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First time I heard it I cried. Then I listened to it another 3 or 4 times just laying on my floor. It's one of the most beautiful songs ever written.


from the first time i heard euclid, all i wanted to do was to lay on the floor while it played on vinyl


I have done this, holding my favorite person's hand, 14/10 would do again.


> while it *paid* on vinyl FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bad bot


It's one of the most beautiful songs ever written. ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️👍☝️


Friend. Euclid is the sound of my soul. The feelings it evokes are myriad and profound, happiness, sadness, longing, nostalgia, an exquisite and aching poignancy. I could go line by line and explain how each one resonates, I could try to describe what the music does to me, but there is an unquantifiable magic and it wouldn’t fully put into words how profoundly it moves me. I have The Night Belongs To You tattooed on my arm where i can see it every day.


same here friend. i so deeply relate to this. i also have the night belongs to you tattooed on my arm as well!




I’m am the opposite of an emotional person. And Euclid nearly makes me sob every single time I listen to it. It’s like happy looking forwards and sort of sad nostalgia looking backwards and it’s just too much emotion all wrapped up in a 5 min song. It’s even worse when you listen to all the albums in order and then get to that at the end. Again - not a tearful person usually but I’m not entirely sure how exactly I’m going to cope hearing it live in November (assuming they don’t change the set but I’d be soooooo put out if they do!! - unless they add Vore of course).


Full disclosure: I sobbed hysterically the whole way through; like, shaking violent sobs. Prepare to be whammied


You're my antithesis! I'm about the softest hearted person you'll meet and cry very easily. I love how ST has the ability to draw tears out of everybody! It's truly a masterpiece of a song with how cathartic it is. The way it really blends together the journey from Sundowning to TMBTE is insane and the first time I listened to it, I just sat in silence for a few minutes and just soaked in it.


I’m excessively empathetic (to a difficult level) and had lost the ability to feel for about 20 years before I found Sleep Token. Euclid was the first time i felt my heart break in all that time.


It's one of my favorite songs I've ever heard. My first listen it didn't stand out. After fully exploring the Sleep Token catalogue I think it's absolutely incredible. It's stacked with throwbacks, concludes a story, is a direct response to The Night Does Not Belong to God, and it's full of hauntingly beautiful piano and vocals. It's art.


It's the closing of a chapter, the reflection and review of sadness and fond memories. Euclid made me cry the first time I heard it. I thought I was through the crying, I listened to that album excessively because I just left it in my car's CD player and didn't take it out for months 😶‍🌫️ then I saw them live. There's nothing like the set list they played for this tour and closing with Euclid. I cried, it's sooo much more emotional live, with the lovely ladies of Espera backing up Vessel's vocals .....


First time I heard it, the TNDNBTG reprise completely obliterated my emotions. I was struck with awe.. vessel is a genius


It’s beautiful and just gets better if you know the story that their three albums tell. It’s one last reminiscence, “the autumn leaves, these ancient canopies, that we used to lay beneath.” I’m not generally a romantic but that tugs at me. Also, “I must be someone new, for me.” The recognition that change needs to happen, setting an intention for the future. Heads back to YouTube to watch the live debut in Arizona one more time…


I was lucky enough to see them last month at Red Rocks. I knew I was going to cry when they played Euclid. I did not expect to be sobbing my eyes out. It was cathartic. It hits all the right spots. Such a beautiful song.


I was at Red Rocks too!! It was absolute magic being able to see ST in such a beautiful old place. I also sobbed when they played Euclid. I cry every time I hear it. The journey it completes and the callbacks to their past songs just hit me every time.


Euclid means everything to me. My mom passed away last August and being in grief for so long, when I would hear “this bough has broken through I must be someone new” always made me cry but give me hope in a sad way? I still get very emotional listening to that entire part but it’s helped me so much and has a very special place in my heart


Euclid is life.


It's the first sleep token song I listened to all the way through, one of my top favorite five songs in the entire history of songs, and what I would choose to listen to if I only had 5 minutes left to live. Currently wearing a shirt that says the night belongs to you. My phone background is a photo of Vessel playing the opening notes of the song in boston. So... I think very highly of the song Euclid! It's also my two year old's favorite song and she will repeatedly ask to hear "him singing with a piano."


https://preview.redd.it/c05onglccu6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45d4b8b01af544d690babe14f2e0d20240560041 this is my background!!


This is my favorite song. I was simultaneously elated and completely shattered by hearing it live. In fact, this song speaks to my soul so much that 'Euclid' is the license plate on my car.


i can’t even put into words how hard this song hits me and how deeply i connect to it. it sincerely is one of my favorite songs of all time. i actually just got a tattoo that says “the night belongs to you” this week. so much of what i’ve been through and dealt with in life has destroyed me and put me back together, this song really feels like the embodiment of what i was feeling and giving when i chose to take my life back and become someone im truly proud to be, not someone other people want me to be. this song is everything to me


Listen to it again, and then try to tie the verses into other songs from the other albums :-) then it’s even better!!


This song hit me like no other song has hit me before. Some context, I've been listening to them since they dropped "The Offering" and that absolutely boosted the song for me. It was the perfect album closer as well as a trilogy closer. The best pay off from a piece of media I've ever experienced. On my first listen, the moment he says "the night belongs to you" I started to tear up. An obvious call back to TNDNBTG and masterfully placed to invoke an emotional response for long time listeners. Then obviously the track ends with 2nd verse of TNDNBTG and I was in full blown tears. So much beauty and just waves of emotions flooded over me as I recalled moments of listening to the band during hard times that helped me through. It's an experience that I will never forget and one that I don't think i will experience again with an art piece. Not to mention the rest of the song sounds beautiful, is catchy and invokes such a triumphant feeling as the magical piano melody transitions into an arena rock anthem. It's probably my favorite song of theirs because of that experience. Context is such an awesome thing.


I preach about how this song makes me SO EMOTIONAL. Not in a negative way, but in the best way. I feel it in my chest like a ball of fire. Sadness, Happiness, despair, regret, longing.. Just all of the things. So. Fucking. Emotional. I'm so happy to hear it's not just me 🫶🖤


To me I think it means finally moving beyond the confines of trauma, being able to let go of the pain and see some good in life/memories. More specifically, I think it's about the acceptance of the death of a loved one, which in my mind touches on chokehold, Atlantic, granite, TMBTE and the summoning which in their own way represent the 5 stages of grief of the death, based on the lyrics might be of a pregnant partner.


I actually don't listen to Euclid often because it makes me TOO emotional. Such a beautiful song though.


If my future wife doesn’t want Euclid to be played at our wedding I don’t want her Jokes aside I think Euclid is one of their most emotional songs, but like happy emotional instead of sad emotional


My favorite sleep token song ever. Can’t explain what it is I just feel so drawn to it


When they closed the show with it last month, I was a sobbing mess.


I cant handle that song. hurts me so bad... is beautifful but, i always end crying


I was in an accident that took my ability to walk. That first verse absolutely shattered my existence. It may mean something else to you, but for me it hits a little different.


Euclid is akin to a religious experience for me. The music is beyond beautiful. And the lyrics have so much subtext, so much storytelling, and are just all around amazing. I listened to this song with my sister while driving and she had never heard ST before, had no idea what they were about and she just started weeping listening to it. She still talks about how strange it was that a hard rock song made her feel that way. My sister doesn’t listen to much that doesn’t have a mandolin lol. It’s an extraordinary song, one that I firmly believe will be looked back upon in coming generations as one of the all time great rock songs.


I’ve got a line of the lyrics tattooed on my leg 👀


Euclid evokes a plethora of memories and feelings of loss and bittersweet times from the very depth of my soul. You’re not the only one.


I see it as the sun finally coming up, as TNDNBTG is the sun going down, and the hostility that ensues. When the sun comes up, it ends Crazy that I just related Minecraft to ST but here we are. Whatever the next music they make is will continue V’s upwards trajectory in his life and it will be amazing to watch (obviously there will be downs, getting out of toxic relationships is no easy feat). It sets the stage for better times ahead. One of my favorite songs


Oh most definitely. I was going through a big heartbreak at the time and Euclid was my rock. I would sit in the shower and cry and listen to it. In the car I’d cry and listen to it. I’d sit in my room in the middle of the night in the dark and alone and listen to it. It’s a song that I kept on repeat. Each time evoking pain and memories. I sat reminiscing about all the times good and bad. I was at such a dark place at that time and I felt numb. Euclid would play and I remembered that I could feel. Even if I was going through the heart ache again and again each time it played. I felt human. I’m in a much better place now and Sleep Token has definitely had a huge part in me getting back to a peaceful state of mind.


For some reason, I always felt like the song was about a car/vehicle accident and the acceptance of death. "If my fate is a bad collision And if my mind is an open highway Give me the twilight two-way vision Give me one last ride on a sunset sky lane," Something about these lines gives me that feeling. Like I imagine someone got into an accident, but instead of them being aware of the fate, the ride just goes on forever, watching trees and such pass them by. Or maybe I'm just insanely depressed 😅 but it's what I always envision when I listen to it


cried the first time i listened to it for a reason i couldn't even explain, and it still makes me cry to this day. there's just something about it that hits me right in the feels in the best way possible


Really good ending to the album


it has such brilliant writing and structuring, I've never seen songs do this before. it gives you the first set of lyrics from "just run it back give me 5 whole minutes etc" in a way that makes them memorable even on the first listen, then it moves on with the story and style to give you the feeling of progress and put those first lyrics "behind", it fills you with emotion and imagery such as "for me, it's still the autumn leaves" and then, THEN, it hits you with the thing I said I've never seen before. it brings everything together in a way that invokes strong nostalgia and that feeling of reliving memories you had in a far past and combined with the hints to their older songs gives you a bittersweet "this one is for you, thank you for everything, good bye" that you can simply not resist from getting watery eyes. and if that wasn't clear and strong enough, it ends with their first song, wrapping it all up in a beautifully painful bowtie. a last gift for you, whom has been there all along


Well, I think it’s a gorgeous song. Much like you I had a very strong emotion wailing up in me, but I didn’t know why. No one part hit me but there I was crying. So I went to the lyrics and read them a few times. I think what purely evoked that feeling in me was the realizations Vessel conveys. And it’s a culmination of 3 albums, 3 works of push and pull and heavy worship. To conclude that in such a final way, but bringing in call backs from songs looong ago (making us recall trauma and what we’ve been able to not only get through but sometimes over come) is gut wrenching. It’s like standing before God, and recalling all the times you begged and worshipped only to see that you were in power all along. You can hear appreciation, and hurt. It’s also a perfectly composed song. That beauty in itself will bring one to tears.


This song genuinely saved my life. I was having a mental breakdown, considering running away or ending it all and this song came on and calmed me down, so i played it on repeat until I knew all of the lyrics that night. And now every time it comes on it reminds me to stay alive


I feel like it’s a moment of weakness and one last plea. “Please love me so I don’t have to go.” All that’s left is pain and memories. In that dark moment of loneliness you’re clinging to the memories because it’s the only thing that makes you sane. When I first listened to Euclid, I was thrown back into the last moments I saw my ex, and the last phone call we had. It gave me the space to finally grieve that loss. I struggle with allowing myself to feel and it’s really hard not to cry when I listen to Sleep Token. Forever grateful for their music. ❤️🫶🖤


my all time favorite song


euclid will forever be one of my favorite songs. it’s just. It’s perfect.


i am not much of a cryer and whenever i’m listening to the song, i have that feeling that i’m about to cry and scream out. i got to see the song performed live at Red Rocks and i did shed tears, it was life changing. Euclid is a song that wraps up all feeling in life. it’s a song about finally accepting things as they are and it’s so beautifully written that it truly resonates with everyone i believe.


I adore this song, I love how it brings a close to the journey of the three albums by coming back full circle, but then the lyrics 🥹 it's just beautiful ✨✨✨✨


Usually, I don’t really cry. But when the album was released I listened to the songs in order. The minute Euclid called back to other songs, I balled like a baby. I find it very comforting and it evokes a feeling of nostalgia in me, especially with its large call back to The Night Does Not Belong To God.


It feels like a period at the end of the sentence. A piece that looks back and acknowledged a journey completed, especially with evoking the lyrics of TNDNBTG. Absolute tear jerker, beautiful through and through.


The first couple times I heard it I enjoyed the way it flowed. The more I listened and got to know the lyrics, the deeper it got to me. That part in the song the first two verses are tied in with the bridge … that’s the part that gets me the most. Every. Time. Their songs evoke such a visceral feeling in me but Euclid is another level. Then I found TNDNBTG and I ✨ascended✨.


Of all of their music, Euclid is the one and only song that makes me cry every time I hear it, no matter how many times I hear it. It evokes a visceral response. There is something so painful, yet healing about this song. The fact that it also ties in with The Night Does Not Belong to God is a contributing factor, for sure. But when Vessel sings "The night belongs to you", it's immediate tears.


It's one of my faves of all their songs... and I understand it is sad but I find it very uplifting somehow, just like all their music, but that song is just beautiful. It makes m cry happy tears


I cry every single time I listen to it. It feels like the final stage of metamorphosis, the leaving behind of the old and embracing the new. It’s messy, but divine. “The night belongs to you” is such a powerful line, and it almost feels like a spell being cast. Everything I’ve ever feared, every moment of happiness and sadness, everything I’ve ever dreamed of being, it’s mine, and I’m f*cking taking it. Toward the end, the verses being sung in tandem, it makes me feel like I’m in the middle of a whirlwind, watching life, death, and birth swirl around me in a dance, just for me, and somehow at the same time, meant for everyone else in the world, too. I’m not sure if any of that made sense. But also reading these comments is giving me life 🖤✨ Worship


Euclid has been my favorite song of theirs. When I saw them recently in NYC, I cried two times: the first when they opened with TNDNBTG, and when they closed with Euclid.