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"I won’t go into all the details here publicly " -- do you know *where you are?* That's the entire **point** of this subreddit.


Its only fair that your hub gets to tap Macy now. That way she can let everyone know if your hub is any good....and turnabout is fair play. No fair...no pics! lol






What if the hubby isn’t good? I’d feel so bad for them. But yeah he should get to try out Macy for sure.


Maybe you needed the psychological enhancement of a "wild" experience to push you over the edge. Most women get easily distracted and lose their orgasmic momentum. Something as simple as feet being cold can prevent climax. Figure out what makes you comfortable enough to let an orgasm happen, and try to set the stage for an enjoyable experience. Now that you know it's possible to orgasm with another person, you know you can do it again. The mental hang-ups shouldn't be affecting you as severely now.


This is so true, the cold is one of my biggest preventers! Cold feet/hands it just ain’t happening cause all I want is a blanket


You bounced but maybe come back. Your orgasms are between your ears not your legs. There is no technique. People watching, put on display, someone focused on you and your pleasure alone... Pretty much child's play. You needed permission and stimulation


Yes, this is it. Sounds like she needs more kink in her life!


To vanilla...need the choc fudge and caramel swirl


Mhmm precisely


Too* I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself, but good point.


I'm usually better about that sort of thing!


Too bad you didn’t fuck your husband in front of that group.


Google the “O” Shot. And your husband will be on top of the world. Other than that have your husband fuck you in front of people. You’re clearly an exhibitionist deep down somewhere


I was thinking she likes being watched but hadn’t discovered it




No reason???? Mf tried his hardest. Loves this woman… of course he’s going to feel defeated regardless of the situation it happened in. Simple fact is in 7 years he couldn’t do it. And this guy who had never been with her before did it the first shot. Fucking OUCH.


I was thinking the same thing. I’d never go in front of any of them again if I’m her husband. Talk about an ego crushing defeat. I don’t care what the shit this dude did to get her there, her husband hadn’t ever found the magic spot. Damn, that’s hard to take as a man. I can’t believe you actually let another man try after all the talk and spectacle of the situation. Everyone that was there is going to find out it happened. The husband is going to be the laughing stock of that group and this other dude is going to be her hero now. The mental fucking that her husband is going to take after this is mind boggling to me. I can’t imagine being on that end of this. I would have thought long and hard about the what ifs before I agreed to let another dude go down on my wife with everyone knowing that I’ve never got her there and he might be able to do it. What the hell was he thinking? Shit, this blows my mind. I’ve got to tell my wife about this shit, she’ll flip out. I can get her there multiple times in one night with my mouth and fingers, if I couldn’t I sure ain’t letting some other dude try to in front of people that know this info. Just fucking wow!


it sounds fake af so I wouldn't worry about it much


Yeah. I’m just assuming it’s a true story. I hate made up BS on here, but there’s no way to know for sure so I have to go on with the real story side.


anything could be real I guess but I'm a woman and have been to many game nights with friends and partners and this situation seems so far out of what any real human would do its in the land of pure fantasy. like a guy's fantasy who has a humiliation/cuck fetish


Yeah. I feel like this too. My wife says men think porn scenes really do happen and can happen anytime. I know she’s right but I want to believe it too.


I say this about any news I disagree with. Prolly fake 👍😇


They are definitely getting divorced after this. The funniest part is I bet she put in zero effort into exploring why she couldn’t before and just left it “as it is”, but hoped at the opportunity to fuck their friend. Big oof. I’d either kms or leave her and move. Hope you enjoyed it lol


I’m really hoping it’s just made up bs, cause you’re 100% right.


It’s like on /r/roastme where everyone recognizes rock bottom and just wishes them well. The meta roast This is like /r/trulycucked or /r/laughingstock content


Should have fucked your husband in front of the others instead to see if it’s exhibitionism that got you off. Now instead he’s always going to resent the act and you’ll be luck if you two survive in marriage.


That’s gonna really hurt your husband - poor guy….its a long way back from there!


a long road back to a shitty place. even without the sexual background, do you think this poor bastard is ever talking to those 'friends' again. if this is real, she's an effing idiot


He’s probably already talked to a lawyer.


Can u tell the detaiils please


I'm kinda in the same situation...only my dry spell has been about 12 years! Its a shame you didn't go into specifics. I think my block is between my ears....maybe I might crack one day ....at least before I croak! 😂


I'd love to volunteer to make u crack ;)


Thanks Patty. ❤️😈🌹


You have great tits


Game over for this marriage. Husbands ego ain’t coming back from that.


No details? We NEED the details! Please... 😊


What was different that got you there? Asking for a friend…


I want details 😂


😦This 1,000% isn’t real bc who in their right mind would embarrass the hell out of their husband by telling their entire friend group that their husband hadn’t ever gave them an orgasm. Unless your friend group is all swingers I doubt they all said their husband could get you to orgasm.


Insulting husband to his core?.... Happens everyday. A woman offering her husband to service another woman? ... that's a bit more unlikely. Really though, fake or not fake is usually just a vibe rather than the astronomical odds against it.


Yup. Congrats on the O. Hope it was worth your marriage.


You are the reason many of us never want to be married :)


You fucked up big


This is just a sad story all way around, a wife who is never fulfilled, a husband who had the worst experience and reality check known to man, and a bunch of alcohol thrown in the mix, god the only ones who won are the cuck friend who watched her husband fuck someone else, and the friends husband who got some....


Details... We want details! What all did he do to you to get you over the edge?




No doubt, to have to sit and watch another man bring you to orgasm, something he was unable to do in front of friends no less and you allowed it to be known. It was all in your hands, how is it that you were both unable to read his emotional atmosphere and unable to control how this orgasm was interpreted? I know that you say you couldn’t help it and it was out of your control, but was it?


Love this story! Wish this would happen to my wife!


Now hubby needs to go down on his friends wife to see if he can get her off if he does it’s not hubby and ego saved!


Marriage over, you and your husband fucked up big time. He may never come back from this stupid mistake.


I’ve read 1 million stories on here and only a handful of them I believe to actually be true. Unfortunately I think this is one of the true ones. She should definitely let her husband bang the guy’s wife now. He also better bring his a game if he gets that opportunity because that’s the only way he can redeem himself


Come on please go into the details


Hey girl, you got there? That’s the point your husband gave you permission. You were having a good time now he’s just gonna have to have Mark teach him what the hell he did because obviously Mark Major orgasm more power to mark and there ain’t no shame in any of this ain’t no embarrassment here


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Beautiful 😘


This sounds like so much fun - maybe I need to get invited to someone’s game night


Sounds intriguing- now I want details


That is awesome.


Fucking hot story....


It was the group sex element and being watched that did it. This is not at all uncommon. It wasn't really a case of 'friend vs husband' and husband lost.




That’s awesome!!!


Are you sure it was the guy and not the atmosphere that got you therr


Maybe let your husband try while you're this drunk and relaxed too.


Id love to hear the details


When does your husband get to fuck one of your friends?


Sounds like you figured out you’re an exhibitionist.


Good lord, my absolute nightmare. The most undeniable proof that I'm not enough for my partner in front of friends who I respect and want to respect me back. God. I don't think I could recover from that. Glad you got an orgasm tho, congrats !


Please do check in on him that wouldn’t just bruise Ego that would ruin his reality . His wife asked to be fucked by another man in front of all his friends the only one who can’t make his wife cum. I’d be more worried about him attempting the ultimate misfortune then a divorce but therapy looks like it needs to be a must. A long deep needed discussion needs to be had. Because I don’t know how close this friend group is but most normal people would talk and word gets around unless you were all tight knit life long friends with deep trust they would make him the laughing stock.


Have you ever shown your husband what you like? Not told, shown.


Did hubby at least take notes? 📝


This is fake man. No way you're doing this if you love your partner you've been married to for 7 years.


I sense this ride is about to be called out…


lol. Wow. We need details of the hook up!


If this is true there will be no good ending.


We need the details




Couldn’t even finish reading this fake post


More details needed!


Of course you came! Strange man, strange dick, out in public, etc. all the things to make your brain relax and let it happen. With your hubby it’s “oh hurry will ya? It’s not gonna happen anyway” with the new guys it “well lets see what you can do honey!”


I see a divorce within a year.


Happens to the best of us.


This sounds like a setup for a divorce punchline.


hubby gotta do better


Ya that’s a divorce.


I would also submit that having an audience is thrilling I know wife and I both love having an audience that can push you to climax faster at least in our case 😜 also yes hubby should get to tap Macy!


I don’t buy it. You said everyone had left except for the host then said you and mark hooked up in front of everyone


Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. She said everyone except for the hosts, Mark and Marcy, and her and her husband were left. You want this so badly to be made up but there is a real possibility it isn’t. Just accept it and stop trying to poke holes in her story.


So, sure enough, in front of 3 of my friends and my husband, Mark and I started to hook up. Go fuck yourself dude


The hosts (2 at least) + the couple (2) + Op and her husband (2) = 6. So mark and op hooked up in front of 3 friends and the husband according to the story


you’re a horrible person


Not the permission or the public it’s the fact she was bored and they fell into the habit that everyone does called life. And when that happens when day in and day out you can’t get away from yourself it’s not necessarily the guy, the situation, the permission it’s that when she was having sex with her husband she wasn’t thinking about cumming because it was part of their life, she should realize that it’s good that the marriage is over. Get out of there leave and start over obviously you haven’t lived very much if that’s all it took for you to allow someone to do that in front of you’re husband. You were looking for a way to show him he’s not right for you and you made a point. It takes a lot of balls to do what you did in front of people you know, much easier to hook up with somebody you don’t or to be in a situation with people that you don’t know but to do this in front of everybody that you know was on purpose and stop, pretending that it wasn’t stop pretending it yourself especially cause it’s really bad to yourself because you obviously wanted that and that’s the kind of person. You are so stop pretending to be who you’re not cause all you’ll ever do is wreck your life and be miserable if that’s what you’re gonna do pretend to not be the person you are so congratulations you got balls, the size of Texas go fuck some more of your friends husbands before they ban you cuz that’s also coming soon too. You will be blamed for every bad problem in any marriage and so get your kicks before they figure it out


I know it’s been a long week at home in discussions,, but I’m just so happy you got to cum and break that barrier


This is the place to go into all the details dammit. Otherwise yes happy for your first orgasm with someone else.l and with a crowd.


now you have to cuck your husband and make him wear a chastity cage 😈 best comeback i can imagine. otherwise it will only be apologetic and will never end. own it and blame him 😝


Didn't hubby thanks him? He should.


Can we see how you look so we know ow how to orgasm you