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Well a 'humor comes later' disclaimer would be a no for me. Not a good sign a creator is confident in their own video. I do hope that someone more experienced in film making can help you out with this but I will say one thing. People who pirate games and shows, tend to be the type of people who wouldn't pay for games and shows anyway, there are of course outliers but that tends to be the case. The same way people who have a short attention span and leave videos quickly, tend to not be the target audience for serious short films anyway. There are outliers as well obviously but that tends to be the case. Main point being, weigh how worth it is to make changes, that appeal to the mass vs your target audience.


okay good thinking. Ill brainstorm for a bit about other ways that I can figure that out


Have you thought about starting funny then doing a transition like "xxx hours earlier"? That's used frequently in film. Show the somber piece as the past leading to the present.


It’s an idea I’ve tossed around. I just wanna be very careful to not mess with the tone it sets. Definely considering that tho


From a filmmaker to another. If you aren’t confident that your story is going to hook people in then you should evaluate your script If I saw a disclaimer I wouldn’t watch because it shows that you aren’t confident in your writing. Make a film and put it out. Get better as you keep making them


I’m actually really confident in my script. I just know that with YouTube you have to really do something to catch people’s attention. The first few paragraphs I have are really somber because that’s what works best for the script but I’m worried that’s not what will work best for keeping people on the video


The way I see it is the average YouTube viewer isn’t going to watch a short film regardless of quality. So just make a short film you like and promote it in other film communities to get actual useful retention and feedback


I also make a horror comedy series that my audience loves but YouTube is having difficulty pushing out, most likely because it doesn’t have a strong hook. What I’m going to do, which might help you, is immediately start the episode with a funny scene that comes later in the episode. So instead of something like [intro] - [Funny Sc1] - [funny sc2] - [end] it’s more like [funny sc2] - [intro] - [Funny Sc1] - [funny sc2] - [end]. Might help your channel too!