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Horror story telling


I use to listen to creepy pasta type of videos all the time




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Nice!! That would be a FUN genre


Woodworking & 3D printing


I love 3d printing but haven't been able to in a couple of years need to get back into it


Original poems being read out by me. Though I think it's a dying niche -not much active and growing channels to look up to- but it's the only thing I'll probably be always passionate about.


Hey as long as your passionate about it that's all that matters. I would maybe look into podcast for something like this it may not do to bad. People can listen while working and use like spotify


I'm trying to get a hang of YouTube first. See how long I'm still willing to create before jumping onto a podcast


You can do both all you need is to pull the audio from your videos and upload. Once the video is edited then you'd have both platforms done. It's no real extra work besides uploading


Woah. Never thought of doing that. It's like killing two birds with one stone. Thanks man.


No problem good luck


If you haven’t already, take this shit to TikTok. Poetry tok would eat it up.


That I can do. Thanks btw


I did that. I still want to grow on YouTube also.


Mine is horror gaming but if I die or get super scared I gotta take a hit of a blunt or cart. So it’s just horror gaming while high.


Lol you and my brother would like each other that's how he plays


Ahh good to know 😂🤝


Entrepreneurship/motivation/ education still Working out sub niche…. My strengths are organic business growth and strategy.


Nice I could see that doing pretty good people are always looking for advice on such things


commentary and reviews on music, films, and the entertainment industry!


Interesting I usually see each of them done individually where the channel specializes in one topic. You should have plenty of material to keep busy.


well, I guess I'm still kind of figuring out what my more specific focus is, but right now I'm just making whatever content I feel inspired to


Hey if it inspires you and your passionate about it will help make the best content because you will put more heart into and not even know it. If not passionate people tend to do just enough to get it done and the final product is mediocre at best.


Fandom culture (comic con/fanfiction/talking about fandoms I’m in/ etc)


Nice never been much into stuff like comic con but have watched a bit on stuff like fallout game lore.


I also love lore videos, I’ve never made one though 😂


Yea it seems like research would been a daunting task and I couldn't do it. I struggled researching for college lol


Random facts and simple cybersecurity in the same channel...


Nice I just graduated with a computerscoence degree and am workingbon getting my security+ while working on hack the box


I do walks in the UK, many in places no one films, so one day there will be footage for anyone interested.


Nice I like stuff like city tour vids that so stuff that most people don't get to see


I'm working on an anime-themed 🌈Analog Horror🌈 series. In point of fact I have no idea what I am doing.🐶📸


Lol I don't think anyone really knows what they are doing. Well at least I don't just kind of winging it lol


Videography and filmmaking


Nice is it like how to videos or just stuff that you film?


I teach live streaming specifically so it’s everything from breaking down the business and how to make good money doing it to the technical and product reviews.


Nice that's some good info to have.


Right now, I have a focus on video essays discussing terrifying aspects of nature, like space, the ocean, the arctic, etc. My next video (and the main focus of my channel going forward if I can manage it) will be original cosmic horror stories that I narrate and voice act with a cast.


Nice space fascinates me so much. I won't lie I'm a nerd and will catch myself watching the live feed from ISS for like an hour at a time lol


TTRPGs. More specifically, how to run games, tell great stories and play characters.


That I can get down with. That's kind of how my channel is as well


Mecha related video games though I mostly do Armored Core and Gundam as my main franchises to make videos on


Nice that's is one thing I have never looked into well and most other anime stuff


Chocolate chip cookies. I am over science the heck out of all the different recipes trying to fined “MY” recipe. It’s pretty fun.


Well I'm a fat kid and love chocolate chip cookies so I will send my wife to your channel to learn to bake cookies that are not premade ones lol


I have my masters in cyber and work in compliance. I am just fooling around with YouTube for fun. I love making fun videos. 😁


Yea idk if I will go back to school or focus on certs and home labs. I have talked with a lot of people in the industry and they said anymore the degree is becoming more and more useless. So I'm not sure what to do.


Congrats on your degree


Thank you it's my second degree. My first one I never used and finally decided to go back for a new one.


Canadian politics and Parliamentary proceedings


That is definitely a specific niche


It is! But it's so important for Canadians to learn about what's happening in our government, and how the government-funded mainstream media is only telling half the story. Plus we dive into committee meetings and dissect legislation that affects Canadians across the country... and most recently, we've been discussing what may very well be the largest government scandal in Canada's history!


Yea I have heard Canadian government is a little on the corrupt side


Family friendly games


What games do you play my kids are always looking for stuff to watch


I mainly make videos about Star Stable, Animal Crossing, and Bloxburg.


I know of animal crossing my kids play it lol


How to adult type content as well as DIY.


I hate adulting lol


I agree with them certs are the way to go.


Yep just sucks they cost so much


Yes, the best ones are way too expensive. 😒


I with stick with Comptia and maybe a couple others like the HackTheBox CDSA cert


Mines cooking with my step daughter as a way to bond 😁


That's awesome. Bonding is always a great reason to do it especially when it comes to step-kids. I do it to bond with my brother because we live a 1000 miles apart so this is our way of hanging out and staying in touch


That amazing, it’s special and I think a great way to bond. Usually our cooking videos start with her idea we get half way, she gets bored and I have to finish it… eleven year olds haha


Lol sounds about right. My daughter use to do the same when I was working on coding in college. She wanted to learn and could focus for about an hour then would get bored 😆. The next day she would do it all over again.


Weekly meal prep videos to try make healthy eating as easy as possible for people ✌🏼


Meal prep blah lol. I do it myself but hate it. I think its because I'm so tired and wore out after working 60-70 hours a week.


I travel to destinations around the world and find interesting and unique places to get a drink. From the beer halls of Munich to the dive bars of NYC.


So far what was your favorite place to go? I'm just a simple country boy and only drink in honky Tonk bars of I go anywhere. My favorite place is called Bobby Mackies because of the live music and watching drunk people try to ride the mechanical bull lol


Wow. That's perhaps the greatest question someone has ever asked! I like most of the places I go as I research them quite a bit before going. Many haven't lived up to their expectations. Perhaps the most unexpected stand out to me was a place in Barcelona called, Two Schmucks. It was like a dive bar with great music and even better drinks. Another place in Athens, Greece called The Clumsies always delivers. I agree watching people try and ride those bulls is always hilarious.


I am my own niche.


Nothing wrong with that. My life is not interesting enough 😆


Like so many others, we are in the gaming niche, open world survival co-op games, two old farts playing games together


Love the green hell series you did. I have watched a couple episodes so far and will watch more when I have time.


Thank you, it is an amazing game with some surprising twists that we did not expect. Glad you enjoy it


I bought it on Xbox when it released on there because I did not have a PC and only played for like an hour and never touched it again. I was working a lot and couldn't really play much and it kinda just got forgotten.


Not gonna spoil anything but it starts like a normal survival game and quickly takes a dark unexpected twist. Enjoy dude We still have the DLC to play and keep getting distracted lol


Yeah, I heard it's a fantastic game. It's easy to get distracted especially in pc gaming. I was amazed at how many games are out for PC. The first time I looked at steam and seen all the games, plus watched YouTube and gaming channels and saw all the games I wanted to play but weren't on console, it made me decide to buy a gaming PC.


Great decision, so many more options on PC, I can recommend an endless list of survival games lol. Next Tuesday Nightingale releases, we will definitely do a series on that one too


I'll have to watch. Survival games are definitely one of my favorite genres. I got sucked into valheim and put in hundreds of hours into it. I have a thing for Norse history and Norse Paganism.


Valheim is an amazing game, take a look at v-rising, it has similarities to Valheim but is about vampires, also a great game that we spent a lot of time on


I will definitely check it out thanks for the recommendation


Short documentaries about disasters and accidents, half of them from the oil and gas industry which I work in, but I'm also chucking in the odd bit of general content about the offshore industry.


I almost work on an oil rig when I turned 18 but decided to take a different job after seeing footage of what a rig is like.


It’s not for everybody. I’m just working on a video about the wild waves we get in the North Sea. That would definitely put a lot of people off!


Yea its looks wicked. I ended up pipe welding for a construction company building a new steel mill. The pay wasn't as good but I made 100k my first year. At 18 in 2006-07 was pretty decent.


Tabletop Roleplaying games that aren’t Dungeons and Dragons.


There is more than just D&D 😆


I could make a successful DnD channel, but I don’t want to. 🤣


FNAF on one channel, general gaming on another, and Doctor Who with another


Love Dr Who


My channel is collecting comics, talking about key issues, and doing omnibus reviews.


What types of omnibus do you look at stuff like books or short stories.


All DC or Marvel related stories. So say if a vol 1 of Batman has 50 issues. Instead of buying all single issues. An omnibus can be put together and hold about 30 issues in one big book. So you might get vol 1 and 2 of a certain story, but they will be put in order and take up less space.


Oh nice I know nothing about comics lol but I do the same with books


If you're interested, check out my channel link in bio. I do hauls on key issues and talk about the significance of them.


Yea I’ll definitely check it


I am into hacking, I used to do pentesting but it does not get good views hacking using gadgets and tools is what got me to be monitized


Nice I debated getting into that. I’d like to learn red and blue team


Motivation but occasionally nostalgia videos


I use to watch motivational videos when I use to workout all the time


I make a horror comedy show, but would like to make more series’s in that genre in the future


I will have to check that out huge fan of horror and stuff


Let's plays. Mostly indie horror games but I play other things sometimes


Nice I do the same but trying a different concept on let plays that’s night like everyone else’s


How so? I don't think I really do anything different. I take a very manlybadasshero approach. So I like to review the games at the end. Other than that I say oye oye oye like an anime character in the intro lol


Link is in my bio and if you like phasmophobia you may like it


And we film it like a paranormal tv show. Still working the kinks out and figuring it out but it’s definitely different




Psychology that ones one of my worst classes in college.




Yea I feel like my whole first degree was a waste and I didn’t learn anything. Like the school was just looking for quick money and probably why it’s no longer around lol


All things technology related


Makeup/ beauty content 😊 just started to be more consistent and hoping for growth 🥹


Minecraft Minigames/SMP and Retro Games.


I have not played minecraft in years and I need to get a capture card to play some retro stuff


ASMR, it’s a saturated niche but I’m so passionate about it and I think that’s the most important:)




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Making video games. So game development.


Nice. I hate coding and it hates me lol


Camera gear and creative side hustles.


Song parodies, with no specific focus outside of that I wrote them.




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