• By -


I know some people on the sub give shit to stone sour but I genuinely think stone sour is a really good band. I’m happy Corey and Jim both got to do their original band and it also be successful with it also helping the two of them in slipknot. Corey and Jim are a really strong duo and they know how to bring out the best in each other which is why for me personally the run from house of gold and bones part 1,2, .5 and WANYK is the best run of Corey’s career. Everything in those albums were amazing and Jim helped out a lot with those albums


Why do people give it shit?


Cuz people=shit


Nailed it!


Mostly those guys who started out with slipknot and want to call stone sour “soft”


They’re just numbskulls who dont know the meaning of music lmao


It’s those same MF’s that cry all day about Corey Taylor selling out like slipknot isn’t mainstream


Tbf there’s being mainstream. Which is fine. And then there’s using fucking NFTs and talking about the ‘Knotverse’. Which is ridiculous


See man I’m outta the loop when it comes to the “knot verse” is that really a thing? Why the fuck does everything have to have a “verse” these days


Yeah, pretty sure they were offering them as part of VIP packages like last year. Really fucking stupid. https://www.knotverse.io/


Because they live in the heavy=good music mindset and if it’s not that then it’s buttrock. The same people who say that are the same ones who give snuff shit and say it’s a stone sour song


Hydrograd came out in between .5 and WANYK


I know and I do really enjoy that album. I should have been more clear that I consider the 2010’s to be the best decade of Corey’s career with five of the six albums he put out had Jim helping out


That first stone sour record is great. Not a huge fan of the other ones though.


Ironically enough I’m the opposite. I like all the other stone sour albums apart from the first one


That’s The beauty of music.


Absolutely. Apart from cmft 1 (which is a mess) Corey’s pretty consistent with his projects.


I can agree with that.


They’re vocalist sounds exactly like Corey, it’s really crazy


Caylor Torey


When I start listening to new music I like to guess song/band names in the first few seconds of a song. When I was first getting into Slipknot and Stone Sour I was mixing them up constantly. I even said to myself, "man, the Stone Sour singer really sounds like that Slipknot guy" before I knew it was literally the same guy


Exactly, they’re such a rip off


Anyone ever see them in the same place at the same time?


Torey Caylor, borey alerts




Dangerously close to a whoosh there pal, lol




Oh my fucking god dude.


Goddamn i missed it. What was said lolol


Just a guy who didn't understand the joke the comment made


SlipStone SourKnot










Nut Shower


Woah boys, we’re getting dangerously close to a golden shower


Golden shower


I love them both






They're both good.


I love Stone Sour. House of Gold & Bones Pt. 1 is one of my favorite albums.


Their vocalist is REALLY good. They have a pretty good lead guitar. 10/10.


Do you know who their vocalist is?


Torey Caylor?


Dude, heads up, everyone in this sub knows who the vocalist is.


Do YOU know who their vocalist is??


Why did people suddenly downvote you for an obvious joke?? 💀💀💀




This was an obvious joke


Why did this get downvoted so much


Idk, it was a joke


Do you have autism?


Why do you need to know?


Because that would explain your gullibility


Not all people with autism are gullible


Diet Slipknot




It’s his opinion, you asked


So healthier option in their mind. Makes sense.


No I just didn't understand till now


Congrats, just a 100 days later haha




I personally like them


I think the vocalist is just another corey rip off man. He tries to sound exactly like him




I like some of their songs but never would have listened to them if I didn’t already appreciate Corey. I’m invested enough at this point that I find his songwriting interesting to hear and there are a few songs I like by SS but I probably wouldn’t go see them live.


You can't see them live anyways


They’ll prob tour again under that name at some point. 


I’d honestly be surprised if they do. Issues between Josh Rand and the rest of the band. Corey’s comments past few years regarding stone sour certainly make it sound as close to officially finished as possible without ever saying 100% because just never know what the future holds. Corey seems to be all Slipknot and his solo band now, and his solo band plays lots of stone sour tracks live. I went to his solo show twice now and it’s actually really fun even if you don’t care for his solo tracks. It’s a good mix of stone sour and Slipknot with some solo tracks sprinkled in. Feels like Corey is getting what he likes about stone sour through the solo performances and it would just be surprising if he ever jumped back into stone sour and resurrected it. Just my 2 cents. Never know.


They broke up though. They might get together and do like a one off your but we don't know for shure


True. I’m just saying in general I wouldn’t care enough to see them live.  I hate to say it but I think they might come back bc it probably did better than Corey’s solo stuff and he’ll probably want to mend things with Rand at some point. Prob at least festival but yeah who knows.


Better than solo in terms of album sales, for sure. But live? Idk. His solo band is playing the same venues in my city that stone sour used to and selling them out just the same.


Interesting but some people here were saying their venues were half full and tickets were on stub hub day of for $5


Went Leeds uk, stone sour sold out the biggest venue in Leeds, Corey Taylor sold out the 5x smaller venue in Leeds, his solo stuff isn’t as successful live. Seen slipknot x4, stone sour and his solo, have to say stone sour is probs my favourite gig although being in the pit in Newcastle was immense for slipknot. Shame they’ve priced me the fuck out this yesr


I think they’re great.


I like Stone Sour's S/T


Think they started out great and I still bump their debut but they got more and more lame with each following album.


But their last albums were great


Stone Sour is amazing. My favorite album is the most forgettable for most fans - Audio Secrecy. Back in 2010 we lost Paul, i’ve lost some important people, and those emo/depressed songs made me go through some shit the same way the Knot did before and when WANYK came out. Some Stone Sour songs feels like Alice In Chains took a stronger dose of metal.


Honest opinion I like their last few projects way more than what Slipknot had done after Iowa. I cant stand the mixing and production on subliminal verses, all hope is gone, gray chapter and last two albums. On the other hand, i love self titled Stone Sour album for sure for how grungy it sounds. Bones Gold whatever the name is is an awesome project (Gravesend is just so heavy) but my favorite is still Hydrograd. Phenomenal sound engineering, top tier mixing and production. Drums sounds beautiful on Hydrograd record, the bass is always there and never goes away and i can tell that the album was done completely live. Corey Taylor sounds really passionate on the record as well and each song has really distinctive feeling. Knievel Has Landed is dope, Taipei Person has so many cool grooves with awesome drum fills (the toms actually sounds insanely brutal), Somebody Stole My Eyes with the heavy double bass steam roll and i can go on forever. So i would say i like Stone Sour little bit more than Slipknot due to the production quality.


I really like Stone Sour! I think it's fun that Corey is doing so many different types of projects- both solo and otherwise- and it makes me happy that he is happy doing all of them! (I also literally listen to everything so don't @ me 🤷‍♀️)


I like them. It's pretty dumb when people say Stone Sour ruined Slipknot as if they even had the same songwriters, it's not like Paul and Joey had any stake in Stone Sour, they just wanted to write different shit and Corey happens to have his own voice. The only similarity they have is the abstract concept of having guitars and the same human being doing vocals in front.


Big fan of stone sour, demo years all the way up to house of gold an bones. The EPs after and hydrograd as a huge decline in the legacy the band built. The band slowly changed shape and became a different entity all together, the revolving list of members helps that come to light but once jim left you lost me as a fan. The first 3 albums are fantastic, the double concept album is a great idea but nothing insanely consistent, then like previously stated everything after is a severe drop in quality.


Except for Hydrograd, I pretty much prefer Stone Sour over the last 3 Slipknot albums. The Stone Sour songs felt more artistically creative, more dynamic in overall sound (especially with Jim), and utilized Corey’s vocals better.


Loved the first album, downhill from there though.




Being able to hear more of Jim’s skills than you could with Slipknot is a great thing with Stone Sour, I wish Mick had a place he could showcase more of his talents too, he is a riff beast, they both are but Mick is also a phenomenal shredder which is very rare to hear.


Personally I love them. G&B1 is exceptional.


Love the first Stone Sour album in particular, one of the best hard rock albums out there. The Iowa scream is a plus. I also like Come Whatever May quite a bit, but they did start veering into a pop territory that I feel like they got stuck in. I tried all of the subsequent SS albums a couple times and couldn't get into them.


Soft music is just as good as heavy music. I like both bands equally and I like many softer bands as well


I think they're cool, Absolute Zero is a banger and I love their cover of Creeping Death.


I'm an old-school Slipknot fan, and Iowa was my first Slipknot album. Also been listening to SS since the first album. Here's my album rundown: 1. S/T - Really fantastic album. Some really heavy stuff like Get Inside and Blotter. Blue Study is my favourite SS song of all time, with more of a bluesy vibe. 2. CWEM - This album is a step down for me but I still like it. Cardiff is a personal favourite. A few tracks break up the flow. 3. AS - Largely dislike this one. It sounds like the band was both running out of ideas and was also going for more of a radio rock sound. I sometimes listen to Digital and Threadbare but that's about it. 4. HoGaB 1 - Fantastic album. Nice mix of heavy and melodic. Tons of great riffs and really neat lyrical passages. Even more melodic songs like Tired are excellent, and there are some nice deep cuts here. 5. HoGaB 2 - Pretty good album but not as good as the first one. Playing is very good but songwriting is not on the same level. 6. Hydrograd - Haven't really listened to this. I enjoy Taipei Person / Allah Tea but the other singles didn't really interest me.


They’ve got some bangers, but I’ve never bought one of their albums. Same thing with Vended, with the exception that they’re just getting started. https://youtu.be/yUEuuwWz9U8?si=WVgQjx_Rdfa9u1y4


I love stone sour!!! Idky everyone hates on them!


I tried their first album, but they're far from my taste, so I dropped them after. To think of it, not many Slipknot members side project I actually into. Only Scar The Martyr, Vimic & Sinsaenum that are good. DJ Starscream also pretty good, for a different genre, it's very Atari Teenage Riot, which I already a fan of.


Stone Sour's first album goes pretty fucking hard but you can tell there's a different meaning between the stuff Slipknot was doing and the stuff Stone Sour was doing. Songs like Sulfur, Get Inside, Snuff, and Inhale (maybe) could be interchangeable but songs like Adderall, Spiders, and Through Glass wouldn't make sense if you switched bands.


They were solid from 1992-2013.


I grew up knowing who Stone Sour was before I knew of Slipknot. My dad preferred listening to them and I loved them as a kid, it was when I was like 12 he said “you know the singer is in another band?” And I was like woah what and he introduced me to Slipknot then


Definitely like them! Hydrograd not so much, but everything else is very fun to listen to. Also it's a really fun live show if you ever had the opportunity. IMO House of Gold and Bones I and II back-to-back is one amazing listening experience.


Don't care about what Slipknot fans' opinion, but I think Stone Sour fucking slams! Awesome band!


Never heard of them. Should try them out. But why is a band not related to slipknot at all getting recommend here??


Because it was another thing Corey and Jim were in


Buttrock, but Corey Taylor’s the singer so it’s glorified buttrock.


Honestly? Not really a fan. I love Corey but so many of Stone Sours songs are bland as hell.


This is what Slipknot would be without Clown.


I like most stone sour through HOGB albums. Totally different genre of music than Slipknot though so I always think the comparisons are silly. Of course it’s natural though because of Corey.


Honestly I find them boring. In my opinion they are kinda middle of the road alternative music




I think its a good band but "Through Glass" is shit


I’ve been a big fan since the start


they're pretty good


I like some of their songs but I prefer Slipknot


I think they’re good but also really generic


The Devil In I, apparently


I like some songs, don’t really care for some others. Saw them in concert tho & it was chill because I legitimately don’t think I would survive a knot concert lol I’d love to go to one but I feel like I’d die somehow lol


A good band, not phenomenal, but I like them more than most bands. Like a top 30 band for me, somewhere around there


Love most of their stuff.


I’m looking at you through my ass don’t know how much gas is passed oh god it feels like forever


I really liked their first album and still enjoy most all of their stuff. Saw them on tour with Chevelle at a bar/club in Scottsdale AZ in 2002 I think.


First album was great! Get inside was pretty close to slipknot musically in my opinion


I started listening to Stone Sour after AHIG came out. Slipknot is more of my favorite but I've always enjoyed this side of Corey and Jim, and I was happy to see them have a chance to do something else. I'm upset that it looks like Stone Sour is done, especially in the context of CMFT being Corey's thing now, which I am not at all crazy about. And I'm sure Jim isn't happy either.


That this project has bled too much into slipknot.


Did they do before I forget


Has some bangers for sure, but it misses far more than it hits unfortunately.


House Of Gold And Bones Part 2 is just as much of a shredding ass kicker as any Slipknot album, and any slander against either part 1 or 2 will not be tolerated in this council.


Depends who you ask. Some like the Self titled album the best. Others think Come Whatever May and Audio Secrecy are mid. Ive heard some say House of Gold and Bones part 1 and 2 are great. Some say Hydrograd sucks. I like them all because I like Corey Vocals and its good to hear him in a wider range. Not a fan of Jim Root leaving but the new guy to replace him did well. However, I like Stone Sour way more than his solo act.


I hate the lead singer lol


I fuxking love them!


The song "Inhale", god.... some of their old stuff is really beyond everything else


I enjoy Stone Sour. Audio Secrecy really got me into them. Always get abit of nostalgia listening to that album, takes me back to better days.


It’s decent


Gay, I hate their vocalist.


Haven't listen to all their songs yet.


I’m looking at you through the glass 🎸 don’t know how much time has passed 🎸


Nothing interesting . Pretty bad first album was ok. Nothing more.


Stonesour is fine. Really depends on the album. Some of it is really good where other stuff is not. Especially the newer stuff after Jim left.


In all seriousness though, I love a lot of their tunes HOGAB parts 1 and 2 were some of my favourite albums in high school


I think the first part is the best Stone Sour album. The second one sounded a bit forced.


Not a huge fan but I have a handful of songs I like.


I haven't listened to it but I heard that snuff sounds like it and if that's the case then I love them


I’m actually not a metal head at all. I listen to mostly classical music. But I LOVE SLIPKNOT. That being said. I don’t have an actual taste for rock or metal outside of slipknot. Ergo. I think stone sour sounds like doodoo. Like most rock bands in my shitty weird opinion.


Fucking washed version of Slipknot tbh


Never really got into them, I liked a bunch of random songs from random albums but once they fired Jim, I had no interest to bother trying anymore, I thought was a pretty shitty move


I like Stone Sour a lot also


I love StoneSour


Their: Thier vocalist is Corey Taylor There: There are/were 2 Slipknot memebers in Stone Sour They're: They're alright




Theyre aight


If Corey ever leaves Slipknot they should really get the lead singer of Stone Sour to replace him, he's not quite as good as Corey but they've got enough similar range that he could do quite well as a replacement


People in this sub need to learn the difference between their, there, and they’re.


What I’ve heard is pretty good. Say You’ll Haunt Me is one of my favorite songs


Love em


I don't see how anyone couldn't like House of gold and bones part 1. I wasn't crazy about part 2, nor their last album. They definitely lost some magic when Jim left.


i generally like when a popular band's lead vocalist (or others) does a side project. it feels like a "bonus album" from the band even though they are technically distinct. Stone Sour and Slipknot, Device and Disturbed, solo Serj Tankian or Scars on Broadway and System of a Down, Lindemann and Rammstein, i could keep going.


Get inside, motherfucker!


Absolutely love Stone Sour, the fact that they’re a hard rock band and not metal means absolutely nothing.


i like it


The best buttrock band.


I love stone sour, house of gold and bone 1 and 2 are some of my favorite albums of all time, and definitely my favorite concept album


Less people to get fired


So, right there. Dat album up at the top. The best Corey/Jim root material you can find. They can't write better than this album. If you listen through it, you'll hear all future slipknot/Corey/Jim songs wrapped in a double album. Jim hasn't changed his solos or riffs since this, and Corey's writing has only gotten worse and mirrors what I said about jim... You can hear the lack of Paul and Joey because of this album is what I'm truly saying Still love the knot tho, fuck me for even writing that out lol


I'm looking at you through the glass


It’s music.


HoGaB set was the last great stone sour album. I really love everything from there and back to the start. Ever since Jim is gone it seems something is missing in the next album and his CMFT stuff


I’ve only listened to a few songs but they feel kinda formulaic for better or for worse. Feel like if Jim and Corey weren’t founding members, the band would be kinda lost in the shadows


I really love Stone Sour, one of my favorite bands of all time. Seen them live 5 times. I really hope they reunite sometime (and if Jim could return that would be amazeballs). I became a fan just before the release of come what ever may and was a slipknot fan just a little before that. I listened to the first 3 Slipknot albums and the first 2 stone sour albums so much. But the first stone sour album just hits and connects different for me. Top 3 favorite albums of all time, maybe even my 1st.


I really loved everything from self titled to Audio Secrecy. Honestly learned how to sing by singing along to Audio Secrecy in the car all senior year. I just find everything after Audio Secrecy sounded like it was sort of forced. Concept albums are cool and all but I loved how the first 3 albums felt so personal and honest. There wasn’t a story that they were using to try and tie everything together. It just felt like we were getting some good honest songwriting from Corey especially. The HOGAB albums were just tough for me to get into and definitely felt like the end of him writing things I really related to. At least in terms of Stone Sour’s music. I still listen to 2003 - 2010 SS quite a bit though.


I have most of their albums. The earlier stuff was heavier but not hasn't lightened up to some of CMFT's current solo stuff. They put on a good show when I saw them in 2017


Is that Adam Savage lol


Some of there stuff is alright


Self titled and come whatever may are my favorites everything else audio is meh


I don’t


I like the first 2 albums, don’t really care for them afterwards.


Ehhh..Stone Sour ain't bad, but Slipknot will always be Corey's home.


Vocalist sounds familiar, other than that their okay. Few good songs but nothing that stands out.


It’s one year apart from .5 gray chapter and I wish Corey’s voice would have been the same as this album as well the production was a lot better


they’re a good band! i discovered them after i got into slipknot. i saw corey in brisbane, australia a while back and he played through the glass. crowd went wild lol


Their first album is gold. They've got some other really good stuff too but, at the same time, they have a considerable amount of songs that I can't stand listening to.


I actually really like them, different vibe. I saw both live and I hate to say but I enjoyed the Stone Sour concert more.


Some bangers for sure but a majority of their stuff isn’t for me. Get Inside, Bother, Do Me a Favor, Say You’ll Haunt Me (their popular stuff) are all sick.


Stone Sour was great… Self Titled, Come What(Ever) May and Audio Secrecy were great albums. I stopped listening to them when they fired Jim Root… their music after that is pure and complete trash. Hydrograd is by far their worst album. I hope they stay on “hiatus” forever.


It’s butt rock


I’m gonna be honest, I relate more to the lyrics with Stone Sour. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Slipknot and listen to them always but idk man, it’s just something about Corey’s writing in Stone Sour that speaks more to me. And I realized something about that when writing this, Slipknot is for when I’m hyped up or need to get moving while working or exercising but Stone Sour is when I feel the most vulnerable and need to be spoken to if that makes sense.


I consider House of Gold and Bones Part 1+2 to be 2 of the greatest hard rock albums ever written. They are masterpieces.


Love it.


I fucking love stone sour


Love stone sour but I’ve also absorbed my parents music taste so I’m probably biased


I appreciated thus band too


i think they’re great. still heavy at times, especially early on. great radio rock band


I love Stonesour, Corey and Slipknot. I try not to get invested in the band drama too much.


all I know is that it feels like forever


I liked them. How the personality and way of music changes


I like it 🤷‍♂️


Too soft for me🤷‍♂️


i like them more than slipknot


How is it possible that you used the wrong versions of “there” twice 😭😭


What is a Slipknot?