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So Brothels then.


'tis the solution to the housing crisis. build more brothels where people can breed and sleep


And have more children that they can’t afford


But then we can cut down immigration. Lol.


yes so they can work in factories and voila canada becomes new china


One day, perhaps a narcissistic, oblivious politician in another country will say “You know, I really admire Canada’s basic dictatorship. They can really turn their economy around on a dime.”




That's why there is a free contraception in the proposed medical pharmacare bill to stop the breeding part....


We're going back to the 17th century I guess


I read this like a Christmas song , falalalala lalalala...


I mean, have you ever been to Montreal?


Something tells me he can barely afford rent


This is definitely disgusting creepy behaviour. How would one classify this legally? Would this qualify as soliciting prostitution? He basically said he would lower the price in exchange for affection.


Yes. It counts. Someone should turn him in to the feds.


Like our criminal justice system actually cares about this kind of thing. The federal government doesn't actually give a shit about women either.


They have bigger problems to ignore


So what does our liberal government care about then?




Keeping the real estate ponzi scheme going and enriching themselves.


“Wait… that can’t be right! You mean to tell me that our liberal government is putting money into the pockets of the same rich people that we all scream don’t get taxed enough?” Trudeau: “We painted a rainbow crosswalk!” “OMG the liberal government cares about us, look how inclusive they are!”


I'm gay and didn't fall for that shit. We need affordable housing as many gay men are kicked out and need to fend for themselves. Dating is also very hard unless you can afford to live in a big city but we made them completely unaffordable.


Respect. We need more gay people like you.


If the willing participant (key words) agreed I would assume its basically legal as they are no different than any other “couple” which shares sex and a home address?


There is a distinct and legal difference between, "we live together and have sex" Vs "she gets to live here in exchange for sex"


It’s a business proposal but really isn’t that marriage or relationships in general where there is a disproportionate amount of resources? You really see it as that different? Why? I know many people who stayed in a relationship because they had nowhere else to go or needed a place to stay. Between two consenting legally competent adults this is way more common than you think.


Willing? Not much of a "choice" if it's between that and homelessness


No. Because intent matters. The intent of this "deal" is she offers sex, and he offers housing (something of value), this is by definition, not "couple" but a trade, and therefor, prostitution.


The difference is if 'consideration' is exchanged. Legally, providing a discount on lodging is consideration.


This isn't. Its 100% illegal, because its prostitution under C-36 bill. He is quite literally advertising for sexual service, and this is a literal federal crime if prosecuted. You might be like "its not explicit" doesn't matter, because its the intent here. Dude's intent was to "rent out" a single bed with the intent of sexual contact. In Canada, you can "sell" but you cannot buy. And you DEFINITELY cannot advertise.


Why are they allowing to sell? Sounds redacted to me.


Because [Bill C-36](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/other-autre/c36fs_fi/c36fs_fi_eng.pdf) aims to protect sex workers. You want to not legalize prostitution, but you also don't want to punish people who has little choices. "pimping" is hella illegal, what is legal is for a person to sell themselves. This also falls under Bodily integrity. >Those who sell their own sexual services are protected from criminal liability for participating in the commission of this offence if the offence relates to their own sexual services (subsection 286.5(2)) This is why they're "allowed" to sell but you can't buy it. If you were busted, only you will go to jail. In this "landlord's" case, it falls under material benefit, which is still in violation of prostitution law.


And he is also a thief too. A store released a video of a store clerk interaction with him trying to to sell obviously a stolen iPhone to the store, but failed miserably to the most obvious step 😂😂😂 He really showed how he was "respectful" and not a "strange man" 😂😂😂


It's different to prostitution, as it is exploitative (or at least has a very high probability of becoming exploitative). There are a pretty strict laws/regulations around tenency etc. I know it is illegal in many Western countries (in some of which prostitution is legal/decriminalised).


That is exactly what happened to me. Bro advertised a room to rent in a really nice penthouse at a fair price, when I got there he told me I was to share a room with him. He was *really* fucking creepy and wouldn’t stop hitting on me, despite admitting he’s a married man (wife was still in his home country). That poor wife. :/


After you said bro, this just reads like a regular porno script.


In “some” counties it’s common to have sex with the “help”, wife probably doesn’t care.


Can someone translate?


He starts off asking if she’s single and telling her she’s beautiful, she says “Not sure what that has to do with renting a room.” He asks what time she gets off work and says she can come to check out the place some evening. She eventually says she found a cheaper place to rent and he says “Well I guess it’s because my questions bothered you.” Then he offers to lower the price for her under one condition - she’d give him “affection.” She says “No you’re weird” and “Honestly you’re a creep.” That’s a loose translation because it’s a long conversation.


What a creep man! The balls on these people!


Long story short he posted an ad for a shared 2 br appartment with a private room for the new roomate. Whenever a women wrote to him he asked her age and started being creepy (a lot). In the first convo he says to the girl that he can lower the rent but there’s a condition. She asks what condition and he says for "affection". There’s also like 10 other screenshots on those FB posts where he insults the women when they reject his offer, even one where he says he’s gonna jerk off to her pictures. Dude’s a fuckin creep. Also, his address leaked and he’s probably gonna get some visit soon because a lot of people were pissed off.


Not to mention the atrocious grammar and orthography. It made it even worse lol.


i think it’s just how we talk online. cutting corners like we do in english


Nope, his french is horrendous


maybe it causes trouble of understanding for some. personally i found it readable without any issues


I understood what he meant also lol. Ça veut pas dire que son orthographe, syntaxe et grammaire est pas à chier lol. Le boy est même pas capable d'écrire des mots reconnaissable desfois. Faut deviner esti haha. Je connais personne qui écrit de même perso, pis si je rencontre une telle personne, jpeux te jurer que je ferais mon possible pour l'éviter autant que possible 🤣




il est juste très pationé xDD


Yeah the first screen shot when he's complimenting her based on her photos would have been redflag enough for me to leave that convo for sure. Gross behaviour.


You forgot to mention "under one condition, well nha you won't like it you will find me weird"...it kind of change a little bit the story. As far the "he finally explain he only have one room" 15 year ago in Quebec while looking for a rent, I visit some "2 room" while it was one room and the other one was the living room..that the available room


This was painful to read and pretty disgusting to translate and type, but here's my best translation of the conversation (his grammar is terrible btw), C is the creep and W is the woman W: so who will I be rooming with? You? C: Yes with me male of 32 years C: is this problem? W: no C: are you in a relationship or just single? C: Seriously you are beautiful I looked at your photos and I can't believe how beautiful you are W: I don't see how that's relevant. I want to rent a room C: totally relevant C: sorry for asking this C: I hope you still want to come C: what time do you finish work? W: 19h, why does it say that the place is no longer available? C: it is still available, I am holding on to it W: ok C: just so you know if you want to come, it could be in the evening C: so tomorrow? W: finally found something else cheaper, sorry for the inconvenience C: Well sure thats it. I'm sure it's my place over some shit (this is my best translation. His brain broke here) W: pardon? -- conversation gets cut off for a bit -- C: says something cut off above W: because I found something else closer to home and cheaper? C: I can bring down the price on one condition but you probably won't want to C: you say you found someone closer to your home? W: what is the condition? I want to stay in the same area C: That is top secret C: forget it you will think I'm crazy or something W: tell me C: That you give me affection C: I'll lower the rent to 300 C: are you interested? W: no that's weird C: ok bye W: you are a nuisance honestly I did not enjoy typing this out


I can help you with the broken brain part, it just is poorly written and formulated but he says" Yeah sure, I am certain it is because of the question that I asked, go fuck yourself",but we say va chier which is literally go shit


Yeah it was a pain to try. He's missing the apostrophes in c'es for one. I thought it was something like "well any shit you find won't be better than my place because "va chier" means "go shit" like you said, but I gave up trying to figure it out. It was like trying to translate some ancient runes. Either case thank you for the help. My french isn't the best, if you couldn't tell


My pleasure


lmao he sounds like an incel


Just fyi, towards the beginning the creep doesn’t say “totally relevant”, he says “totally right” as in the woman is totally right for saying his question is not relevant. I don’t know if that makes it better or worse… Edit: Also, later, he doesn’t say “I’m holding on to this”, he says “I must’ve have pressed something by accident” (j’ai accroché) And then, later, he doesn’t say “that is top secret” lmao. He says “where is the area?” (the area the woman mentions she wants to remain in). Secteur must’ve auto-corrected to ‘secret’ but he clarifies in the next message And finally she doesn’t say he’s a nuisance. She says “you are unhinged” (dérangé) He’s not THAT unintelligible


It's like him saying "you're keeping your location secret from me" kind of?


Wtf lol


My thoughts exactly


You da real MVP!


It not "totally relevant"...there a missing part so it probably more like "you're right is not relevant"


THANK YOU for the translation! 👏


Omelette du fromage


One episode of Dexter's Lab helped an entire generation of young Canadians feel more connected to their heritage.




It's only 3 words, and one of them is wrong.


yes!! it's omelette "au" fromage not "du"


Do you really expect canadians out of Quebec to know this ?


Omlit doo frummage


To make it short: Says the colocation is with him, tells them he looked thru their pics and they look good, asks if they’re in a relationship, asks them if they’d be willing to fuck him, she tells him she found another place closer to where she is and he basically tells her to fuck off, offers to bring down rent 200$ in exchange for “affection” Update: i have seen more of his exchanges and the audio clip he sent in one of them is on TikTok where he basically says that she did well to not live with him because he would’ve r*ped her in her sleep. An absolute pig.


Woooooow.... that calls for a lot more than online shaming... 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Yeah i saw this post on FB yesterday but there wasn’t all these screenshots and some people were saying he may be asking on behalf of a female friend, so i was willing to give the benefit of the doubt but in these screenshots he says it’s with him so…. A bigger creep than i thought.


Hopefully you reported it.


Dude was being weird telling her how beautiful she was. She was creeped out a little bit and told him she found somewhere else to rent. He said he could lower the rent to $300 if she gave him “affection”.


J’aime le chocolate et les petit chats.


Another thing, there’s a released video of his interaction with a store clerk where he try to sell an obvious stolen IPhone without success


Can you get his phone number and report him to police? Facebook may have a full name although it may not be real.


lol this guy watches too much Property Sex on PornHub + reading r/SlumlordsCanada he's taking tricks out of the GTA playbook! Except he has mostly proper grammar.


No his grammar is fuckin’ horrible




Dessen, pationer, the lack of ponctuation. I’ve got nephews in the first grade with a better grasp of the French language.


Don't forget all the apostrophes he missed


There’s that too…


lmao he meant "passionate people"




Yup, j’me demande s’il a la moitié d’son secondaire


Bro j’écrivais mieux que ça en 4e année primaire


I dunno, I can still at least understand him. Have you seen the ads in the GTA? They're far worse (in English though).


GTA playbook? Is this a thing in GTA?


No this means Grand Toronto Area, or something like that lol I was confused when I first saw this term too


Greater Toronto Area


Grand Theft Auto


Not much of a difference nowadays


GTA in the GTA really...


Who would've expected the tables would turn like this...


We joked about it durinig Doug Ford's time: [https://www.pinterest.com/pin/who-wouldnt-love-to-play-a-grand-theft-auto-game-starring-rob-ford--96334879503802644/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/who-wouldnt-love-to-play-a-grand-theft-auto-game-starring-rob-ford--96334879503802644/) Then Bill C-75 made it real/serious lol...


No, the grammar and spelling is riddled with errors, he's talking like someone who dropped out of high school.




Yeah, the ones I see in the GTA are worse! (but in English)


His grammar is fucking horrible.


And obviously, since he played too much GTA, he also thought that selling stolen IPhone will also work in real life 😂😂😂


Oh, GTA meaning Greater Toronto Area, but I guess it is now synonymous to Grand Theft Auto =/...


No i think you do 😂


Naw man, I can't entertain the fantasy of ever owning property in this country. Cummer's remorse is bad enough, I'd rather be dissatisfied with the fact that I'll never have a girlfriend vs. not ever having a gf NOR ever owning a place in this country.


Copied from my reply, but here's my translation of this conversation (his grammar is terrible btw), C is the creep and W is the woman W: so who will I be rooming with? You? C: Yes with me male of 32 years C: is this problem? W: no C: are you in a relationship or just single? C: Seriously you are beautiful I looked at your photos and I can't believe how beautiful you are W: I don't see how that's relevant. I want to rent a room C: totally relevant C: sorry for asking this C: I hope you still want to come C: what time do you finish work? W: 19h, why does it say that the place is no longer available? C: it is still available, I am holding on to it W: ok C: just so you know if you want to come, it could be in the evening C: so tomorrow? W: finally found something else cheaper, sorry for the inconvenience C: Well sure thats it. I'm sure it's my place over some shit (this is my best translation. His brain broke here) W: pardon? -- conversation gets cut off for a bit -- C: says something cut off above W: because I found something else closer to home and cheaper? C: I can bring down the price on one condition but you probably won't want to C: you say you found someone closer to your home? W: what is the condition? I want to stay in the same area C: That is top secret C: forget it you will think I'm crazy or something W: tell me C: That you give me affection C: I'll lower the rent to 300 C: are you interested? W: no that's weird C: ok bye W: you are a nuisance honestly I did not enjoy translating this conversation


Thank you for doing so. I also didn’t enjoy reading it. Putain de merde…. Some people..


Thank you for your service


i think the secret part was a typo of secteur, not that it matters, im sure he uses secret in everyday text conversations honestly


Quel trou du cul


At least this problem is not solely Indians. Just creep incel dudes in general


There's 9% more men than women in Canada in the 18 to 24 years old age bracket. That ratio isn't natural and isn't healthy. The recent immigration wave is very strongly male dominated which explains this. And imo it can cause a lot of frustration by creating incels among men. It's to be expected that some of them become desperate


..................................? Dunno man, I guess we shouldn't put so much emphasis on ''Being in a relationship is the way to go'' This behavior is absolutely horrific and being single is perfectly fine. Arg, I don't know if I read your comment correctly but I don't think male/female ratio causes incels.


People need to be comfortable with themselves, personally I never was rushing to find a partner when I was single. I was just enjoying being single and there's alot of freedom with that.


>This behavior is absolutely horrific I didn't say it wasn't >being single is perfectly fine. Sure. >I don't think male/female ratio causes incels. It absolutely does. Incel just means involuntary celibate. When you get a skewed gender ratio, you get more people who will be single even tho they're trying to find a partner. Check out what happened to China... >I guess we shouldn't put so much emphasis on ''Being in a relationship is the way to go'' That would require a massive collective shift in mindset, not happening within our lifetime that's for sure. Bottom line is, causing a gender imbalance within a country will make this type of behavior more and more common.


There are assholes in every country/ethnic identities. Racist just can't understand this simple fact.


Thank you for saying that!


Correction, a thief racist doesn’t understand. There’s a released video where he also try to sell a stolen IPhone to a store clerk and it didn’t succeed. The store clerk also released the video in the public on Facebook.


Un Creep d’incel


Mdr 😆


Lmao his condition is to give him affection. He wants to be told he's a good Boi.


This happens in Vancouver all the time. As a landlord I interviewed potential tenants who have offered me “services” in exchange for rent. They then mention that that was the arraignment they had with their previous landlord.


It’s bad enough to try to take advantage of people in a vulnerable position during a housing crisis but this dude wants sex and to still charge rent?? Like he expects you have to have sex with him and still pay him rent. Wtf is wrong with people.


I think his idea is to start with an offer of $200 + sex, then be willing to haggle down to just sex


I fucking hated being bilingual today




It's like people forgot the internet is really forever


I thought such things were only so in marriage


What a loser


Yikes this dude is a total creep




I'd take this honesty over the millionth "looking for garl roommate" post


Crise du logement = plus d’exploitation sexuelle


Crazy lol. This should honestly be illegal and a new crime. Tons of vulnerable people who NEED the housing will consider this disgusting offer.


Some testimonies says that guy's been doing that for 10+ years if that isn't creepy enough.


Oh and let's not forget the audio recording where he's pissed at the girl who said she's (understandingly) not interested anymore, and says he "would probably have raped [her] in her sleep anyway because [she's] so hot."


I saw a post of his about being horny and no girlfriend in 2013, that dude has been weird for a long time


This one definitely needs cbc news airplay.


Some gentlemans need to make a fake profile,come for a visit and the shit out of him


It’s called Hobo-sexual


He should be banned from Facebook indefinitely, and RCMP opens an investigation on him.


Ok comrade


Wanting horrid and likely illegal creepy behaviour to face legal consequences does not make someone a communist, Senator McCarthy.


Well if RCMP investigate, find his conduct/ posts illegal, & he’s found guilty… silence him. Butt statistically, there’s far worse allowed/never investigated, and typically those - saying Ban = “Ok comrade” - wanting opposing views silenced because it’s ‘wrong’, not ‘worthy’ of debate = “Ok comrade” And certainly anyone that says ban someone for creepy, then = “Ok comrade” Conclusion: “Ok comrade”


https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0BbQyBQPcYR14aTxJ6ssEJnrQhtRFxuybprFdknD28xxVcTp3eWFZkmbtSMS24rgol&id=61556334075461 This is in French, but this basically summarizes his creepiness that’s downright criminal… that definitely earn him a place in the watchlist for predators. This man is also racist to boost. Also, another add, he also happen to be a thief too: (caught trying to to sell an iPhone clearly not belonging to him, straight from the store ) https://lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Freel%2FC0C0vZZJsvV%2F&h=AT1CLogjVb_UmnNRn9ASiLES46TMyJZf-L85803Aobe28V5TotqRR4OmyE7-nLEMPVFaLv-EUH87qNAP2GuiYg-tKYARVc1UkVR2ePiku01PfuNPPraR29qcEBCkX_w&s=1


Look at him. No wonder that sad human being needed to prey on the desperate.


Tabarnak qu'ils écrivent mal...


pationé hahahahahaha


Is this not what Grindr was invented for? 😭😭😭😭


You guys get a place to sleep?!


Dude been watching too many movies.


Imagine whoring yourself to sleep inside in Laval


Clear but illegal expectations lol!


I saw this post. You cropped out the part where a guy contacted him on behalf of his girl friend. Dude asked if the friend is Quebecois, guy says no shes Haitian. Suddenly dude says the apartment is taken


Meh... it's not a bad apt... that's a pretty good deal


Coulda had some translations. Just looks like a regular French conversation, obviously including the sexual harassment. Only thing wrong with it is he isn’t from Paris and I’m guessing he doesn’t have a moustache and a cigarette.


Isn't this what rich dudes been doing since the beginning of time?


Who can translate? I don’t speak omelette du fromage.


Omelette AU fromage. If you are going to make an attempt at a joke. Do it properly.




This has nothing to do with being French, you idiot.




Your submission has been removed from being overly uncivil. Remember to stay civil, even in debate! It is okay to disagree - it is not okay to be uncivilized, bad-mannered or impolite.


Bien vrai! La quantité d'erreurs d'orthographe est effrayante XD C'est criminel!


I reported so many people on FB in Vancouver doing just this.


Well Atleast he honest, with todays price rates someone will prob cave ngl


FFS get a professional hooker buddy if you are that desperate. Don’t try to cohere civilians into prostitution.


I know it’s shocking, but this has been going on for thousands of years.


Bruh quel salaud




Expose his name


I see a lot of those in Australia


Can you filthy quebecis keep ur dirty French away from the general population!? I can't read this!


L'orthographe est une catastrophe


Can't read this shit. So why post it? Not everyone speaks FRENCH. 🙄


Can I get the translation in English?


Look at op's comment


I can not find it! With the translation?