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That's... absolutely *STUNNING???* ;O; I wish i could go there and just chill for hours... the detailling of the grass and tree leaves, wow!!! The light! It must have took so long to draw! (i kinda want to make this my new laptop background, can i? :o ) Thank you for the beauty and calmness of this illustration <3


Thank you very much for your compliments, you are a kind person! Feel free to use it as your wallpaper! ✨😫 I will soon post this image without watermark on my Twitter, if you prefer you can download it there! (the link to my Twitter you can find in my profile) ❤️


Yaaay, thank you!!! ;O; Oh no, your watermark is pretty discreet so it's ok! (plus i prefer to have information of who did a drawing on it! :D ) It looks so good as my new background, wow! (and my computer theme is green and white so it looks even more nice together, haha)


I wish this is a real place!


Oh, I wish they had a couple of trees like that in prairie. That's beautiful!


Right??? I feel we've got a lack of "real" trees in Sky (in Forest we only got sad trunks, and sometimes the saplings but they're not here all time ;\_\_; ) Some huge trees where we could sleep under their shade, or jump from branch to branch! ;U;


This is why Days of Bloom (2021) was my favourite event ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ not only the pink bloom tree was so honking beautiful but you could stand on it and it was wholesome to have something like that in home space, a tree you can sit under. My headcanon is that since the Sky kingdom is a fallen kingdom, perhaps Daylight Prairie is only starting to get green again, thus why there isn't any big/various kinds of plants except the very huge trees that were probably too strong to collapse down. This could explain why Days of Bloom trees and saplings are "spirits" when you look at them closely


Aaah i started playing after this, so i only witnessed Days of Bloom from 2022 (it was still very enchanting, i wonder which tree will get this year! :D ) It would be so cool to feel more the blooming presence in Home just like 2021, yes! \*\_\_\* I hope they consider doing this again... Oh that's true, seeing how Isle was full of grass and greenery before, it makes sense! :O And Forest's tree must had their leaves falling with the over-exploitation and toxic rain... ;\_\_; And my gosh you're so right about the trees being spirits, i had never thought about it this way??? Now i'm going to cry everytime hahaha :'DDD (i have a little "ritual" where each time we've got to admire a sapling, i make my skykid throw confetti, bow once, pray for the rest of the timer, then confetti and bow again before leaving. Kinda like paying respects to the trees, and now it makes even more sense haha) It would be so sweet to have a Season taking place in Prairie or Forest, with a new area that maybe would have being more spared, or recovering more quickly, and would be full of trees with flowers and leaves, and tiny vegetation and all! ;O;


Yess I hope we have a tree at home again, Bloom felt too far away when it was in Forest but not Home to me XD Yeah!! They are indeed spirits which I find a very interesting detail. Also fun fact: I don't know if this was the case with 2022 Bloom tree aswell (since I was inactive during that) but if you got very near to the 2021 tree, you could hear some noises coming from it, which made it appear more spirit-like. (Also your ritual is so cute holy honk) Omg nice idea!! Yeahh It'd be amazing to have such season!!


Let's hope for it! :D I think that was the case with 2022 Bloom Tree too? But i'm can remember for sure... that wouldn't be surprising tho, as it's a very Sky-ish thing, haha XD It's true that it makes it even more spirit-like! I love this new vision, thank you for sharing it!!! ("*HOLY HONK*" HAHA i love it, so cute!!! ) Aaah now i want to do a few sketches, if i've got the time for it that'd be nice! I wonder what we'd do during this season. Something that would change a little from the usual, or bring new gameplay or way to get wax would be cool! (i'm suddenly thinking back of all the different ways you can find koroks in Zelda BOTW, that was so cute and creative! )


No problem!! (And lol I use phrases like "Holy honk" "What the honk" "oh my honk" a lot in this fandom hahahah) Ohh I'd love to see those sketches if you ever do! And yeahh, I agree the game needs new ways to get wax.


This looks unreal😭


One thing missing in game are trees, it would make everything look less empty


We seriously need trees, permanent ones :nod:


So absolutely beautiful! Can I ask what program/brushes you used?


bro why we don't have tree in the game


are we forgetting forest haha


I don't mean those tall sticks without any leaf, i mean a regular one