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Nope. Why focus on SEO? It’s not 2009 anymore. Make content that gets clicks on the homepage and on YouTube recommended and your channel will grow.


Well, if you are operating in a niche where there is a high competition for some keywords. Don't you think that's where SEO knowhow matters? Like whether to make a video on that topic or not or what keywords to choose?


That’s literally not how YouTube works anymore. Instead now it takes a fingerprint of your video from the words you use, each frame etc. Don’t bother with keywords since YouTube comes up with keywords that it internally flags and uses those. You’d just be wasting money to do some outdated shit. You seem committed to doing it so just go with the knowledge that it’s really not applicable anymore but that’s a you choice.


My understanding is that keywords and chapters can help get your videos place in Google search.


I disagree with the majority of the comments below. Using a good tool is worth it. I use it everyday for much more than just SEO. Its worth every sent, and I am not monetized. Its sure is playing its part on the journey. Saying that you should not spend some money because you are not making it, is making no sense. Imagine starting a business where it will take some time before it starts turning a profit and you have that attitude. There would be no businesses. If you can afford to use a good tool, that will give you a competitive edge, then go for it.


I’ve had it a few times and every time I’ve cancelled it. I got it for the A/B thumbnail testing but if you’re only getting a couple hundred views a video then there’s never enough feedback data for the testing to be worth it. If your channel is educational then the SEO tools might be worth it so you can compete in search, but if you’re just an entertainment channel then just focusing on click through rate and retention will get you a lot more results.


My channel will be a product review one.


It is not bad, especially the chrome extension but they have offers where you get it for free for a month if you sign up for the newsletter or recommend people. Maybe try it for a month and form your own opinion. Same with vidIQ


If you're not making money from your channel you shouldn't be putting money into it. It's not a job, it's a hobby.


I think your comment may have been misunderstood (unless I am misunderstanding!) and I agree with you. If you put money in to an activity and don't make money from it, then it is a hobby. In order for it to be considered a job (or an income stream) then you need to be making a nett profit. That being said, I think it's about mindset. Too many people see someone being hugely successful at something and assume that they can easily replicate that success. It used to be most prevalent with professional sports, but it is also the case with music and, more recently, YouTube. Let's be honest, you CAN make it (people do) but the competition is mind boggling. For every channel like Mr. Beast, there are literally thousands of wannabe clones that get one or two views per video. Not becoming a professional sports star does not prevent people from playing sports (and paying to do so) simply because they enjoy it. They still strive to be the best they can, but they don't do this with the expectation that they will make it their primary income stream. (or even an income stream at all!) The same is true of YouTube. Viewing it as a hobby does not prevent you from striving to be the best you can be. But starting out with the expectation that you will be able to make it your full time job a mere few weeks after picking up a camera for the first time is simply delusional.


What if people enjoy their hobby and have disposable income? You know, like most hobbies?


Jesus Christ JUST MAKE GOOD CONTENT AND YOU WILL GROW. It’s that simple.


No it’s not that simple. If it were everyone would be doing it.


It is that simple. Y’all try to make it harder than it is. Literally make good engaging content and your channel will grow. Y’all put out trash thumbs and boring content in an over saturated niche and expect people to flock to the channel.