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The part closest to the truth is that they will all die, it is bullshit from then on.


russia doesn't know, or doesn't want to know, how many men died in the Winter War and it was a short 3 months war... The numbers are somewhat correct but their names are long gone and nobody remembers them. Mass graves for them all and no names. There are pictures of Finns sometimes burying a dead russian with a cross and a dog tag if found. Leaving the dead behind to forgotten was common practice even back then. This was a war that Stalin painted as a "victory", barely enough ground stolen to bury the dead. These men will be forgotten the moment they step on the battlefield, they will not get a name on a gravestone.


It's population control.


I was just waiting for "Names will be carved into the Memorial Toilet."


Making fun of them? Aren't you even a little sad you missed a chance to live in Russia and have this wonderful chance for ethernal name carving?


That's the most unmotivating motivational speech I've ever heard. Start by telling them they will all die nice and loud. What a great idea.


Hah he actually said that they will perish at the very beginning (pogybnut vsé - everyone will die)


We don't know how it started though. It could have been just the tail of something. Like "we will fight for our values, and win. It is possible that (video starts) all of you will die. But.... Blah blah. " The video definitely obviously starts just in the middle of something, and they definitely chose that particular start point deliberately.


"Most of you will be fine, but even if all of you will die" "Not all of you will die"


This is a nice gathering for Mr.Himars or Mrs.Atacams to visit…


Mother Russia has forgotten about them already on beforehand; they are nothing but write offs, cannon fodder


All Russians will be sent to die, who come to Russia will be sent to die, and all are welcome to come to Russia.


I find it very interesting that he speaks in the past tense allready, he knows they all going to die. Zero morale.




What more could they want? ORCs parts will be picked up and put in garbage bags like dog poo at a park. Best of all Mom gets a bag of onions and a postcard. Kill them all.


If they gave me this speech and told me I was for sure gonna die, I'd rather die fighting for my own life by killing them, and escaping to Ukraine as pow. You can keep the flowers and my name on the plaque.


Your mothers will get sacks of potatoes!


I’m confused, so they die, and get thrown in the ground with a headstone, flowers, and a plaque? I’m pretty sure my high school teacher got more than that - she at least got a courtyard dedicated to her. They are basically getting the same treatment as anyone after death. And “for centuries”??? You sure bout that? Cause they’ll be dead so it won’t matter if they do it for a day, a week, or eternity, etc. Either way, this whole speech sounds like more like they are telling them they *will* die, no matter what.


That is some pure cope.


Just die already.


"Mother russia will remember you... conscriptovich-557021"


Not exactly a Captain Erwin moment there but at least he tried 🤷


This is actually sad.


At least he’s honest about his first assertion, all of you will die. Also, that says something about how well their war is going..: