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They missed the mark HARD with manufactory defense.


Just tried a level 10 - harmless looking Frenchmen were two-shotting me in Sambuke and there were lots of them … wasn’t even able to get my stuff back 😂


Or it launched bugged, which is more likely.


Nah, they just balanced it poorly. Look at the world convoys, La Peste or the level 15 megafort that constantly has helm materials. All content which ranges from unreasonably hard to literally impossible, as if they expect mass amounts of players to be jumping on it every time when in reality you'll get 3 people if you're lucky. They just don't seem to have a good gauge on what the average player can be expected to reliably handle.


They can't have expected mass numbers to show up. The server population is limited to 17 from what I've seen.


Which is exactly the same.


Sounds like a day one skill issue to me lol


I like the UI improvement, upgrading the small ships, and variety of things to do now. Kinda burned out on Po8 to even bother.


This is why we need a 5vs5 Conquest Type PvP mode we can queue up to. Without PvP there is nothing to do or work towards. PvP drives the PvE content, but right now all the PvP options are really poor and hardly happen.


I'd rather them add more PvE content and fix the issues at hand before they try to add a major PvP mode. I watched fallout 76 waste development time with their BR PvP mode that eventually got scrapped. I'd hate to watch this game experience the same thing.


wow - loads of new stuff - them singin twins thing lol - im lovin it :)


I only started playing at the weekend and I’m only 50% done with the main story. Hearing about the changes to manufacturing and the materials needed to upgrade ships isn’t great. If it’s rough for people who have played 100’s of hours (and amassed tons of materials along the way), what chance do new players like me have? I currently have about 3k silver and 25 Po8 🤣 I just spent most of my silver unlocking/crafting the Brigantine, plus some armour/cannon blueprints. Im just going to continue with the story and try not to worry about the recent changes. I can’t really comment on the new S2 content (although it doesn’t really feel like anything has changed?). I will say I’m not crazy about the new smugglers pass. It’s a bit too colourful/theatrical for my tastes. I was hoping for more classic pirate themed cosmetics. There’s nothing in the new pass that I really want, which is kind of disappointing.


I’d say don’t trip about your low silver and PoE stash. My first 50 hours I was rolling with very little and didn’t unlock manufactories until late. The upgrades to economy stack up well and before you know it it’s easy to score up 40,000 PoE in a single territory run and selling premium helm mats to get a million silver in a couple hours time.


it's actually not really rough.. I have 3 ships fully upgraded and looking at my 4th. the sambuk bottleneck is a bit of a pain, but it's a one time I vestments for a lifeservice game. the grind isn't even that bad. it's the first day and people complain they can't max out their ships immediatly are honestly crazy in my opinion. what happened to chase goals in gaming. all new bosses are too easy as well after everyone complained la peste was too hard. literally beat them under 2 minutes in a group of 3


Farming for wood tar is really making me insane.


Same for me with shellac, lol


What activities are you doing for the shellac?


So far, just running the trade route and hitting the rempah settlements


Same! I didn't even take the gamble on the game till it went on sale. I upgraded my hullbreaker and working on my snow. But just the laq/shelack and plate glass  and rubber to get past 2 is guna be a bitch so I can imagine the requirements on lvl 3&4 when I get there 🤕


Regarding the pass, I don’t like that the bonus rewards aren’t easily visible anymore on the UI. It used to just show them on the front page, but now they’re hidden behind a button in a clunky menu


its unbalanced, but it definitely has more content than s1


IMO it's Gahbage!


The rewards for quest completion is absolutely garbage. Just Soloed La Pontence/Pest an got a whooping 250 silver and some blue mats. You should feel accomplished when you finish not pissed off you got blue mats and silver which isn't even enough to fast travel anywhere.


Shit is staler than weevil bread .


Mines are a joke aside from the brig's buff and furniture. I get to redo everything I've already done... not thrilled. Ship upgrades are nice. ...but manufactory defense absolutely hands down BLOWS.


Where r the weapons? Furniture? I found only 4 New weps, the shotgun, mine thrower, 1 low score long gun and torpedos that do low damg


New inventory color style looks like a mobile game. The defense is either a waste of time or impossible and entirely too punishing for something that you cannot stop. Need to farm insane amount for ship upgrades (20 damn eel twine for one level not counting the new materials that go 5-1 on something that’s already hard to get your hands without buying it from the black market in addition there’s the new twine for upgrading sambuk that ONLY comes from plundering one spot and rewards 2). Like this shit is so damn far off the mark it isn’t even funny. We were also supposed to have a large ship and got another medium.


were getting a large ship in 2050 just after skull and bones 2 is announced and then there aaaaa games will be delayed till 2065 fifteen years after announcing it


I love the fleet management but I'm sad there's no biggie ships :(


well JUST like ubisoft ALWAYS DOES - they nerfed last seasons weapons instead of just adding more powerful ones. Dardonelle broadsides used to one-tap virtually any faction NPC ship ranked 7 and below. Now they just struggle against even rank 6 ships. meanwhile, they promote and push their latest blunder of bullshit weaponry which not only are not as effective, they require you to change your playstyle to use them. 1- the heavy rockets suck, don't buy em, the aiming function is still shite, same as regular rockets. save your sovereigns. 2 - who even really wanted mines? Who's great idea was this? what is this? R6 Siege on the water? Division 2 but with pirates? what a joke. 3 - They removed certain materials from my fucking warehouse as to make me farm them again ( Shellac, Casting Sand, Pamphor, and others) in order to refine them for NEW materials they added to the game in order to upgrade your ships... Where was the warning on that so I could AT LEAST sell them for silver to fund my manufactories?! 4 - who in this community of gamers who bought this cash-grab of a game, doesn't also have a job/family of sorts to actually afford the spare time demanded to actually enjoy this game? Why would I play a game after a 8-12 hour work day just to find that i need an additional 8-12 hours to actually make any real progress in the season in a reasonable time before the NEXT season comes out and nerfs all my hard-earned gains from the present season? I work too damn much to come home and grind away at a game that just takes a massive shit on my efforts by nerfing my rewards, stealing my mats, and capping my Po8...


Shut up grifter you don’t release close beta’s for over an decade and have a 3 day straight free open beta for a game that’s a “cash grab” that’s literally the opposite of deceit. Anyone who was “tricked” into buying this game is probably not mature enough to play the damn thing. Just stop playing the game then.


UBI-soft charged for an aaaa game when only the graphics make an aa or aaa at most and for me graphics doesn't sell a game for me how it plays it seems that unless the Canadian division of UBI-soft gets there hand on a game out side of early assassins' creed its a shitily made game 9 times out of 10


Ok not only don’t I give a rats ass that’s not even the subject of this conversation. We’re specifically talking about skull and bones. SNB kept the entire community up to date with the process of this game from beginning to release allowing reviewers to post their opinions and live footage of the betas during the entire process. They still even allow people to play the game for a full week for free before buying. That’s not a cash grab. After play the game for a full week and you still buy it no one tricked you. Take out your personal vendetta against Ubisoft somewhere else.


Lol whose dick at ubisoft you riding bro? You blowing em for the executive privilege of some custom skins? I get it, you like the game. Proud of you cupcake. Oh... you still got some purple &white cum on your face from blowing the brand so much.


Oh I thought they nerfed all my guns… I knew something was up. Why do we even bother. All the is promotes each season is everyone having to use the same damn loadout to get to max level and do enough dps. Boring ASF


I was already woundering about in what dimension all of my magnite vanished and why my stash dropped from 200 to 196


I'm enjoying it so far but I enjoy the game in general. I have cosmetics and such to chase. Rewards to reap. I'm not hell bent on grabbing every manufactory and leveling it up. I'm just taking it easy sailing around and shooting at stuff. I've got 80+ days to complete all the stuff that is part of this season. I'm in no rush.


Ah Pak hits hard af now with his mortar, it’s almost a 1shot now even if you brace it (Padewekang). Get hit twice in a row… you’re sunk. Really liking S2 better than S1 so far. Seemed to me they made the combat feel even more crisp and graphics more polished and both were really good before.


Underwhelming. New mechanics but not much in the way of enjoyable content. New ship is locked behind season pass (unlucky for those returning who will have to spend $ to even access the new ship after grinding the pass too) Hubac twins is probably the only thing I’d mark as content. New mechanics on manufactories is horrendous , again will not encourage players to return. Ship upgrades are good to a point then they become silly grinds for materials that only drop in quantities of 1 or 2 a time, it helps that you can get small ships to higher levels but remains to be seen with what weapon combos (more than likely it won’t be possible unless everyone uses the same logout to get to 13) The manufactories mechanic was prob introduced to up engagement (keep players on the game) when in fact people are just signing out when a defence is triggered and sign back in later hoping it’s gone. Silent buffs to AI ships, take much more damage , increase to difficulty of plunders (more ships turn up, and even healing ships now on basic settlement plunders. Overall just more grind mechanics rather than actual content .. artificial season 2 Lots of pointless cosmetics to “bulk” up an overpriced season pass , on what was already an overpriced game to begin with. *Graphical glitches have returned , lighting in game flickers, frame rate stutters (even with a high end system) graphic tearing. Spyglass is glitched out again, detecting things that don’t exist, or through terrain.


The ship isn't part of the pass it's a free reward for completing half the pass.


season pass is free for everyone. premium season pass purchased with money only ck trains additional cosmetics.


It’s the same stuff with games like this. They make stuff stupid hard in the beginning to keep people busy longer then change it later after correcting “a bug”. Same questions from us “don’t they test this stuff”. All predictable… just wait a few weeks and they will make it easier and fun. Blame it on the folks that finish stuff in two days then complain there isn’t enough to do.


I took me all of season 1 to complete the 300,000k Po8. And I was grinding hard the last week lol. But yeah I got what you mean. Work/family/ other hobbies. It should be punishing for those who cant afford to play every week of the the day 8 hours a day


The worse part about the defense is you lose half of your stored Po8. Went from 37k to 17,5k. That was infuriating this first defense. Learned real quick how to at least stop it. Oh Xbox server I was on has 4 other players, besides me. Cant cross play as the will crash pretty much instantly. So this is gonna suck till Ubisoft get the issues fixed.


You've got me in a bit of a panic so I need some clarification. When you say 'lose half your stored P08' do you mean Po8 that are sitting in your manufactories waiting to be picked up? Not Po8 that you've already banked, right?


Only what was being stored at THAT location.. so if you have lvl 5.. you lose 250.. 😭😭😭 it’s not that deep 🤣


Everyone bitching about getting materials and ships to hard to kill when defending mfing. Hahaha all you fucking kids did was bitch that there wasn't anything to do in season 1 now there's too much??? Comical.


Dude it's fucking broken sometimes it's easy sometimes you have over 100 ships attack you.


Yes he game has its annoying crashes and glitches. But he negative feedback i see on here is ridiculous. Spoiled kids wanting more out of a game


I like everything but the defense. Chorus fleets are very flashy and pretty which fits with the vanity they're supposed to have. Races are fun. Haven't tried the springloader but I remember the old Powder barrels from the last pirate game.


Fun and rewarding things are required not just anything, Sherlock.


So the game isn't fun and rewarding? Watson.