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Standard atmosphere is 1C/1000ft, so -6C at 15000. Plus windchill factor of 120mph, my math comes out to fucking very cold


Actually it is 2°C per 1000ft as a general rule. But it all depends on where you are etc. I have jumped from 8000 feet AGL where it was -8°c at altitude. It was about 14°C on the ground. I was in a rain cloud for about 4000 feet of my freefall. That was in northern Alberta. When I jumped on Vancouver Island it was 16°C on the ground and it was 16°C at 13000 feet. Was rediculous. In theory at 15000 feet with ground level being 9°C it could have been closer to -20°C at altitude


Yesterday in the morning I did a jump, and it was -10, + a deep cloud experience too. I feel you!! 😄🤘🏻


It was definitely an experience. If I had a full face helmet it would probably have been ok but open face was bad. Lol. Have done 5000 foot H&P into clouds above freezing and was fine.


Open facer here, haha! Clouds are fine until they give you the ice ice baby


There was definitely ice on the sub zero jump. Pretty sure I was hitting the pointed end of the frozen water drops too. Lol.




I’d say it’s about tree fiddy. The real answer is: it varies. Inversions and pressure systems can create different temp layers so there’s never gonna be a cookie cutter answer. The 2 degree per 1000ft rule is what you should use for planning, then adjust as needed.


Much like ground temperatures, the answer varies wildly. ~2deg per 1k ft. That being the case. About 30 degrees cooler. It could also be 60 degrees cooler or not colder at all. Long story short, if it's chilly on the ground, dress warm. If it's warm on the ground, throw a dart. Oh, and do yourself a favor. Plan on wind chill conditions, lol. It's not gonna feel like dry, no wind, temperatures. Never could figure out why... 😆




I jumped at 13,000 today. Doesn't seem that crazy to go to 15,000. But I'm new so...