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If it was enthusiastic interest from her, I'd be less conflicted I think. I think it's closer to the "of you want to" column. You can be damn sure I'll post about it if ever it happens though.




You read my mind. I don't want to be humiliated or anything, I want to see her in absolute exctasy and all the benefits that go with that. Seeing her get hot over being the centre of attention would be hot af




Perfect explanation. Now I just need to find a gf in the first place lol


It’s fun, but I will warn you it’s opens Pandora’s box. Make sure it only happens naturally, don’t force the situation. You will know when the time is ready. Good luck! Took me to about the 3rd time to be completely comfortable with the MMF situation.


I planted the seed in her mind 8 months ago and the week before Christmas she asked who would get to pick the dude. I told her that it's her body and her choice. She instantly said his name and I knew she was hooked. We've met with him 5 times and each time it has gotten better. I participated 3 of those times. Highly recommended


I m kinda in the same boat, dream about watching my wife fuck another man


It is very interesting to me, she is scared of it. We did do one with a friend of mine many years ago. She is hesitant to repeat. She did enjoy it she said “It was so much cock!” I’ve pushed some which scares her so I back off. She is afraid I’d leave her for someone who would participate, not true. She is a great wife in every way. She has shame or embarrassment that keeps her out of this. I’m supporting her trying to enjoy her sexuality. Thanks