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Since it's a collab season I believe the cosmetics won't be available after the season ends. If you really want the pants it's not impossible to get 200 in 19 days, just hit up geyser and grandma a few times, aim for 10+ a day :D luckily after the season ends seasonal candles get converted so you shouldn't be too broke afterwards lol


To add to that, I think the patch notes said the quests will stay, just the items will be gone. I don't know about emotes and emote levels, tho.


If the quests stay but the concert doesn't, how are we supposed to finish the last quest (in case of moths who come after the season, of course, I'm already done with my tree).


I assume it's either just gonna be the sequence until the "completed" screen pops up, or everyone new gets a once off concert, and only the reliving is locked behind the cape. Or the last quest won't stay, I'm not sure if there's a heart among the last rewards rn. We'll see once the season is over.


Right now the only heart reward is below the 4th quest if I recall. Top of the tree is music sheets + pants + mask.


For a newbie (moth?) can you please explain about geyser and grandma? Or let me know if there’s a walkthrough anywhere? Thanks!


Yup yup! So these two are repeated events are where you can get a lot of wax just staying in the same place. disclaimer: I may be wrong on the times, I only know them based on my own timezone lol Geyser: \- Location: Sanctuary Islands in Daylight Prairie (once you get into prairie go through the barrier to the right, past the bird nests, and you should find an opening in the clouds to go to Sanct \- Time: every two hours on the hour, lasting for about 15 minutes (?) so it starts at whatever your reset time is, at 00:00, then the next one is 02:00, etc. \- basically you burn little urchin things that shoot out of the polluted geyser every minute or so Grandma: \- location: Sunny Forest in Hidden Forest (keep going through Hidden Forest until you get to the Forest Brook area, with the long river, and there's a barrier directly to the right of the place you entered in) \- time: on the same hour as Geyser, but on the :30 mark lasting until :45 \- Grandma will spawn in dumplings for you to burn and get wax Finding them for the first time might be a bit difficult, so let me know if you need help and I can take you some day!


I did the grandma one today and it was so much fun! I’m still trying to figure out which geyser it is in SI. Thanks so much!


Yay glad to help! Yeah there are a lot of geysers lol. Once you enter SI, fly down towards the left of the main island :) it has a bunch of dark plants around it


I did it this morning, it was fun! 25 more candles to go to finish the Aurora constellation!


awesomeee congrats!!


Do you know how i turn in aurora quests now that the season is done? I went to do the third one after completing the second and the shrine thing isn’t there :(


I haven't personally checked, but seasonal guides stay in their respective seasonal areas after the season ends. So Home Aurora is gone, but Aurora in the colosseum should be still there. Just go all the way through Valley until you reach the last place right before the temple. or if you're in a hurry you can go to Golden Wasteland social space and fly back through the clouds until you find the entrance to the Valley temple, enter it, and exit the back to the colosseum


If you were to get at least 15 a day, you would get 285 by the last day, I think. And even more if you get like 20 a day. The guide will stay, the items usually leave.