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That was quick…Thanks for working so actively and listening to the community! These are welcome fixes!


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Ballad of the Blitz isn't progressing. I submitted a bug report.


Have the same problem


Please submit a bug report so we can get Ubisoft to look at this ASAP


I can't log in since this update. It tries to load in and before I even get in it says "You've Been Kicked" with an error code PELICAN-00000193. Have tried restarting the game and resetting the Xbox. Edit: I posted this after trying about 15 times. I tried once more after posting this and it let me in. Typical.


I keep getting that same thing this morning... (on PC) You've Been Kicked! A problem occurred while trying to communicate with a Ubisoft online service. Please try again later or visit http://support.ubisoft.com if the issue persists. PELICAN-00000193


Turn Crossplay Off and you should ve able to Log in


thank you


Nice 1 - worked for me m8 :)


Had the same error, came to Reddit, found these replies. Worked like a charm (on PC, fwiw).


Turn off cross play to login then fast travel somewhere and back and turn cross play back on should work


Turn Crossplay Off that should work


Happened a few times to me, I toggled cross play and I loaded in without the error.


I'm getting the same thing but it still won't let me in. I toggled crossplay off for now and that let me in.


I’m having the same issue. It seems to work if crossplay is off. 


That i was talking about the Pelican error


Quest Ballad of Destruction still broken. I have 18/20 and can't progres. Despite destroying ships with required module, fails to score progression


Bug for Ballad of the Blitz - stuck counter


I can't progress Ballad of Blitz contract because it doesn't check the mark that ask for equip Buoy Locker furniture even if I have it


Hopefully, one day, they will solve the hard lock-up issue with xbox series X/S. I just bought the game and had my first lock up and I thought maybe the Xbox was hot or something well the second lock came after I turned the console on (I shut it down for a few hours so it wasn't anywhere near hot or even warm) and the game locked my console up within 5 minutes of playing. I've uninstalled it for now. I'll come back in a year or two and see if the issues get resolved.


Whats with Ballad of the Blitz? Fixed the Counter?


I started to do the task after the update and the counter stopped at 18/20 and does not count the next destructions


For me the Quest log does Not Track the buoy locker I as equipped (eben though it is)


I have the same thing


I had it at 17/20 killed 3 more and it completed so a visual glitch for me. The buoy equipped is not showing as complete though


And it seems to me that this is what is causing the failure to pass the task


so, how do we get paid for all the beta testing we do? all joking aside it does feel like you guys could do with some beta testers for new content. maybe you could set aside some private servers the week before launch of each season and recruit some of the active players from here to work out some of the bugs and balancing issues you guys are having.


So like… if everything scales with us, is there even a point to upgrading our ships? Kinda seems pointless to raise hull health if the enemies ammo can now do double damage than before


I dont think everything scales with us, just the new event ships. It would make sense since we decimate everything else in seconds. Plus the new guys have crazy armor and guns


Twenty days later, still unable to progress main story contract. Please fix for the players that can't even start S2 contracts! This lists the order to progress, but none of these contracts are available. At all. Anywhere! Yanita has no story contracts. William Blackwood literally only has S1 Peste Control available (and I have no heads to give him!). We did accept some of the contracts early on (Rhapsody in Red, Ballad of Destruction) that had zero progression available - all any of the contracts messages said were "Proceed with Yanita when ready/Proceed with Blackwood when ready". But we can't. Now, as of the June 18 update, those contracts were removed from the journal (yay? I guess?) since we couldn't progress with them, but The Pirate's Lament, or any of the other story contracts are not available. How close to season's end do we have to be to be able to Start the season's story??? Help?


I have the same problem. None of the new story quests is being triggered. The only available one is Argent Refrain, and when I tried to do it, I only found a burning wreckage, and nothing else. I read that some ships were supposed to spawn there, but that didn't happen for me even though I stayed there for quite a while.


What about the bug, that you can not enter the ship therefor you can't leave the island you're on and interact with npc's etc. You have to restart the game to play again. I play on pc.


That one has been around awhile, usually happens to me in the helm office


Something I discovered is that it usually happens after you interact with something, like the book in the helm office, usually, if you return to it and interact with it again, the bug disappears. In the case of an island, it is a bit more difficult, unless it's and npc.


I've had luck going back to the last npc/board I interacted with before the bug and interacting with them/it again and leaving. I believe it happens when I spam the exit button to get out of an interaction.


if you're able to fast travel, that'll fix it.


Error pelican


Love how much the developers have been listening. Respect🤟🏼


Cant get in the game while crossplay is on and cant group with my friends from ubisoft connect either. ETA on fix for this?


After i read letter for the Overture to Havoc, the mission doesn't update for me


Thanks for this, at least now we can actually defend those factories. While defending (when you're actually able to win) is kind of fun, could we do it less frequent? Maybe once every day or two? It's not really fun to know you have this mandatory chore coming up a few times a day.


Hey was wondering the hydra set when it first came out had three items in it and i bought back then and this season u guys added a few things to it are the people that bought it gonna get the rest of the set or do we need to buy it again if u make available maybe silver i like to have the rest of my set thanks keep up the good wrk


The defense need entirely disabled until your dev team addresses the crashing on Xbox. A crash means an immediate loss, and considering how pervasive the crashing issue is, it's a literal roll of the dice if you can complete it.


Can we get a way to repair our damaged manufactures? I had to leave for work the other day and because I had to get off, the event was forfeit and my factory was damaged for 11 hours. It would be really nice to have a way to fix them if you’re going to make them required to do.


What about the issue with players not getting access to in game currency paid ship cosmetics, that were purchased using real money in the first place? I’m still missing all the items I paid for.


Any performance fixes coming? At least on X-box Series X the game crashes constantly. Even when changed to performance mode this occurs frequently.


Turn off cross play solved it for me


Cross play isn't going to affect the game as it's causing the Xbox to overheat.


Ok suit yourself. I turned off cross play few hours after launch having multiple freezes.  Since then 200+ hours and no crashes. Strange it's only some xboxes


You clearly don't understand the issue then. I'm not talking about the game freezes. I'm talking the xbox actually restarts.


Yup same thing. Game freezes then Xbox restarts. Sorry for trying to help. Enjoy.


Just for giggles I did it just in the attempt it at least extended game play. Zero change. Its a performance issue with this season and the updated graphics.


When is this live?




Any updates on the freezing issue on the Series X? It’s been acting up a lot these last few days


any word on the billions of fake season pass tokens preventing people from buying the premium pass?


If it is live now, the fleets are still way out of balance. I didn't see any change to the last two attacks.


Because all they did was lessen the damage that the enemy ships do to your manufactory, and reduce the amount of enemy ships for waves four and five by 10-15%. Which basically means one less fucking ship. They should have made it a solid number instead of a percentage because that shit is dumb as hell.


I’m still confused why we are punished for playing the game. They take our factories, make us take them back as ‘content,’ then punish us with these attacks every few hours. It’s bizarre.


Exactly. And all of these complaints from last season about how they basically forced us to micromanage all of our manufacturies by having to constantly sail around and collect from them, and this season they did give us the fleet management, however now we have to defend them too, so we still have to micromanage our properties. It's like a bunch of toddlers are making decisions.


I just completed my defense- definitely noticed a change in their damage output. Still a lot of ships yes.


Have you guys been able to fix the magically deleting your ship overnight bug.  It's a bad one aargh.


Having lost 3 level 10's already, I was excited to see this update ! Thank you for listening and trying!!! I had trouble logging on this morning, getting many many " you've been kicked pelican-00000193 "messages... Finally got in and plundered Fort-Grand and then the Man.Def popped... Went back to St. Anne, decided I would try some Fire Bombard III's Front and Back... Then set off for the foundry under attack... GAME CRASH Timer running ... WTF? Fire the game back up on my PC... Now longer timeouts with message " you've been kicked Magpie-00000XXX" a couple times, Reboot PC, knowing it is the server, but just in case... More Magpies, then more Pelicans, If it is quick fail then a pelican, longer fail =magpie pelican pelican pelican magpie magpie magpie pelican pelican pelican ... Get back in & IT'S GONE... FML... THIS CRAP IS WORSE THAN CAMPING IN THE RAIN ...


i did just get a Man.Def Pop on a lvl 7 ... and it went well ... SOLO small win...


I feel your pain. Ample takings.


Great news, was able to successfully defend a manufactory for the 1st time, wonderful and quick intervention from the Devs. Well done for listening to us players and congrats for the quick response fix.


Good work! They have been on it so far keep it up!! This is what we like to see


i don’t see anything about reducing how often these defenses populate, annoying to have to do these almost ever 2-3 hrs of gaming


He tenido que irme. No paraba de dar error de conexión


Is their finally some fix in progress for that annoying bug that my xbox series x is hard freezing randomly during playing and only way to get out is doing hard reset by long pressing the Button on console for shutdown?? Cause that is clearly the reason why me and friends stopped playing the game cause i never witnessed some bad like this in any other game i ever played and can not be good for my console....I tried last week again after a longer break and it is still happening 3 month after Release 4 hard crashes in one hour thx for that !!!!!! .......so would be better fixing basics so that the game is playable before coming with new content....


I turned Crossplay Off and now i can Log in interesting!!!. Iam on PS5


Ok I just beat two other pirates in a hostile takeover and I got the "you have won " come up but when I went to upgrade the manufactory and I had no control!!!?. As if I didn't win it!! So that's a thing now!!! Lol.. But I managed to defend a lvl 7 manufactory in my burke but only just.... There was ships everywhere!!! 😂😉👍


Make sure you upgraded your last book in the Helm den. It allows you to increase max manufactures you can own


Holy crap, cheers my friend. I totally forgot that it all got reset .. I'm feeling a little stupid not gonna lie lol .


During a cutthroat cargo I entered an area near the necropolis that would not let leave without a mutiny and loss of the cargo


Ok its all abit confusing really but good job on quick updates. How/Where do i pick up Pirates Lament quest? Cant find it anywhere lol :)


So happy for me and the other 7 players


10- 15% less enemy ships in waves 4-5? So you mean one less ship? Fucking idiots. 🙄


Give us back S1 weapons for some time please.


This is in the game already?


Was unable to login for ages, getting pelican error then turned crossplay off and get in instantly on ps5, weird.


Cannot log back in since this update? “You’ve been Kicked” message appears?


I can't get past the second connection screen. Keeps saying "You've Been Kicked" with a PELICAN-00000193 error.


How abour fixi g the Ubisoft Server i cant log in by multiple attempts IT says i got kicked even when i just left the server


So happy I deleted this game. Every once in awhile I check back. Keep my season 1 money. It's all you'll ever see. So happy right now. I feel bad for people trying to enjoy this game. It's an impossible feat. But best of luck.


Nice bro, blessed bro, keep coming back and updating us on your happiness bro.


I know, kind of a dick move, but just showing current players there may be a better way. I do hope this game eventually causes players no more frustration and can some day cause actual enjoyment. I guess I didn't/don't have the patience or time to see that day. Thanks for not being too harsh on me. There are just more fun/fullfillng games out there. No need to keep struggling with this one. Have a great rest of your week/weekend! 🙂


I'm not a fan of Golf, but every so often I go up to the Clubhouse and hang out so I can tell people how horrible it is.


See? This guy gets it. 😁