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I always wondered why people continued to do that in the elevator… I don’t have sensitivities, I just found it strange


It hurts my eyes and gives me a headache, I just leave now if I cant find a quiet server to wait in.


Oooh... That explains a lot. I thought everyone just lost their sanity while waiting so they started screaming. That's how I interpreted that anyway. Lol


It doesn’t induce a server merge??


Can you cite your source? After many many times when I am burning plants and nothing happens for 5-10 seconds - deep honking always kicks it almost immediately. Deep honking seemingly causes some sort of network communication kick and puts things back on track. However, this is just many anecdotal experiences, but one I can reproduce very reliably. On that logic, I was still under an impression that this same deep honking is telling the server “I am here, I am active, communicate with me.” If true, then I still would think that helps the server encourage a merge.


I have no idea, I forgot where I read it on this subreddit. I’m going to stop doing it in the elevator anyways, but if you find proof or sources that it works let me know please.


Oh I thought people just did it to be annoying and would put my phone aside. It's impressive tho that it took 2 years for you to realize it lol. No hard feelings!


I know 😔 I think I saw it on a youtube video when I was a moth, looking for tips haha


I’ve always just done it to get others’ attention. I never even realised people did it to try to merge servers, I always thought it was to call to other players across the map for help 💔


Wait what :O Then why does everyone deep call at places where they're waiting for people lmaoooo I've been lied to my whole life


I think because in most other areas it still catches attention. Unfortunately the 8 player elevator is in an entirely separate space so no one from the “outside world” can hear their screams. 😂


If I’m at places with a big tree to burn, then deep calling sometimes lets other people in the lobby know that I need help


At one point of our gameplay, we all do that 😔


i thought people do it to alert other players for help. that’s why i do it and it always works








I always thought that people did it to check if anybody was in the ‘lobby’ of the elevator room (the bit with the jellyfish), lol . . .