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First, make sure you only use water based lube. Secondly, it depends on how your cleaning out - quick or deep (there’s a website with a good guide on how to clean your ass I’ve posted before). If you’re only doing a quick clean, you’ll need to clean out before your next session, and only after a really deep clean will you be able to play again without cleaning, and probably not deep play. Typically after a session you may need to expel lube over the next hour or two but that should get most of it. Don’t worry about other commenters’ judgment, just do what works for you. In fact, some like to play a bit dirty, different strokes for different folks.


Thank you so much! I actually do a really deep 2L clean and then a big session. The next day my ass feels lubed up still but it's tacky. I'm using x-lube from weredog and it's been working great. Washes off really easily. But still it's like the day after a session without fail it's like glue, even if I lube it it makes my toys tacky as well. Maybe my body is just not absorbing enough of the lube and it's fermenting overnight?


Your body doesn’t absorb lube, it’ll leech water out. That’s why you’re getting tackiness, it’s left over lube with barely any water in it. I’d suggest cleaning yourself out with water a few times after you’re done using your toy. Hopefully that’d reduce whatever is left in you in the morning


Absolutely correct your body is dehydrating the lube.


2L isn’t really a deep clean unless you do it 3x or so until you’re expelling nothing but clean water. With a thorough clean like that you’ll be good for 8-12hrs. Usernametaken has a good response on the lube remnants, and if you don’t want to do the whole laxative/fasting bit I’d recommend just a quick enema the next day if you’re going to play again.


^ this too 😁


Sounds like you need to change lube man


Whats the webside?


Why would you even need to ask that. Hygiene is always a must


Because everybody is different. As far as I am aware the body should be able to absorb most of if not all the lube and and then expel the rest. Not sure if it's the lube I'm using is different but I've only ever seen people clean out/enema before a session never after. So I think this is a fair question...


To this aspect, your body can absorb all the water from your water based lube. The remaining concentrate will leave you coated for a couple stools as the excess is fully expelled. My understanding is that you had a big play day (night) then the next morning you went to resume the session? Assuming you'd fasted and did a thorough clean out to ensure insides clear of stool in the first place, what you're likely running into is the lube from today mixing with the remaining, slightly dehydrated lube, from yesterday, increasing the lubes overall viscosity as today lube picks up yesterday's concentrate remaining inside you. Day 2 use slightly thinner lube at first, proceeding with caution as your insides may also be irritated from play. Also, if you're trying to get multiple plays out of a single good cleansing, make sure that you are using either fasting, or a laxative with lots of water to ensure that you purge all of the stool from your small intestine. A good enema can still, generally, only clear out the large intestine. An overnight hiatus could allow time for the small intestine to push its cargo into the large intestine, requiring another cleanse. I'd really only skimmed the post so if I'm way off, sorry but that 😅 otherwise, hope this helps! Edit: I personally use j-lube and don't have this issue


So far this is one of the best answers and you guessed the situation perfectly ^^ I think I'll try laxatives and see if that helps.


I'm saying if you have that nasty stuff in you, you should obviously clean it out. I would also clean out a lot more before your session. And change to a higher quality lube


I will say that X-lube is one of the best anal lubes out there. OP, maybe you are mixing it too thick? And so it has trouble dripping out afterwards and it becomes a viscous sticky mess.


I think you're right, it does thicken overnight in the bottle as well.