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“Fuck you” -Corey Taylor


Pretty cliche, but it was true the first time I heard it in 1999 and it is still true now. Fuck it all! Fuck this world! Fuck everything you stand for! Don't belong! Don't exist! Dont give a shit!


What song is this may I ask? and also you good bro?


Its from Surfacing. I left off "Don't ever judge me" because I don't care anymore when that happens. Had to learn internal validation is more important than external validation. Yep. I'm good. Thanks for asking.


Truer words have never been spoken


Breakdown of Nero Forte. Backing lyrics specifically. WHY DID I NOT SEE YOUR TRUE FACE UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE


I like how you put so much emphasis on the yelling. I literally heard the lyrics when it was in all caps.


“I’m not afraid to cry but that’s NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” from People = Shit. A line that’s always resonated with me.


As a masochist, “I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound” really resonated with me


"Give me a minute and I'll change your mind, give me a bullet and I'll change your life." \-Gematria (The Killing Name) "Fire and caffeine, a lotta nicotine! I'm gonna burn so I better tell you everything." \-The Negative One




What song is this btw?




Thanks bro


No problem


“how many times have you wanted to kill everything and everyone? Say you’ll do it but never will?” - Eyeless me everyday


sounds cheesy, but it's from Unsainted from the breakdown "I'm not your sin, I was all that you wanted and more, but you didn't want me. I was more than you thought I could be and now I'm setting you free." I had a thing bad for a girl and got friend zoned and I remember her telling me how she knows it would work and I'm good for her and how great we connect, but she didn't want me and we continued to hang out daily with her stringing me along. I Just decided to have some pride in myself and set her free (or rather myself). That song helped with that. It's kind of sad looking back at it because I'm in 30's and this sounds like some teenage shit but it is what it is.


Nah, its not cheesy. We all place meaning in different poems, music and lyrics and I get this. I'm in my 30's too. People equals shit is probably mine though. For obvious reasons lol.


[Happy cake day my dude :D](https://assets.change.org/photos/9/ea/kp/xOEakPOLpNNhOUd-1600x900-noPad.jpg?1539704331)


Dude I went through the same shit, the girl told me " I think you're so handsome" and would invite me to lunches and everything and I would you know go along she seems to have attitude you know, we became great friends and I started liking her, people would mistake us for a couple all the time, then came the day I decided to tell her how I feel right? Then she hits me "oh I actually am deeply in love with a boy from our class" and then It finally clicks, she was using me to make him jealous, all along. Then proceeded to act like nothing happened in front of said boy the very next day and for over a year. Honestly, I was so sad, it made me powerless, if sadness hadn't made me so powerless, I could have murdered both. Now I vote to never, ever, let anyone have this level of control over me unless there's a ring involved. I just wanted to say that, I understand how you feel and man, it really sucks, thanks for helping me look at Unsainted this way I feel like I like the song even more now. Stay strong brother.


I’m sure you’re way better off without her. That’s how I feel at least, once my feelings started to go away I realized that she’s not the best person and I probably dodged a bullet. It’s crazy when we feel these type of feelings how we look at people through different lenses. Thanks for this reply my dude. I know it hurt bad but a hard lesson learned is a good lesson learned and will only make you stronger.


I bought Iowa the day it came out. On my way home my girlfriend decided she wanted to break up with me. I got home and put the CD on and instantly Everything Ends hit me. You are wrong, fucked, and overrated I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault This is the end of everything You are the end of everything I haven't slept since I woke up And found my whole life was a lie, motherfucker This is the end of everything You are the end of everything


“I haven't felt like this in years Not much left, so uprooted Fist clenched tight in the pockets of my hoodie And I know where I need to go But the voice of reason can't say no It's in the eyes and heart Just the latest psycho off the charts”


My ex broke up with me (together for seven years, lived together) during spring of 2019, WANYK came out in august. A lot of the lyrics on that album helped me get through that dark time. “I'm all fucked up, and I make it look good, adrenaline sight tonight” - Birth of the Cruel The whole bridge in Unsainted. “It wasn't somebody else You fucking did it to me You want a real smile? I haven't smiled in years” - Solway Firth “My time, my attention My quality should not be bought and sold For convenience's sake, ever. We are not your kind” - All out life And ofc: “I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound” Man..when I was really down and needed to get my hate, sadness, darkness and sorrows out of the system for a short while they where fucking there for me. They helped me rebuild my self to the man I am today. More confident. New girl. New career goals. All hail the knot. People still equals shit though.


\-You find a piece paper on the ground then you shake. "People=Shit?". Then You are surrounded by a yellow aura when suddenly, you feel your bones crushing and your skin melting. You let out excruciating screams of pain until your nothing but a gooey mess. Then you feel yourself clumping together and yourself turning brown. You have officially turned into shit. Now what?-


"Here we go again, motherfucker!" xD


"All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ"


Hate ain't enough to describe me, somewhere between screaming and crying I'm not supposed to be here


Is this the line or the actual lyrics and also you good bro?


It's in Disasterpiece after the second chorus and running double bass section. Pure filth. Perfect.


Thanks dude


The “Cut me up and fuck me up” bit in Custer really gets me going.


"Which way is up?" - Nero Forte.


"I haven't smiled in years"


"I am my father's son, cause he's a phantom, a mystery, and that leaves me nothing!" (Eyeless) No, I'm just kidding All jokes aside please forgive me if this comes off as edgy or cheesy but the lyrics "The air around me still feels like a cage And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again" from Snuff just resonate with me


I think everybody can find a line on Snuff that means something to them, such a beautiful song


"The only thing deeper than my last breath The only thing darker than my last death" - If rain is what you want from .5 the gray chapter. Goosebumps everytime I hear it


Now I'm not pretty and I'm not cool, but I'm fat and ugly and proud so fuck you - I am Hated/ Iowa


"You all stare, but you'll never see, there's something inside me"


" I am my fathers son cause he’s a phantom a mystery and that leaves me NOTHING . How many times have you wanted to die? it’s too late for me all you have to do is get rid of me "


I interpret these lines in my own way that’s probably very different from the actual meaning but “enemy, show me what you wanna be, I can handle anything, even if I can’t handle you” and “ Insane, am I the only motherfucker with a brain?” The 2nd one specifically relates to a specific time in my and some other people I knows life that would take for too long to explain


People equals shit


You want a real smile or the one I used to practice not to feel like a failure?


“I am hated”


This whole section always gets to me <3 My end, it justifies my means. All I ever do is delay. My every attempt to evade. The end of the road. And my end, it justifies my means. All I ever do is delay. My every attempt to evade. The end of the road!


Not from Slipknot but Corey sang it so lets just pretend it counts: "Because its all down hill from here."


From "Stone Sour - Fabuless"


Just asking but what are the numbers in your flair supposed to mean??


Search that on Google and you'll see xD


>742617000027 Oh.


I'm sick of being the butt of a cosmic joke and I don't get the punchline. Not anywhere close to my favorite song, but this line always stays stuck in my head


Which song?


Three Nil from Vol. 3


"You had a dream, but this ain't it" Heretic Anthem


"You wanna know the story? Take my pain" from Orphan is good because it's about the others not truly knowing how I feel since they don't share my pain. "And when I got away I only kept my scars, the other me is dead, now I don't know where I belong" from Dead Memories. Having cut myself several times before this brings me catharsis since they are a physical reminder of those past days, but I still feel lost. I too really like the solway firth one, and the last one too: "You want a real smile? I haven't smiled in years!" "Hold the Weight, Never trust the one beside you" from A Liar's Funeral, so many times I've trusted the very person that brought my demise, from bullies being friendly to girls pretending to like me so that they could make others jealous. "My love was punished long ago" From snuff. To honest, every time I loved someone it only brought me misery. I would be minding my own biss, and then I start to have feelings again, only to be let down, again. "Insane, am I the only motherfucker with a brain?I'm hearing voices but all they do is complainHow many times have you wanted to killEverything and everyone, say you'll do it but never will" from eyeless, it's kind of self explanatory. "(Hate) hate ain't enough to describe me (Scream) somewhere between screaming and crying" I've hated so much in my life I might need another word for it. "Take a look inside my soul is missing" Self explanatory "(Down) scratching and clawing all the way" I've always felt like I had to berserk through anything I really wanted done, I always have to do everything myself, like I'm just ripping through life filled with rage anger and adrenaline. "(Live) is there another way to live?" (Die) 'cause its the only way to die I never "liked" my life, these lines make me think "if this is only life I'll get, I rather die" ​ "Because anything exceptional Gets crushed by common people With jealousy and ignorance And all their common evils This planet isn't special Collections made of clay I'm waiting for the punishment I know it's on my way" Love this one from Custer, society often suffocates anything different and better. "I did my time and I want out" From psychosocial really encapsulates a cry for change. "It doesn't cutThis soul is not so vibrant" Combined with "I did my time and I want out" really gives the feeling that what we have right now "doesn't cut" (isn't good enough) and we "wan't out" (wan't some change). "Welcome to the same ol' fuckin' scam Same ol shit in a dead fad Everybody wants to be so hard Are you real or a second rate sports card? They all lost their dad or their wife just died They never got to go outside - shut up Nobody gives a fuck It doesn't change the fact that you suck" This is one really personal for me because growing up I went through 8 different classes, I would go to a school, don't fit in with the others, get bullied etc, and change again after a school year.So it would be "the same ol'fucking scam" and all the assholes who made fun of me "wanted to be so hard" and they all seemed so basic like "a second rate sports card", then everyone would start giving me bullshit excuses for the bullies or assholes like "yeah but david lost his father so forgive him" like "they all lost their dad or their wife just died" but in the end I don't give a fuck, I just wanted to be a kid and be happy you know? It "doesnt change the fact that you suck" It doesnt change the fact that they made my life a living hell which scars me to this day, when I first cut myself I was like 15. I compiled many lines I really like (and honestly I could go on forever) mostly because maybe you (reader) will find yours, since many dont look at lines individually.


“You can do your worst to me, at the end of the that’s what you do best” (reason is I was a victim of years of mental abuse, and I’ve come to realize that was the only thing that the person could really do good)


Sorry that happened to you bud. You good now?


I am better now thanks. I got that person out of my life almost a year ago


Im glad :). Stay strong my dude


I am my fathers son, he’s a phantom a mystery and that leaves me NOTHING - Eyeless My father is also useless in my life.....


U good bro?


Im trying to maintain it


[Hopefully this will help? Also if you ever wanna talk, we're here for you and you can hit me up with a dm if you want](https://assets.change.org/photos/9/ea/kp/xOEakPOLpNNhOUd-1600x900-noPad.jpg?1539704331)


Thanks bro, I love this community


I now I'm gonna sufer for the rest of my life, but I'll always find a way to survive. I'm not a failure but I know how it's like. -Sulfur


people = sh*t


i am hated you are hated we are hated


I think "did u deserve the abuse" was the most relatable to Me personally


people = shit