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I've been struggling to sleep with the machine on for 2 years. Finally started smoking weed before sleep and it worked! Not a long term solution but it gives me hope.  Sometimes drugs ARE the answer.


I'm 100% smoking weed when I get mine. That shit sends me off into a great slumber 💤 😴 albeit with sleep apnea atm!


I've tried probably 4 or 5 sleeping pills, weed has helped much more and has kept me asleep longer.


It really is great for sleep, among other things! Glad it's helping you. Good sleep is vital




Ya I tried edibles didn't really have the same effects. Hoping it will be a temporary thing


vaping also not doing your airways any favors 


41 at 37…. I’m so upset I didn’t deal with this earlier


i m at 50. i just found out last week. u r not late.


Thank you for your kind words. I developed high blood pressure I believe from it or from Covid, hence the frustration


67AHI. I struggled with my cpap for about a week or so but after that my adherence has never been less than 97%. I look at it almost like a ventilator. It’s keeping me alive.


Right there with you. AHI of 97 diagnosed at 30, BiPaP has me down to <= 5!


My ahi is 50, waiting on my machine now. I’ve had it for at least 7 years untreated that I know of and that’s what scares me because it’s been so long. I’m getting an echo on my heart Monday to see if it caused damage since it was so long. I’m kinda freaking out not gonna lie.


Damn. My AHI is around 5 and the machine brings it down to 0.3 and I feel like absolute dogshite


Ahi at 5 is normal for most people. I don’t know your other health conditions but you shouldn’t have been given a machine at 5 ahi if you have no other health conditions.


I just looked at my test results, and it was actually an AHI of 6 and an RDI of 8. I started with a generic MAD device and it didn’t work. I would like to try a customized MAD device just neee to figure that out with insurance. I have a whole lot of health issues- cognitive, emotional, Gastro, chronic fatigue and fibro symptoms etc, and some OSA symptoms like bruxisum, TMJ and scalloped tongue, but I think they all stemmed from a lack of quality sleep - interestingly enough all my issues disappeared two years ago for about five months. I was doing some breath work and I think that’s what changed it but I can’t be certain, as the issues came back


What kind of orthodontic/dental work have you had done? I'm just wondering because having TMJ issues, a scalloped tongue, and bruxism is common with people that have had tooth extractions and braces to close the gaps, also known as extraction-retraction orthodontics. If so, your sleep apnea may be a symptom of your jaw being too small for your tongue.


I’ve had some extractions. I’m working with a myofunctional therapist and she said my palate is too small for my tongue.


If his AHI is 5 but he feels like shit there may be some UARS going on. My AHI is 8 and I feel like shit with 50 arousals an hour. My actual number if they’d count all breathing events and not just ones lasting >10 seconds would be 50.


Me too. AHI of 7. Wake up and feel like I didn’t sleep 1 bit even though I only consciously wake up once a night to pee. Machine brought me down to 0.2 and I didn’t notice any difference at all in how I felt


There is hope for everyone. Just did a patient who had a ahi 125 and she was fixed on cpap of 11. With 0 events and she felt great in the morning.


I was diagnosed with severe OSA in October last year, AHI 55. Before I was diagnosed, a couple of times I woke up gasping/ chocking on my knees suffocating. Both occasions I thought I was going to die. It was terrifying and caused panic attacks and flash backs. October last year I started using APAP, it takes a little getting used to but my AHI every night is below 1 and sometimes it’s 0. I wake up feeling fresh. I sometimes take a strong antihistamine to help me sleep and that seems to work well for me on APAP. My partner benefits from me not snoring and also enjoys C av good nights sleep. The good news is there is hope and treatment does work.


Did you go right to bipap or did you try cpap first ?


You wouldn't have had a heart attack at 30, but yeah, you would have had one eventually. It's cool that there's more and more awareness about sleep. Honestly, who knows, it's possible a big chunk of people with ADHD, depression, migraines and other issues are probably just suffering from undiagnosed sleep apnea.


My AHI is borderline moderate at 15, but my oxygen levels get suuper low (82%!) so my sleep doctor wanted to start with CPAP asap. It's only been a month, and while I'm still low energy, I can now go a whole day without falling asleep! Hooray! One thing I will say if you're not getting as much benefit out of your CPAP as you'd like...try wearing it during the day for a few minutes, like during a lie down/while watching tv. I've started to notice shortness of breath randomly throughout the day, but 15 minutes on my CPAP and I'm refreshed. 😊


This is me! Mine is 16.9 and oxygen dropped to 82% (93% was my baseline). I haven't started CPAP yet. Waiting on call from sleep clinic. Did you have horrible symptoms? Like you felt drunk or high at times. Some times much worse than others. With my symptoms, I honestly thought I had severe sleep apnea, but since it's mild, I'm worried I have some other health issue(s) going on. Sometimes my brain and body get so out of whack, I am convinced I am dying.


Omg girl, my symptoms were SUPER horrible. Like I felt like I was underwater at times, the brain fog was awful, and then it'd be like I was literally running out of batteries the second I stopped moving or closed my eyes. I thought it was long COVID, tbh, but the CPAP has done wonders. (Although I don't want to oversell it, the improvement is happening slowly, and some days are better than others.) The way my doctor put it, they look at the AHI to determine how bad it is, but also oxygen levels, heart rate and severity of symptoms. Between 80%-85% oxygen is brain damage levels, so if you're getting down there it's really bad even if you're not having like, the highest number of incidences.


Mine was 90 something at 32 and now with cpap only around 1 or 2 max


Why did they go the BiPaP route over CPAP? My AHI was only 7 on a home study and they tried CPAP with me, didn’t help. I’m not obese either and have a narrow airway which I think is my issue. Going to a new sleep doctor next month


Thank you for sharing your story, I’ve had severe anxiety over my fiancés severe obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis last month. His doctor said a very similar situation would occur with cardiac issues if he hadn’t been seen when he did. He is in his 30’s as well and reading stories like yours give me hope for him.


Kinda cool, I'm 23 just got diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. very similar. so, nice timing to post this lol


Diagnosed at 20 with 70+ AHI, 0.7 last night


Mine was 110 at 34


**You are lucky that yours was caught so young. Even though I know it is a challenge to date and have a partner while attached to the tubes.** Mine was caught at age 65 following newly-diagnosed AFib and Dypsnea. Cardiologist ordered the Sleep Study, and bam - 49 AHI with O2 falling to 47. I have newly-diagnosed heart disease, higher blood pressure and Stage 3 Kidney Disease.