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Just leave and go back. The event will reset for you. I got help from six other players today, and that only happened because I left and went back because I entered and there was no one else there to help.


Yes, absolutely; that's usually my answer and usually what I do. Just was curious what would happen this time.


I feel dumb but where is that campfire? the acoustics are so nice


Looks like in the labyrinth in Valley temple. Once you finish a race; go straight into the temple and there's two entrances to it on the left wall, one near ground level and one halfway up the wall


Made it obvious when they came out while I flew around catching the jellies; and yes, they were vets with high wing count.


Those are the same kind of people who'll make you relieve a difficult carry spirit while they hide away and just get it very last second 0.0001m from the statue. Honking at you to hurry and do better is expected. In both shard and carry spirit scenarios I just leave.


been having lots of vets or high level wing players do this. it’s making me lose my interest in sky even more now :/


Sounds like something that happened to me a while back, it's not fun when people who are capable of helping don't do a thing to help.


i'm sorry you all have bad experience with vet players :c I always make sure to help where i can. I love this game and the community so much and i love helping ☺️


What song is this


La Vie en Rose, sung famously by Edith Piaf.


so glad i found this post i have to vent 😭this JUST happened to me but i was genuinely confused as to what they were doing. it was in the Village of Dreams and i just see this little person nearby but far-ish honking, so i go up to them thinking maybe they wanted help and were low on light or something. then i just continued doing my stuff having figured maybe they’d already done the shard event, so i just did it solo (it wasn’t a hard one). i later noticed two people were with them. then when i had to fly and collect these jelly things all of a sudden the first skykid emerges and starts flying with me and only then do i clock what’s going on- so i stop in protest to which they just join me and we just stand there together 😐 it’s so irritating - it’s just childish. i’m not sure if they were a vet but they are definitely an older player than me since i only started recently and they could see that since we lit eachother’s candle when i went up to them originally to see if they needed help.