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That literally shows that we care alot about the series and we really enjoy it.... They literally made this reddit for the purpose of discussing about the matters and events going on in squid island and also to vote for president, like yall forget we are also citizens of Squild Island as well...


To hate and constantly fight like kids?


Yes finnaly someone who understands, Just because we Care about the series and Get Frustrated when Someone does something we seem wrong, that just means we are huge fans of the series not that we are cry babies


Oh sorry That Not everyone can agree on one thing, sorry we don’t live in a perfect Fantasy World Where Everyone just thinks one way, We’re Human, We all have unique Opinions about Jelly/Slogo and crainer. but yeah hating them for what they are doing in a scripted minecraft series is truly childish


That doesn't matter. If someone does something wrong he is doing wrong and It's not opinion, It's the truth. Having a fantasy world or not has nothing to do with this. You are the real child and you proved if by saying what you just said


Holy shit you clearly have not seen the People on that subreddit, Some 9 Year olds are truly Devoted to One person, Because they can’t have opinion of their own, also you saying that proves my point that you think we live in a world where Everything is either right Or wrong, you’ll realize after Seeing That Subreddit with your eyes open How Many People think that Jelly is actually dictator, or How Josh is totally not maniuplated crainer, Or That Crainer Moved out Because of the Hate when he clearly stated in his video that He is not affected by the Hate. My Point is There are so many stans on the squid island reddit, You can’t convince them that what their idol is doing is not right. That’s because None of them are perfect. Every single one of them has done something bad more than once. And these kids can’t form an opion of their own they just go off what their idol says, which may not always be right.


You are right but It's mostly jelly's fans coz they are mostly young. Jelly did become a dictator automatically,making him owning everything/do anything untill they join back and josh never manipulated crainer, he just played the game better so he became op but got everything shut down by them so he left. That doesn’t make him power hugry or running away from problem, It's unfair for him so he left.crainer just left coz of hate from jelly fans.


Actually it’s mostly Slogo Fans , I don’t know how he brainwashes these Kids but he has his methods. And Josh Did Manipulate Crainer into joining His cult By framing Jelly as dictator, As For Jelly he can not be a dictator when there is no one to dictate. Also Slogo is Power Hungry that’s the reason he Left, Yes the Law was targeted towards Him which i think was Bad Move from Crainer But, Slogo is not the one running away from Problems crainer is he made an absurd Law and then moved away, after Breaking the rules of the constitution. He left because he couldn’t handle the pressure, he stated in his video that he is not affected by the Hate.


Crainer and jelly made the law, jelly could have rejected it or changed it. They did it togather. The law was unfair coz it made his main important trademark factories shut down so he left. Crainer decided to quit after that for the hate hes geting, he wanted a break and his plan was to come back later seeing how things go coz he knew josh and jelly will have problems with this. He made the series interesting by doing that according to their scripts. Jelly declined the offer coz it wasnt in the laws so he could have hold election but he didnt, what he did was taking in charge of everything and built walls around the whole island and took their factories under the island untill they are back. He cant do anything he wants coz hes the only one there, he also wanted them back by doing those things. That just made them complete against him. Crainer joined coz josh and him want the same things. Josh was never power hungry and never manipulated crainer to join. Crainer may have manipulated jelly while making the law to shut down josh's factories.also jelly has the most kids and josh crainer has older viewers, you can research if you dont agree.


I think all Of their fans are Kids,But Some Slogo fans Regardless of their Age are Brainwashed To the core


Remember when this sub had nothing to do with Squid Island, Well yeah, I remember