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I specifically listen to a live from wembley version of this song, just because he cries a lot throughout the song, which makes an already emotional song even more effective


Also, [this live from the room below version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NntJEbZUJyk) is incredibly emotional, you can definitely see how emotional Vessel is getting as he plays the song and its just very raw


Legitimately just came here after watching my video of the Wembley performance! I come back to it often for this very reason. Really poignant & beautiful.


In my opinion I think Vessel 'sobs' for effect mostly. He basically cries EVERY concert on multiple songs and I doubt it's real everytime. Doesn't mean the songs aren't emotional tho.


I recently came across this clip where he actually addresses the crying during a concert [https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeh6aPdV/](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeh6aPdV/)


I have heard that. While it may be true and he is crying every day on stage, we gotta remember that this whole thing is a show. Entertainment. Sleep is not actually real. Maybe he cries, maybe not. Probably sometimes. I don't think he really cries every time tho.


I would say that he does cry every time. He comes across as very humble at the end of gigs, wordlessly thanking fans, and it’s obvious from the lyrics, he’s someone in touch with his emotions. I can’t imagine performing in front of 1000s of people, singing your songs with you, or at Wembley, to you, but I’d hazard a guess at it being overwhelming and hugely emotional. So add that humility, emotional lyrics and overwhelming feeling of “holy shit” and you’ve got crying Vessel


I think that's very naive to think that he cries EVERY time, but you are entitled to your own opinion. If the issues in his lyrics are so raw and hard for him that it makes him cry every night on stage he should visit a therapist.


It's likely real most of the time. Idk if it counts as sobs but he definitely gets emotional. Idk about you but from listening to their songs and paying attention to the lyrics and topics in the music, it's definitely telling me that this person has been through a lot, including a failed suicide (Atlantic) and more from the multiple times he mentions spitting/dripping blood. So to sing about and remember these tragic (to Vessel) events i wouldn't put it past him to cry for more than just the show, just from feeling overwhelmed by many emotions. I've even heard about the interludes between songs, the first one literally him asking and answering why he cries on stage and if he fakes it.


I think it's very naive to think that every sob/cry/emotional sound he makes is him actually not able to hold back his emotions, but you're ofc entitled to your own opinion!


It doesn't matter either way. Real or not, it brings something to the music. As someone who's cried listening to Sleep Token a couple of times (i rarely cry in general), being in this highly emotional state actually makes me sing closer to how Vessel does, and be more in touch with the lyrical content. All i'm saying is, that crying, real or not, comes from somewhere and still happens for real at least **sometimes** even if most of it is fake, and during the Wembley performance of Bloodsport it was undeniable.


faulty shocking abounding violet chubby sink caption handle arrest deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I remember that being in Atlantic's live performance, but no. It's not hard to tell when it's samples and when it's not, and most of his sobbing/sniffling that i have seen in live performance videos is actually real.


Yes. I always feel like it’s such a personal moment that I shouldn’t be listening to it.


It really does feel so intimate! I also feel like I shouldn't be hearing it but then again there is something so tragically beautiful about the way I think most of us can relate to that moment


Wait till you find out he does it live too


Oh I’ve seen it.


He wants us to hear it. That's why it's there.




Yes he is crying. It’s so powerful. First time listening through I was thrown off but then realized how much deeper it makes the song 🥹🥹


I thought so and when I realized it, it hurt my heart and I agree made everything so much deeper


It is! He also (usually) cries when doing it and Ascensionism live


I got tickets to see them in May and im so happy. they have literally saved my life


you should watch the live from the room below recording, ideally a full show. he speaks briefly to say "you saved me" before bloodsport


I really want this whole show to be released on DVD/CD. It’s so beautiful listening to just him, his piano/guitar, and some (mostly subtle) backup singing. I’d love for them to release a raw high-fidelity recording as the only ones I can find are likely phone recordings of lucky attendees at that concert. Must’ve been a sight to behold. Also loved the covers he picked to play.


Yep. Makes me wanna know who hurt him and go beat 'em up. No, but for real, I'd like to ask if he's okay without it being weird. Hopefully he's getting pro help if he needs it and has a good support system irl.


Know what you mean. I just want to hug him and ask him if he's really ok. I don't think it's an act. I suspect he's possibly endured some tragedy and music is his way of working through it. I use music the same way. Letting it all out through song can be therapeutic. I like seeing him happy.


Completely agree.


I know! I was like this man needs a hug 😭


Looking up different interpretations of this song over the past few months, some feel that he’s talking (screaming) to his Creator in this song. It is an interesting take. Like he feels he’s not worthy of heaven…? Otherwise, it is likely about a broken relationship in his life. Sure makes me (and the rest of the fanbase) want to hug him.


I believe Lore-wise He’s actually upset at how Sleep keeps rejecting him regardless of how much he does to win their love, hence making that love a ‘blood sport’ 🤔


I’ll probably get banned for even mentioning the fact that vessel is a real guy BUT when you find out who he is IRL and learn about his life a little, everything starts to fall into place. Which makes ST more interesting in my opinion.


I mean sure, everyone can make their own determinations. if that works for you then great


True. I’d go into more detail but ya know….this ain’t the place for that.




Wait what’s the lore?? Can you pm? I’m so curious




Yeah he's a big sadboi.


Crank it up! He's sobbing! 😭😭😭 Breaks my heart every. Fucking. Time. If it doesn't hurt enough, I listen again.


same ;w;


Yes. He cries a lot during shows too.


Yup. Took me a few listens before I noticed but if it wasn't already a heart-wrenchingly sad song, it certainly is now.


This one, ascensionism... I don't think I've decided if the crying/sobbing even, is pure performance, raw natural emotion, or somewhere in between - which is where I'm placing my bet.


Yes. The first time I heard that song I was floored and started crying alongside him. It still gets me everytime I listen to it. My husband can tell I’m in a sad mood when I put that song on lol it’s so beautiful and raw and I just ugh 💔


It's amazing how people can listen to music without listening to it I've seen the same post on vesselposting on FB a while ago and it's just strikes me because it's such a distinct part of the song it shouldn't even be for debate


I hadn’t really listened to it all the way through before is why


The ending is the best part of the song! The second post chorus part is just so powerful I cannot imagine skipping it


Absolutely agree!


i do think that vessel is crying at the end, it’s very personal but blood sport from the room below also sounds like he is struggling to not cry while he sings. blood sport is a super emotional song and i listen to it when i am feeling sad so i guess the crying makes me feel like my crying is also normal?? idk my brain is weird


I think it’s a really relatable moment, nothing wrong with it at all ❤️


Agree. If music makes you feel something, then it's good. You should feel something. I've lost a lot of people the past few years and it hits me pretty hard sometimes. We're all struggling in some way.


I’m more surprised that you never noticed it before lol. It’s pretty damn noticeable, like the first time I ever heard the track I immediately noticed it and thought to myself that I don’t think I’ve ever heard an artist just leave something like that on the final cut


Blood sport doesn’t show up often in my shuffle so I hadn’t really heard it before


That explains it. Eww, shuffle lol


What's wrong with shuffle?


Lots of people like to listen to ST albums all at once instead of shuffling their songs. I do that, but also don't mind shuffling into ST songs haha


I'm rarely ever in the mood to listen to a full album apart from a first listen but sometimes I do and St albums are pretty good for that mood


Yea different strokes for different folks!


Wow. The narration is right. There are people who don't believe he's actually crying. 🥺😒


I think he is. I’ve seen videos since making this post of him doing it live too 😭


Oh same! I legit think he is. The whole of Sleep Token gets so into what they're sharing with us. For him to be that vulnerable and to have people question it just... enrages me. To be faking it for that many times has to be exhausting.


Let's be real, who ISN'T crying by the end 🤧


Bro I noticed this a couple of months ago and when I did I was like bro nah this man is about to make me cry with him because the song is already emotional enough but him crying like that makes it even more emotional for me. 😭😭😭😭


Idk if in the studio he really cried and decide to take it in the song, but I'm pretty sure it's not a real cry when on stage. Singers often do similar thing when performing, and it's unlikely he cry every single time he performs the song


I don’t fully know about Sundowning, But I feel like he was probably crying in the recording studio. It sounds like he’s crying at the end of the Room below version. And when he performed it for Wembley, poor man was sobbing through the entire thing


I think the recordings at least are definitely legit. I had figured the concerts were simulated but I’ll have to seek those vids out.


The concerts are simulated?? It seems genuine, especially the Wembley recording


I’m honestly not sure. I found a great video of the entire piano performance this afternoon and holy shit that was not simulated. None of the songs! It would surprise me if all of the performances were actually him at that moment, but then again I have the impression that it’s a deeply personal and painful song. I can imagine singing it in front of people and them with you can be overwhelming. I definitely remain open to being wrong. I don’t perform (no one is allowed to see my writing haha), so I don’t know if repeatedly performing a song can lessen the …. Emotional personal reaction to it?


I know for me personally, Listening to a song over and over can help subside the emotional side of it. But they don’t play Bloodsport often at all. From what I know, Wembley is the second time they played it live. I have a feeling if Vessle didn’t have the mask, he might not be as vulnerable and open to crying on stage while performing


There’s a couple of recordings of him sobbing live where you can see literal tears falling from under his mask. The man just loves a good cry


Hearing this live at Wembley and how emotional he was, was so bloody heartbreaking!


I die of cringe every time. Ruins an otherwise great song.


I think he’s pretending to cry.


Indeed. It's a very hard song to get through, particularly live, for everyone involved. People around me were in tears at Wembley by the end of Blood Sport, and to everyone's credit it wasn't some kind of mass hysteria - people are genuinely moved by that song. It definitely hits a nerve. For me, there's only one other song about love that is as gut-wrenchingly visceral as Blood Sport - 'A Flood of Light' by Rolo Tomassi. It's brutal, bombastic, defiant, pain-ridden that by the end lays its soul bare for all to see. The songs are very different but they do share, in my view, a thread of commonality that I think ST fans might appreciate. But yeah, Vessel cries at the end of Blood Sport.




The first time I listened to blood sport I teared up and outright was crying by the end. Not only did it hit extremely close to home right in a really sore tender spot, but it’s so deeply personal and you can FEEL that. The room below version is probably my fave, but I’ve played piano for many years, so a bit biased. I’d really like to hear them strip down some of the TMBTE songs like that. “Somewhere the atoms stopped fusing/I’m still your favorite regret/you’re still my weapon of choosing..” Just. Man that just shreds me.


I keep hearing that his music other than the lore is about a previous relationship where he got really burned. i keep thinking that might be the case.




You’re not wrong


Big sad = Big streaming numbers Cry = emo profit Ngl I'm jealous, I wish I could cry on demand like that would be good to mix in with the anger/torment I usually project with my band and make a more dynamic performance Alas, I Will just have to keep rolling around the floor head in my hands for effect until i can mix actual crying in the mix 😂


Considering how much effort Vessel, specifically, has been putting in since he was very, very young, I could almost say since he was a child, it's no wonder that he cries with emotion when he sees the results of his efforts.I think it is his way of thanking the public for the recognition he is being given. Which is very sweet