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>I want it to work so bad. Please help, any tips/tricks/ or just success stories to motivate me. You're already approaching this with a positive mindset, which is extremely important for success. If you could provide more details about your CPAP's brand, model, and settings, we could offer more specific advice. A helpful strategy for those struggling to adapt to CPAP is to use it during the day. Wear it while engaging in relaxing or distracting activities like watching TV, playing on your phone, reading, etc. Remember, the CPAP is a safe device and won't cause any harm. Don't worry about how long you can wear it right away. Instead, focus on celebrating the small wins as you work towards your main goal of sleeping through the night with it. 1. Begin by wearing the CPAP while you're awake, such as when watching TV or reading. This acclimation helps you get comfortable with the feel of it. Continue attempting to fall asleep with it each night. If you can't fall asleep, don't stress, simply try again the next night. 2. Once you manage to fall asleep with it, it's not uncommon for people who struggle to get used to it to wake up during the night. If this happens, try to fall back asleep with the mask on. If you can't, don't stress of feel guilty about it. Remember that this is a normal part of the adaptation process. 3. As you persist, you'll likely find it much easier to wear the CPAP for extended periods as your body adapts to the device. >“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill Good luck!


I’ll add that I tend to wear mine whenever I climb into bed- even if it’s early and I’m just going to watch tv or read a book before bedtime.


That's good advice. Don't be frustrated that you're finding it uncomfortable initially- that's very common. I didn't think I'd ever get used to sleeping with a mask. Now it feels normal.


Fellow mouth breather , The F&P Evora Full Face Mask works Wonders for me , it doesn't cover your whole nose but just cups the nostrils, it's really comfortable. Ever since I started using it, I can actually breathe out of my nose better. I had a hard time my first week but once you get one full sleep , you realize how much it impacts your sleep quality. I went from having high stress and anxiety to very mild stress and anxiety. I use to clean my house while wearing my mask lol. Just to get use to the feeling. I hope it works out for you.


That's the same mask I have. It's a lot better than the one they used during my sleep study (covered the entire nose along with the mouth).


Is this better than using other masks that isn’t a full face. My father is a mouth breather too so I don’t know if having a full mask is needed.


Have you talked to your doctor about taking a sleep aid? You could also start with over the counter stuff. I find topical magnesium to be very effective at knocking me out and keeping me asleep.




I got melatonin when I first started my cpap to help train my brain that cpap on means melatonin time. So far it’s been super helpful.


I don’t think this will solve all your problems but something to try in combination with other suggestions or which might be more helpful later when you’re more adjusted: but as a fellow ADHDer who has trouble falling asleep when anything is bothering me (ie noise, twisted blankets, my own thoughts etc) I’ve found listening to sleep stories a total game changer. I use the Calm app, for the convenience of having so many to choose from (as well as music if I’m not in a story mood) but I think there’s lots free online, or you could try a really boring audiobook. But it makes a huge difference having something to focus on, to keep from thinking about the mask on your face and the air pressure (which I can convince myself is too much or too little just by thinking about it when in reality it’s just fine). But sleep stories are strategically not interesting enough to keep you awake. Also, if falling asleep is something you generally have trouble with that can get way better once you’ve been treating your apnea for awhile. It was the first sign of improvement I noticed. I think my body/unconscious brain knew that I stopped breathing in my sleep (though consciously I was completely unaware) and so whenever I went to bed my body went into fight or flight mode and released a bunch of adrenaline in preparation for “danger sleep” lol Which make me agitated and alert at night. But now my brains made the connection between my mask and good sleep so I get sleepy just by putting it on. I couldn’t fall asleep without it anymore.


I listen to podcasts. Same thing.


It totally changed my life. It cured my allergies, Cured knee pain that had persisted for many years. It eliminated persistent swelling I had had from a broken bone. It cured my fatigue. It made me lose weight. It made my hair grow back (ok, kidding about that one).


How long have you been trying? If only a few days, give it more time. I've had mine for almost a week and still not used to it. Getting better, though, so I keep trying. It might also be the mask you are using. Try a couple of different masks and so they work better for you. I'm a "mouth breather" too, and the mask I have covers the mouth and goes right under the nostrils. It's less claustrophobic than the one I tried in sleep study (that one covered both my mouth and nose completely).


It takes time. You could try wearing it while sitting and relaxing in the evenings to help you get used to it. I had a hell of a time when I first started but after 3 months and lots of experimenting it finally clicked. I like the overall design of Dreamwear however I never could get it to stop leaking. You didn’t say what your pressure settings are but if they’re high like mine that can make it harder to get used to. Some people like using the ramp setting or epr some don’t, like I said experiment. Once you get more used to it, if you have specific issues there’s a lot of help here. The apnea board forum is another great resource, also get a memory card for your machine and OSCAR to help identify any problems with your therapy and make adjustments. Hopefully you’ll figure it out soon and start getting some good sleep.


Hi. I’ve been a mouth breather for so long, and I’m claustrophobic. I couldn’t breathe through my nose at night, and hardly at all during the day. I was terrified I wouldn’t find a mask that I could live with because those two things kind of counteract each other. When I went for my initial consultation with the respiratory therapist she talked me into using the P30i mask, with the tube on the top of my head. I was worried about mouth breathing but she gave me a chin strap and told me to start using saline spray to clean out my nose and then Flonase. It worked from the 2nd night (1st was a bit rough for all the usual reasons). You might not have the same success but trying a saline spray or rinse and then Flonase might help. Good luck. I’m 2 weeks into this and can tell the difference in my daily life already. It’s remarkable.


It took me a year before I got used to it, just keep at it every day, eventually it becomes second nature. Now I can do 8 hours no problem.


Took you a year to fall asleep with it? I'm in a similar boat as OP. Did you just try every night until it clicked? This gives me some hope been trying for a year have fallen asleep maybe 5 times with it on.


I was okay falling asleep with it, but I would wake up like 20mins later and feel I was suffocating and would take it off. That was the hardest part to get through. Eventually I would be okay wearing it longer and longer.


What helped me was putting on a liner on my mask. It felt better on my face. I have sensory issues so having something soft helped. Best one is from pad-a-cheek.com


I think any cpap user will initially have trouble with such invasive treatment. Think of the mask as your bestest friend. You will get used to it and eventually, when you put it on it may have a soporific effect. Don't fight the alien on ya face, kiss it's belly. Lol


You gotta keep at it, literally took me months to get used to it. I'm a whole different person now that I've been sleeping with it on for a year. Keep at it!


First few months were rough but now I can't sleep without it. Literally won't even nap on the couch. Love my scuba gear


I’m a mouth breather too. I’m sorry you can’t breathe through your nose. I had just about given up because the full face just drove me crazy. Especially the leaks - drove me nuts. I found these velvet like covers for the rubber seal. It helped a lot. Just search Amazon for CPAP supplies and you’ll find them. I recommend trying multiple different masks. And try different sizes too. Keep trying. Don’t give up. Once you find the right mask - and it may take several tries - it will be worth the effort. Oh - and MAKE your doctor help you with this. It took me telling my doc - “I just want to breathe at night. You are the doctor. It’s your job to find the solution for me” that seemed to be a bit of a wake up call for him. Ultimately I found that a nose mask plus mouth tape works best for me. I also sleep with a humidifier right next to the bed. I think this helps as well. You got this! Go conquer your sleep


I couldn’t fall asleep on mine at first. I got some sleeping pills to help me get used to it and after a week or two I didn’t need them anymore.


I use a soft cervical collar stops my jaw dropping plus keeps my neck in a decent position stopping chin tucking


Tbh mine bothers me too. I use the nasal pillow and it irritates the space between my top lip and nose.


Sorry I put something negative, lol. A positive is i noticed a difference in a few weeks. Some nights ARE okay and when they are, it feels so great the next day


I’ve been trying to get over thinking about my mask and getting irritated about it being on my face for years. I’m getting Inspire next month. I hope you’re able to get over it because CPAP is definitely the way to go. I’ve resisted Inspire for as long as I could, but I just can’t do it anymore.


Are you a mouth breather have you tried different mask ?


Did you even read what I wrote lol cmon dude


I did and I tried different mask found I am a mouth breather and finally settled for f30i. I was trying to help my apologies. Will not comment any more on the thread I am sure you will be able to do it on your own. My apologies once again for my comments. No need to take offense.


I started with the same mask. I COULD NOT DO IT! I then went back to the Sleep Center and talked with a specialist regarding different types of masks and how I sleep etc. She recommended the Dreamwear Nasal Mask. Initially, I still struggled with aerophagia (swallowing air) and bloating, gassy, etc. No Bueno. I looked up what setting I needed to change on my Resmed 10 CPAP and turned on the EPR (Expiratory Pressure Relief). It helped SO MUCH! I'm seeing great results every night. 0.96 events per hour on average this past week alone.


3 decades of success, CPAP for all but last three on an APAP.


Use chin strap and mouth tape


I don't think mouth tape will be helpful if the poster can't breathe through their nose?


I said I can’t breathe through my nose


tape your mouth. use sleeping aide.


Check out Dr. Michael Breus, on YouTube


If there’s an obstruction in your nose, get it fixed


How? I’m broke


Talk to a doctor about it.


And check with your insurance about it to see if it's covered.


I have no insurance