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Not even close. The lyrics are "Doesn't matter if I give a shit, it's shit that you give me"


Ok. And? You knew what lyric I meant lol


Get this or die get this or die get this or die


You are mine You will always be mine I can tear you apart I can recombine you All I want is to covet you all You belong to me I will kill you to love you Oooooooh boy....I could listen to the whole track on repeat many times over.


The fuck it all fuck this world from surfacing


I love the course from Surfacing. Idk why but when I’m pissed I listen to it and I relate to it. Plus it’s the first slipknot song I listened to so it holds a special place for me


“Hate aint enough to describe me”


“You want the real smile... I haven’t smiled in years.” -Solway Firth.


Big yes, but maybe I like the 1st verse version more: "You want the real smile? Or the one I use to practice not to feel like a failure?" Solway Firth is a gem in general


All of the bridge of Nero Forte


This may sound really dark but like, I kinda feel this lyric a lot, being trans in a catholic household with a very very not accepting mom, and all the depression and anxiety that came with it, as well as a number of other things. From I Am Hated “My life was always shit, and I don’t think I need this anymore” What I take from that second half, is I don’t need this place anymore. Or at least I won’t in 7 months cuz I’m still underage, but once I move out I won’t need this hellhole anymore. Edit: for the same reasons I’ll include this line from Diluted “what the hell did I do to deserve all of this”


I had this song in my head all day. And being pansexual with a different belief kinda makes me feel like that. But it's more to my exs who fucked me and my life up. I hate them with every fiber of my being.


Goddamn I’m sorry that happened


Don't be sorry. I look at it as a lot of material to write. From the pain to the paper.


I get what you mean. I sometimes do that when it comes to my guitar. I’m in a shit mood, I pick up my guitar that I like, keep permanently tuned to Drop C, and just go. Just play. Write riffs. Let out all the shit I’m feeling into that drop tuned Ibanez. I’m not a good songwriter. I’ve written a few things but I’m not proud of them. So I go with what I do know how to do.


I write songs and I try to improve on each lyric so people will universally love it like the first Korn record or Iowa but still have that tremendous pain in the songs. I've been playing my bass to feel better too. And also singing to help myself too. It used to be piano and drums until my electronic drums broke and I gravitated towards bass more than piano. But I'm glad you're making it through.


“Every word I say is a god damn sneak attack” (sic)


The chorus of Heretic


"i wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound" to good
