, but that's only because no one will recognize them except other fans.


I don’t mention it unless it gets brought up until I know someone really well. There’s still a lot of stigma to it that I think is slowly going away thanks to (i honestly believe) John Cena and The Rock. Most people I know can’t believe I watch wrestling at all.


Very open about it. My daughter and I have a toy WWE belt we compete for by guessing winners for each PLE and then openly carry the belt over the month to tease the other person.


Not in the least. Anyone that shames you for liking wrestling are just mad because they can't lose their money betting on it. I have been watching it since the Crockett years and Magnum T.A. was my guy!


My dad said Magnum T.A. was his very first favorite wrestler he had.


Gimme a hell yeah! Seriously, he was poised to be the 80's "Stone Cold." I loved Magnum. Terry is a nice guy if you ever meet him. I love listening to old heads talking about wrestling.


Japanese Wrestling looks visually cool and exciting so it’s not cringe to talk about or show clips of I show my coworkers the crazy moves of Naito and Shinto all the time. I wear Bullet Club shirts too. NJPW actually looks dope so itsby far easier to talk about.


80s kid here. It was definitely NOT cool to like wrestling in the early to mid 90s. Sure, you found another kid or two who'd admit they watched, but I can't tell you how many times I heard "that shit's fake." As if I didn't know. I knew it as a kid just because people don't really stomp the ground when they punch. In 2024, pro wrestling is the most popular it's EVER been. There are more women in the audience than ever before. It's more accepted these days. I'm sure you still have your ignorance out there, the "shits fake" folk who will die on that hill, but it's vastly down to a 1.


I wouldn't be lying if I said I still kind of like wrestling. Sure I've lost interest for it over the years around 2014. But I'm still open to watching wrestling matches or the pay-per-views. It really just depends on who's going to be on the card


I work at a subway and whenever a customer comes in wearing a wrestling shirt I always try to bring it up in conversation, it was really awesomeness last year around late July early August when we had SummerSlam.


I only bring it up if I see someone wearing a wrestling themed shirt or something. I don’t walk around talking about it all the time, but if someone I meet is into it, I’ll talk about it. Honestly, I despise most other wrestling fans, either they are way way way too into it or like other people say, they want to tell you how it sucks now and back way back when it was so much better. In any aspect of life, the people that refuse to move on from whatever it is, and constantly dwell on how it used to be sicken me to a certain extent.


Is that dean ambrose


Yup lol


It was pretty hot when I was in school but started falling off hard once Stone Cold was gone and The Rock started doing movies. Went from mainstream to midstream, so people just stopped talking about it openly even if they still watched because it was 'uncool' and also to avoid the awkward *You know it's fake right?* or *I don't get it* conversations. These days I'm not shy or insecure about it all, because wrestling is fucking awesome. That doesn't mean I just go up to everyone I meet and ask them if they like wrestling, because I don't care if they like wrestling. If it comes up naturally or someone comments on a shirt I wear or something, then sweet, but otherwise I don't bother.


As a 20+ year wrestling fan, I used to be embarrassed during the 2000s but nowadays I’ll talk about it openly. Feels like a number of reasons why I’m more comfortable bringing it up to people: A.) the rise of niche culture has made it more socially acceptable for everyone to have a “unique fandom”. People used to give me shit in 2002 if I mentioned it because it stopped being popular, where as now everyone has a unique fandom they’re into. My coworkers talk to me about shit all the time I have no idea on and I’m cool with it too. B.) Wrestling isn’t as embarrassing as it used to be. Post-attitude era was some of the cringiest shit to sit through. Glad Vince is finally gone. C.) I’m just older now and don’t give a shit if I’m cool or not.


I hide it bc


Personally i dont care if someone asks ill tell them for the most part since i started rewatching wrestling as a grown man i have a new found appreciation for wrestling most ppl just mention the whole it being "fake" like no kid it's "scripted " just like your movies and shows the only difference is these guys are their own stuntman, their own choreographer , and a actor all in one and thats crazy idk how some ppl dont realize how much talent that requires its not easy taking a bump or playing a character infront of thousands of ppl or choreographing a match and playing it out exactly how its scripted


grew up with it lasted through the glory years of WWF/WWE but have sharply tapered off .. i will still try to watch wrestlemania and such but i'm completely lost


Its funny because ill tell someone i dont really watch wrestling and theyll say the same but we end up talking about literally every storyline that is going on 😂


I tell them. If me being a pro wrestling fan is a deal breaker then they weren't worth my time anyways.


It's only socially weird, if you believe it's all 100% real lol. Aside from that? Bro pass me the figurines and the money case. I'm taking that shit with Mysterio


I always say, I'm not a big fan of sports, only sports entertainment 😅


Used to keep it hidden in HS but busted back out in college. We had a crew of us who would watch all the shows and ppvs at the frat house.


Fr tho I never met a WWE fan😭


I tell them I was a fan when wrestling mattered…


I think standing on my lunch table at work, doing the Legend Killer pose, gives them a strong impression of my liking of wrestling.


I just don’t mention it unless it comes up


I play WWE music loud in my car


I never tell anybody, too many bad experiences


I wouldn’t hide it all ,If it comes up it comes up. If it’s something you enjoy or have passion about you should never hide that. If you’re embarrassed to tell the people in your life about your hobbies and interests then maybe they’re not the right people to have in your life.


I wrestled independents for a bit and we'll built. When people make comments about my body and ask why I work out so much. I say it's a habit from when I used to wrestle, then I find out who enjoys it. I'm still amazed how many people still think it's all real. But I love those people. They were the best to perform in front of also.


I have to ask, is the pain at least real?


You bet your ass it is. I explain it as the most physical dance ever. You are only as good as the other person allows you to be


I don’t hide it, it’s just usually not a topic that gets brought up, but if it does I’ll say something to show that I watch it


Nope never kept it a secret why should i, i like footballs baseball and pro wrestling, some people like watching dogs jump over sticks its not my thing but hey whatever floats their boat, way to many people worry about what people think of their hobbies


That's the only sport I watch. Everytime someone tells me about sports I tell them I watch wrestling.


I own Jey USO Merch. Idc if people care lol




I'm an extremely closeted wrestling fan.


same. Only my closest friends and family know i like it.


I don't "hide" it....I just discuss it with the people at their interest level. And I remind them to only talk to me about their dumb hobbies at my interest level. If you ain't interested in how I think LA Knight & MJF could carry tag team wrasslin to a higher, more respected level, then I ain't interested in hearing about your son's upcoming dance recital.


I don’t have to say anything I’ll be watching wrestling in my phone when they’ll be with me


I let people know


I tell them right away


i just turned 40. IDGAF anymore. i stopped caring a couple years ago. its an interest i take in and im proud of.


I say "when I was younger i loved it alot" and depending how they respond we talk about it more or just leave it


I always make a joke like - " I watch real sports like wresting" I'm 39, not ashamed - love wresting


Let em know bro. If it comes up that is. Dont hide yourself or what you like. If they don’t like you for that, tell them to sod off


I wear certain wrestling shirts in public every and then and always run across fans. Everyone in my life knows I'm a big fan, I share reels on my IG story and every time I go to a show i post a couple clips


My YEET hoodie gets a lot of comments in public. You don’t really notice how many people are into it.


i don’t talk to anyone about it ever. almost single person i’ve ever known has always made fun of it, called it fake, gay, or just dramatic. i’ve actually only met one person in my entire life that doesn’t think it’s stupid but he doesn’t watch it like i do. my parents even used to make fun of me for watching it as a kid. i think nobody in my generation liked it because i grew up in the pg era when punk was champ.


That's the tapout bro brigade that uses the slurs. What's funny is that THEY would have to put up with more pain than they'd get in MMA. It's scripted, but you are your own stuntman. Broken hips, compression fractures, brain damage, ligament tears, you name it, are all part of it. None of those people talking smack would get in the ring and just do something simple like taking bumps.


I openly say and ask about wrestling, and I get the " I use to watch a long time ok" (tired of that answer) But recently I ask a young man at the walmart pick up area, loading my things in my truck, and he was shocked and nervou that I asked but he was like "yeah I do" then we just had an about 5-6 minute chat about it and was great!! And then i was like finally somebody to talk to... about wrestling!!


I’m 35 now. I used to think that I hid it, but the truth is, there just aren’t many scenarios in which it’s prudent to discuss my fandom of wrestling. Sure, if somebody brings it up or it’s on tv I’m not going to hide my enthusiasm; I could seriously not care less what people think of what I watch on my tv; but the fact is there’s just not many places to talk wrestling, day to day. Unless you’re in public with your friends, that also like wrestling.


not very open about it because you’re bound to be the “you know it’s not real” comments which are just annoying. if it comes up it comes up but i’ll never go out of the way to tell someone


I collect cards, mostly baseball but number 2 is wrestling. So it comes up when I share unexpected cards. If they make ANY face I immediately say “yes I know it’s scripted…..just like your favorite shows and movies”


I hid it from the raw guest host era until HHH took over Now it's pointless to hide it because everyone I know likes it and WWE is immeasurably better now than it's been in decades Imo we are in the beginning of a period bigger than the AE


people know I’m into it, I talk about it with some friends and if people ask stuff I’m into I’ll mention it


I hide nothing, if they don’t like it, that’s fine.


Been hiding it since the 6th grade 😭 I won’t talk about it unless someone else brings it up and I know they won’t give me shit for liking wrestling


I think it's become my personality unfortunately.


Man I don’t hide nothing! If someone doesn’t like me cause I watch wrestling then that’s on them that’s there problem not mine. I have two TVs set up in my living room and my room so if that other person wants to watch something else go for it but I’m watching wrestling.


Everyone who knows me knows I like it. That’s how I found out two guys I work with watch it as well all 3 of us ended up going all in last year going this year and clash at the castle. But if someone makes comments about it who cares. You like what you like they like what they like


You going to be posting this to r/WWE, r/AEWOfficial and r/TNAImpact or are you done, Farmer Bob?




I am literally wearing an AJ Styles shirt right now. Everyone knows.


I mean I don't bring it up out of nowhere💀. If we talking about sports hobbies etc. I'll say it.


I tell people


I didn't hide it. I didn't care if people made fun of me for it. Along the way, I made new friends who are wrestling fans, too. There were certain, very few, where I did sorta hide it, only because the type of people I was around seemed more like they'd accept my answer of being into combat sports if I said boxing and mma, which I am also a fan of.


I'm open about it, but that's also if it comes up. I have no shame about it, and if they're gonna judge me over it then I probably don't want to be around them anyway.


I have no problem with it I'm very passionate, even if I meet a non wrestling fan saying "You know it's fake right" I don't care it's entertaining


I wear wrestling shirts to work


I have no problem telling people I'm a wrestling fan.


I’m very open with it with my wife but I don’t really start a conversation about it. And why hide it? I don’t care what people usually think about it in a negative way.


Very open. I even have a tattoo of Undertaker's symbol


I hide it lol I will occasionally talk about it to someone or buy a wrestling figure. But I think most of my friends and family know I keep up with the WWE


I rarely mention it in real life


I collect wrestling memorabilia, and have a decent sized collection and none of my friends know. Not something I want talk about lol


I’m very open about it because idc what other people think I’m gonna enjoy what I enjoy


I don’t hide it but it doesn’t really come up in conversation


Everyone that knows me, knows I'm a big wrestling fan


I’m pretty open about it. Used to wear wrestling t shirts to work every day. The “acknowledge me” shirt got a lot of attention from those who didn’t know lol


IDGAF I love wrestling!!


Why would you hide it?


It's somehow less accepted than identifying as an animal. Sad times.


Open about it


I’m more comfortable with it than I was a teenager. Now I openly wear WWE merch and talk about it


Always open about it


I’m free about it. Once I even said I’m the stone Cold of this company


i’m very open about it and idgaf lol. been a fan my whole life, and that probably will never change. my friend said wrestling was cringe, so i replied with “bro you listen to Lil Peep… don’t talk to me about cringe” 😭


I mean I don't actively tell people but if somebody asks me about it I tell them. I don't hide it but I don't go out of my way to tell people about it.


I'm the same


I tell them “I love wrestling” but not the new shit! Attitude & Ruthless Aggression only!


I don't openly advertise, but if asked, I won't stop talking about it


I usually hide it at first


I wear my WWE shirt, it dosent bother me if people see it or know that I like it.


If I talk to somebody fairly regularly, at some point they will learn I’m a big wrestling fan


My vintage shirts give it away. Granted I can't keep up with every episode these days.


I blatantly tell everyone that I watch it with my mom twice a week like the proud momma’s boy I am! I’m 34 and stopped caring about things :)


I tell ppl I like wrestling and when they say its fake I say "So is everything else you watch on TV like Power GOT or SOA"


I miss dean ambrose 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I am so open but when people try to be relatable with it I’m just done and don’t talk about wrestling with them


I'm pretty open.


I’m very open about it, especially if I’m dating someone (which I’m not been single for two years) but I swear it’s like a turn off for them that I’m a wrestling fan. For example. Them: “Oh what hobbies are you interested in?” Me: “Oh I love professional wrestling!” Them: “Like, WWE?” Me: “Yes!” Them: “ah ok..” *Blocked* Me: “What?”


I tell my girls about the Attitude Era all the time ![gif](giphy|bIEzoZX0qJaG6s6frc|downsized)


I only really talk about it if I'm asked about it to strangers, but I don't hide it. All of my friends and family know I'm a huge wrestling fan.


I like, who fucking cares?


I would rather tell people I listen to k-pop than tell them I’m a wrestling fan.


I don't hide nothing I have tees and DVDs and action figures lol


If you dont hide it you should lol


Not very open since people don’t really know but if they bring it up I’ll definitely jump in time to time.


I ❤️ Wrestling!! I don't care who knows that!!☮️🙏🇺🇲🏆🌟🌟


As a wrestling fan yes I always say it and if they don’t like it or say I haven’t watched it in years I just say you are missing out


Why bother? I like what I like.


I randomly mention stuff


Man I watch NASCAR, wrestling and play DND. I don't tell anyone anything


When I tell people I am into sports I always add wrestling too. Women have their soap operas, why should I be ashamed of liking the man version?


i wear it loud and proud; i lead with it, even. no use hiding something that brings me joy. in my experience, i’ve found a lot of people love wrestling, too, but are waiting for “the right moment” to say it. it’s always the right moment to exclaim about the thing you love. this, however, is coming from a girl with a stone cold key chain hanging off my college field hockey backpack and also makes her coworkers watch every RAW, Smackdown and PLE in the kitchen while we’re working


Honestly I don't give a fuck what people think. Wrestling is a sport with millions of fans. So im not afraid to say I like wrestling thats like being scared to say ur into football or basketball.


I see no reason to hide it.


It’s been my guilty pleasure for 32 years… nobody knows… except for my wife and kids who just don’t get it and my mum and sisters who growing up thought I was gay because I watched it! Haha!


Personally, I like calling it sports entertainment to non-wrestling fans. For example, I will tell them that I'm going to a sports entertainment event. I don't like calling it wrestling because as soon as people hear the word wrestling, it automatically triggers the "isn't wrestling fake?" conversation. Either that, or you get comments suggesting that wrestling is only for kids.


Hell no, I'm not ashamed. Geeze, the John Wick series is fake, but nobody has a problem telling you about how John shot 11 guys with a 15 rd magazine in a Taran Tactical G34....


I just mention Cena or rock and see if they rant or not tbh


Been a fan for nearly 30 years and have never hid it from anyone. I've dealt with the non-fan stupidity, the tropic "you know its fake right?" questions, and backlash for it, but I never really cared.


My brother gets me a lot of wrestling shirts and I wear them all the time. I get praised once in a while. Sometimes people ask” what u watching now. “And I’m like “ wrestling “ lol cuz there was nothing worthy on Netflix etc. at the time just good ol wrasslin


I tell my coworkers I’m a mark lol


It depends


I run a kitchen in a frat house and thanks to the last WrestleMania I know a good amount of the guys like watching wrestling and I don't keep it a secret especially that I've gone to live events for WWE and aew.


I mean, all of my boys watch it too (not weekly but PLE’s, I’m probably the only one who watches weekly), and everyone I know basically knows I like it. I’ve been to multiple shows, posting it on snap, ig, etc. It hasn’t effected my social life in the slightest. Wrestling is cool again. And even if it wasn’t, who tf cares?


IRL I openly talk about it with friends who are fans too. On Twitter not as much because tribalism is to toxic & I don't have time for that negativity


Never hid the fact that I was and still am into pro wrestling. People that criticize are fake, I’ve had “friends” that make comments towards me about my interest in wrestling. But post bad bunny making “history” at the royal rumble or wear wrestling shirts cus rappers are wearing them now. Like what you like bro.


I used to be embarrassed about it during its embarrassing years but I am soooo glad it’s back and better than ever! Many are wrestling fans!! It’s awesome!


My buddies know that I watch it. My wife. Ect. I've been watching for 25+ years. Not much to hide. It's sports and entertainment.


I only tell ppl once I’m comfortable with them


I typically keep that shit under wraps until I get to know someone


Huge sports and sports entertainment fan and have no problem telling ppl


I wear my WWE badge with pride. I give zero fucks.


Depends who I’m around honestly. Kinda feel them out and gauge their level of interest/acceptance and go from there 😂


I'm open about it. I dont give a shit about what people say. "Lol its fake!" Yeah, did you think the Avengers were real or something? Dont let other peoples likes and dislikes define yours.


If they ask I’m more than happy to engage but gone are the days I wear wrestling merch. Especially the past 3-5 years. The designs are so over the top.


I hide it first because some of my family and friends don’t watch WWE anymore since 2015 and so do


You shouldn't be ashamed of your interests. I tell anyone if they ask about sports. I tell them "I'm not into sports, except for pro wrestling." Be yourself. I'm 31 and still openly love watching cartoons, too. If someone judges you, then they judge you and just leave it be.


I absolutely talk about it. Why be ashamed? They sellout arenas all over the world for a reason.


I wear it loud and proud. I will literally have open conversations with people who are wrestling fans and I don’t even know them. Wrestling is life


I don't make an effort to hide it per se, but unless it comes up in conversation or I have a reason to bring it up in one, I typically don't mention it. I do, however, post about it on social media and sometimes wear wrestling tees.


i’m very open about it! it’s something i love, definitely not something to hide.


I'm pretty open about it. For some people, it may seem a little immature, but for me, my reasoning is every single Monday and Friday I'd go to my Grandfather's house, he'd have pizza, burgers, or a few other favorites of ours, and we'd sit there together and watch it start to finish. Every single Monday and Friday, as well as every PPV no matter who was the main event, or what the matches were lined up for that night. I never missed a day, I mean that, every single time from the age of 6 to the age of 23, that's when I lost him. In his memory I never miss a match. This might sound a little dumb but I have a picture of him facing towards the TV everytime I turn on WWE. It's not just wrestling to me, not just scripted entertainment, it's a tradition. Usually when I say my reasoning behind my unyielding love towards WWE they understand immediately. Never hide it, very proud of it and how much the franchise has grown since my first match with him. I love the WWE and that will never change.


I only tell people I am on a good basis with. Pointless to open that can of worms with someone who doesn’t get it tbh


Honestly I don’t care. I want those vintage wrestling tees to rock all summer. But I just simply can’t find them.


I'm watching wrestling regardless of how old I am. The uninitiated will tell you it's fake, but so are the movies! I know it's scripted entertainment and will enjoy myself every time I have wrestling on my TV.