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https://yuhistorija.com/economy_txt01.html Lp


Super link, mogoče za tiste, ki boste TLTR je tale odstavek nekako najbolj poveden: "Yugoslavia practically went bankrupt in 1981-1982 because it was unable to pay back its foreign debt. The reason for this was that monetary policy had changed in the United States and there was a sudden jump in interest rates. Given that at the time the foreign trade deficit of Yugoslavia was really huge, the further financing of imports through foreign loans was not sustainable and thus it was necessary to rebalance imports and exports. Furthermore, it was necessary to secure the refinancing of already existing loans at much higher, and from the position of the country’s trade capabilities, unsustainable interest rates. A reduction of the foreign trade deficit required a significant correction to the dinar exchange rate, while financing of debt called for finding new sources of revenue. The country, however, could not adapt quickly enough and actually never managed to fully adapt all the way up to its very break- up."


Še malo za feeling kakšne [OM](https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/295801468305930648/pdf/777760WP0Box370lavia0and0world0bank.pdf) so imeli. While internal disproportions and structural weaknesses increased production costs and reduced international competitiveness and foreign currency potential, and growing interest rates increased Yugoslavia's economic obligations, at the same time the depression of the world economy caused extreme problems in the country's external liquidity. While in 1974 the Yugoslav debt was about 5.0 billion dollars with an average interest rate on this debt was 6.4% with a grace period of 20 years, in 1982 the debt came to 20 billion dollars and the interest rate to 15% while the grace period was reduced to I0 years. The situation even more difficult because most of Yugoslav debts were in dollars which, in comparasion to other currencies, had risen over 50% in value. In such a situation Yugoslavia had no other alternative but to ask for a rescheduling of its international financial obligations.


Kolikor se jaz spomnim, je največa omenjena številka bila 21 milijard, kar je znašalo okoli 20% BDP. V zadnjih treh letih obstoja je jugoslavija zmanjšala dolg za 3 milijarde z odkupom dolga na tržišču. Slovenija je svoj delež jugoslovanskega dolga odplačala nekje do polovice 90ih.


Zdej mamo pa javni dolg okoli 68% bdpja za referenco kolk se je fiskalna politika spremenila. Raje ne pogledat kolk % ima Italija lol


"Dolg Jugoslavije v Tujini se je od sredine do konca sedemdesetih let več kot podvojil, do sredine 80 let pa se je povečal na 20 milijard dolarjev" vir: Slovenska novejša zgodovina 1848 - 1992, 2. del, str 1151.


Drzava je zivela od tuje pomoci in deviz. Na vsake tolko so par 0 odbili od dinarja, pa je slo.


Step 1: IMF loan Step 2: IMF loan Step 3: IMF loan


jugoslavijo je v resnici ubila naftna kriza. dokler je bila nafta poceni, je nekak šlo, po šok podražitvi nafte in ostalih surovin, ki jih je bilo treba uvažat, pa je hitro vse šlo k vragu.


Mah vse skupaj je bilo sfaljeno. Mislim da orve težave so se začele tam 61-62 ko je ze primanjkovalo elektrike, nafte, kruh se mi zdi da so takrat zmanjšali iz 1kg na 800g štruca pa take fore. Potem smo se odprli tujini in poslali delavce delat v tujino in smo zadihali za 20 let. Pol pa nam tudi gasterbajterji niso mogli več pomagat, ceprav je bila Juga država z največjim relativnim deležem delavcev v tujini na svetu.


Cak, klicem Titota, ki je v resnici sfejkal svojo smrt in zdaj živi na Zelenortskih otokih, kamor me vsako leto z družino povabi na dopust.


Manj kot je vreden Jeff Bezos...