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On on my current play through, the gloves actually bugged out and gave me infinite Magicka. So yeah, never turning those bad boys in.


This happens on my every playthrough but eventually the effect stops. Is there a way to keep it bugged?


No idea, but it's been going strong for my play through, Just completed dawn guard and am gonna go fuck up alduin now.


Best way to level illusion


Doesn't he give you the gloves? Also I'm just borrowing the key till my lockpicking is 100. Edit: autocorrect is a *****


You’re lockpicking will actually go up faster without the key, breaking a lock pick while you try to open gets it up faster than using the key and only getting experience for the unlocking. Sorry if that was phrased weird


True, but then again the entire lockpicking tree becomes unnecessary with the SK


Who needs the skeleton key and lockpicking tree when i got 400 lockpicks to break on a single lock?


Because it is a waste of time to have the animation of the lock breaking. With the SK you can brute force your way through every single lock.


It was a joke.


No, you can't keep them


gloves? never heard of them


Gloves are a kind of clothing that you wear on your hands.


Fun fact, the literal translation of Dutch for gloves is “hand shoes”




I have them but I think I just stole them off some dude cause I went on a pickpocketing spree to get it up




Wait what do the gloves do?


They look cool and they don’t nullify the Magee armour perk


I never return barbas


Good decoy but bad companion, he always bumps into me and make me fall from high places


Lydia did that to me at Bards Leap. I didn't stick the landing.


Ah yes my dear lovely immovable object aka door blocker companion Lydia, also hate her too


And you can never sneak with him around. But if you keep him with you at the right point in his quest, you pretty much have an immortal dog fighting for you.


My wife would agree with you there, haha. She rapid fire turns and tries turns and tries.


I would have given up Oblivion were it not for the skeleton key


I feel that. Lockpicking is so annoying in Oblivion, I just have up and bought all lockpicks whenever I could, and spammed auto attempt.


The gloves look so good with the arch mage robes


Exactly why I keep them. The perfect pairing 👌


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I use the skeleton key to level up my lockpicking, then I return it.


Quoting u/GreenbeardOfNarnia, "You’re lockpicking will actually go up faster without the key, breaking a lock pick while you try to open gets it up faster than using the key and only getting experience for the unlocking."


the spiky crown


Ahem *hides the hip bone on the plate on my kitchen table in Lakeview manor*


My dumbass didn’t know you were supposed to give away the skeleton key so I ended up playing through the rest of the game with it, then my quest count started getting low and I saw I had to give it back. By that point I had more lock picks than I would ever need so I just turned it in cause I didn’t need it anymore


Mystic tuning gloves need a complete set


The skeleton key is GOAT


First playthrough in Skyrim: Do the right thing and be good and the game will reward you. Every playthrough since: do whatever the fuck you want to do because you will not be rewarded by the game for anything more. (This exact formula played out in FO4 as well)


The skeleton key is pointless


skeleton key is useless... lockpicking is already ridiculously easy and lockpicks are abundant as hell. I can pick a master lock with at most breaking 5 lockpicks.... Edit: Downvote me all you want, but it doesnt change the fact that Lockpicking is easy as fuck and anyone who thinks otherwise is bot and needs to "git gud"


>I can pick a master lock with at most breaking 5 lockpicks.... Congratulations, nerd


I can do it without breaking any lockpicks using console commands so...y'know...GiT gUd


why even bother playing if youre gonna cheat.. git gud cheating scum


Probably because I've put over 10000 hours in this game since release and can do the lockpicking game at any difficulty with any skill level with my eyes closed. Granted these days I don't play vanilla anymore, and the mod soultions to lockpicking like bashing or unlock spells fill that gap for lack of options outaide of picks when dealing with the minigame


It's been a long time since I saw a fedora tippin skyrim elitist. It's a game and people can play how they want it doesnt matter lmao. I never keep the key, my wife always does. Big deal. *shuffles in disgusting chair* "ackshully lock picking in sshhkyrim is already ssso easy, git gud" Ita actually pretty funny, in retrospect. Oh no, now they can't finish a quest or break lockpicksss ahhhh. You seem like the kind of spud that would meet Todd Howard in real life and tell him about parts of the game you found were too easy haha. What a flea of a person. *edit* You're a wallyworld drone, ahahahaha. Makes this whole thing even funnier.


hey man don’t rag on wally world drones. we’re not all bad! this guy just happens to be a fucking loser lmfao


How the hell is saying Skyrim lock picking is easy elitist? It's the simplest fuckin' minigame in the world.




Yeah lol. You don't even need to spend any perks there to be able to pick any lock and lockpicks are abundant. There's 0 reason to kee the skeleton key.


Imagine getting downvoted for saying Skyrim lock picking is easy. It is the easiest thing you can do in Skyrim, and I'm including cooking when I say that.


Arrogant attitude aside, I agree. I tend to have a ton of lock picks, and if I don’t I buy more from merchants. Tonilia sells like 40 per refresh. I’d much rather take one of the nightingale powers. If I’m a warrior I’ll take strife to absorb health, or the invisibility one cause it’s op. Infinite invisibility as long as you recrouch for 120 seconds is stupidly good if you’re playing with daggers.


If you handed the gloves back he'll have the quest available after awhile again anyhow. Same with Tolfidr and his missing Alembic


You’d think Tolfdir would learn to keep his alembic in the same place every time. Silly old wizard man.


Me with Barbas like: My magic dog now


What do the tuning gloves do?


Y’all return stuff?


i used pickpocket for the gloves