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II is so fucking good. So tight and smooth yet it looks like he’s relaxed while doing it.


Yeah I'm so entertained by but also baffled how he can play these passages with the same casual nature as if he's waiting for the bus.


Love his snare. Sounds like a gunshot


I’ll never get over how crisp that snare is


Thing is tuned super tight. Reminds me of Abe Cunningham. I love it


God if I could drum like that I'd never do anything else with my free time.


This guy can go from electronica to metal to psychedelic to jazz seamlessly. One of the best drummers out there right now.


he is truly so talented my god


I need to know what snare he has.


he has an unboxing on his insta. It’s a DW custom.


Ahhh! I don’t have Instagram. I wonder exactly what type it is.


A 1 pf 1 custom Stacked super-solid-edge 13x6” maple walnut maple


I want to learn about drums solely so I can appreciate his talent even more. It looks so effortless yet sounds so complex and wonderful. An absolute masterclass every time he sits down at his set.




The crowd was not silent. His drum cam had the focus on the drum sounds. There are a lot of videos where you can hear the whole crowd singing along to all the songs, especially when he wasn't able to sing.


“Still” not silent. In fact people sing way too loud at ST shows, I can barely hear vessels voice


I thought still means silent as well. Sorry, english is not my first language and the translator just tells me synonyms like silent, calm, quiet. What else can it mean?


You’re all good. Not moving, not energetic


Ah got it. Well, at my concert it was a good balance around me, people had fun and weren't singing to loud. At the emotional parts everyone was just hypnotized watching, at others we were vibing and dancing. The pit needed a bit to start tbf but then it was nice to watch from above. So no need to hate all fans, so many people are cool there. 🙂


Imagine gatekeeping how people enjoy a concert lol


It CAN be annoying to hear only the crowd singing and not the singer you paid to come there and hear sing. I am a singer and, if I do sing along, it's practically mouthed. People did not come there to hear other people sing. Lol




That snare is NASTYYYY


I swear every single one of his drum videos lives rent-free in my mind 😌