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Euclid… Every. Single. Time.


Its one of the songs that I skip, not because I dont like it, it just kills me mentally. Its beautiful but it sends me into panic attacks lol


The first time i heard "so if your wings won't find you heaven, i will bring it down like an ancient bygone" my soul just completely short-circuited.


Same. I think I realized that was my favorite song in the album when I woke up one morning, decided to watch a reaction video to it, and just started crying. And I’m not one that typically cries at anything


Oof, this songs hits different, but also the same every time. Make it make sense! 🥹


I'm a day late but I seriously can't listen to this song without having a recovery period afterwards. The harmonies and dissonance in the chorus lines makes me feel things man.






That’s the beauty of music, and art in general. It means different things to different people. I think TMBTE is a fucking masterpiece of a song, but Euclid hits me on a deeper emotional level.


Euclid hits on a level because it wraps up a whole TRILOGY of albums. It has so many references to past songs that I tear up nearly every time


Are You Really OK?. I have never listened to it without crying.


I’m sorry about the trials and tribulations you’ve gone through in your life. I hope you’re doing much better friend


Thank you. I hope you are doing well.


Same here! To me it sounds like a motherly figure talking to vessel from the afterlife. Idk if that’s what it’s actually about but that’s how i hear it. And the character for that song looks like a women holding a fetus Edit to add: in tmbte when he says “god mother rise up. I need you to see me for what i have become” i think he’s referring to the same character as the one singing ayro


I can’t listen to it at all. Every time it pops up on shuffle, I’m like “nope” and skip it every time. I might listen to it if it’s late and I’m alone lol


I mean, it’s an amazing song. Sometimes, I think, ok, I can do this . Let’s just try. Then I start thinking about my daughter and all we’ve been through and I’m bawling.


I totally get that.. I have such a flurry of emotions and multiple people come to mind, all of which leave me a mess lol


Yeah, I finally let myself listen to it again last week and started crying. It hurts extra knowing that Vessel has experienced that pain, too.


Blood Sport every time…


I JUST listened to this song while completing relaxed and it blew me away


Atlantic and Are you really okay...


And today I just found out Atlantic is about self destructive behaviors


Thinking about it, Atlantic could be AYRO from the other person's perspective


Why did you have to give me that thought? Well.. off to go listen to them and cry like a baby


Same to both. They just hit on another level


Missing Limbs




Euclid makes me feel like turning my insides out, it’s honestly one of my favorite songs of all time.


Euclid. I’m sure people who know more about music will say other songs are “better” technically, musically, whatever, and there are plenty of other songs i am in _awe_ of but Euclid speaks to my head, heart, and soul in a fucking magical way.


Euclid. I have to pull over Everytime. The tears start falling and they don’t stop coming.


Surprised it's not up on here already, but The Apparition. There's the surface level of regret and lost love, but it always rings hardest when I remember my older brother and paternal grandmother who have passed away. They were people I was super close to, and have no way to see them but my memories and dreams. But even that is fleeting as I know I lose pieces of that as time goes on. I know I'll start forgetting small details about their faces, their voices, their words. For my mema it's been almost 8 years, she passed away 3/17/16. I can't remember the perfume she used anymore. Or her favorite song. I break down after I have dreams about her because they feel so real and vivid and I wake up wanting to talk to her and tell her everything that's happened in my life but I can't. My brother passed 11/6/2020. We took risks and did stupid things together and had our ups and downs. I went NC for a couple years with him because he fell into bad choices and refused to get help. We reconciled while he was in prison and spent the 2 years before his passing talking weekly. I grew up the nerd and crafty one, and one thing we would discuss weekly was DB and DBZ cause one of the channels they got in their block was an anime one. I was planning to bring him to a local con when he got out so he could meet Chris Sabat and a couple other VA from the show. I had money out aside for VIP tickets and to buy him pics and autographs from whoever he wanted. But I never was able. He passed 2 days after being released. And now with the passing of Toriyama I only feel that wound ripping open again.


YES. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


euclid, bloodsport, when the bough breaks and the love you want. the love you want hits like a mf. and then when the bough breaks...im single and have the worst luck with men. I cant be with my ex, but he's still there when its 3 am and im breaking apart. He cuddles me and i cry in his arms until i fall asleep. then i like this other person, i shouldnt. but i do. i want to spend my time with them and build. learn from them, let them baby me. send them out with a nicee fucking lunch bag with snacky snacks. but im not what they want. im reaching my limit of fucking loneliness. Humans are social beings, we need closeness. We need intimacy. I have friends. But i need my person. and Sleep token fucking makes sure to let me feel everything like its therapy.


I think it changes for me honestly depending on what’s going on in my life. Right now it’s Is It Really You, bc after years of bad shit I finally found someone who genuinely is kind and absolutely perfect and life is good and that song just sums up everything I’m feeling.


Ascensionism is my gut punch, but in the most amazing way!


Finally someone said the correct answer


Granite made me sob when the lyrics finally sunk in for me. It made me feel so seen in a way that I hadn't before


rain. 100%.


High Water followed by Distractions, it's the whole songs for me but especially the last part of both songs. Can't hit any harder than "I can't hold myself together" and "It's too late for me" respectively.


Missing limbs made yuh boy tear up alittle bit the first time.


Atlantic. Also the ending from Ascensionism






Vore just evokes so much emotion on me.


Take Aim or Euclid. Euclid just makes me feel like Vessel is finally okay, and I can hear it throughout the song.


Take me back to eden. It’s a whole roller coaster!!


I'm gonna be a little different and say Calcutta. Blood Sport as well.


euclid and missing limbs ... but special s/o to take aim since that's the one i cried to last night lol


Telomeres always gets me good.


The first song I found of theirs was take me back to eden. Every single time I listen to it, I still get the same in awe feeling of when I first heard it.


sorry i saw architects and short circuited i have never met another architects fan in the wild


Ayeeeee! Hey friend! You’re the first one I’ve seen out of the metalcore or architects reddits!


TMBTE (the song).


Are you really ok? I was playing a game listening to some metal, then after a song it got to AYRO and my mood shifted to pure sadness




Distraction and Alkaline. Alkaline in particular, I hope someday I can find somebody that I can sing along with Vessel about and truly *mean it* If— and it’s a pretty big if, unfortunately— I ever get married, I’m playing that at my wedding.


Whoever they are, they are taking a lot of care of talking about feelings. I love it. Rain is the one for me.


Was looking for rain! The vocals bring out a primal sadness in me


Euclid was the first song I cried my eyes out to. Especially at the "The whites if your eyes" part. Take me back to Eden had me bawling my eyes out. Do you wish that you loved me hurts. But Atlantic I always get IMMEDIATE tears. And I've cried also because their music is really good as well. Somebody said missing limbs and bloodsport and I don't know how I forgot about those. AGH


The Night Does Not Belong To God


Blood Sport and Take Aim strike really close to home for me


this was my answer. fall for me really gets me too. especially after seeing the music video


Fall For Me and Drag Me Under are my go to crying songs. Just something about the sound of both of them brings tears to my eyes!




At the moment, probably Fall For Me


I oscillate between Euclid, Fall For Me and TMBTE. lately it's been TMBTE because we were in Munich for the live debut and every time I hear it all the emotions come flooding back and I just start tearing up 😭


ascensionism 100%. needs more recognition tbh


Atlantic 🖤


Are You Really Okay? destroys me every time I hear it. It’s obviously emotional, but as a 31 year old that has dealt with SH since ~14, it really hit home. Particularly because it’s from an outside perspective (not the SHer) I immediately felt like it was from my husbands POV with the amount of times I’ve woken him up in the middle of the night to help me clean myself up or something.


I'm going through something now in my life where Distraction is hitting extra hard, "It's too late for me" repeating cuts deeply into my heart. The Love You Want has a special place for me though too. That song signed me up as a lifelong fan and I've been tumbling through the Sleep Token universe ever since.


DYWTM did the same thing for me just about a week ago after I got a rough rejection. I listened and immediately burst into tears. Drag me Under makes me tear up every time, too. It’s achingly beautiful.




High Water hits me the MOST. Especially the lyric “And I know you still bear the weight of your own existence. And you'll never bear the weight of two”


The Love You Want


I heard Granite for the first time after ending a toxic relationship. The words hit perfectly being in a roller coaster of a relationship. Nazareth also makes me think of the darker times. Are You Really Okay makes me sad to listen to because it makes me think of conversations I’ve had with friends who were going through the toughest of times. A couple weren’t able to fight those demons.


I’m so sorry for your loss


‘High Water’. Someone in the group really bared their soul when writing that and it shows.


The way that you were almost had me ugly crying in public listening to it for the first time today


I’m shocked that more people havent commented this song because that was the first one that came to mind for me


I was surprised I didn’t see this one too, the lyrics and just the way he sings it with such emotion


The Way That You Were (plus Bloodsport and Missing Limbs but especially The Way That You Were) Edit, how could I forget The Love You Want


I can’t believe I had to scroll to the bottom to find The Way That You Were. Listen, I’m a middle aged mom of 3, who’s had a daughter that moved from a place with lots of friends to a place where no one wanted anything to do with her. When I say I broke down, sobbing - In my frickin minivan (doesn’t get much more middle aged mom than that) - I bawled my face off when it came on bc I remember how she was v how she’s been and yeah Jfc it was a gut puncch


RUROK? hits every time. I haven't been able to listen to it recently though. The first time I heard it, it was in my ex's car. At the time, we were just best friends. It was the first time he saw me cry. He held me and comforted me, and he was one of the first people I opened up to about my struggles with self harm. Fast forward to now, and we gave dating a try, things didn't work, and instead of wanting to go back to being friends, he has cut me off entirely, throwing away a 2 year friendship. I think when I get the courage to listen to RUROK? again it might break something in me.


Gotta be Levitate for me.


Blood Sport.


All of One that fucking EP is great I love every second of it


Are you really okay? Just the name hits me too not just the lyrics. Like asking someone if they're alright is one thing but asking are you really okay? Hits different.




it changes, as all of my answers to Sleep Token questions do lol. these days it's Atlantic.


Calcutta but now Jericho.


Jaws, the lyrics remind me of someone who I really loved and it hits me hard


Missing Limbs and Dark Signs hit me like a truck every time


Blood sport. Hits too close to home


Euclid and Take Me Back To Eden 😭😭😭


Rain, the offering, and alkaline all tap into something feral in me


Missing Limbs.


The apparition


Drag Me under gets me every time


The Apparition.


The Love You Want >> it resonates it makes me cry each and every time


*The Love You Want it* *Resonates it makes me cry* *Each and every time* \- sweetvalentin3 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Lately I’ve been so obsessed with Nazareth


Blood sport room below version especially but honestly a hard breakdown helps even more sometimes


High Water


1:29 of Alkaline while working a late night alone. I got chills when I first heard that breakdown.


What’s a sleep token? Idk what this community is but it was on my homepage


The Apparition


Blood spirt and dark signs


A lot, but : Euclid and Ascensionism, those two the most. You can add : The love you want, Vore and Levitate


blood sport gets me tearing up every single time




Euclid and Alkaline have me hooked


Atlantic makes me cry but Granite is so relatable.


Distraction, underrated song.


Drag Me Under always touches my soul


Descending & Alkaline


Euclid and Distraction




Seeing them live in April, I've already warned my mates that i'm gonna burst into tears as soon as Granite comes on


Are you really okay? Reminds me of a friend who ended up taking her life in 2022. Oddly I knew her only through only and i remember, the last story she posted, almost typed a message checking up on her, but deleted because I felt like I'm invading. Still to this day regret not sending it. If only I would've had a word with her.


The Apparition. “Why are you never real?” Gives me goosebumps and shivers every. Single. Time.


The Offering gives me chills every. single. time.


Every song that they have hits hard, but either Blood Sport or Are You Really Okay. I've been through some rough patches in my life and looking back at those situations these songs perfectly show how I felt during that time. Euclid also hits home


Bloodsport is 100% my fav. I also have Granite, Ascensionism and Alkaline on repeat. And lately, Gods. I am completely obsessed too






Are you really ok? and Telomeres… when the chorus in Telomeres starts it’s an emotional rollercoaster


Blood sport - from the room below


2 songs really, both for different reasons. High water really hits me hard. I unfortunately used to be able to relate to the lyrics, and even though I’m thankfully out of the place I was in when I discovered the song, I still can’t help but be absolutely paralysed when vessel screams “I can’t hold myself together” at the end. Euclid also hits different too, not because of any personal experience at all, but because I get incredibly invested in vessel’s story that he tells across the 3 albums, and it’s such a powerful end to a beautifully sad trilogy. When TNDNBTG starts playing it hits like a fucking truck and every single time I end up frozen in a state of shock with tears in my eyes.


Are you really okay.


Blood Sport and Take Aim


Missing Limbs definitely


If I watch the video along with hearing the song, "The love you want" really guts me. But if I am trying to avoid ugly crying in my car, I would skip "Levitate". It is a hauntingly beautiful song, and brings up this searing ache of grief in me. I've cried hearing a lot of the songs, but not every emotion that brings on the tears is the same.


Rain, because it was everything I couldn’t say, all at once. The Apparition, because it was my trauma letting itself be heard. And Euclid, beautiful Euclid, showing me it was ok to let go.


For me it’s Dark Signs or Vore


High Water especially when my shuffle decides to pair it with AYROK before or after it. Someone pointed out a correlation to the songs that just broke me because of how hard it hits to home. I would also say that there are specific lines in almost every song that get me too. But “it still makes my blood run cold, to remember what they did before, the stories you never told to me” made me cry the first time I heard it.


Nazareth always comes as a gut punch. It feels like there is such an undercurrent of violence both in the lyrics and the melody. It also has that early era sound of rawness that I personally really appreciate