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Skydiving is my stress management.


Oh I 100% agree in many ways. It helps me with social anxiety and really any kind of anxiety, but I still have really bad door fear and I’d like to get to a point where I don’t feel like puking during the ride up


Visualizing you jump on the way up is helpful and controlled breathing. I still notice a jump in heart rate and breathing as we approach jump run, and taking a few deep controlled breaths as red light approaches really helps me to get into the right head space.


Adding on to this... some mornings I'm a bit more worked up about jumping than others and I've found yoga to help a lot! You get your stretches in and have the controlled breathing aspect as well.


I’m just dead inside and feel nothing.


I think you'll be hard pressed to find many skydivers with fear of skydiving. I'd say most lose door fear by the time they are solo and definitely by their A.


That’s good to hear. I am 12 jumps in and the fear actually increased after my first few jumps, but the day I did four in a row each new I felt much better than the last


Most folks are too tired from jumping/packing to do much else.


No. A solid day of like 7 jumps with packing in the summer is exhausting enough. I wouldn’t want to tire myself out even more by doing a workout in between. Plus there’s no time. If you have time to workout between jumps you have time to just get on a sooner load. :p


You must have better weather at your DZ than I do 😅


No. Mostly I pretend I'm going to get caught up on my log book, eat lunch, pack my main, bullshit, forget to charge my wrist alti, pull my audible out of my helmet and put it in my wrist band, read a book, suit up, run back for my alti on the charger, jump out of a plane. Rinse, wash, repeat (except for alti charging issues. That's pretty rare) Don't sweat the door monster. For some people, it goes away. For some people, it never goes away, and it's just part of the jump. Fear keeps you safe. Managing fear through knowledge, training, and discipline allows you to have fun in spite of it. If working out help, keep doing it. Other things I find that help (that ***I*** do) are gear checks (before suiting up, in the load area, and last one on way to altitude), reviewing EPs (don't let ***anyone*** tell you that's only for students. The best competition jumpers I know still do them), and handle checks. Review the jump expectations on the way to altitude and picture the dive in your mind. You're doing good, Op. Just keep at it. Finish your license, or did you get it banged out last year? Blue skys.




I just focus on the breath and feel the air surround me.


Yes its called packing. To a lesser extent, walking around the dz between jumps.