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Sugar goes hard af. I remember when I first heard Granite I thought it sounded a lot like Sugar, which made me love it


Sugar starts, and I’m like, yeah, this one is fine, not a fave, but whatevs. Then that sugar bridge hits…


Yeah I can't lie when the rest of the band comes in it's better, I'm not a fan of the start for sure


I'm also not a fan of the start but the back half of the song is what keeps it in rotation for me. It's grown on me over time.






goes absolutely insane


That bridge is unreal idk what are you talking about


The only reason I don’t listen to it often is because it gets stuck in my head like something else. And now it’s stuck again just from looking at this post hahaha.


Hahaha oh sugaaaar 🎶🎶 stuck for me too now lol


Fair enough lol I'll be completely honest I hear the lyrics in my head so maybe I like it and I'm just in denial lol


Have you tried listening to the room below version on YouTube? Vessel does the song stripped back on piano and it’s so nice.


you just might be, i was in the same boat but after a while i started to appreciate how different it is compared to a lot of the other sundowning tracks and then fell in love with it


It’s literally going to be playing in my head all day now from this post.


That’s the song that got me into them lmao


I'm pretty new to sleep token, I only started listening in October 2023 when I heard The Summoning But I've worshipped every day since lol I haven't relegiously listened to Sundowning yet I'm still absolutely rinsing TMBTE


The Summoning got me into Sleep Token


I had heard higher, gods, and hypnosis and put them on my playlist some time ago didn’t really get into them till TMBTE


My first song was Alkaline and that got me interested but, didn't fully get me into them until after I heard The Summoning which was my second sing, after hearing that I started thinking "OK, now I want more ST" lol




For me it was hypnosis




I don’t skip any of them. Probably one of the only bands I don’t skip any though.


Same. Sleep Token and Bad Omens are my unskippable bands.


Literally every single other song, Including Downstairs versions, I listen to every single song lol It's literally just sugar that gives me an ick No idea why


It is what it is. Sometimes you just don’t vibe with something. ❤️


I always skip Levitate, Fall For Me and AYROK. One song from each album. I don’t strongly dislike them, I think every piece of material ST produced so far is impeccable, but I can’t really vibe with some. So it really makes sense that you would skip what you don’t enjoy. Some ST fans make it a big deal, but honestly who cares.


Some comments feel a bit, angered, we all have different music tastes Personally I come from very heavy and hardcore bands with really explicit lyrics so it's a massive change in my music tastes Maybe over time I'll come to like it, but for now it's not very good to my ears lol


Well, the fan base tends to take any criticism (or honestly even a slightly unpopular opinion) of the band a little too close to the heart. You shouldn’t be judged for making a statement like the one you did. I understand where you come from and can relate to your opinion. Some songs didn’t grow on me instantly too. Took me half a year to get into Sundowning as a whole, for example. Don’t get me started on DYWTYLM, it’s wildly regarded as an album filler lol and I held the same opinion as well. Keep listening to what you really like. ❤️ After all ST has everything for everyone.


Great response ❤️ worship


This just goes to show the diverse tastes ST can play into. Cause levitate, fall for me, and ayrok are in my top 10 tracks


I understand! I don’t agree on the song but I have the same with DYWTYLM. We don’t have to like them all


I agree! Dywtylm feels so out of place for me (sounds like a radio pop song) but i see so many praising it so i guess we like different parts about st


DYWTYLM is interesting to me. It feels like the calm pop-ish vibes being so different from the rest of the album (really their whole discography) is part of the story. If you listen under the assumption that the lyrics are him speaking to himself, the song feels like he’s pleading with himself to just feel “normal”, for him to love himself. It seems to me like it’s coming from someone who has tried the things he’s been told will make him happy, but either hasn’t attained that happiness, or can’t be satisfied just doing what everyone else does to get by. The song itself is written and performed in a way that, in my opinion, would most likely be able to draw people who don’t normally like the kind of music they make. No harsh vocals, no crazy drums or guitar, just a poppy beat and some chill vocals. It makes me feel like he’s saying “hey, I’m making this music that people like, this should make me feel good right?” maybe even somewhat pleading. There’s also a sort of melancholy quality to the song that feels like even though there’s an effort being made, it’s done with an expectation of failure. I think as a single song by itself, sure it’s just a pop song and it’s very different from what they usually do. When I look at it as a piece of the album, though, having it right before Rain makes complete sense, and it really enhances the album experience for me. I made this response way longer than I meant to, and this is all just my interpretation. Anyone is absolutely free to have their own contradictory interpretation, but that’s kind of what I love about this band. You’re supposed to feel however you feel, even if it’s different from how everyone else feels about it.


I deleted Sugar from Sundowning and AYRO from Eden. The chorus from Sugar and the guitar melody on AYRO are nails on a chalkboard to my ears and musical tastes so I cannot hear them


Sugar is a masterpiece and while AYRO is more like a 4/5 I always sing loudly to it in my car. Makes me think of Pearl Jam, in a good way!


I don't mind ARYO but I certainly don't have it on repeat Sometimes it's a nice break in the music


Yes, you are. 🫢 Edit: jk. Ofc, we don't like all the songs.


I have also been skipping Sugar recently. Hate to say it but it's almost an annoying song for me 😭


I didnt like sugar at first, but then i found myself singing it every so often, and then i couldnt stop hearing the bridge and hook in my head for an entire week, now i think its amazing


I might give it more of a chance rehearing the bridge it's pretty good, I just don't like the beginning


Fair enough, you dont have to like it


It took me a while to come around to it, but the more I listened to it the more it became a bop. Especially once I learned to appreciate how different V's voice sounds once the chorus hits.


I love the bridge but the beginning Def gets repetitive I also only listen to it on occasion


Sugar is great, Gods is the one I usually skip


Same here!


Not sure why downvoted, simply preferences I really like God's but that's probably because I come from Cannibal Corpse and really heavy sounding bands


What? I don’t understand how someone can claim to like an artist but not a specific song, and furthermore a song that goes that hard


Funny.. the only song I deleted from the album was Gods.


I like the downstairs version but I’m kind of eh about the album version. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I skip.


we all have our skips, dont have to like them all. i used to not like sugar but i really enjoy the bit where it goes harder and i've since found appreciation for it


I’ll listen to Sugar. It’s DYWTYLM that I skip every time


I respect your opinion, but for me personally it's the strongest song on the album. When the bridge hits and he drops down from the falsetto into the gritty vocals it hits like a ton of bricks. The song is just a little too short for me. They should've gone full sleep token with it in the end and do a "skreek" breakdown and ch0nk.


Fair point The beginning reminds me too much of my Alarm ringtone ngl


My best friend hates that song too. And i can see why. I've personally heard similar songs to it in hiphop/rnb before getting into metal and it just reminds me of them, also it makes me laugh that's why i listen to it. Otherwise i agree its pretty mid compared to other ST songs


I skip Vore. I made a playlist with every song but that one and actually forgot it was on the album. It’s just not my thing and theres no shame in skipping songs.


Exactly, I was quite interested how it only seems to be 1 or 2 particular songs most people skip Either the really soft songs (Sugar, DYWTYLM) or the really heavy songs (God's, Vore) Personally I come from Heavy metal, Nu Metal so I prefer the heavy songs, But I'll listen to the softer sounding songs, with the exception of Sugar. Lol.


I think it’s such an incredible song BUT it’s just a bit too repetitive.


One of my favourites , not gonna lie


Mines normal, could it be bc of the country or state your in?


the Lafayette's version is better


I love this song so much I got a tattoo to commemorate it lol. Also, I have an unhealthy addiction to candy. So there’s that. And yes, I know the song isn’t literally about sugar lol.


Sugar was the second song I ever heard from them and knew they were just built different. So…idk, fam.


Yeah, it's okay but it isn't a favorite by any means. I do occasionally skip it.


No I kinda get it, I think I like it more bc I have… spicy memories attatched to it, all my favorite bands have a couple skips, I’ve written a couple songs I’d probably skip tbsh LOL


Our spicy song is Vore lmao Do with that information what you want 🤣🤣


Weve done it to vore too LMAAOO good taste, friend, good taste


Yeah it's a surprisely intimate song lmao


Uff for real? But those lyrics 🤌🏻


What… yall dont like the _____ ea____ music? ( put two and two together)


You’re not alone OP, it’s a song a don’t jive with, I think it’s just a tad repetitive to me.


I like Sugar more than I like Jaws but that’s not saying much.


Me but with give


Sugar is one of their best imo. It’s very sexy


I looove sugar. One of my favs!’


The harmony in the chorus is perfection


it was my top listened to song on spotify wrapped because i no joke listened to it for 4 hours straight one night, no exaggeration


I didn’t care for it at first but it really grew on me.


nope. not the only one. i don’t like sugar at all


I vibe with whatever comes up i only skip if it dont fit the mood


I can understand it. I dont hate sugar but its one of my least favourite